
Beyond Time's End: The Final Thorne

A voice pierced the darkness, shattering the silence of the night. It was a voice that everyone in the world knew and revered. It was the voice of Kara, the hero who had slain the demon king and saved the world from his tyranny. But the words that came out of his mouth were not those of a saviour, but of a destroyer. He said: "I am Kara, the strongest being in this world. I have decided to end this world that I once protected. You have a hundred years left to live. If you want to stop me come, and face me at the heart of the demon island. If you can kill me, you will inherit everything I have: wealth, power, fame, and anything you desire. But if you fail, you will perish along with this world. The countdown begins now." After hearing this, some people were confused, some were afraid, but most didn't believe in that voice. They had unwavering faith in their hero, Kara, confident that he would never commit such a destructive act in the future. After all, why would he harm the very world he had always protected? Yet, there were those who did believe in the ominous voice—the friends, competitors, and even enemies who knew Kara intimately. For them, the doubt lingered, casting a shadow on the hero they thought they knew. The voice that shattered the silence of the night belonged to Kara, the revered hero who had once defeated the demon king and saved the world. However, his words painted a different picture—a declaration of intent to destroy the world he had once safeguarded. The ultimatum hung heavy in the air, challenging anyone brave enough to face him at the heart of the demon island within the next hundred years. Success promised unimaginable rewards, but failure meant perishing along with the world. The ominous countdown had begun.

IgenRafane_03 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Twisted innocence

The demon's ear-splitting roar echoed through the air, a rallying cry that drew its kin from the shadows. A horde of demons materialized, their hulking forms causing the ground to tremble like a restless beast. Silas, however, stood unfazed, a pillar of stoicism amidst the encroaching chaos.


The earth shook with each thunderous demon step, a tremor threatening to throw him off balance. Yet, Silas remained rooted, a statue carved from pure composure. Two demons, eager to claim their prize, lunged at him simultaneously, one from each side. But Silas, in a display of effortless skill, didn't even budge.


With a swift, mocking motion, he drew his weapon – not the blade itself, but its sheath. The polished wood sliced through the air with a surprising snap, meeting the demons' charge head-on. In a flash of unexpected violence, both attackers were cleaved in two, their demonic shrieks cut short. Silas, with a hint of derision in his eyes, had made a mockery of their assault.


The earth continued to shudder as more demons surged towards Silas. He dealt with them with ruthless efficiency, each fallen demon like a hapless ant beneath the foot of a giant. Then, a tremor unlike any other shook the ground. A colossal figure emerged from the dust, its form dwarfing the surrounding demons like a mountain among foothills.


This behemoth, a demon seemingly carved from living obsidian, let out a booming voice that echoed through the canyons: "Small human... strong." A terrifying smile stretched across its grotesque face. "Name, small human," it demanded, its voice a rumbling avalanche.


Silas, unfazed by the monstrosity before him, met the demon's gaze with a steely defiance. He remained silent, a warrior's resolve etched on his face.


The colossal demon rumbled, "Little human arrogant like that!" Its voice boomed like a collapsing mountain, a testament to its poor grasp of human language. "I don't care about your name," Silas retorted, his voice a steady counterpoint to the demon's roar, "Just die."


The monstrous figure hefted its weapon, a giant hammer that seemed carved from a fallen star. It charged, the very ground groaning under its immense weight. Silas, ever the pragmatist, attempted to deflect the blow with his scabbard. But the force behind it was like a collapsing glacier. The scabbard splintered as Silas was flung backward, skidding across the cracked earth.


A grimace flickered across his face for a fleeting moment. "Seems like brute force isn't enough for this one," he thought, his mind already formulating a new strategy.


The colossal demon, seeing its attack successful, roared in triumph and charged again. This time, Silas didn't raise his scabbard. Instead, with a practiced flick of his wrist, his sword flew free from its sheath. A glint of steely determination replaced the calmness in his eyes as he prepared to face the mountain-sized foe with a weapon far smaller, but wielded by a warrior's unwavering resolve.


Silas, battered but unbowed, surveyed the shattered remains of the demon's hammer. "Seems like you're the strongest here," he said, a grudging respect in his voice.


The colossal demon boomed with laughter, the sound echoing through the canyons. "Little human ready to fight?" it roared, its voice dripping with amusement.


A dangerous smile, laced with anger, spread across Silas' face. "You're strong, I'll give you that," he said. "But not strong enough to force me to resort to magic." In a flash, his sword became a blur of motion, severing the handle of the demon's remaining fist weapon.


Surprise flickered across the demon's monstrous face, replaced by a booming laugh. The earth trembled as its form swelled even further, towering like a living mountain. "Little human, amazing!" it roared, its voice a playful rumble. It slammed a massive fist towards Silas, the wind itself screaming a warning.


Silas struck a heroic pose, his sword humming faintly with a barely-there glow. In a silent, practiced move, he unleashed a devastating blow. The colossal demon, caught off guard, was sliced clean in two in a spray of ichor.


Silas watched the halves crumble, a hint of relief washing over him. "Just a little longer," he muttered, "and you would have forced my hand."


A chilling laugh echoed through the now-silent clearing. A disembodied voice, laced with malice, spoke, "Little human... not over."


Silas whirled around, his eyes widening in shock. A disembodied hand, likely from the demon's shattered form, materialized from the shadows, reaching for him with unnatural speed. In a guttural voice, it rasped, "They are coming... from the jungle."


Fueled by a surge of rage, Silas met the demonic hand with brutal strength. With a surge of power, he ripped his arm free, the glow in his sword intensifying. "Who?" he demanded, his voice trembling with fury.


The disembodied voice cackled, a horrifying sound that promised pain. "Family!" it shrieked even as Silas brought his gleaming blade down in a ferocious arc. The demon's form, both hand and voice, dissolved into a shower of dark embers.


Silas stood panting, his sword finally still. He stared at the remnants of the demon, a sense of dread settling in his gut. "A core demon," he whispered, the weight of the revelation heavy on him. Core demons were heralds, harbingers of even greater threats. The battle may be won, but the war, it seemed, had just begun.


Battered but unbroken, Silas marched towards a nearby house. The remnants of the colossal demon were dissolving into dust, a grim reminder of the harrowing battle. He spotted a sturdy chair on the porch and with a grunt, dragged it outside. Collapsing onto the seat, he began meticulously cleaning his sword.


The faint glow emanating from the blade had faded, replaced by the dull sheen of polished steel. Silas wiped the cleaning cloth across the surface, his mind already strategizing for the next fight. "Family, huh?" he muttered, a low growl escaping his throat. The disembodied voice of the core demon still echoed in his ears, a chilling promise of more to come.


Ezra, Siphel, Ana, and Zar emerged from the dense jungle, blinking in the sudden sunlight that bathed the village. Zar, the youngest, clung tightly to Siphel, his face pale and eyes wide. The faint scent of smoke lingered in the air, a grim reminder of the chaos they'd narrowly escaped.


A flicker of firelight in the distance drew Zar's terrified gaze. He whimpered and instinctively huddled closer to Siphel. Sensing his fear, Siphel knelt down to his eye level and grasped his hand gently. "Don't worry, little brother," she said, her voice a soothing balm. "Big sister will protect you."


Her warm touch and calming words seemed to anchor Zar slightly. He peeked out from behind Siphel cautiously, his grip on her hand tightening ever so slightly. Ezra, ever the watchful guardian, lowered Ana gently to the ground, his gaze scanning the village for any immediate dangers.


Ezra knelt before Ana, his brow furrowed. "Little one," he said gently, "can you use your magic?"


Ana bit her lip, a tear glistening in her eye. "Yes, but... I don't know why. It won't work, no matter how hard I try." Her voice trembled. "This has never happened before."


A glimmer of suspicion flickered in Ezra's eyes. "It could be magic blocking it," he muttered, "or maybe a magical item." He glanced towards Siphel. "Can you take a look at them, see if there's anything... interfering?"


Siphel's gaze met his, a silent warning passing between them. "Very well," she said finally, her voice laced with a sharp edge. "But if anything happens to them while I'm gone..." The threat hung heavy in the air before she vanished in a swirl of mist.


Following Siphel's parting words, Ezra, a being beyond human emotions, led Ana and Zar towards the village center. Ana, clutching the axe Ezra had entrusted to her, followed closely, her gaze scanning the surroundings with suspicion. The weight of the weapon, unfamiliar in her hands, mirrored the weight of responsibility Ezra's stoic presence placed upon her. After several tense minutes of walking, a figure emerged from the shadows.


A man sat perched on a chair, meticulously polishing his sword. It was Silas. Ana's grip tightened on the axe. To her inexperienced eyes, Silas resembled a demon in human form. Instinctively, she raised the weapon in a defensive stance. Ezra, noticing her fear, spoke in a monotone, "There's no need for that, Ana. He's an ally." Ana, unsure but trusting Ezra's judgment, lowered the axe, her apprehension lingering in the air.


The silence stretched, thick with unspoken questions and a heavy sense of unease. Finally, Ezra broke the tension. "So no one survived," he asked, his voice flat.


Silas looked at the ground, a shadow crossing his face. "We were late. By the time I arrived, they'd already killed everyone."


"What about the demons?" Ezra pressed.


Silas slammed his fist onto the hilt of his sword, a flicker of anger sparking in his eyes. "Their kind are more numerous. They came from the jungle. I was waiting for them."


Ezra's gaze narrowed. "So they're coming. Okay."


Silas and Ezra stood in a tense silence, their eyes fixed on the edge of the forest. As if on cue, a low rumble echoed through the ground, growing steadily louder. The earth trembled beneath their feet, sending shivers down Ana's spine. A monstrous roar erupted from the treeline, followed by the crashing of undergrowth and the stomping of unseen feet.


From the thick foliage emerged a horde of demons, their grotesque forms silhouetted against the dying light. Their eyes, burning embers in the gloom, fixated on the small group. At the head of the pack, riding a massive, nightmarish beast, stood a towering demon, its obsidian armor glinting with an evil light. In its hand, it clutched a weapon that pulsed with a dark energy.


The demon leader wasn't what Ezra expected. He was of average height and build, lacking the imposing musculature or grotesque horns he'd envisioned. Yet, despite his unassuming appearance, every demon hung on his every word.


With a practiced flick of his wrist, the leader drew a weapon from his back – not a hulking axe or wicked sword, but something more subtle, perhaps hinting at a deadlier power. Raising it aloft, he issued a single, chilling command: "Kill."


The word echoed through the cavern, a dark promise. In an instant, the horde of demons surged forward, a tide of claws, fangs, and burning eyes aimed straight at Ezra and his companions. The leader, meanwhile, dismounted from his monstrous steed and settled onto a nearby rock, a predator observing the hunt unfold.


The unassuming demon leader raised his weapon, a silent harbinger of death. Before Silas could charge recklessly into the fray, Ezra's hand clamped onto his arm. "Silas, stand down," Ezra said, his voice flat and emotionless despite the looming threat. "This fight is mine."


Silas stopped, a mix of apprehension and trust etched on his face. Ezra turned to Ana, who stood beside him, small but resolute. Her knuckles were white, fear battling with a simmering anger in her eyes.


"Ana," Ezra said, his voice devoid of warmth, "it's time for what you've been waiting for. Let me help you settle the score."


Ana, with a grim smile that reached her eyes, understood. She reached behind her and retrieved the mighty axe, a weapon that felt foreign in her own hands. In Ezra's grasp, it would become an instrument of vengeance. With a nod, she passed it to him.


There were no prayers from Ana. She didn't kneel to a god, but to a warrior who she consideras a god.A confident smile, almost playful, creased Ezra's face. "Silas," he said, his voice ringing with a warrior's resolve, "protect them both." His gaze flicked between Silas and the children, a flicker of concern shadowed by his unwavering determination.


Silas, his ever-reliable friend, understood the silent plea. He met Ezra's gaze head-on, a steely glint in his own eyes. A simple, firm nod was his reply, his hand instinctively finding the hilt of his sword.


Before Silas could speak further, a whimper escaped Zar's lips. The young boy, overwhelmed with fear, darted towards Silas' back, burying his face in the warrior's cloak.


Ana, however, remained rooted to the spot. Unlike her trembling friend, her gaze held a fierce intensity. Ignoring Silas and Zar entirely, she fixed her eyes on Ezra and the approaching demons. A storm of emotions – fear, anger, and a burning desire for vengeance – played out behind her determined stare.


With a determined bellow, Ezra launched himself towards the demonic horde. Their hulking forms brandished massive weapons, glinting wickedly in the dying sunlight. Yet, Ezra moved with an almost casual grace, a serene smile playing on his lips that contrasted starkly with the demon leader's amusement.


The first demon swung a jagged axe, aiming to cleave Ezra in two. He sidestepped the blow with effortless agility, the axe whistling past him harmlessly. Another demon unleashed a torrent of fire, but Ezra seemed to anticipate it, weaving through the flames as if they were mere wisps of smoke.


Undeterred, the demons pressed their attack. Ice shards materialized in the air, aimed at his vitals, but Ezra danced through the barrage, his movements fluid and precise. Water erupted from a demon's maw, a churning geyser meant to drown him. However, Ezra simply raised his hand, deflecting the torrent with a flick of his wrist.


His own attacks were swift and brutal, a whirlwind of motion. He didn't aim to kill, not today. Instead, his axe flashed with deadly precision, severing limbs and rendering the demons useless, their roars of fury turning into whimpers of pain as they fell disabled.


Despite the chaos, Ezra remained calm, a beacon of unwavering purpose amidst the demonic frenzy. He fought not with rage, but with an almost surgical efficiency, dismantling the enemy piece by piece. The demon leader's smile, once smug, began to flicker with a hint of unease. This wasn't supposed to be happening. This human was breaking the mold, defying everything he thought he knew about war.


In a whirlwind of motion, Ezra became a blur. The demons, a cacophony of roars and clattering weapons, charged forward. Yet, within minutes, an eerie silence descended. Ezra stood amidst the throng, his movements having ceased. Not a single demon lay dead.


Azuron, the demon leader perched on his monstrous beast, had been basking in the promised slaughter. Now, a chilling unease crept into his smile. This wasn't the massacre he'd anticipated. Ezra hadn't simply stopped the demons; he'd utterly dominated them, seemingly without breaking a sweat.


The once-feared warriors now resembled animated corpses, their limbs hanging limply, weapons clattering to the ground with pathetic thuds. The air crackled with a tension thicker than the smoke rising from the smoldering remains of the village. In a voice laced with grudging respect, Azuron boomed, "Human, what is your name?"


"Ezra," came the calm reply. The demon leader, for the first time, introduced himself. "My name is Azuron."


Azuron, amusement lingering in his voice, chuckled. "Impressive, human. You possess undeniable strength. Join me, and I'll even spare your life."


Ezra's gaze flickered to Ana for a fleeting moment, then returned to the demon leader. "Kindness is appreciated," he countered, a hint of amusement dancing in his own eyes, "but why follow someone demonstrably weaker?"


Azuron's amusement vanished, replaced by a snarl. "Weak? You haven't killed a single soul here. You're merciful, that much is clear. But that mercy won't save you now. Die!"


Ezra raised an eyebrow. "Wrong. I haven't killed because vengeance isn't mine to claim. It belongs to her." He gestured towards Ana, his voice laced with a newfound seriousness.


Azuron's eyes narrowed, confusion momentarily clouding his bloodthirsty gaze. "So, the little girl is the key? I must eliminate her, then."


Azuron, his amusement evaporating, bolted towards Ana. In a swift, practiced motion, Ezra launched a powerful kick at Azuron's chest, sending the demon leader flying back several meters.


Ezra's expression remained unchanged. He shifted his focus to the monstrous creature emerging from the trees. It was a massive wyvern, its razor-sharp claws glinting in the dying light. The wyvern charged towards Ana with a bone-chilling roar.


Without a flicker of urgency, Ezra moved to intercept the beast. Just as he was about to engage, a surge of energy slammed into him, flinging him backwards. Azuron, a cruel smile plastered on his face, held aloft a staff crackling with dark power – the source of the repelling force.


"Not so hasty, human," Azuron taunted, his voice devoid of warmth. "This contest is far from concluded."


The monstrous wyvern, its maw agape, lunged towards the terrified Ana. But before its razor-sharp claws could find their mark, a wall of fire erupted between them. The flames roared to life, engulfing the beast in an inferno. The wyvern shrieked in agony, its thrashing a futile attempt to escape the searing heat. Within seconds, the creature was reduced to smoldering ash.


A stunned silence descended upon the clearing. Azuron, his earlier smirk replaced by a mask of disbelief, sputtered, "Impossible! Impossible! You… you used magic!" His voice echoed with a mixture of fear,confusion and outrage.


From the shadows emerged Silas, a single hand outstretched, palm glowing with a faint ember-like light. "Never underestimate the silent ones," he said coolly, his voice devoid of emotion.


 Ezra stepped forward, his voice devoid of inflection. "You used a magic item to suppress the villagers' magic, didn't you?"


Azuron's triumphant grin faltered. Ezra hefted his axe onto his shoulder, the movement practiced and effortless. "Magic items can be potent tools," Ezra continued, his gaze unwavering, "but their weakness lies in the wielder." He gestured towards Azuron with the axe handle. "They have no effect on those stronger than their user."


Azuron's face contorted in confusion. The display of power, the effortless explanation – it didn't fit with the human he'd observed. This was something entirely different.


"What does that mean?" Azuron spat, his voice laced with anger.


Ezra offered a placating smile, but it did little to soothe Azuron's fury. "Don't call me weak," Azuron growled, his eyes flashing.


In a blink, Azuron was on Ezra, a whirlwind of rage fueling his attacks. With each blow, his power seemed to amplify, his anger a potent fuel. The very idea of weakness sent him into a frenzy. It was a word that scraped at the raw wounds of his past, a time when he was a powerless child, vulnerable and insignificant.


"You are weak!" a voice echoed in his mind, a cruel taunt from a bygone era. He could almost hear it again and again, a constant reminder.


The scene shifted, a flashback to a time shrouded in shadow. Azuron, small and trembling, stood before an unknown figure. "I will become strong," he vowed, his voice thick with emotion. "I will take the throne of the Demon God, I promise you. So don't die!"


"We are weak," the unseen figure rasped. "That is why we have no right to live."


The memory faded, leaving Azuron reeling. The voice, the promise, the raw pain of his past - it all fueled his rage, a fire that threatened to consume him.


"Kill you, kill you, kill you!" The mantra echoed in Azuron's mind, a primal scream fueled by rage. Blinded by fury, he launched a relentless barrage of punches at Ezra. Each blow was a blur, a testament to Azuron's incredible speed. Yet, Ezra seemed content to simply defend himself. He didn't fight back, a puzzling calmness amidst the storm. It was as if he were testing something, analyzing Azuron's assault.


The lack of resistance only amplified Azuron's frustration. He poured every ounce of anger into his attacks, pushing Ezra back with each blow. Yet, Ezra's defenses remained impenetrable, forcing Azuron to exert himself further. The very act of struggling against such a passive opponent stoked the flames of Azuron's fury. The air crackled with his rage, the temperature rising with every desperate punch. It was a chilling display of uncontrolled power, a hurricane fueled by a past filled with pain.



A bloodcurdling chant of "Die! Die! Die!" echoed in Azuron's mind. But even as the war cry threatened to consume him, a fragment of memory flickered to life. It was a vision from before the assault, a lone figure approaching with outstretched hands.


"Wait!" the man's voice resonated in the memory, clear as day. "Don't attack. I mean you no harm. I have something for you."


The memory pierced the veil of rage, and Azuron instinctively halted his warriors.


A cruel smirk twisted Azuron's lips. "Come closer, little human," he rasped, beckoning the stranger with a clawed hand. The man approached cautiously, his steps measured against the imposing figure of Azuron.


"Are you truly human?" Azuron's voice rumbled, tinged with suspicion.


The man offered a hesitant nod. "Yes," he confirmed, reaching into a worn bag slung across his shoulder. "And I have something for you."


"Something for what?" Azuron scoffed.


"To fulfill your dream," the man stated calmly.


Azuron tilted his head, a single word escaping his lips. "Hooo..."


"Don't play coy with me, Azuron," the man continued, his voice surprisingly firm. "I know of your ambitions, the demon god's throne that burns in your every thought."


A slow smile spread across Azuron's face, a predator savoring its prey's naivety. "How curious," he purred, his hand tightening around the hilt of a hidden weapon. "Tell me, little human, how did you learn such secrets?"


Azuron scoffed. "Someone told you, huh?" he rumbled, his grip tightening on his hidden weapon. "Conveniently vague. Now, answer this: do you truly believe I yearn for the demon god's throne, or is that just another tale whispered in the wind?"


The man held his ground, his gaze unwavering. "Do you want it or not?" he countered.


"Why should I trust a human?" Azuron boomed, his voice dripping with suspicion. "Especially one radiating such animosity – towards humans, yes, but towards us as well."


"The reason for trust," the man began, his voice surprisingly steady despite the towering figure before him, "I won't just tell you, I'll show you. But first..." He reached into his bag and retrieved a single, crimson pill. "Take this."


Azuron's eyes narrowed. The pill seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy. "What is that supposed to do?"


Azuron eyed the pill suspiciously. "What is this?" he demanded.


A stranger, a smirk playing on his lips, held out the pill. "This, my friend, can make you fifty times stronger."


Azuron scoffed. "Fifty times? And no side effects?"


The stranger's smile widened. "None. Absolute power, guaranteed."


Doubt clouded Azuron's gaze. How could he trust this enigmatic figure? But then, in a surprising move, the stranger popped a pill himself. With a flex of his arm, he slammed his fist into a nearby boulder, easily ten times the size of that monstrous demon they'd just faced. The rock exploded into rubble.


Azuron's eyes widened. Maybe there was truth to the stranger's words after all...


The stranger returned and, with a flourish, presented Azuron with two pills. "Consider yourself lucky," he said. "These are the last two I have. They're rare and a pain to make, so use them wisely."


A sudden blow jolted Azuron from his thoughts. Ezra. No rage, no outburst, just a silent, emotionless attack. Ezra struck with the blunt end of his axe, the impact powerful enough to knock the wind out of Azuron. Each subsequent blow followed the same pattern – efficient, brutal, devoid of wasted movement. Ezra's strength grew with each strike, relentless and focused.


Azuron, despite his hatred of weakness, found himself staggering back, breath hitching. "For your actions," Ezra spoke, his voice flat and emotionless, "prepare to face the consequences." With a final, bone-jarring kick to Azuron's chest, he sent him sprawling onto the ground beside Ana.


Azuron's gaze snapped to Ana and Zar. Without a word, he lunged towards the children. "Ana, run!" Zar shrieked, scrambling to his feet. But Silas, ever vigilant, snagged the back of his shirt, halting his desperate dash.


Azuron's hand reached for Ana, mere inches away. A flash of silver streaked through the air. Ezra's axe, thrown with deadly accuracy, embedded itself deep in Azuron's outstretched hand. A sickening crunch echoed through the tense silence.


Ignoring the searing pain, Azuron, fueled by a primal urge, ripped open a pouch on his belt with his remaining hand. Two crimson pills glinted in the fading light. He shoved them into his mouth, gulping them down without a moment's hesitation.


Azuron threw back his head and roared, a sound that shook the very ground. The red pills coursed through him, and his body began to swell. Muscles bulged, his frame expanding until he was five times his original size. Power, raw and primal, surged through him – a hundred times the strength he'd ever known.


A twisted grin split his face as he flexed his newly restored right hand, the wound completely healed. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned his magic. Rocks, hundreds of them, ripped from the earth around him, levitating at his command. He molded them together, shaping them into a barrage of a hundred massive boulders. With a guttural yell, he launched them all at Ezra, a deadly rain of stone and earth.


"Finally, a challenge," Ezra smirked, his voice devoid of amusement. "Silas, barriers!" he barked even as he began dismantling the boulders with frightening ease.


Silas, ever the pragmatist, ushered Ana and Zar close. He then unleashed a torrent of fire, forming a protective barrier around them. Unlike a typical fire barrier, this one emanated a gentle warmth, creating a safe haven within the inferno. It was a testament to Silas's mastery that the barrier, while impenetrable, allowed for breathable air.


In a preparatory crouch, Ezra coiled his legs, mirroring a human about to leap. With a surge of power, he launched himself towards Azuron, shattering boulders in his path. Azuron wasn't idle either. He met Ezra's charge head-on, their fists colliding in a resounding boom that pulverized nearby objects. Neither relented, their attacks a whirlwind of lightning-fast blows. Yet, with each passing moment, Ezra seemed to accelerate, his strength growing. Anticipating this shift, Azuron had begun his assault by conjuring a barrage of boulders that assaulted Ezra from all sides while he pummeled him with magic-enhanced punches.


"Nice and strong," Ezra sneered, his voice dripping with condescension.


Azuron, battered and bruised, coughed out a challenge, "Afraid of dying?"


"Not in the least," Ezra countered, his eyes flashing with a dangerous glint, "because I'm the one who's ending this fight."


With a surge of renewed power, Ezra's form crackled with energy. He moved with inhuman speed, shattering boulders with his bare fists. Each blow against Azuron echoed with a sickening crunch, breaking bones and pulverizing flesh.


Within a minute, Azuron was a broken mess, his body a mangled testament to Ezra's wrath. As Azuron crumpled to the ground, on the verge of unconsciousness, Ezra leaned in close, his voice devoid of warmth.


"Don't you worry," he rasped, "I won't let you die that easily. Consider this a small taste of what's to come. A sweet dream before the nightmare truly begins."


Azuron's eyes fluttered shut, and darkness claimed him.


"Ana, come here. it's your time," Ezra commanded, extending the axe that lay beside him towards Ana once more. "For your mother, how do you wish to deal with them?" Ezra inquired. "I want to kill them, burn them, give them a slow and painful death," Ana declared.