
Bibi Dong's Disciple: My Martial Soul Is My Heart!

What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) in Martial Soul City!

That_One_Alive_Ali · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

CH 24: Soul power pressure

'18, level 19...' Qian Daoliu counted as he put the pressure of the soul power according to the counted level on Ah Li. He had already shown them all of his martial souls, and had them all go through the five stages of grief.

Surprisingly, the Douluo Palace and Supreme Pontiff Palace didn't seem to be at each other's throats in this timeline. Probably because of Qian Renxue. In the original, Bibi Dong absolutely hated Qian Daoliu because of being her r*per's, Qian Xunji's father.

Qian Daoliu didn't really have a favorable impression towards her either. She had killed his son after all. However, he didn't hate her. It's like instead of liking her to hating her, she was just in the middle. The reason was simple.

Qian Daoliu knows right from wrong.

He knew that Bibi Dong was the one who actually killed his son. But he also knew that what Qian Xunji had done was simply unforgivable. If not for the image of Martial Soul Hall, he might've killed him with his own hands.

He also didn't blame Bibi Dong for having such a grudge against their family. Who wouldn't if that happened to them? So he wouldn't bother with her in the original. The only reason why he had a bit of a problem with her was because of Qian Renxue.

After all, she had done nothing to be ignored and hated by her own mother. But since he couldn't blame her and didn't want his granddaughter to know the vile acts of her own father, he just stayed out of the way of the mother and daughter relationship.

But it was different now.

Bibi Dong had accepted Qian Renxue as her daughter and had taken care of her from the get go. So Qian Daoliu had nothing to hold against Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong couldn't really act against Qian Daoliu either since he was the only other blood related family member of her daughter. She didn't want her to break up with her mother or her grandfather.

So Ah Li had come to the conclusion that both of them had stayed silent about what Qian Xunji had done, and just treated each other as colleagues and coworkers instead of friends or such.

The relationship between them could never be anything close because of what Qian Xunji had done. But for Qian Renxue's sake, they were willing to at least put up a friendly front.

That also meant that the relationship between Douluo Palace and Supreme Pontiff Palace was very different from the original. We're talking about soda and ice cream kinda different.

Sure, the heads of the two "departments" weren't buddies and besties, but they at least tried to act like friends for the sake of the youngest generation.

Bibi Dong didn't hate Qian Renxue in the original either. She was her own daughter after all. It was just that she would bring out the hidden traumatic memories and experience of the past.

Even at the end of the original, the relationship between the mother and daughter became a lot better and understanding.

That wasn't too long though. Thanks to that son of a whore Tang San. Speaking of him, Ah Li was definitely planning on making his life pure hell and nightmare.

And the son of a whore was also true, since he was planning to make his mother his whore. He was also planning to let that hypocritical son and father know just how much of a whore she was in the future.

'Hmm... Now that I think about it, I should keep track of time so I can pay a visit to him and his horseshit of a master just at the right time. Wouldn't want to miss out on my plans.' He thought with an internal smirk as he stood nonchalantly in place while Qian Daoliu kept raising the soul power pressure :'Level 24... Level 25...'

Testing someone with your soul power was also a way to find out their talent and physical strength. It basically went like this according to the maximum level of soul power you could handle.

Half of your own soul power level: mediocre

Two third of your own soul power level: above average

Equal to your own soul power level: genius

But a soul master who could resist the pressure of a soul power above his/her own was one outstanding genius. The people present were already aware of Ah Li's talent thanks to him being born with quadruplet martial souls.

Him being able to do just this much without even looking to be affected wasn't really surprising or shocking to them at this point. The pressure continued to raise :'Level 28... Level 29...'

But Ah Li still didn't show any signs of discomfort :'Level 30...' But when they passed a complete rank, his face finally twitched in annoyance as his body tensed a bit.

'Level 31...' With each level that passed :'Level 32...' Ah Li's body became tenser :'Level 33...' And tenser :'Level 34...' And tenser. He had already started to sweat just a bit, and his fists were clenched into balls to focus his strength.

'Level 35...' When the difference in level of the soul power pressure finally reached 15, Ah Li gritted his teeth as his Majestic Heart was finally released!

'15 level... Truly a terrifying genius...' Seeing that he had to finally release his martial soul, Qian Daoliu was ready to take back his soul power pressure. But he and everybody else were left a bit stunned when the red eyed boy smirked :"There's no need to stop now, is there?"

"... Anything more than this can be dangerous." Qian Daoliu shook his head calmly :"15 levels isn't a joke either. You've already proven yourself. No need for anymore, child. You have already reached your limit and have given it your all."

"Hahaha, my all?" He surprisingly chuckled, smirking casually but with a hint of excitement in his expression :"I don't think being forced to release only a single one of my martial souls out of four that I have is really considered reaching my limit of giving it my all.

Come on, I wanna see how far I can go. Don't worry about me getting hurt either. Forget about hurting me, thanks to the Ultimate Regenerative Innate Ability of my Majestic Heart, even killing me is nearly impossible. Just keep it coming."

"... Fine, let's continue then." The blond man sighed before nodding :"But if you feel like you can't continue anymore or can't handle it, don't be embarrassed to give up. There's no shame in losing in something that doesn't threaten your life and health."

'Level 36...' The level of the soul power pressure started to rise once again :'Level 37...' But this time, significantly slower than before :'Level 38...' After all, he didn't want to accidentally hurt the child :'Level 39...'

'... Sigh... Level 40...' He finally raised the level to 40. And upon the soul power level being twice of his own, his 2nd martial soul, Majestic Incubus was also released!

"Do you want to keep going?" Qian Daoliu asked calmly, but seriously. Ah Li didn't give a verbal agreement though. He didn't need to. The excited and bloodthirsty smile and light in his eyes was also the answer that Qian Daoliu needed.

'Level 41...' He started raising the levels again :'Level 42...' But this time :'Level 43...' Even slower than before :'Level 44...' And finally :'Level 45...' it reached a level where the red eyed boy needed to release his 3rd martial soul, Omnitrix!

Looking at the heavily panting and sweating boy, Qian Daoliu seriously wanted to stop at this point :'Level 46...' But seeing the crazy look in his eyes :'Level 47...' and the psychotic smile :'Level 48...' he gave up and continued :'Level 49...'

When the soul power pressure reached level 49, Ah Li was a panting and trembling mess. Even with three of his martial souls out, he still didn't look like he could hold on anymore.

"That's eno-" Qian Daoliu tried to stop, but Ah Li's annoyed voice interrupted him :"No! Pant... Just... One more... Only... One..." So with a helpless shake of his head, Qian Daoliu sighed in defeat :"Alright. Just one more. Brace yourself."

Ah Li didn't need him to remind him. But he still nodded and waited for the increase in pressure :'... Level 50!' And when it finally came, he felt like his organs were going to get crushed!

The pressure was no joke to him. People would be considered as geniuses if they could handle the level equal to their own. Ah Li was a fucking monster since he could handle the soul power pressure level that was two and half times his own!

So finally, he couldn't hold back and <busted a nut> finally let out everything he had left. His 4th martial soul, Majestic Tyrant Axe, and his external soul bone, Trinity Scorpion Tails!

The moment the soul power pressure passed another threshold, Qian Daoliu didn't waste a second before he took back his soul power pressure!

While Ah Li panted with his hands on his knees, barely standing as Qian Renxue helped and comforted him, everybody else looked at the scorpion tails in shock.

"A soul bone?!"

"Xiao Li actually has a soul bone?!"

"And it's no ordinary soul bone either... It's actually an external soul bone!"

"Xiao Li, are you alright?" Qian Renxue held him up while rubbing his back gently. While panting, he nodded tiredly with a smirk :"Yeah... Pant... I'm good. Just... Pant... A little tired. Pant... Phew, don't worry. My Ultimate Regeneration will take care of it in a little bit."

"Okay. But sit and rest for a little bit." She nodded and forced him to sit down, not even waiting to listen to him. As he sat down, she waved her hand before a waterskin (ancient water holders) appeared in her hand :"Here, drink a little water."

With a nod, he grabbed it and started gulping down. Qian Daoliu watched him, carefully, seriously :"So you actually have a soul bone... An external one at that..."

With his hand rubbing his chin, he was deep in thoughts before turning serious :"Xiao Li, try to refrain from using your external soul bone. At least till you have completed the fusion with your external soul bone.

Soul bones are treasures of heaven and earth, and external soul bones are most treasured items right after century millennium soul rings (100,000 year soul rings).

If people know about it, there will surely be some daring and stupid people who will try to take it. And the only way to steal an external soul bone is by killing the one who has it, so you must be careful.

External soul bones can be stolen before the fusion between the soul master and the external soul bone is completed. However, once the fusion is complete, it is impossible to take away the soul bone. So you MUST hide your external soul bone unless you're in a life threatening situation. But if your life is in danger, don't hold back at all."

"Hahaha, sure, uncle. Don't worry, master has already made sure I knew that." The black haired boy chuckled. With a smile, the ancient blondy nodded :"That's good. And you must remember it by heart.

Also, no need to call me uncle. Just call me grandpa like Xiao Xue. After all, you are her junior brother. Nana does the same, so don't be embarrassed."

"Hm? Eh, sure, grandpa, why not?" He nodded with a smirk :'Heh, would you look at that? I got a limit douluo grandpa. I want that bitch Ning Rongrong to try and show off now.'

"Hm, that's good." Qian Daoliu nodded with a satisfied smile :"You should get used to calling me grandpa. After all, you will marry Qian Renxue and you'll be my grandson-in-law. So better get used to it early."

"Grandpa!" Qian Renxue shouted in embarrassment as the other old men in the room had looks of realization.

"Oooh, so that's what old Daoliu is planning."

"It's understandable though. Just look at what kind of a terrifying genius the kid is."

"I know, right? Who in their right mind wouldn't want to marry their daughter or granddaughter off to such a lucky bastard?"

"Right? Heh, hey, old Daoliu, can he marry my granddaughter too in the future?"

Qian Daoliu, not amused :"Why would I want to hook him up with her so early if not to let other girls get to him, idiot?"

"Y-you...! You're all stupid!" Qian Renxue stomped her feet while blushing like a tomato, her blush only growing brighter when Ah Li smiled at her with amusement :"Hoo? Is that what will happen?"

"Y-you...! You little bastard!" She cursed with a huge blush, pinching his ear as everybody laughed.