
Beyond Time's End: The Final Thorne

A voice pierced the darkness, shattering the silence of the night. It was a voice that everyone in the world knew and revered. It was the voice of Kara, the hero who had slain the demon king and saved the world from his tyranny. But the words that came out of his mouth were not those of a saviour, but of a destroyer. He said: "I am Kara, the strongest being in this world. I have decided to end this world that I once protected. You have a hundred years left to live. If you want to stop me come, and face me at the heart of the demon island. If you can kill me, you will inherit everything I have: wealth, power, fame, and anything you desire. But if you fail, you will perish along with this world. The countdown begins now." After hearing this, some people were confused, some were afraid, but most didn't believe in that voice. They had unwavering faith in their hero, Kara, confident that he would never commit such a destructive act in the future. After all, why would he harm the very world he had always protected? Yet, there were those who did believe in the ominous voice—the friends, competitors, and even enemies who knew Kara intimately. For them, the doubt lingered, casting a shadow on the hero they thought they knew. The voice that shattered the silence of the night belonged to Kara, the revered hero who had once defeated the demon king and saved the world. However, his words painted a different picture—a declaration of intent to destroy the world he had once safeguarded. The ultimatum hung heavy in the air, challenging anyone brave enough to face him at the heart of the demon island within the next hundred years. Success promised unimaginable rewards, but failure meant perishing along with the world. The ominous countdown had begun.

IgenRafane_03 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


The wind whispered secrets through the leaves, sending ripples across their emerald surface. Ezra stood poised, his gaze drifting towards a lone sentinel tree standing resolute in the distance. With a silent, practiced leap, he propelled himself onto its sturdy boughs. A swift snap resonated as he broke a small branch, the clean break a testament to his focused energy. Landing back at his starting point, a flicker of amusement danced in his eyes as they settled on the young girl, Ana.

"Ana," his voice rumbled like distant thunder, a stark contrast to the gentle rustle of leaves.

Ana stood rigidly, her posture the embodiment of obedience. "At your command, Master," she responded, her voice sharp as a honed blade.

He tucked the branch behind his back, taking a few measured paces. The air crackled with anticipation, the silence broken only by the rustle of disturbed leaves and the ragged breaths of the soldiers arrayed before him. "This battle," he began, his voice laced with a hint of boredom, "seems...predictable." He paused, tilting his head as his gaze once more settled upon Ana. Her youthful features remained impassive, but a flicker of something akin to challenge sparked in her amber eyes. "Fancy giving me a disadvantage?"

Ana remained motionless for a heartbeat, her gaze flickering across the battlefield. The wind whipped at her cloak, the sound a stark counterpoint to the pounding of her own heart. Finally, she met Ezra's gaze, her chin held high. "Master," her voice rang out, clear and unwavering, "how about you fight blindfolded?"

A slow, predatory grin stretched across Ezra's face, the amusement in his eyes replaced by a spark of genuine interest. "Now that's what I call a challenge!" he boomed, his voice echoing across the battlefield. The soldiers flinched, a collective gasp escaping their lips. "A worthy test, indeed. I like it."

Ezra's gaze flicked towards Muz. "Did you hear that?" He then turned his head slightly towards Ana. "There's a piece of cloth in my bag, Ana. Can you get it for me?"

Ana started her way towards Zar, who held Ezra's bag. But as she approached, Dilus's face drained of color. He shuffled back a few paces, his eyes fixed on the bag with a mixture of fear and trepidation. Ana noticed his reaction and couldn't help but glance at the bag herself. The tension in the air was thick.

Despite Dilus's unusual behavior, Ana continued forward. Taking the bag from Zar, she slowly unzipped it. Peeking inside, she froze. Whatever her eyes landed on caused a flicker of panic to cross her face. Before anyone could react, she flung the bag away with a startled cry.

Ezra, a hint of amusement playing on his lips, raised an eyebrow. "What happened, Ana?"

Ignoring his question for a moment, Ana quickly lunged for the discarded bag. Unzipping it again with trembling fingers, she snatched the cloth she was supposed to retrieve and mumbled a quick "Nothing" to Ezra. The air crackled with unspoken questions, leaving everyone wondering what horrifying secret lay hidden within the depths of Ezra's bag.

The bag zipped back shut with a snap as fast as it had opened. Ana sprinted back to Ezra, the cloth clutched tightly in her hand. Reaching him, she held it out with a tremor in her extended arm. Ezra took the cloth, his smile widening, and with practiced ease, fashioned a blindfold.

A collective growl rose from the ranks of the soldiers. Mutters of outrage filled the air. "Mockery!" one roared. "He thinks us weak!" another bellowed. "Let's show him what real power looks like! Break his bones!"

Muz, however, remained silent, a thoughtful frown creasing his brow. Ezra's confidence, especially in the face of such a handicap, was unsettling. "Confident in our weakness," he murmured to himself, pondering the implications.

Unfazed by the angry shouts, Ezra took three deliberate steps forward. The tree branch, a makeshift weapon, felt solid in his hand. "Apologies for the delay," he announced, his voice still laced with amusement. "Let the challenge begin."

Muz, his face grim, drew his sword and pointed it accusingly at Ezra. "Soldiers!" he boomed, his voice echoing across the battlefield. "Attack!"

With a thunderous roar, the soldiers surged forward, a wave of steel glinting in the harsh sunlight. Swords were raised high, spears leveled like deadly spines. Ezra, blindfolded and seemingly oblivious, stood resolute, his posture betraying no fear.

He didn't need sight. He focused on the sounds – the pounding of boots on earth, the ragged gasps of exertion, the bloodthirsty shouts that filled the air. Suddenly, a sharp whistle sliced through the din, followed by a whooshing sound that spoke of unnatural speed. A spear, propelled by wind magic, tore through the air, aiming straight for Ezra's heart.

The soldier who hurled the spear, a cruel smile twisting his features, watched in morbid anticipation. But his triumph was short-lived. With a lightning-fast movement, honed by years of relentless training, Ezra snatched the spear out of the air, its momentum barely a blip on his radar.

The sudden display of skill silenced the soldiers' roar, their charge faltering in surprise. The smug smile on the spear-thrower's face vanished, replaced by a gape of disbelief. Ezra, his voice devoid of emotion, spoke. "Is that all you've got?" He then flung the spear high into the sky, the weapon disappearing into the endless blue canvas above. The soldiers, their initial surge of aggression replaced by a wary apprehension, slowed their advance, their eyes glued to the blindfolded figure before them.

Muz watched in disbelief as the spear soared skyward. His eyes widened, tracking its ascent until it became a mere speck against the endless blue. His gaze snapped back to Ezra, a flicker of something akin to fear flitting across his features.

"Soldiers!" he bellowed, his voice strained with urgency. "Full power! Don't hold back!"

The battlefield erupted in a cacophony of crackling energy and elemental fury. Searing spheres of fire streaked through the air, aimed at the blindfolded figure. Walls of water surged forward, threatening to engulf Ezra whole. Razor-sharp shards of rock rained down from above, conjured by unseen earth mages. And amidst it all, spectral illusions danced and blurred the lines between reality and deception.

But Ezra remained a defiant silhouette. With movements that defied logic, he weaved through the onslaught of magic. He ducked beneath a fiery torrent, rolled away from a crashing wave, and deflected a hail of rock with the tree branch, the wood singing a high-pitched song against the onslaught. The soldiers, witnessing his impossible agility, watched in stunned silence. Their initial bravado gave way to a chilling realization – they were vastly outmatched.

As if sensing a shift in the battle's momentum, the soldiers exchanged a silent glance. Their chaotic assault had failed to land a single blow. With a flicker of coordination, they broke formation, splitting into smaller groups. Encircling Ezra, they formed a tight ring, leaving him no escape route.

Ezra, unfazed by the tactical shift, lowered the tree branch onto his shoulder and relaxed his posture. The challenge had escalated, but his resolve remained unyielding. He stood amidst the swirling chaos, a lone sentinel against the storm, ready to face whatever came next.

A spear plummeted from the sky, landing with a thud right beside Ezra. The soldiers, emboldened by Muz's command, had unleashed their full might. From two sides at once, a torrent of magic surged towards the blindfolded figure. But this time, Ezra didn't dodge.

Instead, the impossible happened. As the attacks drew near, Ezra's hand glowed faintly at the point of contact. With a flick of his wrist, he seemed to manipulate the very essence of the magic. The fiery attack, moments ago a menacing inferno, sputtered and shrank in his grasp, morphing into a harmless, deflated balloon. The water attack, a surging wave, became a single, glistening droplet, evaporating harmlessly in his palm. The wind attack, a silent but powerful force, seemed to part around him as if encountering an invisible wall.

Ezra, a whirlwind of controlled movements, repeated the feat with every attack that came his way, nullifying them with seemingly effortless grace. The soldiers, Muz, and even Ezra's companions stood transfixed. Their eyes widened, jaws slack in disbelief. Words were mere whispers on the wind, drowned out by the spectacle unfolding before them. They dared not blink, their entire focus glued to Ezra's mesmerizing dance with magic. The once confident soldiers, their attacks rendered useless, looked at each other with a growing sense of dread. Their initial plan of overwhelming Ezra had backfired spectacularly, leaving them vulnerable and exposed.

A collective gasp ripped through the ranks of the soldiers as Ezra, with a flick of his wrist, transformed a ferocious fireball into a harmless puff of smoke. The water attack evaporated, the wind attack harmlessly swirled around him. Panic began to set in.

"Magic is useless!" a soldier bellowed, his voice laced with desperation. "Weapons! Use your weapons!"

His cry ignited a change in tactics. Some soldiers, their faith in magic shattered, abandoned their spells and charged at Ezra, brandishing swords and spears. Others, clinging to their magical prowess, continued to hurl attacks, a desperate hope flickering in their eyes.

Ezra, however, remained an enigma. His movements, once a blur of evasion, became a phantom dance. One moment he was there, hand outstretched to deflect a magical bolt, the next he had vanished, leaving only a whisper of wind in his wake. The soldiers, their attacks constantly thwarted, found themselves flailing wildly. Frustration morphed into terror as Ezra reappeared amidst them, seemingly out of thin air. His face remained an emotionless mask, but his movements spoke volumes of deadly efficiency.

From his vantage point, Zar craned his neck, his eyes desperately trying to track Ezra's movements. He finally turned to Dilus, his voice filled with bewildered awe. "Big brother," he stammered, "what kind of magic did Ezra use? He deflected their attacks with his bare hand!"

Dilus, his own face pale with a mixture of fear and respect, remained silent for a moment. "That," he finally rasped, his voice barely above a whisper, "wasn't magic, Zar. That was something far more… extraordinary."

Dilus, his eyes bulging like overripe berries, gaped at the scene before him. "I... I don't understand," he stammered, his voice barely a whisper. "Sir Ezra told me he couldn't use magic, but this... this is unbelievable!"

Zar, equally awestruck, tracked Ezra's movements with a mixture of fascination and fear. "So," he finally managed, his voice barely above a squeak, "did Ezra lie to you, big brother?"

Dilus shook his head vehemently, his wide eyes never leaving Ezra. "No, it can't be," he muttered, more to himself than Zar. "Sir Silas wouldn't lie. He said Ezra never lied to anyone."

A flicker of a different emotion crossed Ana's face this time. It wasn't amusement, but a surge of pure, unadulterated awe. In her eyes Ezra wasn't just a master anymore he was something more, something closer to a god or he was god to her. Her limited understanding of magic couldn't comprehend what she was witnessing. Deflecting spells with bare hands? It was beyond anything she'd ever heard of.

Her heart pounded with a mixture of fear and exhilaration. Fear at the raw power Ezra wielded, and exhilaration at being his student, at being chosen by a being who seemed to defy the very laws of magic. A silent vow formed in her heart: she would train harder, push herself further, to become worthy of his tutelage, worthy of standing beside a being like Ezra.

Ezra, a whirlwind of controlled movements, switched tactics. The tree branch, once a defensive tool, became an offensive weapon in his hand. He launched into a flurry of attacks, his movements so swift they seemed to defy perception. Soldiers, emboldened by a temporary lull, charged forward, hurling fire and water magic. But Ezra was a whirlwind of defense and offense. His right hand blurred, deflecting fireballs with a touch, dissolving water blasts into harmless mist. The display was mesmerizing, a dance of power and precision.

From the sidelines, Muz watched, his face contorted in a mask of fury. He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing. This blindfolded man, this supposed fraud, was making a mockery of his entire army. A dark energy began to crackle around his hand, a physical manifestation of his growing rage. Ezra, ever vigilant, sensed this shift. A jolt of primal awareness, a tingling at the back of his neck, alerted him to a threat far more potent than the floundering soldiers before him.

Reacting with lightning speed, Ezra upped his movements to a level that defied logic. He became a blur, a storm of controlled violence. Soldiers were struck down left and right, not with lethal force, but with pinpoint precision that rendered them unconscious. Their roars of defiance turned to surprised yelps as they crumpled to the ground, their dreams momentarily stolen. In the blink of an eye, the battlefield transformed – Ezra, still blindfolded, stood amidst a sea of fallen soldiers, the lone victor in this unexpected skirmish. His breathing remained steady, his gaze fixed on the spot where he sensed the dark energy – the source of the only true threat remaining. The stage was now set for a confrontation on a whole new level.

Ezra, though surprised by the sudden shift in the battle, didn't perceive Muz as an insurmountable opponent. He sensed a foe stronger than the bumbling soldiers, yes, but not one that inspired true fear. Instead, a new feeling emerged – a flicker of amusement, perhaps even a hint of disappointment. This was hardly the earth-shattering challenge he'd anticipated.

Muz, a tempest of rage and dark energy, charged forward, his sword glinting in the sunlight. Ezra sidestepped the initial attack with casual grace, the wind from the blade rustling his blindfold. Muz's subsequent strikes, while undeniably faster and more precise than the soldiers', lacked a certain… finesse. Each blow felt telegraphed, predictable. Ezra danced around the attacks with minimal effort, his movements a blur compared to Muz's raw aggression.

However, there was an unsettling element at play. A subtle tug, almost imperceptible, nudged Ezra closer to Muz's blows. A flicker of annoyance crossed his face. This wasn't a display of pure skill; it was a reliance on some form of manipulation. Then, with a shimmer in the air, a surge of dark energy erupted from Muz's hand. It wasn't a direct attack, but a forceful pull aimed specifically at Ezra.

Caught off guard by this unexpected magic, Ezra was yanked forward, the world blurring around him. He barely managed to parry Muz's downward slash with the shortened branch. The wood splintered under the force of the impact, leaving only a small, jagged remnant clutched in his hand. Ezra's grip tightened, his amusement replaced by a steely glint in his eyes. This wasn't just a fight anymore; it was a battle against an unseen force manipulating the battlefield. A smirk played on his lips. Now things were getting interesting.

Muz, consumed by rage, fixated on the shattered branch in Ezra's hand. His eyes narrowed, his entire focus on exploiting that single, seemingly vulnerable point. But just as he lunged forward, a flicker of movement in his peripheral vision made him snap his head up. Ezra, a moment ago within striking distance, had vanished.

Panic flared in Muz's eyes. Where? He spun around wildly, searching for his unseen opponent. The unnerving silence stretched, broken only by the ragged gasps of the fallen soldiers. Muz, his confidence shaken, instinctively lashed out with his magic. A dark, shimmering field crackled into existence around him, a desperate attempt to ward off the invisible threat. The magic pulsed erratically, betraying Muz's inner turmoil.

Suddenly, a blur materialized at the edge of the force field. It was Ezra, the broken branch now a deadly projectile in his hand. He launched it with incredible speed, aiming straight for Muz's protective shield. The force field flickered under the impact, the magic straining against the unexpected attack. With a resounding boom, the branch ricocheted back, splintering further from the force of the collision.

Ezra, a whirlwind of motion, didn't allow Muz a moment to recover. He was already on him, a storm of controlled chaos, ready to exploit the momentary weakness he'd created. The battle shifted once more, the hunter now the hunted. The stage was set for the final act.

A frown creased Ezra's brow as he touched his chin. "No sound," he muttered, the lack of tell-tale whistle of a blade cutting through the air a telltale sign. "Push and pull while fighting," he mused, piecing together the puzzle. He snapped his head towards Muz.

"Are you perhaps using some sort of magnetic magic for the push and pull?" he boomed, his voice cutting through the rising tension. "If yes, then this fight is over for you."

Muz, his face a mask of cold fury, kept his eyes glued to Ezra. He couldn't afford a single blink. In response to Ezra's declaration, Muz gritted his teeth. He knew he was at a disadvantage, but admitting defeat wasn't an option.

Reacting with desperate cunning, Ezra slammed his fist into the ground. A geyser of sand erupted, obscuring the battlefield in a swirling vortex. Blinded by the gritty cloud, Muz felt the air shift around him. Panic clawed at his throat as Ezra used the distraction to his advantage.

With a powerful leap that defied gravity, Ezra propelled himself above the swirling sandstorm. Hanging suspended for a fleeting moment, he unleashed another bone-jarring punch downwards. Fresh sand rained down, further intensifying the swirling chaos.

Muz, completely blind and disoriented, felt a primal fear grip him. He couldn't see Ezra, couldn't track his movements. Desperate for some form of defense, he channeled every ounce of his remaining energy. With a deafening crackle, a shimmering force field materialized around him, a desperate attempt to shield himself from the unseen threat.

The battle had transformed into a chaotic dance – Ezra, a whirlwind of controlled movements, exploiting the dust storm as his weapon, while Muz, blind and cornered, clung desperately to his flickering shield. The outcome remained uncertain, the victor yet to be determined. The air crackled with anticipation as the final act of this unconventional duel unfolded amidst the swirling sands.

As the swirling sand settled, coating the battlefield in a gritty dust, Muz scanned his surroundings with frantic eyes. He blinked furiously, trying to clear the sand from his vision, but saw nothing. "Is this some sort of joke?" he roared, his voice tinged with desperation. Where did Ezra go? He spun around, searching every direction, his guard raised high. His mind raced with possibilities. Where could he possibly come from?

Suddenly, a flicker of movement at his feet caught his eye. The ground, moments ago solid and unyielding, shifted subtly. A cold dread filled Muz. "Could it be?" he thought, his voice barely a whisper. With a jolt of understanding, he realized Ezra had burrowed underground, using the sandstorm as a perfect cover.

The earth beneath his feet lurched violently. Before Muz could react, a fist materialized from the ground with a resounding "Pika who!" A devilish grin flashed from beneath the swirling sand as Ezra, his form a blur, delivered a powerful punch directly to Muz's gut. The force of the blow sent Muz hurtling backwards, a strangled cry escaping his lips. He landed with a heavy splash in the nearby river, the rushing water quickly stealing his consciousness.

Ezra, a victor coated in dust and grime, materialized by the riverbank. A single word escaped his lips – "I won." Without a moment's hesitation, he waded into the water. He grabbed the unconscious Muz by the arm and with surprising ease, dragged him back onto the shore. Gently, he laid Muz down on the soft grass, ensuring his airway remained clear.

The battle, a brutal display of unconventional tactics, was over. Ezra, emerging victorious from the swirling sand, stood tall amidst the battlefield, a lone figure basking in the quiet aftermath of a storm. 

The dust settled, leaving behind a battlefield coated in a gritty film. Zar, bewildered, leaned towards Dilus, his voice barely a whisper. "Big brother," he stammered, "what just happened?"

Dilus, his expression a mixture of awe and contemplation, met Zar's gaze. "That, Zar," he began, struggling to articulate the spectacle they had just witnessed, "was Sir Ezra demonstrating his mastery of combat, not just magic."

"He… he used the ground itself as a weapon," Zar breathed, his eyes wide.

Dilus nodded slowly. "Indeed. Sir Ezra first tested the ground for weakness with a punch. Then, using the dust cloud as cover, he created a whirlwind of movement, disorienting Muz. Finally, he identified a soft spot and, with incredible speed, burrowed underground, launching a surprise attack that ultimately secured his victory." He sighed, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "Perhaps… Sir Ezra hoped for a display of magic from Muz, a true test of his own abilities. But this unexpected turn of events… it showcases his mastery of unconventional tactics just as much."

Zar remained silent, processing Dilus' words. A half hour crept by, the silence broken only by the gentle murmur of the nearby river. Finally, Ezra emerged from the riverbank, water cascading off his form. He glanced towards his companions, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.After half an hour later.

Ezra, still coated in dust and grime from the fight, stretched his back with a low crackle. He wasn't looking at Muz, now unconscious on the ground, but at the soldiers sprawled around the battlefield like fallen dominoes. A slow, predatory smile spread across his face.

"Alright soldiers," he boomed, his voice carrying across the clearing. Slowly, eyelids began to flutter open, groans escaping lips that moments ago had been clenched tight in battle cries.

"Time for a little refresher course," Ezra continued, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Seems like you all forgot the most important lesson: never underestimate your opponent."

A ripple of fear passed through the ranks of the now-conscious soldiers. "No room for mercy here," he added, his voice dropping to a low growl. "Get on your feet, now. Or a swim in that river might be more refreshing than another encounter with me."

Hands scrambled for forgotten weapons as men struggled to their feet. Some who were still dazed were roughly woken by their more alert comrades. Fear, a thick and acrid taste, filled their mouths. They remembered the sandstorm, the disorienting tactics, the crushing blow that felled their leader.

"And how many of you," Ezra's voice rang out again, "believe yourselves proficient swimmers?" He scanned their faces, a devilish glint in his eyes.

A nervous silence hung in the air for a moment. Then, a lone voice piped up, gaining confidence from the silence. "We all can swim!" the soldier declared, a nervous bravado coloring his voice.

Ezra's lips stretched even wider, revealing a smile that sent shivers down the spines of the soldiers. "Oh, good," he purred, his voice dripping with a dark amusement. "That makes things much more interesting."

The dust settled slowly, clinging to Ezra like a second skin. He turned his head towards Muz, who lay groaning on the ground, slowly regaining consciousness. Ezra's voice, devoid of the playful banter from earlier, cut through the tense silence.

"Muz," he called out sharply, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Muz, his body throbbing with pain, winced as he tried to push himself up. He followed Ezra's gaze towards the remaining unconscious soldiers, a flicker of defiance momentarily lighting his eyes. But seeing the unwavering determination in Ezra's stance, the defiance quickly faded.

With a defeated sigh, Muz stumbled to his feet and approached Ezra, his movements stiff and labored.

"How long can you maintain your magic?" Ezra asked, his voice calm but laced with a dangerous edge.

Muz rubbed his chin, the throbbing in his head making it hard to focus. "Honestly, I don't know," he admitted, a hint of bitterness in his voice. "An hour, maybe two? But it depends on how demanding the spell is."

Ezra considered Muz's answer for a moment, his gaze never leaving the other man's face. A hint of strategy seemed to flicker in his blind eyes. "Interesting," he finally murmured, a hint of a plan forming in his mind. "An hour, you say?" He paused, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. "Then let's see how you fare against a challenge that tests not just your magical reserves, but your resourcefulness as well."

Ezra, approached the soldiers sprawled like fallen dominoes. A slow, predatory smile spread across his face. Instead of violence, he opted for a more unorthodox tactic. With a series of well-placed nudges and kicks, he sent the soldiers tumbling into the cool water river.

Confusion rippled across their faces as they sputtered and resurfaced. Shouldn't they be preparing for another fight, not a dip?

"Don't come out!" Ezra's voice boomed across the water. "Swim!"

One soldier, dripping wet and bewildered, shouted back, "But sir, we all know how to swim! Isn't this pointless?"

Ezra's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint. "Following instructions," he bellowed, "doesn't depend on what you already know. It's about obedience and discipline. Now, keep swimming! Or perhaps you crave another encounter – this time without my holding back?"

At the thought of facing Ezra without mercy, the soldiers gulped and started paddling furiously, pushing themselves through the water. It wasn't a perfect display of aquatic prowess, but it was obedience, however grudging.

Meanwhile, Ezra turned towards Muz, who was slowly regaining consciousness. Leaning down, he whispered a few words into the man's ear. Muz's initial frown melted into a slow smile – a conspiratorial smile that hinted at a new twist in this unconventional training session. Whatever Ezra had proposed, it seemed Muz found it rather agreeable.

One thing was clear: this wasn't a conventional victory lap. Ezra's methods may have been unorthodox, but they undoubtedly served a purpose. This was about testing his opponent's ingenuity and pushing the boundaries of obedience, not just physical prowess. The battle may be over, but the real lesson, it seemed, was just beginning.

The battle may have ended, but Ezra's training wasn't over. He strode towards the soldiers, his voice ringing out with a surprising urgency.

"Soldiers!" he boomed. "No magic, not even a flicker! Even in the face of death, maintain composure. A calm mind is your strongest weapon. Trick your fear into a smile if you must!"

Confusion rippled through the ranks. What new threat could possibly warrant such a strange instruction? Just as Ezra finished his cryptic words, a soldier cried out. An unseen force tugged him under the churning waters of the river. Panic took hold as one by one, the soldiers felt the same relentless pull. Their attempts to swim grew frantic, their breaths ragged with terror. Some, overwhelmed, began to sink.

Ana, Zar, and Dilus watched in growing alarm. Ana started to approach Ezra, her mouth agape to form a question.

"Is—?" she stammered.

"Muz," Ezra cut her off, his voice betraying no emotion. He knew exactly what was happening. But instead of intervening, he reached out with surprising speed and grabbed Ana by the collar. Before she could react, he tossed her with practiced ease into the churning river.

"Your training starts now, Ana," he declared, his eyes fixed on the struggling soldiers.

Ana, sputtering and surprised, fought against the current. Again and again, she was pulled under, the taste of river water filling her mouth. But slowly, amidst the panic, a flicker of understanding dawned on her. Ezra's words echoed in her mind – control her breath, remain calm. She forced a smile onto her face, not a genuine one, but a tool to trick her terror.

It worked. With each forced smile, a sliver of control returned. She focused on her breathing, coordinating it with her strokes, battling against the unseen force. Little by little, she started making progress, pushing against the current, her movements more fluid, less frantic.

This wasn't just about swimming anymore. Ezra was teaching them a vital lesson applicable to any battlefield – the power of a controlled mind in the face of adversity. He was forcing them to confront their fear, to find strength not just in their muscles, but in their inner resolve. It was a harsh lesson, a baptism by water, but one that would undoubtedly serve them well throughout their journey.

Three weary hours crept by. The sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the land. Silas and Siphel finally emerged from the dense forest, their faces etched with exhaustion. They stumbled upon a peculiar sight – soldiers struggling in the churning waters of the river, their panicked shouts echoing through the air. In the midst of the chaos, they spotted Ana, paddling furiously alongside them.

Silas and Siphel exchanged confused glances before approaching Ezra, who stood on the riverbank, his expression unreadable.

"Feeling good?" Ezra inquired, his voice calm despite the commotion unfolding before him.

Siphel, her gaze fixed on Ana, finally managed a weak nod. "Yes," she rasped, her voice thick with emotion. She turned back to Ezra, her eyes filled with a newfound resolve. "Thank you… for today. What I've done cannot be undone, but…" she trailed off, searching for the right words. "But at least I feel a flicker of… peace inside me."

Ezra's face remained a mask of emotions as he listened to Siphel's choked words. "I merely kept a promise," he finally said, his voice betraying none of the internal turmoil that might have been churning beneath the surface. "A promise I made long ago – to visit her grave once a year. You were simply fortunate it coincided with our journey."

Siphel, a hint of a blush creeping up her neck, managed a watery smile. "Even if it was chance," her voice softened, "I appreciate it. Thank you, Ezra."

Silas approached Dilus and Zar, his voice calm yet inquisitive. "What are these soldiers doing here?" he asked. Dilus, wearing a forced smile, replied, "Sir, Ezra is training them." Silas raised an eyebrow. "Training them? Why?" Dilus hesitated, still maintaining his strained smile. "It's a long story," he began, then proceeded to explain everything to Silas.

Ezra, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes, scanned the scene before him. The soldiers, thoroughly exhausted, clambered out of the river, sputtering and coughing. Ana, a newfound determination etched on her face, emerged from the water and approached him.

With a satisfied smile, Ezra addressed her. "Ana," he boomed, his voice carrying across the clearing, "you're ready to begin the next phase of training – the physical aspect."

He turned his gaze towards the river, where the remaining figures began to haul themselves out. "Soldiers," he called out, "and Muz," he added with a pointed look at the disgruntled figure finally surfacing, "you may all emerge from the river."

Muz, spluttering and disoriented, broke the surface of the water and froze. His eyes widened as they landed on Silas, who stood a short distance away. A flicker of recognition sparked in Muz's gaze as he slowly turned towards Siphel. His jaw dropped in disbelief.

"Sir, are you… are you perhaps Silas?" he stammered, his voice rough with exertion.

Silas, his expression unreadable, simply offered a curt nod. Muz's eyes darted back to Siphel, who offered a small, hesitant smile in confirmation. His surprise was absolute. Here, in the middle of nowhere, he encountered the very people he admires.

Muz, hauling himself out of the river with a graceless thud, straightened to attention and saluted Silas with a flourish. "Sir!" he boomed, his voice dripping with a theatrical enthusiasm. "I, Muz, am a lifelong admirer of you and your legendary Hero's Party!"

The soldiers, energized by their time out of the water, echoed Muz's sentiment. They crowded around Silas and Siphel, their voices a cacophony of hero worship.

"We're your biggest fans!"

"We admire you more than anyone!"

"Can we join your party?!"

The soldiers' questions, a flurry of hero worship fueled by the adrenaline of the training and the unexpected encounter, bordered on the absurd. Silas, for once, found himself struggling to contain a smile.

"Alright, alright," he chuckled, raising a hand for quiet. "We appreciate the enthusiasm, but can we have a moment to breathe?"

The soldiers and Muz, sheepish under Silas's gaze, reluctantly shuffled back a few paces. Muz, however, wasn't finished. He cleared his throat, his excitement barely contained.

"Sir," he began, his voice dropping to a confidential whisper, "May I ask what brings you and Lady Siphel to this remote location? If it's a task worthy of heroes, perhaps we could lend a hand. I, Muz, and these fine soldiers are at your service!"

The soldiers, eager to prove themselves, echoed Muz's offer in a chorus of enthusiastic shouts. Silas and Siphel exchanged a glance, a mixture of amusement and intrigue evident on their faces.

Silas, his smile fading in an instant, let out a low, exasperated sigh. "Oh no," he muttered, his gaze flicking to Ezra.

Ezra, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips, caught Silas's eye. "Sorry, Silas," he announced, his voice carrying across the clearing. "Training's already underway. They wouldn't take kindly to me breaking my promise."

Silas's eyes widened as he processed Ezra's words. He raised an eyebrow, a spark of annoyance flickering in his usually calm gaze. "You did what?" he questioned, his voice barely above a whisper. "Training them? Today?"

He rubbed his hand across his forehead, trying to regain his composure. It seemed their departure would have to wait. "I suppose we have no other option then," he conceded with a sigh. "We'll wait until tomorrow."

Silas turned to Dilus, his frustration evident. "Let's make a fresh start tomorrow," he announced. Just then, a soldier, emboldened by the day's events, approached Silas with a curious question.

"Sir, may I ask you something?" the soldier inquired, his voice filled with respect.

Silas, his annoyance momentarily forgotten, nodded in permission. "Certainly," he replied.

"Is Sir Ezra," the soldier began, his voice brimming with excitement, "… a new member of the Hero's Party?"

Silas met the soldier's gaze, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "New?" he repeated, his voice tinged with amusement. "He's the one who founded the Hero's Party."

A wave of stunned silence rippled through the crowd. The soldier's jaw dropped, and similar expressions mirrored his shock on the faces around him.

"But… we've never heard of Sir Ezra," one soldier stammered, voicing the collective disbelief. "There's no statue of him in the Royal Kingdom's Hero's Museum!"

Silas's smile widened, a hint of a glint in his eyes. It seemed there were many things these soldiers didn't know about Ezra and his place in their world.

Silas shot a glance at Ezra, a silent question hanging in the air. Silas then turned towards the soldier, his voice calm but firm.

"Soldier," he began, "you seem very informed about the Hero's Party. Tell me, how many members were there?"

The soldier puffed out his chest, reciting the information with practiced ease. "Seven, sir!" he declared. "You, ma'am," he gestured towards Siphel, "Grave, Bullet, Slash, Elara, and Kara, the team leader."

Silas listened intently, then leaned back slightly. "Seven is the official record," he acknowledged, his tone neutral. "Now, can you tell me, have you ever heard of someone named Ezra being a member?"

The soldier, his confidence wavering slightly, shook his head. "No sir, not that I recall. There were some temporary members, I've heard, but…" he trailed off, his brow furrowing in confusion.

Silas's lips curved into a faint, knowing smile. "Temporary, you say?" he mused, his gaze flickering towards Ezra.

"Well, soldier," Silas continued, his voice taking on a slightly theatrical tone, "it seems your history lessons haven't covered everything. Kara may be the recognized leader, but the Hero's Party wouldn't have achieved what it did without the man standing right over there."

He gestured towards Ezra, who had been seemingly oblivious to the conversation, his attention focused on a preoccupied Ana mumbling to herself. Ezra's head snapped up at Silas's words, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

Silas chuckled. "Ezra," he announced, his voice carrying across the clearing, "was more commonly known by other names back in the day. Faceless. Mask. Knight. Walking Disaster."

A collective gasp rippled through the ranks of the soldiers. Their eyes widened in shock, disbelief etched on their faces. Even Ana, lost in her own thoughts a moment ago, now stared at Ezra with a newfound reverence.

The revelation about Ezra hung heavy in the air. Ana, still processing the news, couldn't help but blurt out a question.

"Silas," she stammered, her voice filled with curiosity, "who was the strongest in the Hero's Party?"

A soldier, brimming with misplaced confidence, chuckled. "Who else, little miss? It was obviously Hero Kara! He's the legendary hero who slew the Demon King himself!"

Silas cast a dry look at the soldier before turning back to Ana. "While Kara undeniably achieved a feat etched in history," he corrected gently, "the Hero's Party functioned as a unit. Ezra here played a crucial role in their success." He gestured towards a seemingly disinterested Ezra, who was still focused on Ana.

The soldier's smile faltered. "But… but sir," he stammered, confusion creeping into his voice. "Everyone knows it was Kara!" He glanced nervously around at his comrades, who were murmuring amongst themselves in disbelief.

Ana, oblivious to the growing tension, turned her wide eyes towards Ezra. "Master," she inquired, "were you really the strongest?"

Ezra, finally acknowledging the conversation, let out a theatrical sigh and ruffled his hair in a show of mock exasperation. "Indeed," he admitted with a playful smirk, "I wouldn't be considered weak by any means. But strength isn't the only measure of a hero."

He raised a finger meaningfully. "There's no one from the Hero's Party I can fight."

Ana's forehead furrowed in confusion. "Why not, Master?" she pressed.

Ezra's smirk faded, replaced by a fleeting flicker of sadness. He gazed contemplatively at the sky. "Because," he said softly, "I made a promise. A promise that binds me." He looked back down at Ana, his expression serious. "Remember, Ana," he said, his voice low and firm, "never make a promise lightly. You never know what the future holds."

Ezra, with a playful grin, reached out and grabbed Ana's hand. "Ready to continue?" he asked, his voice laced with amusement.

Without waiting for a reply, he began to walk towards the village, pulling Ana along with him. The soldiers, however, remained rooted to the spot, their faces etched with disbelief. Ezra's claim of being the strongest echoed in their minds, clashing with everything they thought they knew.

Confused murmurs rippled through the ranks. "Strongest? He must be lying!" one soldier scoffed. "Sure, he's powerful, but strongest? Not a chance. We all know Kara single-handedly defeated the Demon King!"

Another soldier chimed in, his voice laced with doubt. "But Sir Silas said.and sir silas he was part of the Hero's Party…"

Unable to contain his curiosity, Muz sidled up to Siphel, his voice barely a whisper. "Ma'am," he began hesitantly, "was Sir Ezra… was he lying?"

Siphel followed Ezra's retreating form with her gaze, a hint of sadness flickering in her eyes. "No, Muz," she replied softly, her voice barely audible. "He wasn't lying. In fact, if it weren't for a promise he made, Ezra… Ezra alone could conquer this world. No army could stand in his way."

Muz's jaw dropped, his eyes wide with shock. The revelation about Ezra cast everything he thought he knew about strength and power into a whole new light. The unassuming figure walking away with Ana now held a weight of unimaginable power, restrained only by an unseen vow. The journey ahead, Muz realized, had just become infinitely more complex.