
Chapter 43

“Why are you staring at me?” He asked again.

I looked down and closed my eyes. I bit my lower lip in embarrassment.

Shoot! What was I even doing?! I was staring at him, like seriously! What is wrong with me?!

“Hello! I am asking something!” He said again.

I want to disappear right now, at this very moment!

I ignored him and got up from my chair.

I hurried to get out of there.

“Where do you think you are going?” He asked from behind.

Why is he so damn annoying?!!

“You are not going anywhere until you finish everything on your plate.” He said.

“I am full. I can’t eat anymore.” I replied facing him.

“I don’t care if you are full or not. You gotta finish everything on your plate. That’s the rule here. No wasting of food.” He said.

I sighed loudly and went back to my seat.

“Good girl.” He said.

I am still not full but I can’t eat in peace if he is right here.

“Don't you like this stew? Why are you not eating then?” He asked to my surprise.