
Beyond Time's End: The Final Thorne

A voice pierced the darkness, shattering the silence of the night. It was a voice that everyone in the world knew and revered. It was the voice of Kara, the hero who had slain the demon king and saved the world from his tyranny. But the words that came out of his mouth were not those of a saviour, but of a destroyer. He said: "I am Kara, the strongest being in this world. I have decided to end this world that I once protected. You have a hundred years left to live. If you want to stop me come, and face me at the heart of the demon island. If you can kill me, you will inherit everything I have: wealth, power, fame, and anything you desire. But if you fail, you will perish along with this world. The countdown begins now." After hearing this, some people were confused, some were afraid, but most didn't believe in that voice. They had unwavering faith in their hero, Kara, confident that he would never commit such a destructive act in the future. After all, why would he harm the very world he had always protected? Yet, there were those who did believe in the ominous voice—the friends, competitors, and even enemies who knew Kara intimately. For them, the doubt lingered, casting a shadow on the hero they thought they knew. The voice that shattered the silence of the night belonged to Kara, the revered hero who had once defeated the demon king and saved the world. However, his words painted a different picture—a declaration of intent to destroy the world he had once safeguarded. The ultimatum hung heavy in the air, challenging anyone brave enough to face him at the heart of the demon island within the next hundred years. Success promised unimaginable rewards, but failure meant perishing along with the world. The ominous countdown had begun.

IgenRafane_03 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Mother's Fury

"Very well," Ezra muttered, securing Azuron, the leader of the demon attackers, to a nearby tree with strong ropes. He waited patiently for the giant demon to regain consciousness.


In the meantime, he turned his attention to the other defeated demons. "We have enough bodies, Ana," Ezra called out, his voice devoid of emotion. He stalked purposefully towards a whimpering demon, grabbing it roughly by the neck and dragging it towards the young girl.


The demon writhed like a worm, its eyes wide with terror. Its limbs, hacked off by Ezra's relentless attacks earlier, rendered it completely helpless. All the remaining demons watched in horrified silence, their gazes fixed on the unfortunate creature being dragged before Ana. They knew the same fate awaited them.


"First, hit him in the eyes with the axe handle," Ezra instructed.


"Ana, no!" A loud voice boomed from behind her. It was Zar, pleading with his friend not to commit such a cruel act. But fueled by anger, Ana completely ignored Zar's pleas. With a moment's hesitation, she swung the blunt end of the axe at the demon's eyes.


The wood wasn't sharp, but it packed enough force to inflict serious damage. The demon shrieked in a horrifying blend of fear and pain, thrashing its body on the ground in a desperate attempt to escape.


"Where do you think you're going? This is just the beginning," Ezra sneered, slamming his leg down on the struggling demon, pinning it to the ground.


Panic erupted among the remaining demons. One attempted to flee by rolling away, but Silas acted swiftly. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned a ring of fire that encircled the demons, trapping them within its fiery cage.


"Hit the other eye," Ezra said, his gaze lingering on Ana's face. It was a canvas of raw fury, a transformation fueled by the demon's pain.


Ana raised the axe handle again, her initial hesitation gone. With a sickening thud, she struck the demon's other eye. The creature's scream was no longer a plea for mercy, but a symphony of agony that sent a tremor of... pleasure through Ana. A twisted smile crept across her lips.


The blow landed again and again, each strike fueled by a newfound darkness within her. Ezra watched silently, no longer the one directing her actions. Ana, consumed by the demon's suffering, reveled in the brutality. Her blows became a desperate attempt to erase the innocence that had once sparkled in her eyes, replaced by a chilling emptiness.


The sickening thud of the axe handle against the demon's eye was abruptly followed by silence. Ana, momentarily thrown off guard, blinked, searching for a reaction. Seeing none, she rose unsteadily. The spark of rage in her eyes morphed into something more unsettling – a cold curiosity.


She shuffled towards a broken chair, a remnant of the earlier fight. Picking up a jagged leg, she stalked purposefully towards Silas' fire circle. Ignoring the searing heat radiating from the flames, she thrust the wooden fragment into the inferno, waiting for it to catch.


As the wood crackled and ignited, a twisted grin returned to Ana's face. She walked back towards the whimpering demon, the burning chair leg held high like a grotesque torch. When she was close enough, she plunged the flaming wood into the creature's face.


A bloodcurdling shriek tore from the demon's throat, a sound unlike any heard before in the forest. It echoed through the trees, a horrifying melody that sent shivers down the spines of both demons and humans alike.


The other demons watched in horrified silence as their comrade writhed in unimaginable agony. This agonizing display seemed to break something within them. In a scene of utter chaos, they began to move erratically. Some rolled towards each other, their movements a desperate attempt at escape, while others inexplicably lurched towards Silas' fire circle.


Ezra, his face a mask of cold curiosity, simply observed. He didn't attempt to stop them, intrigued by this unexpected turn of events. The forest floor became a terrifying tableau as the demons tore into each other, their screams a horrific symphony of pain and rage.


Half of the demons perished in this internal conflict, their bodies succumbing to the violence. However, those who reached the fire circle met with an even more bizarre fate. The flames, while intensely hot, seemed powerless to harm them. Yet, they also couldn't escape its burning embrace. Trapped in a fiery purgatory, their howls mingled with the screams of their dying brethren.


The forest echoed with the demons' horrifying screams, a grotesque symphony of pain and self-destruction. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the inferno. Ezra, his face devoid of emotion, strolled through Silas' fire wall as if it were a mere breeze. The flames, which had readily consumed everything else, seemed to part around him effortlessly. This unexpected display startled even Silas, a flicker of surprise crossing his features.


Ezra cast a cold gaze upon the remaining demons, their forms writhing in various states of agony. He raised his voice, his words cutting through the cacophony of screams.


"I have a proposition," he declared, his tone flat and emotionless. "If any of you can endure that little girl's torture without a single scream, I'll grant you all a swift and painless death." A cruel smile played on his lips as he gestured towards Ana, her face a mask of disturbing glee.


He then focused on a demon particularly close to him, its body wracked with pain. "You have no choice," Ezra stated, his voice devoid of empathy. "Death is inevitable. Why not choose a mercifully silent end?" The demon, its eyes filled with a flicker of desperate hope, slowly nodded in agreement. Ezra's smile widened, a predator savoring the hunt. He grabbed the creature by the scruff of its neck and dragged it towards Ana, its fate hanging in the balance.


"The silence is deafening, Ana," Ezra rasped, his voice a chilling counterpoint to the screams that had just subsided. "Let's hear him sing, shall we?" His words were a twisted hint, a cruel director setting the stage for his macabre play.


Ana, her eyes burning with a dark fire, understood. With a grim nod, she raised the axe handle. This wasn't about a quick kill anymore; this was about inflicting pain, savoring the demon's suffering. Slowly, deliberately, she began peeling back the creature's skin, mimicking the way one might peel an apple. It was a gruesome task, the resistance of flesh making her knuckles white, but her rage fueled her movements.


Zar, however, couldn't stomach the sight. The boy who had trembled with fear in the face of the demons moments ago now crumpled to the ground, overcome by a wave of nausea. This wasn't a battle; it was a slow, agonizing torture, a scene far too horrifying for a child to witness.


Undeterred, Ana continued her gruesome task. The demon, its exposed flesh raw and throbbing, remained silent. A single tear welled up in its eye, a testament to the excruciating pain it endured. Even when she switched to her bare fists, pummeling the creature with relentless fury, not a whimper escaped its lips. The demon, with a horrifying stoicism, refused to give Ezra the satisfaction of a scream.


Ana, frustrated by the demon's stoicism, stalked towards the fire circle. Ignoring the searing heat, she snatched a burning branch, transforming it into a makeshift torch. With a twisted smile, she brought the flickering flame close to the demon's exposed stomach.


The creature's body contorted, its face a mask of silent agony. The smell of burning flesh filled the air, a sickeningly sweet aroma. Yet, despite the evident pain, the demon remained silent, its jaw clenched tight.


A low whistle escaped Ezra's lips. "Impressive," he murmured, a hint of grudging respect in his voice. This unexpected praise surprised Ana. She hadn't anticipated him acknowledging the demon's resilience in any way. Fuelled by a surge of possessiveness, a need to be the only one to control Ezra's attention, she climbed onto the demon's writhing form, pressing her weight down with a cruel glee.



Ana, her face contorted with a mix of frustration and morbid curiosity, picked up a small stick. She inched closer to the demon, the pointed end hovering near its remaining eye. But then, with a sudden twitch, she flung the stick aside.


A horrifying silence descended before Ana lunged forward. Instead of the stick, she thrust her bare fingers into the demon's exposed eye socket. A sickening squelch echoed through the clearing as she dug her fingers in deeper, slowly pulling.


The demon's entire body convulsed. A primal scream tore from its throat, a sound so raw and filled with agony that it sent shivers down everyone's spine. Blood streamed down its face as it gnashed its teeth, its head thrashing uncontrollably in a desperate attempt to dislodge Ana's grip.


The other demons, witnessing this barbaric act, reacted with a surge of unexpected emotion. A chorus of roars erupted from them, not roars of rage, but of a deep, sorrowful empathy. They began to writhe again, this time rolling not towards each other, but towards Ezra.


However, before they could reach him, Ezra slammed his fist onto the ground. A surge of power erupted from him, sending a shockwave that rippled through the clearing. The rolling demons were flung back, their roars silenced by a sudden wave of terror. Ezra's eyes narrowed, a chilling glint in their depths. It seemed even he wasn't prepared for this unforeseen display of compassion from the creatures he considered nothing more than pawns.


The air hung heavy with the demon's bloodcurdling scream, a testament to Ana's horrific act. A twisted smile played on her lips, a stark contrast to the creature's agony.


"See?" Ezra boomed, his voice echoing through the clearing. He didn't address Ana, his gaze fixed solely on the remaining demons. "Your friend here is putting in a valiant effort. Yet, you still resort to self-destruction." His tone was devoid of emotion, yet carried a chilling undercurrent of threat.


"Let me be perfectly clear," he continued, his voice dropping to a low growl. "Any further attempts at this… display of misplaced empathy will be met with swift and brutal consequences. I assure you," his eyes gleaming with a dangerous light, "you wouldn't want me to be the one to end your suffering."


A flicker of fear passed through the demons' eyes. They had witnessed the agonizing fate he dealt to their brethren. Ana, on the other hand, seemed to bask in Ezra's words. His possessiveness, his need for control, somehow validated her actions in her warped mind.


"You reap what you sow," Ezra added, his voice devoid of sympathy. He turned back to Ana, a hint of something unreadable flickering in his eyes. "Now, continue. Show them the error of their ways."


Ana, her face a mask of cold fury, reached out once more. Her bloodstained fingers tore through the remaining eye socket of the demon, a sickening squelch accompanying the act. A choked gasp, barely above a whimper, escaped the creature's lips. This wasn't a scream, not in Ezra's twisted definition.


"Just a little more effort, Ana," Ezra's voice echoed, devoid of emotion. It wasn't encouragement, but a chilling command.


Fueled by his words and her own warped sense of purpose, Ana discarded the useless gasp for a scream. With a cruel smirk, she snatched the burning torch and moved towards the demon's lower body. Her aim was precise, landing on the most sensitive area - a demon's most prized possession, the tool for their continued existence.


Agony ripped through the creature. It was a primal, searing pain that clawed at its very being. For a fleeting moment, the demon attempted to control the scream building within, but the intensity of the torture proved too much. A bloodcurdling shriek tore from its throat, a sound unlike anything heard before in the forest. It echoed through the trees, a horrifying symphony of pain that sent chills down the spines of demons and humans alike.


This wasn't the scream Ezra desired, but it was enough. The demon writhed and convulsed, its body consumed by the flames and the agonizing pain. Its screams gradually tapered off into an agonizing whimper, then finally, fell silent. In its place, only the crackling of the fire and the stench of burning flesh remained.


Blood smeared across her face, a grotesque parody of a warrior's paint, Ana stood panting. The demon lay still, a testament to her horrifying handiwork.


"Looks like our little champion has emerged victorious," Ezra rasped, his voice laced with a twisted amusement. He strode towards Ana, his gaze lingering on the blood staining her clothes. Then, in a gesture that sent shivers down everyone's spine, he reached out and gently patted her head.


A chilling smile spread across Ana's face, a response as disturbing as Ezra's touch. "They're all yours," he declared, his voice low and thrilling.


And with that, Ana unleashed a torrent of cruelty. The remaining demons, already terrified by the scene they had witnessed, cowered before her onslaught. Each one met a gruesome end, their screams echoing through the night, a horrifying symphony that painted the darkness with their suffering.


Finally, her bloodlust sated for the moment, Ana turned towards the unconscious Azuron. But Ezra's hand shot out, stopping her.


"Wait," he commanded, his voice sharp. "Let him awaken to the fruits of his failure." 


Hours dragged by, the only sounds the crackling fire and the occasional death rattle. The stench of burnt flesh hung heavy, a suffocating shroud over the clearing. Finally, Siphel and Dilus emerged from the trees, concern etched on their faces.


Dilus, a young boy known for his timidity, instinctively kept a wide berth from Azuron. The gruesome tableau of dead demons around him was beyond anything he could have imagined. His stomach churned, threatening to expel its contents onto the already stained earth.


A startled scream shattered the silence. Zar, jolted awake by the unsettling atmosphere, shot upright. Confusion clouded his features as he took in the horrific scene around him. Terror flooded his face, and he let out a scream that echoed through the trees.


"Ezra, what have you done?" Siphel demanded, her voice trembling with a mix of horror and anger. She gestured towards the pile of mutilated demons. "Why kill them in such a barbaric manner?"


Ezra's lips twisted into a cold smile. "Don't confuse kindness for weakness, Siphel," he replied, his voice devoid of warmth. "These creatures weren't dispatched by my hand." He cast a sidelong glance towards Ana, who stood silent, a chilling smile playing on her lips.


Before Siphel could retort, Silas spoke. "It was the girl," he stated, his gaze flitting between Ezra and the lifeless demons.


A bewildered frown creased Siphel's brow. "She? But why?" she sputtered, her voice laced with disbelief. "Ezra, why did you let her do this?"


Ezra shrugged, a feigned indifference masking his true motives. "What does it matter who did it? The task is complete."


Siphel, frustrated and angered by Ezra's nonchalance, clenched her fists. "Complete? At what cost?"


Azuron, who had been tied to a nearby tree throughout the ordeal, stirred. The metallic tang of blood filled his nostrils. He opened his eyes to a scene of carnage – blood splattered on the ground, body parts scattered like fallen leaves, and the lifeless husks of his fallen comrades. Yet, despite the horrific scene unfolding before him, Azuron remained eerily calm.


An unsettling calmness settled over Azuron. He exuded an aura of acceptance, as if he had resigned himself to his inevitable end. His voice, though quiet, held a chilling composure as he addressed Ezra. "So this girl," he began, gesturing towards Ana, "is the one responsible?"


"Indeed," Ezra replied grimly.


Azuron let out a weary sigh, his gaze drifting towards Ana. "She must harbor a deep hatred for us then," he conceded. "We were the ones who lit the spark that ignited this inferno, after all. It's hard to fault her for the flames."


With a sorrowful tenderness in his voice, Azuron turned to Ana. "Little one," he addressed her, "what path will you walk after I'm no more?" But Ana remained silent, a stoic mask concealing her thoughts.


Just as tension began to coil tighter, Ezra spoke, his voice laced with finality. "The time has come."


Anticipation hung heavy in the air, but before Ezra could deliver the final blow, Siphel intervened. "Hold, Ezra!" she exclaimed urgently.


Siphel, her face etched with urgency, strode towards Azuron. "You're not alone," she declared, her voice ringing out in the clearing. Everyone's attention snapped towards her, confusion clouding their faces.


"What do you mean?" Silas asked, his brows furrowed in question.


Siphel ignored him for a moment, her focus solely on the bound demon leader. "Before I encountered you," she began, addressing Azuron directly, "I was searching for a powerful magical artifact. During my search, I crossed paths with a man, one radiating a potent demonic aura. He was immensely strong, effortlessly dodging every attack I threw at him. And fast," she added with a grimace, "faster than anything I'd encountered before."


"He used a dense smoke to obscure his escape," she continued, her voice taking on a determined edge. "But before he vanished, I caught a glimpse of something else… a strange aura, powerful and… familiar." Her gaze met Azuron's, a sharp glint in her eyes. "Tell me," she demanded, her voice ringing with authority, "who was this man?"


"Oh, him?" Azuron replied, his voice devoid of concern. "No idea who you're talking about."


Silas' brows furrowed in suspicion. "Wait a minute," he interjected. "You just said 'oh him' – like you do know someone. But then you claim ignorance? Something doesn't add up here."


Azuron's facade faltered for a fleeting moment, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his features. He quickly recovered, shrugging with a forced casualness. "Look," he began, his tone nonchalant, "one day this guy shows up out of nowhere. Promises me power, a way to achieve my deepest desire."


"Just like that?" Silas challenged, his voice laced with disbelief. "You let a stranger offer you power and you just accept it?"


Azuron smirked, a hint of defiance flickering in his eyes. "He offered me the means," he replied, his voice taking on a cryptic edge.


A subtle flicker of surprise crossed Ezra's face, a momentary glimpse of something uncharacteristic. Then, just as quickly, the mask returned, his expression once again unreadable.


Undeterred by the lack of reaction, Azuron straightened his posture. A newfound confidence replaced his earlier calmness. "Now," he declared, his voice ringing out in the clearing, "I have a question for you, Ezra."


Ezra scoffed. "Why should I waste my breath answering you?"


Azuron, his voice raspy but steady, spoke his final wish. "Think of it as a dying request." He paused, then added, a touch of curiosity in his voice, "Was I... a worthy opponent?"


Ezra's response was a blunt truth. "No," he said. "I've faced many, and you weren't the strongest or most respected." He met Azuron's gaze. "But take solace," he continued, his words harsh for a dying man, "you weren't the weakest either."


Despite the cruelty, a flicker of satisfaction lit Azuron's eyes. With a weak cough, he addressed a young girl standing nearby. "Ana," he rasped, then stopped, correcting himself, "No... not yet." He turned his head, a flicker of fear crossing his face.


"Ana," he repeated with newfound urgency, "take your revenge... I'm ready." He braced himself as the girl, eyes blazing with a lifetime of hatred, began to approach.


"Watch yourself around that guy," Azuron growled, a deep suspicion tightening his features. "He's bad news, pure and simple. Hates everyone's guts – doesn't matter who you are. Wants to leave a pile of screaming corpses in his wake, reason be damned. Let's hope we never bump into him."


Ana didn't waste words. She went straight for Azuron, a storm of pure brutality. She carved lines into his skin, took her sweet time slicing off his fingers, then laughed as she burned his hand to a crisp before popping the bones and twisting it clean off. Amazingly, Azuron didn't make a sound, didn't even try to fight back. Took hours of that kind of torture before he finally gave out."


Azuron's death wasn't quick, nor was it merciful. It was a brutal symphony of pain orchestrated by Ana, and it forever changed the melody of life for both her and Zar.


Ana, once a girl whose laughter danced with the sunlight, became consumed by an inferno of vengeance. The warmth of her faith in the gods had turned to bitter ash. Now, a twisted devotion to human, warped by rage, became her twisted god. Every breath fueled her need for retribution, every action a verse in a bloody ballad.


Zar, the boy who once faced challenges with a fearless grin, now flinched at every shadow. Bravery, once his shining armor, had been ripped away, leaving behind a shell of fear. No amount of care could mend the cracks in his innocence, a constant reminder of the horrifying spectacle he'd been forced to witness. Azuron's death, a grotesque stain on their young lives, cast a long shadow that stretched far into their futures.


The next morning, as they packed up to leave the village, a loud crack echoed through the air. The sound came from the wall Ezra had damaged the previous night. The travelers exchanged nervous glances and cautiously approached the crumbling section.


Beyond the debris, a new scene unfolded. A hidden house peeked through the gap, its interior partially exposed. On a wall within, a charcoal drawing depicted a mother shielding a small child from unseen figures. Blood-red smudges stained the mother's eyes, adding a chilling detail to the otherwise innocent scene.