
Bibi Dong's Disciple: My Martial Soul Is My Heart!

What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) in Martial Soul City!

That_One_Alive_Ali · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

CH 41: Ah Li VS Yan P1

Standing in a large stone arena, Ah Li carefreely looked at Yan standing several meters away from him with a cold face, hidden anger threatening to unravel itself. Being one of the areas for Soul Masters to fight in, the stone arena which was one of the many arenas was quite big. Big enough for them to easily go all out without needing to worry that much about suddenly falling out.

Outside of the arena, many, many students who had heard that Yan, one of the top class geniuses in Class Zero, was going to fight the second disciple of the Pope herself, had all come to watch the show. Needless to say, quite a lot of them were shocked that he was just a kid not even 10 years old. But they didn't complain about not just seeing a good show, but seeing the person who had all the attention of the two most beautiful girls of the academy.

The thought of someone as high class as the Pope's disciple getting beaten up and defeated was also a pretty amusing thing for all of those Soul Master students who had come from ordinary backgrounds. Seeing such a person get humiliated would be a sight for their sore eyes.

Among the spectators were obviously Qian Renxue and Hu Liena along with the beautiful fox's older brother, Xie Yue. Poor Xie Yue had a helpless look, because he knew the reason why Yan was doing this. Qian Renxue and Hu Liena on the other hand, both had serious faces. The face of the older blonde being more cold than serious. To the point of causing a chill to run down the spine of most students and even some weaker teachers. Some seemed to like that look though. Obviously, Qian Renxue had told Ah Li to be careful.

Careful to not kill Yan.

After all, she wasn't stupid. She knew very well just how powerful Ah Li would be if he went all out. 4 Martial Souls is not a joke! Especially since one of them, Majestic Heart, was such a damn cheat. Even if Yan was a Rank above Ah Li, if he went all out, it would only take a single swing of Ah Li's Majestic Tyrant Axe to either kill him, or to at least inflict an extremely dangerous wound. And if possible, she didn't want any unnecessary trouble for no reason.

<So at first, I was planning to make the Martial Souls just like the donghua (anime) where they were just Stand-like phantoms of animals and beasts. But then I thought how Beast Martial Souls somewhat fusing with the Soul Master were also pretty cool. Also, because of... Well... Hu Liena is a fox girl in her transformation...

So I was a little conflicted on which one to choose. In the end, I thought, why not both? So there you have it. From now on, when releasing Martial Souls, Soul Masters with Beast Martial Souls will not only transform somewhat, but also have their phantom-like Martial Soul standing behind them and following their actions. And no, Bibi Dong doesn't transform into a literal spider.

It was really fucking unfair since she was the only person in the entire series (as far as I know) that got such a dramatic change in appearance. She will only have spider legs coming out of her back. But hey, I know some of you degenerates who have watched Monster Musume would have liked her being a spider girl as well. But oh well, I get your point. That spider girl was a total hottie. But do you know what is even more cursed than a spider girl?

... Centipede girl...

Yes, it excites in the internet>

"Okay, ready yourself." The referee said and with a smug and arrogant face, Yan released his Martial Soul, Flame Lord. It wasn't anything exaggerated. Somewhat sharp red horns came out of his head while his hands turned scaly with his fingers turning into claws. Fire danced around his hands and body as a few red tattoos appeared on his face, and the veins in his neck seemed to have fire inside of them! Along with his Martial Soul, his Soul Rings also appeared from his feet and rose to his head before coming back down again and rotating around his feet.

Yellow, yellow, purple. 3 Soul Ring Lv 30 Soul Master!

"Yan. Flame Lord Martial Soul. Lv 33 Soul Elder of Power Attack System. Please advise." The redheaded boy folded his arms arrogantly as he waited for Ah Li to release his Martial Soul as well. All while the other students and some that were his fans cheered loudly.

'Hmph, Flame Lord, the irony...' Ah Li smirked nonchalantly, with a hint of ridicule in his eyes and smirk as he released his Martial Soul, Majestic Tyrant Axe. He was really tempted to use his Majestic Heart and show Yan just who was the Flame Lord, but he decided against it. If he used that cheat of a Martial Soul, not only would Yan be rendered completely useless and hopeless because of Ah Li's Ultimate Fire and dominion over all fires below Ultimate Fire, but he'd be getting his ass kicked even harder since that same Ultimate Fire made it so Ah Li was as strong, or even stronger than a Power Attack System Soul Master.

And if Ah Li used either of the two Soul Skills of his Majestic Heart Martial Soul... Lord (Crow) have mercy cause somebody would have to call CPS (Child Protective Services) for the poor 12 or 13 young boy.

There was also the option of going with either of his two other Martial Souls. But he enjoyed straight forward fights more, so Majestic Incubus wasn't an option at the moment. And Omnitrix, Godspeed would be too much, and Frenzy... Yeah, he wanted to have fun acting as the innocent shota more for now.

Raising his hand, he carefreely grasped his Majestic Tyrant Axe. Looking at the two-handed black and dark purple battle axe that appeared in his hand, everybody present couldn't help but feel a sense of oppression from the axe that was giving off a feeling of pure power and strength! The feeling of suppression was even harder for the Soul Masters with Weapon-type Martial Souls. And along with his Martial Soul, his Soul Rings appeared as well.

Black, black! 2 Soul Ring Lv 20 Soul Grandmaster!

The moment the two 10,000-year black Soul Rings appeared, the eyes of everybody, be it students, teachers or even guards, immediately went wide open in pure shock!

"B-black Soul Rings?!"

"Two 10,000-year Soul Rings!"

"How is that even possible?! He's only a Lv 20 Soul Grandmaster!"

"How can a 6 or something year old kid be Lv 20 anyway?!"

As the shocked words of everybody present echoed around the area, Hu Liena didn't even try to hide her smugness :'Yeah, that's my junior brother, assholes! Let's see who wants to bully him now!' And Qian Renxue, although not as open as Hu Liena, also had a smug face as she scoffed :'Hmph, ignorance really is a sin. Blame yourself, Yan. You just had to be stupid. Who told you to try and bully my junior brother? Hmph, better be happy that Xiao Li decided to fight you. If he had kept quiet for one more second, I'd be kicking your ass instead. Stupid asshole.'

As his Martial Soul and Soul Rings appeared while Yan started sweating bullets, Ah Li smirked nonchalantly with coldness behind his expression :"Ah Li. Majestic Tyrant Axe Martial Soul. Lv 25 Soul Grandmaster of Power Attack System. Let's roll."

"Ahem ahem, on the count of three, prepare for battle!" Quickly calming himself down, the referee coughed and started to count :"3, 2, 1! Start!" And so, both the Soul Masters in the arena, one young and one even younger, both rushed towards each other.

Clenching his fist, Yan decided to bet on his durability brought by his Martial Soul and its Earth element as he threw a punch straight at Ah Li. However, Ah Li just scoffed before comfortably swinging his axe at the incoming fist.

The fist and axe met, causing the air around them to shake as wind blew around at the simple attack. Both of them stepped back after the attack that served to let both of them analyze the strength of the opponent even if just a bit. Well, Ah Li voluntarily made some space between them. But Yan really was forced back a couple of steps.

Glancing at his shaking fist, the redheaded boy grew even more serious once he saw Ah Li as comfortable as ever without his hand shaking or even his axe harmed at all. Scoffing with a glare, he rushed towards the young child once again :"Again!"

The same thing happened again. But this time, neither of them stepped back or retreated. They continued to throw fists and swing moves at each other while defending and using any chance that they got to attack the other! Dodging from time to time as well.

At first sight, both of them looked to be equal in strength. Which was already a shock in itself since there was a clear difference in not just Soul Power Level, but also age and body. However, what surprised spectators slightly was how easily Ah Li handled his axe. Axes are meant to be heavy to be more powerful, which was also the reason for their weakness of low mobility and speed.

However, Ah Li was easily swinging his battle axe as if he was swinging a leaf around! Every second, Yan's fire clad fists would collide with Ah Li's axe repeatedly without hesitation. He simply couldn't afford to hesitate. No matter how many times he reflected Ah Li's Majestic Tyrant Axe, the younger boy would simply swing it at him again!

His fists were already in pain, but he distracted himself by throwing another barrage of punches instead! But strangely, despite the struggle he was in, there was a smile on his slightly handsome face. One of excitement. One of entertainment. Something that he shared with Ah Li.

"Hahahaha, come on! Come on!" He roared as they both just kept attacking each other! Their smiles showing just how much fun both of them were having at the moment as they attacked each other. The anger or jealousy long forgotten as both of them focused on the excitement that could be brought with only one thing, a good fight!

'... What happened? Weren't these two at each other's throats just now? Why do these two look like they're playing the most fun game with their oldest friends???' Was the thought that appeared in the heads of every spectator. They couldn't be blamed either. It happened out of nowhere.

One second, they were glaring daggers at each other despite the smiles, the next second they were smiling. One of excitement and thirst for pure battle and violence! When Ah Li swung his axe at Yan's head when he got the chance, the redheaded boy quickly docked as he raised his knee, intending to knee the black haired boy's in the guts. Smirking when it hit.

But Ah Li's didn't falter despite the hit. It only grew wider as he used the strength of the swing as momentum and brought his axe behind him before swinging it without slowing it down at the leg that was holding Yan up!

Of course, not intending to chop his foot or leg right off, he hit his calf with the body of the axe, causing him to lose balance and immediately fall down. But just as he was falling, with a bloodthirsty smile, Ah Li raised his feet and stomped on Yan's chest, slamming him onto the ground with a punishing force! Despite letting out a pained ground and gasp, the smile was still on the face of the redheaded boy's face.

With an excited and happy little giggle, Ah Li actually dragged Yan around himself with his foot on his chest before throwing him away. As Yan got up with blood dripping off of the corner of his lips, he chuckled excitedly while looking at the younger boy with the same excitement as him :"Well, let's start the real battle now!"

As one of his Soul Rings shone a bright light, so did one of Ah Li's black Soul Rings as he laughed in excitement :"Cowabunga it is then!!" And both of them continued the battle with their Soul Skills.