
Beyond Time's End: The Final Thorne

A voice pierced the darkness, shattering the silence of the night. It was a voice that everyone in the world knew and revered. It was the voice of Kara, the hero who had slain the demon king and saved the world from his tyranny. But the words that came out of his mouth were not those of a saviour, but of a destroyer. He said: "I am Kara, the strongest being in this world. I have decided to end this world that I once protected. You have a hundred years left to live. If you want to stop me come, and face me at the heart of the demon island. If you can kill me, you will inherit everything I have: wealth, power, fame, and anything you desire. But if you fail, you will perish along with this world. The countdown begins now." After hearing this, some people were confused, some were afraid, but most didn't believe in that voice. They had unwavering faith in their hero, Kara, confident that he would never commit such a destructive act in the future. After all, why would he harm the very world he had always protected? Yet, there were those who did believe in the ominous voice—the friends, competitors, and even enemies who knew Kara intimately. For them, the doubt lingered, casting a shadow on the hero they thought they knew. The voice that shattered the silence of the night belonged to Kara, the revered hero who had once defeated the demon king and saved the world. However, his words painted a different picture—a declaration of intent to destroy the world he had once safeguarded. The ultimatum hung heavy in the air, challenging anyone brave enough to face him at the heart of the demon island within the next hundred years. Success promised unimaginable rewards, but failure meant perishing along with the world. The ominous countdown had begun.

IgenRafane_03 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Falling weapon

An hour of rest later, the group's energy had transformed. Nervous anticipation crackled in the air, replacing fatigue, as they turned their attention to preparing Grace, the dragon, for their momentous journey. Excitement bubbled as they readied themselves to take flight on the back of this magnificent creature.


Dilus eagerly shuffled towards the front of the dragon, ready to take the reins and control its direction. Ezra, close behind, prepared to settle in right behind Dilus. But Silas, with a thoughtful expression, intervened. He didn't want Dilus to spend the entire journey fearing him from behind. So, a new order was established: Dilus in front, then Silas, followed by Siphel, and Ezra bringing up the rear.


The air crackled with anticipation. Dilus held aloft a crudely fashioned sign: "Time to eat some wind, Grace!"


At the command, Grace, the magnificent wind dragon, surged forward. His wings beat with the fury of a hurricane, effortlessly carrying the riders clinging to her back. His speed was awe-inspiring.


Ezra, caught off guard by the sudden acceleration, felt the wind pressure threaten to dislodge him. He stumbled, instinctively reaching out to steady himself – his hand landing with a light touch on Siphel's shoulder.


"Don't touch me," Silas growled, her voice heavy with disapproval.


Ezra flinched, startled by the harshness. "Okay, okay! I was just trying to keep my balance." He quickly adjusted, finding purchase by gripping a section of Grace's powerful tail.


Hours bled into hours as they soared across the landscape, villages shrinking to dots below. An oppressive silence hung heavy in the air. Dilus shifted uncomfortably, the quiet gnawing at him more than any enemy ever could. Finally, unable to bear it any longer, he cleared his throat.


"Since everyone seems to be enjoying this delightful company," Dilus said, sarcasm lacing his voice, "might I be permitted a question?" He glanced back at the others, his gaze lingering on Silas' stoic face.


A flicker of annoyance crossed Silas' features, but he simply grunted in response, a silent invitation for Dilus to continue.


"With this grand announcement," Dilus began, gesturing vaguely at the wind whipping past them, "you're set on taking down Hero Kara. But how certain are we it's truly him and not some demonic trickery?"


The relentless wind whipping past Grace's wings created a sonic boom, effectively walling off any conversation between the riders in the back. Siphel and Ezra strained to hear, but Dilus and Silas' voices were lost in the roar.


"You are right," Silas conceded, his voice barely audible over the howl. "It could be a demon, a ploy to smear Karfa's reputation. But if that's the case, where is the hero himself? Why hasn't he emerged to clear his name?"


A note of uncertainty crept into his tone. "But then again," Dilus countered, frustration evident in his voice, "perhaps Kara truly is occupied. Maybe he's battling demons elsewhere, dealing with some unforeseen crisis. Or maybe..." his voice trailed off, "maybe he's fallen ill."


The possibility hung heavy in the air, a new wrinkle in their already complex situation. Even Dilus, usually so unwavering, couldn't hide the growing confusion in his eyes.


"Demon or illness?" Silas's voice was rough. "He faced the Demon King alone and emerged victorious. Every disease known to man wouldn't dare touch him. There has to be another explanation." Dilus furrowed his brow. "Silas," he said, his voice steady, "we were inseparable as children. He's my brother-in-arms. That's why I know it's Kara, not some demon, who wants to destroy the world." Silas inhaled sharply, then fell silent. He couldn't bring himself to speak his name


The dragon fly whirred tirelessly through the afternoon sky, its magical flight a constant drain on Dilus's reserves. By nightfall, exhaustion gnawed at him. Summoning creatures required a steady flow of magic, and the day's journey had taken its toll.


Seeking shelter, they descended into the cool embrace of a dense jungle. Silas and Dilus pitched their tent beneath a towering canopy, its leaves filtering the moonlight into an ethereal glow. Meanwhile, Ezra, their nimble scout, forged ahead, scouring the undergrowth for any dry twigs or branches – essential kindling for a fire tonight.


Siphel, the huntress of the group, was already gone. Her magic of teleportation allowed her to seemingly vanish and reappear with startling speed. Tonight, her prey was a meal – something to fill their bellies after a long day on the road.


A flicker of movement caught Siphel's eye as she teleported through the jungle. A giant snake, thick as her leg, coiled languidly on a Moon-dappled branch. With a swift, silent grace honed by years of hunting, she drew a blade and severed the creature's head in one clean stroke. The head, a potential threat even in death, was buried deep in the soft earth. The rest of the serpent, its muscular body, was hoisted onto her shoulder, a prize for the group's dinner.


Meanwhile, Silas and Dilus had finished setting up their tent, a haven of breathable fabric beneath the towering trees. Ezra, with Silas's help, had coaxed a crackling fire to life, sending fragrant smoke curling between the leaves.


Just then, Dilus emerged from the tent and spotted Siphel returning with her unusual bounty. "Ma'am, what is that?" he blurted, surprise etching lines on his face.


Siphel, ever practical, simply replied, "Food."


Dilus blinked. "Food? We're going to eat that?" he asked, gesturing to the massive snake body.


"Of course," a voice chimed in. It was Ezra, peering into the flames with a mischievous grin. "We just need to cook it right. A little char on the outside makes everything taste better."


Silas chuckled. "Don't worry, we're not going to eat that giant snake. I brought enough food in my bag to last us three or four days." He untied the pouch and peeked inside.


"But what about the snake?" Siphel asked. "Did you really forget how to act normal around Ezra?"


Silas laughed again. "Normally, people don't eat snakes, especially one this big." He started putting food over the fire to warm it up.


Siphel frowned, a little annoyed. "Stop it! Stop making me sound like some weirdo, just like that Braindead Ezra!"


Dilus, sensing Grace was tiring from using so much magic, decided to give him a break. With a wave of his hand and a muttered chant, a flock of birds materialized around them.


"Whoa, you can summon birds?" Ezra exclaimed, surprised.


Dilus, a little flustered, stammered, "Well, yeah, uh... safer to have them scout ahead. You know, make sure this place isn't crawling with danger before we settle down for the night."


Ezra's gaze narrowed slightly. "So tell me if I'm wrong," he said, his voice laced with a hint of suspicion, "but did you use these birds to keep tabs on me? Did they perhaps tell you about... that demonic aura?"


Dilus's confusion was evident. "Sir, what? Demonic aura? I don't..." He trailed off, unsure how to respond.


Ezra pressed on, his voice edged with doubt, "I mean, why didn't you come with Silas and Siphel to convince me? Was it because your birds told you about this aura, and you're, well, afraid of demons? That's what I thought."


"Absolutely," Dilus agreed, impressed by Ezra's sharp mind. "You're incredibly intelligent, sir," he remarked, genuinely impressed.


Ezra chuckled modestly. "Not at all, Dilus. I just try to make connections based on what I observe."


"Enough talk," Silas interjected playfully. "Time to fill our bellies!"


After a satisfying meal, the three continued their conversation, enjoying each other's company.


"Sir! Big trouble!" Dilus burst through the doorway, voice ragged with fear. His eyes darted around the room, searching for any sign of danger.


Silas looked up, a frown creasing his brow. "Easy there, Dilus. What's gotten you in such a state?"


Dilus's chest heaved, his words tumbling out in a rush. "Fire, sir! A whole village – burning down right now! My summons, they're freaking out, sayin' demons are attacking!" He clutched his arm, trying to steady his ragged breaths.


"Okay, which direction?" Silas asked, his voice laced with worry.


Ezra scoffed. "Forget about them. Saving their lives ain't worth nothin' to us."


Siphel narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean, 'forget about them'?"


"Look," Ezra said, his tone flat, "Our job is clear: kill Kara. We ain't here to play hero on some random mission."


Siphel glared. "You don't care about their lives? That's what we do, protect people!"


Ezra raised an eyebrow coldly. "Why help those who can't do nothin' for us?"


Siphel clenched her jaw. This wasn't the first time she'd seen this side of Ezra.


"Remember your promise to your sister?" she challenged.


Ezra flinched slightly. "Yeah..."


"You promised to protect me, right?"


Silence hung heavy in the air for a moment.


"Fine, fine," Ezra sighed. "I'll come with you."


He turned to Silas, a hint of something dark in his eyes.


"Just a tip," Ezra said, his voice low. "Never make promises. You never know what the future holds."


"Brace yourself, Dilus," Silas said, his voice firm. "There's a fight coming."


Dilus' voice trembled. "Sir, I... I can't go with you. I'm afraid of those demons, and I'm not ashamed to admit it."


Silas' expression softened. "Alright, Dilus. But can you at least tell us where they are?"


Dilus nodded, summoning Grace once more. "Sir, Grace will guide you."


Silas and Siphel climbed onto Grace's back. Ezra joined them, offering Dilus a thoughtful look. "Listen, Dilus," he said gently, "everyone fears something. Fear of death is natural, it keeps us safe. But to live a life without regrets, sometimes you have to push yourself past that fear. You have to open the door."


With that, Ezra urged Grace forward, and the three of them soared into the sky, leaving Dilus behind.


Dilus remained behind, a tremor of fear still running through him. Just a few minutes later, a horrifying sight emerged – a village engulfed in flames.


"Magic, no doubt," Silas muttered, his jaw clenched.


Suddenly, a demon materialized, heading straight for Dilus. Silas, with a sharp nod, signaled Siphel. In a blink, she vanished from Grace's back and reappeared right beside the unsuspecting demon.


Confused, the demon whipped its head around to face his new opponent. Siphel wasted no time, drawing her sword and launching a fierce attack. However, the demon proved to be agile, dodging her blows with surprising speed. Unfazed, Siphel continued her assault, teleporting around the demon in an unpredictable dance of steel.


Meanwhile, Silas spotted two children fleeing the burning village towards the jungle, with a demon hot on their heels. Reacting swiftly,Silas he grabbed Ezra's hand and leaped from Grace's back. Mid-air, he instructed the dragon, "Protect your master!" With a powerful flap of its wings, Grace obeyed, circling back towards Dilus.


Silas, fueled by urgency, unleashed his fire magic. Like a human rocket propelled by flames, he shot towards the burning village. "Ezra!" he roared over the inferno, "Protect the children! I'll find survivors!"


Ezra, caught off guard by the sudden drop, plummeted towards the ground. He landed with a roll, heart pounding, and immediately spotted the demon stalking the terrified children. Without hesitation, Ezra sprang into action. He didn't rely on magic, but on his skills and weapon. In a blur of movement, he disarmed the demon and struck a decisive blow, saving the children from a gruesome fate.


Meanwhile, Silas landed amidst the burning wreckage of the village. Blood and fire dominated his senses. The stench was enough to turn a lesser stomach, but Silas was no stranger to such horrors. Demons, alerted by his arrival, screeched and charged. With a grim determination, Silas drew his sword, but in a moment of inspiration, he also grabbed the scabbard. "You don't deserve the honor of my blade," he growled, brandishing both sword and scabbard as deadly weapons. One demon, enraged by his defiance, slammed its fist into a nearby wall, hurling the broken debris towards Silas.


Silas gripped the hilt of his scabbarded sword, frustration etching lines on his face. The roar of a demon shattered the tense silence. It wasn't just any roar; it echoed through the village, a primal challenge that sent shivers down spines.


Every demon in the vicinity, including Ezra and another unseen figure, whipped their heads towards the sound. In a heartbeat, a surge of dark energy pulsed through the air as they all converged on the source of the roar.