
Bharat in a Dark Realm

Together with a crew of five, teenage Bharat was dispatched on an Interdimensional mission in the Dark realm to recover a priceless object in order to prevent further harm to human civilization. They had to avoid several hazards and flee the wicked creatures of the Dark Realm during this process. Will their mission be successful? How are they going to take the important object and steal it from the Evil creatures?

Samrat_Bharat · Sci-fi
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85 Chs

Chapter 64: Getting ready for a new Journey (End of Flashback)

Professor Shastri asked: "You have any more questions or anything else you want to know about! If not then I will take you to the teleport station."

Bharat asked: "Sir we have a teleport station also! Does that mean we can directly teleport to the other planets from earth?"

Professor Shastri clarified: "No we have teleportation devices to teleport us directly to the spaceship and I am just taking you to the teleport station to just introduce you to them and we are not going to go anywhere today. First I will have to meet your parents and will have to take permission from them."

Bharat looked worried. He thought that if his parents come to know about this will they allow him to go on such dangerous missions after what they have been through so he asked professor Shastri: "Sir if my parents come to know that I am going on such missions then they might not agree. Is it absolutely necessary to inform them?"

Professor Shastri said: "Yes it is absolutely necessary to inform them however as per the Government rules and regulations since the common people who do not have Tvisi in their body cannot know about the existence of the extraterrestrial world so we will not tell them the whole truth and we will only tell them that you have been selected in a financial company through campus interviewing in GCU college and now you have to travel on business trips on companies behalf to many international places to do project work for the company which will add to the final score of the college examinations. Also if you and your team are able to extract energy essence from the dark dimension then you will receive a monetary amount of equal value of the energy essence from the sect which will be a huge amount. So all your financial problems will be solved, your parents will also not be worried for you and will stop looking for you in your absence and the legal problem of using Tvisi in the everyday life will also be solved because you have Tvisi in your body now if somehow you are caught using Tvisi for any normal work in front of the common people then you will be caught by the International Tvisi Body immediately and will be put in jail and mind you they have a very special prison. But that is not applicable for you since you are going out of earth."

Professor Shastri took him to the teleport station and introduced him with the crew then he went with Bharat to his home to drop him off and also to meet up with his parents to inform them about their sons activities and selection in the company and that he will have to travel out for the company from the next week onwards. Though his parents were unhappy that they have to stay away from their son and will miss him a lot, they were really very happy that their son had got a job in a financial company and wished him all the luck and thanked Professor Shastri for his guidance.

For one week Bharat spent time with his parents and had all the fun and then on next Monday morning he took their permission and blessing and came to the Surya sect where Professor Shastri was waiting for him.

Professor Shastri took him to the teleportation station and then teleported to the Surya Sect Spaceship wherein he introduced Bharat with the rest of the crew and said: "Bharat till now you were in the Surya sect and you have to know about one more thing that in earth we have got so many different sects however when we go out on the different dimension we had to form a different and separate body in which all our sects from the earth has a part in it which is called the Inter dimensional Warrior (IDW) however you will feel proud to know that more than sixty percent of stake and people in the Inter Dimensional Warrior is from our Surya sect. Also after we have reached the Dark Dimension the Surya sect is the one with the most number of bases setup in those planets. Anyways in order to go to the Dark dimension you will have to enroll yourself with the Inter dimensional Warrior group.

And with that Professor Shastri introduced the members of IDW with Bharat as he said: "Bharat in your team we have got Siddhant who is the captain of team, Anjali, Arjun and Dilip will be your teammates out of which Dilip is from Yuniv sect and rest are all from Surya sect and Guys this is Bharat your new team member. I am glad to announce that he has taken the necessary test and passed it successfully to meet the requirement to join the mission so he will also be going with you all to gain experience."

And with that the team members greet and welcomed Bharat and they set off on their spaceship towards the Dark Realm and when they arrive there it will completely transform them with the experience which they are going to have.