
Bharat in a Dark Realm

Together with a crew of five, teenage Bharat was dispatched on an Interdimensional mission in the Dark realm to recover a priceless object in order to prevent further harm to human civilization. They had to avoid several hazards and flee the wicked creatures of the Dark Realm during this process. Will their mission be successful? How are they going to take the important object and steal it from the Evil creatures?

Samrat_Bharat · Sci-fi
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87 Chs

Chapter 14: Discovery and Extraction of the Energy Essence

Captain Siddhant was the leader of the crew so he had the responsibility of discovering and securing the energy essence and then safely carry it out back to the headquarters with minimal harm to his team so he had to think of every decision he make very carefully as the success and failure of the mission will be decided solely on his decision making possibilities so he thought carefully and responded to the team.

Captain Siddhant said: "I have to agree that these fishes are extraordinary since they are golden in color and can glow by itself so if these species can be taken to earth they will be definitely in demand however as Bharat has mentioned that these are alien beings and we do not know much about these creatures so we cannot take them like this if by chance they contain some kind of harmful virus then they might bring harmful virus to earth as well so we have to be cautious also we should not forget that right now we are on a mission so we should only focus on completion of the mission first and collect the energy essence first. Once we are able to secure the energy essence we can collect a few of them as an extra bonus before returning back to the headquarters."

The team did not go near the sparkling fishes and went deeper into the ocean to reach their destination towards the pit of the ocean from where the multi-color lights were shining brightly. After reaching the bottom of the ocean they found that the sparkling lights were coming from all the sides so it seemed that they had to explore a bit before finally getting up to the energy essence. So Anjali parked the ship there and all of them came out of the small transformed ship but the ship was stuck to the floor of the ocean like a magnet and the ship did not flow away with the ocean currents.

Captain Siddhant said: "Team now we have to explore this area a bit. I am sure we will get to the energy essence sooner as all the reports and findings pointed towards this location so search diligently."

All of them agreed with the captain and started exploring and searching with their devices on the ocean floor and since the bottom of the ocean was brightly lit by the multi-colored lights they did not face any problem in exploring things. After searching for a bit finally they were able to locate the actual energy essence out of so many stones through the help of the modern devices installed on their suit.

Anjali said: "Captain it seems we have found the energy essence please come over here to confirm."

All the team members came to Anjali as they were scattered around the location and were eager to see the energy essence.

Captain Siddhant said: "This looks awesome just see the way it is sparkling with green light like an emerald. Bring out the blue box to extract and store the energy essence so that we can carry it back to the headquarters of the Interdimensional Warriors"

Vice Captain Dilip was measuring the pressure of the energy there as he said: "Captain there seems to be too much radiation out here from the energy essence it is a bit doubtful if the blue box will be able to store the energy essence inside it."

Bharat asked: "Captain can't we capture the energy essence without the blue box?"

Captain Siddhant said: "Blue box is absolutely necessary for the extraction of the energy essence if someone gets the energy essence without the blue box at the beginning there might not be any consequences however due to the radiation which is very mild in this case will affect your body in such a way that the skin cells will get dead and the blood of the person will get dried up and eventually the person would die."

Siddhant further instructed Anjali and Dilip on this matter: "Anjali prepare the blue box for the extraction of the energy essence and make sure that it is fully charged to contain the radiation within it and Dilip keep measuring the radiation we have to store the energy essence now as we do not have any second option we have come this close so now we cannot return empty handed."

Both Dilip and Anjali started preparing for the extraction of the energy essence as this was the major event which was going to make their mission successful. As soon as the blue box was ready Anjali prepared to extract the energy essence and mounted the blue box on the energy essence. Around ten minutes the process went on and then there was a flash as everyone had to shield their eyes then the energy essence was successfully extracted and stored in the blue box.

Captain Siddhant praised his team and said: "Good job guys now half of the mission is completed as we have successfully extracted and stored the energy essence by escaping from the Asuras now we just need to get back to the headquarters and the mission will be completed for good."

The team was in a good mood now that they have successfully retrieved the energy essence and now they will be returning back to the headquarters.

They returned back to the small transformed ship which was parked on the ocean floor and boarded the ship to return to the sea level as Anjali removed the lock from the transformed ship and maneuvered the ship upwards to return to the surface.