
Beyond Time's End: The Final Thorne

A voice pierced the darkness, shattering the silence of the night. It was a voice that everyone in the world knew and revered. It was the voice of Kara, the hero who had slain the demon king and saved the world from his tyranny. But the words that came out of his mouth were not those of a saviour, but of a destroyer. He said: "I am Kara, the strongest being in this world. I have decided to end this world that I once protected. You have a hundred years left to live. If you want to stop me come, and face me at the heart of the demon island. If you can kill me, you will inherit everything I have: wealth, power, fame, and anything you desire. But if you fail, you will perish along with this world. The countdown begins now." After hearing this, some people were confused, some were afraid, but most didn't believe in that voice. They had unwavering faith in their hero, Kara, confident that he would never commit such a destructive act in the future. After all, why would he harm the very world he had always protected? Yet, there were those who did believe in the ominous voice—the friends, competitors, and even enemies who knew Kara intimately. For them, the doubt lingered, casting a shadow on the hero they thought they knew. The voice that shattered the silence of the night belonged to Kara, the revered hero who had once defeated the demon king and saved the world. However, his words painted a different picture—a declaration of intent to destroy the world he had once safeguarded. The ultimatum hung heavy in the air, challenging anyone brave enough to face him at the heart of the demon island within the next hundred years. Success promised unimaginable rewards, but failure meant perishing along with the world. The ominous countdown had begun.

IgenRafane_03 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

First step toward end

Narrator: A voice pierced the darkness, shattering the silence of the night. It was a voice that everyone in the world knew and revered. It was the voice of Kara, the hero who had slain the demon king and saved the world from his tyranny. But the words that came out of his mouth were not those of a saviour, but of a destroyer. He said: "I am Kara, the strongest being in this world. I have decided to end this world that I once protected. You have a hundred years left to live. If you want to stop me come, and face me at the heart of the demon island. If you can kill me, you will inherit everything I have: wealth, power, fame, and anything you desire. But if you fail, you will perish along with this world. The countdown begins now."

After hearing this, some people were confused, some were afraid, but most didn't believe in that voice. They had unwavering faith in their hero, Kara, confident that he would never commit such a destructive act in the future. After all, why would he harm the very world he had always protected?

Yet, there were those who did believe in the ominous voice—the friends, competitors, and even enemies who knew Kara intimately. For them, the doubt lingered, casting a shadow on the hero they thought they knew.

The voice that shattered the silence of the night belonged to Kara, the revered hero who had once defeated the demon king and saved the world. However, his words painted a different picture—a declaration of intent to destroy the world he had once safeguarded. The ultimatum hung heavy in the air, challenging anyone brave enough to face him at the heart of the demon island within the next hundred years. Success promised unimaginable rewards, but failure meant perishing along with the world. The ominous countdown had begun.

After a few weeks had passed since Kara's declaration

Deep in the forest in village, lived a man named Ezra. Tall and strong, with sun-kissed skin, emerald eyes, and dark hair, he chopped wood with incredible ease. His muscles rippled beneath his clothes, and his grip on the axe was so powerful, it felt like he could crush rocks in his bare hands. Completely focused, he swung the axe with the precision of a practiced warrior, each blow echoing through the silent trees. But suddenly...

A gentle breeze rustled through the forest, stirring the leaves and sending a playful dance across Ezra's hair. He paused for a moment, his keen eyes scanning the undergrowth. "guess he is not doing anything," he muttered, returning to his rhythmic chopping.

From the shifting shadows of the bushes, a monstrous creature emerged. With four hands, long teeth, and two menacing horns, it lumbered towards Ezra, its eyes filled with a predatory glint.

A bead of sweat trickled down the creature's grotesque face, a stark contrast to its leathery hide. Despite its imposing size, Ezra stood his ground, his gaze unwavering.

The creature hesitated, sensing a power in Ezra that transcended its own. It had never encountered such a being, and a primal fear gnawed at its insides.

his mind was telling him that guy is like a incarnation of death itself cutting woods. its better to run then die. but that creature. he jumped at lightning speed at ezra showing no opening for ezra to win nor move.

Ezra didn't even flinch. Without a single glance towards the creature, he swung his axe in a practiced motion, the movement as familiar as breathing. With a clean, efficient strike, the monster's head tumbled to the ground. He resumed chopping wood, his face devoid of any emotion, as if decapitating a four-armed monstrosity was just another Tuesday.

But something was wrong. This wasn't over. The headless body lurched forward, its fists flailing wildly. Each blow, devoid of any aim or control, pulverized the surrounding trees and rocks, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake

Ezra, gripping his axe tightly, dodged the monstrous creature's powerful punch and launched himself up the nearest tree with surprising agility. He perched on a high branch, observing the creature with an intrigued expression. A slight smile played on his lips as he stroked his chin, his mind racing with questions.

"What kind of beast is this?" he thought. "I've never encountered anything like it. How can it survive even after losing its head? Does it have some hidden life core, or perhaps a specific organ I need to destroy? So many unknowns..."

Below, the creature, disoriented and enraged, ripped a massive tree from the ground and swung it wildly, hoping to crush Ezra in its branches. When the tree splintered to pieces, the creature stopped, its movements erratic as it reached out with its hands, searching blindly for its lost head.

Seeing this, Ezra leaped from the tree. The force of his landing created a shockwave that felled numerous surrounding trees, the broken branches and trunks forming a massive crater around him.

That monster feel the impact of shockwave generated from ezra jump and run toward that direction while making his hands wide open just to cover more areas while running he a touched tree and punched that tree. that tree was destroyed into pieces by him . But he didn't stop himself.

The earth shook as Ezra landed, sending leaves and branches flying. The monster, feeling the tremor, roared angrily and charged towards him. It ran fast, its big hands spread wide like someone about to attack. As it got closer, it swung its fist at a giant pine tree, hitting the trunk with a loud crack! The force of the blow shook the whole tree, and with a loud snap, the pine broke in half and crashed to the ground, leaving a pile of broken branches and leaves. The monster stumbled from the hit but quickly kept going, its eyes fixed on Ezra, determined to attack.

Undeterred by the monster's resilience, Ezra systematically severed its limbs, yet it persisted, with its head still blinking and smiling. Intrigued, Ezra, unsure of the monster's capabilities, decided to burn it. Using the wood he had cut, he set the creature ablaze

As the flames licked across the creature's body, Ezra, fueled by curiosity, burned its two hands. He wanted to see if it felt pain, even without a head. To his surprise, the creature didn't flinch or react at all, as if the burning hand wasn't even part of his body. Not satisfied, Ezra continued, burning its remaining two hands, then its legs, and finally, each of its body organs, one by one. The creature remained eerily silent and still throughout the entire ordeal, showing no sign of pain or struggle.

Convinced the creature couldn't feel anything, Ezra grabbed its horns, looked into its eyes, and remarked, "What are you?" he demanded. "Why attack me? I didn't threaten you in any way. I would have simply left you alone. Did you perhaps sense fear from me? If so, why not attack something else? Why me? Honestly, I wouldn't have cared if you attacked humans or killed them."

With those words, he tossed the headless monster's head into the fire, declaring it weak.

The burning suddenly caused the monster's head to thrash violently. It screamed in pain, its voice filled with agony. Cries for help, pleas for forgiveness echoed through the air, a constant "Forgive me! Sorry! Sorry!" Tears streamed down its face, but they instantly disappeared in the heat. Its eyes burned brightly, but strangely, nothing else on its head caught fire, not even its hair.

Ezra, completely surprised by the head's reaction, couldn't help but smile in shock. He reached out and grabbed the burning head from the fire. "Why didn't you die?" he demanded. "Why didn't you burn like everything else? Are you immortal? What are you? "he mused. The phenomenon fascinated him, and he couldn't hide his astonishment. "How curious."

Ezra tightened his grip on the flaming head, deciding to take the strange creature with him. He turned and faced it, demanding, "Tell me your name, your origin – anything about yourself!"

The monster's response was a chilling growl, filled with venom and a burning desire for revenge: "Kill... Death... Revenge... Unforgivable... Dieeeeeeeee!"

Ezra chuckled, seeming unfazed by the threat like he doesn't fear death. "Good. If you want to kill me, then regrow your body if you can. or should i search for another body for you. But until then, you're going to live with me." The monster's eyes turned into dark voids, resembling black holes from which no light could escape.

As Ezra grasped the burning head, a tingle surged through his hand, a wave of warmth that felt familiar yet alien. "Hmm, so her power still works, even after…" he trailed off, recognition dawning in his eyes. "She truly surpassed my expectations."

He hoisted the wood and the still-burning head, embarking on his journey home, the day's events leaving him with a sense of wonder and an unusual new companion. His mind swirled with the unexpected discovery and thoughts of the past. That day was full of surprises for him.

A tall, well-built man with dark hair and eyes, his face etched with pride, and a beautiful, strong woman arrived in Sorrang village. They approached villagers working in the fields, who were busy harvesting crops, and asked a question.

The tall man inquired, "Excuse me, do you know anyone named Ezra?"

The villager, momentarily caught off guard, studied the man's face before blurting out, "By any chance, are you Silas?"

The man simply nodded. The villager then turned to the woman, his gaze filled with sudden realization. "And you must be Siphel," he declared, a hint of surprise in his voice.

The woman offered a small, knowing smile in confirmation.

The villager, overcome with excitement, bellowed across the field, "Everyone gather! Look here! These are friends of the hero, Kara! Come quickly!" His voice carried, drawing villagers from their work, curiosity etched on their faces.

The crowd quickly formed a circle around the two figures, their arrival causing a stir among the villagers. Young girls, captivated by Silas' imposing stature, shyly approached to introduce themselves. Meanwhile, the boys, drawn to Siphel's aura of strength, did the same. A barrage of questions erupted from the gathered villagers: "Why are you here? Is it true about Kara destroying the world? Are you married? Are you recruiting new members?"

The tall man raised his hands, seeking to quiet the crowd. "Everyone, please calm down," he boomed reassuringly. "Kara would never act in such a way, so there's no need to worry."

Despite his words, the woman beside him subtly furrowed her brow, a hint of disagreement flickering in her eyes.

Ignoring the unspoken tension, the man continued to address the villagers' questions. "No, we're not recruiting new members, and I am not married."

The female villagers, particularly the younger ones, couldn't help but approach the imposing figure, their attention drawn to him. He politely maintained a distance as he addressed the crowd, his voice firm yet respectful. "Now, if I may, we're actually searching for someone named Ezra. Does anyone here recognize the name?"

A murmur of confusion rippled through the crowd. Villagers exchanged glances, shaking their heads in unison. "No," they replied collectively, "we don't recognize the name Ezra."

The woman cast a questioning glance at the man. "Are you certain this is the right village?" she inquired.

He nodded confidently. "Absolutely. That's what he told me back when we were adventurers together."

The woman folded her arms, a hint of concern in her eyes. "But no one here seems to recognize him. Perhaps he changed his name?"

The man pondered for a moment. "It's possible," he conceded. "He always preferred solitude."

As they departed the village, leaving the well-wishers behind, the woman turned to the man, her voice laced with concern. "Why did you mislead them about Kara?"

The man heaved a heavy sigh, his voice low. "I couldn't bear the thought of them living in fear, especially if it meant shattering their faith in Kara."

Basking in the warm sun, an elderly man watched children play and birds flit through the air. He noticed the two strangers talking to the children, and with a friendly wave, called out to them.

Approaching the friendly old man, the man and woman asked in unison, "What can we do for you, sir?"

The old man, a smile crinkling the corners of his eyes, replied, "Are you searching for someone named Ezra? If so, I might know where he resides."

A wave of relief washed over them, their faces lighting up with hope. "Finally!" the woman exclaimed.

The man, however, remained cautious. He lowered his head slightly in respect and inquired, "But before we go any further, who might you be, and why are you looking for Ezra?"

Silas bowed his head slightly, a gesture of respect. "I am Silas, and this is Siphel. We were once companions of Ezra and seek him for an urgent matter."

A wave of emotion washed over the old man's face, and tears welled up in his eyes. "Oh, so you are his friends!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with relief. "Thank goodness he isn't alone as I feared. He does have people who care for him."

That old man told them about where Ezra live "The last house in village, with dark aura. But that place is dangerous because of wild animals. That's why villagers avoid going to that place."

Silas expressed his gratitude, thanking the old man for his help. However, Siphel couldn't hold back her curiosity. "Is it truly possible you don't recognize us?" she inquired, a hint of surprise in her voice.

The old man, seemingly bewildered, shook his head. "No, dear child. Did I offend you with my oversight?"

Silas maintained his calm demeanor, offering a small smile. "No offense taken," he assured him. "It's just... surprising to encounter someone who hasn't heard of us. Regardless, thank you again for directing us to Ezra's location."

With their newfound information, Silas and Siphel set off towards the last house on the edge of the village.

Ezra's axe split the wood with a rhythmic thud. Beside the chopping block, a disembodied head lay motionless, its eyes vacant. Suddenly, a familiar voice shattered the silence, screaming his name.

"Ezraaaa!" the man's voice shouted, shattering the quiet as he leaped towards Ezra and wrapped him in a powerful hug from behind. The gesture spoke volumes of their past, a shared history that forged a strong bond of brotherhood. Unfazed by the sudden arrival, Ezra calmly replied, "Listen, Silas, Siphel, I'm not coming with you two." His voice held a quiet confidence, suggesting he anticipated their reason for being there. Silas and Siphel exchanged a surprised look, their reaction a stark contrast to Ezra's calm certainty. "You have to come with us," Silas insisted, urgency lacing his voice. "You're the only one who can help us."

Ezra asked why he should, reminding them that it was their mistake he lost to the dark, not him.

while saying this ezra looked at siphel and and said "i didn't expect her to come here for me because i thought you hate me." Siphel admitted hating him but also loving him in past. Both of them wondered why Ezra was living like this and where he used all his money.

Silas and Siphel couldn't help but glance at the head lying beside Ezra. While confused, they didn't seem particularly surprised, as if it were just another one of Ezra's strange quirks. They quickly shifted their focus back to him, choosing to ignore the head's presence.

Silas couldn't stand still. Worry etched on his face, he rushed to Ezra. "Listen, Ezra," he pleaded, "if it's money you need, I can offer you anything. Enough for you and your family for generations, so you never have to work again." Silas was desperate to convince Ezra to come with them.

Ezra met Silas's gaze with icy eyes. "You really don't get it, do you? Money means nothing to me. I have no interest in it whatsoever."

Undeterred, Silas attempted a different approach. "Ezra, aren't you curious about demons— their origins, knowledge, and the source of their power? Rumor has it you can uncover the secrets of magic there."

Ezra remained uninterested, resuming his wood-cutting with a swift swing of his axe. Silas tried various angles to persuade him, but none seemed to strike a chord. Just as Silas contemplated giving up, Siphel intervened.

"Hold on a second," Siphel said, her eyes twinkling with an idea. "I might have something that'll get him interested."

The axe froze in mid-air. Surprise flickered across Ezra's face, a rare change for the usually serious man. Slowly, he lowered the axe to his shoulder, the handle resting comfortably in his hand. A small smile, barely there, played on his lips as he looked at Siphel. "Oh really?" he said, a hint of fun in his voice. The words were simple, but the curiosity in his eyes told a different story. Maybe Siphel's idea was better than Silas thought!

Siphel opened her bag and handed Ezra a peculiar-looking fruit resembling a demon head with two horns, gray in colour.

Ezra examined the fruit with a curious expression. "What's this? What kind of fruit is this? I've never seen anything like it. Is it edible?"

siphel smiled like her bait worked on ezra "This is a Jack Beat fruit. It doesn't have a normal taste like spicy, sweet, bitter, or anything you've ever tasted before. It has a completely different flavour, and it's highly addictive. I suggest you not to ea—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Ezra took a bite. A slight pain tingled in his throat, but strangely, he couldn't stop eating. The fruit indeed had a completely different and captivating taste.

Siphel erupted, shouting at Ezra. "You foolish, brain-dead human! How many times do I have to tell you to let me finish my sentence? One day, your curiosity will be the death of you. Maybe that's for the best."

Ezra responded casually, "Thanks for the advice. I'll try to remember it for at least three days. But first, tell me where these Jack Beat fruits grow in the Demon Island. I want to see them and eat more."

Siphel's voice dipped low. "I can't pinpoint the exact location," she admitted, "but somewhere around Demon Heart Castle seems likely."

Silas beamed with joy upon hearing Ezra's interest. "Good! We have to hurry, Ezra. Our journey awaits. We must kill Kara, and we're the only ones who can. Our friends are waiting for us in the Royal Kingdom of Yangzee."

Ezra paid little attention to Silas, seemingly ignoring his existence.

Siphel frowned, her mind buzzing like a beehive. Why was Silas so desperate to kill Kara? It made sense to stop him, but why the rush? He and Kara were practically brothers, bonded by past battles and complete trust. Was Silas hiding something? Maybe a secret plan beneath his "save the world" act? Doubt coiled in her stomach, making her watch him carefully.

Suddenly, Ezra's sharp gaze met hers. It seemed to pierce right through her worries. "Thinking hard, Siphel? Something bothering you?" He spoke calmly, but his eyes held a knowing glint and smile.

Siphel forced a smile, the turmoil churning beneath threatening to spill over. "Nothing...just eager to get started, that's all." Her voice betrayed a slight tremor, a telltale sign of the unease festering within.

Oblivious to her inner struggle, Silas interjected, his enthusiasm barely contained. "Exactly! Every wasted second brings the world closer to oblivion! Come on, Ezra, tell her! We must leave immediately!"

"Hold your horses, Silas," Ezra countered, his tone calm but firm. "Night has already fallen. By the time we pack and prepare, dawn will be upon us. Let's begin our journey with the rising sun, not stumble into it blindly."

Disappointment flickered across Silas' face, but Ezra's gaze held him captive. "We travel on my terms," he continued, his voice leaving no room for argument. "If you want my assistance, you'll respect my decisions."

Silas, resigned, slumped his shoulders. "Fine, but this shack..." he gestured around Ezra's dilapidated dwelling, "isn't exactly fit for...well, anyone, especially not a lady."

Siphel scoffed, rolling her eyes. "The thought of sharing a roof with Ezra never even crossed my mind," she retorted, her voice laced with disdain. "Sleeping amongst the wolves in the forest sounds more appealing."

Ezra chuckled, a dry, humourless sound. "Suit yourself. Forest, guesthouse, your choice. Just be here at sunrise, prepared."

Siphel crossed her arms, her annoyance simmering just below the surface. Silas, sensing her rising temper, attempted to smooth things over with a placating smile. "Now, now, Siphel," he soothed, "don't let old grudges cloud your judgment. Remember why we're here."

His words struck a chord, reminding Siphel of the gravity of their mission. Though resentment towards Ezra lingered, she knew personal feelings couldn't stand in the way of their purpose. Taking a deep breath, she forced down her anger, replacing it with steely resolve. She had a part to play, and she wouldn't let personal vendettas derail their mission.

As night painted the sky, an unspoken agreement settled between Silas and Siphel. They needed rest before the journey's true beginning. Silas, with a heavy sigh, turned towards the village, hoping for a warm meal and a bed that wouldn't creak with every turn. Siphel, however, lingered by the edge of the clearing, a furrow etching itself onto her brow.

Suddenly, a memory jolted her. "Silas!" she called out, her voice sharp with urgency. Silas stopped in his tracks, turning back to her. "Did you tell... him... that we wouldn't be arriving today?" she asked, her words carefully chosen, not mentioning Ezra by name.

Silas understood her cryptic message. "Don't worry," he soothed, a hint of worry flickering in his eyes. "I told him it might take three or four days to convince Ezra. He should wait that long at least."

"Good," Siphel breathed, a hint of tension still lingering in her voice. "But there's something else. Did you mark the location where we stopped earlier?"

Silas, ever the pragmatist, patted his pouch and confirmed with a nod. "Marked and memorized."

Siphel offered a curt nod, a determined glint returning to her eyes. "Perfect. Tell him about that location too. It might be useful."

The words hung heavy in the air. Silas knew better than to question her cryptic instructions. Yet, a new wave of unease washed over him as he witnessed what happened next. Siphel, with a swiftness that defied logic, simply vanished. One moment she was there, the next, the clearing was empty, as if she had never been there at all. In just one minute she come back delivered that message and now both of them silas and siphel starts walking again.

As night descended, each member of the trio retreated into their chosen places. A tense silence hung heavy in the air, thick with unspoken secrets and unanswered questions. Each carried their own burdens, their own agendas veiled in the shadows. The journey ahead promised danger, testing their strength, challenging their loyalties, and forcing them to confront the truth lurking beneath the ashes of a fallen hero. The sun would rise soon, marking the beginning of an odyssey that would change their lives forever.