
Beyond The Worlds: I'll Chase After You

A man better known as "the knock-off version of Zoro" or "The real life Zoro" got hit by a truck during a trip, died, got reincarnated in mha yada yada (Ya'll already know the drill) he gets to pick what quirk he'll have in mha but couldn't decide so rob gave em quirk creation with 100 "charges", the stronger the quirk the more "charges" it takes to create so yeah. I think this is good for a sh*t synopsis THIS IS VOL 1 SYNOPSIS

XunKun · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 6: (Flashback) Dr. Sasaki

Dr. Sasaki rushed towards Haruki's side and immediately used his quirk (check-up) to check for any abnormalities of the boy's body. Nikko and Elly ran frantically towards the unconscious Haruki

But we're stopped by the nurses in order for the doctor to focus on his work. After a few moments Dr. Sasaki opened his eyes wide as he discovered the condition of the unconscious boy.

"Take him to bed" Dr. Sasaki calmly instructed the nurses before shifting his gaze on the two relatives

"W-what happened to Haruki, doc?" Elly asked while Nikko's eyes were still focused on his brother that was being carried away

"His body is mostly fine" Sasaki looked at Nikko's current condition before nodding

"Th-then why?" Elly was afraid, Nikko barely survived thanks to Haruki, but now Haruki is the one she is worried about now. The feeling of being powerless disgusted her, even more so when she has to rely on a child. Elly clenched her hand, nails sinking on her skin but just enough to not bleed

"The problem with Haruki right now is... His quirk factor is smaller compared to before. At first I thought he created a quirk to nullify the poison in Nikko, but I was completely wrong" Dr. Sasaki walked towards Nikko. Having arrived in front of the boy, he lowered himself to match the boy's height. Dr. Sasaki turned his gaze towards Elly as if asking for permission, to which the latter nodded.

Dr. Sasaki held out his palm and touched Nikko's head while closing his eyes, He began to focus before activating his quirk. What he saw next during inspection almost blinded him which forced him to deactivate his quirk and fell on his back.

This incident shocked both Elly and Nikko. The nurses weren't near so they couldn't witness the scene. The face of Dr. Sasaki could not make any other expression but shock, awe, and fear towards Haruki who managed to create a terrifying quirk



(PoV Ken Sasaki)

The Banners made an appointment to visit my hospital next week, so they'll definitely be here to check if their child Nikko, had awakened a quirk.

Their older child, Haruki, caught my interest but I've made a promise to not do any expiramemts with their child, but that didn't stop me from formulating theories of my own.

Since they would me visiting next week, I should be able to confirm a bit of my theory.

–A Week Later–

"Are you boys excited?" Aiko asks, as I saw the door opened and them making their way inside my office while holding each other's hands.

I saw Nikko excitedly nodding his head while Haruki just played along, which made me think 'He's quite an actor'

Though he tries to hide it, Haruki is quite mature for his age which is a bit creepy if you ask me. But for the pursuit of knowledge I cannot be bothered by such, even if a zombie apocalypse were to break out.

I chatted a bit with Aiko before starting my inspection with the kids. Haruki volunteered to go first

Touching his forehead, I activated my quirk and what I saw was the same white colored blank slate of his quirk.

Having my hand left his forehead I asked him fully expecting an answer of a vague or even the word "No" response

"Haruki, You have a quirk but I do not know what type. Can you try to activate your quirk?" I said to Haruki which made him a bit confused to what I meant

"I mean, can you feel something inside you?" I elaborated, which made him have a more confusing expression. Then it struck me, 'Haruki had manifested his quirk on the day he was born, so it's natural that he doesn't feel any different! or atleast that's what normal doctors think, but not me! You may try to act like a child but after using my quirk, I know for sure that your mind is more mature than your average four-year old'

"Haruki, can you do me a favor and move around for a bit?" I asked

To which Haruki answered "Why?"

"Well, young Haruki, did you know that a quirk functions just like a muscle? every person that has a quirk has something called "Quirk Factor" And using my quirk I can see the colors of every type of quirk from green, blue, and red. " I said, while Aiko and her other kid were confused as to why I'm lecturing Haruki about quirks. Haruki on the other hand intently listen to my lecture just as I hoped which put a smile underneath my face

'So... I was wrong about my theory years ago... I thought there was a thing called "quirk cells" but I guess I was wrong?' Haruki said inwardly 'Now this speeds-up everything!'


Haruki can now be seen running around the doctor's office while being careful as to not break any equipment present

Now focusing on the other child Nikko whose face were full of excitement, and hope.

"Now-now Nikko, I know you're excited but you need to stay still for the doctor okay?" Aiko said to the younger twin

Gently placing my hand on Nikko's forehead I began to close my eyes and activated my quirk. After a few moments I retracted my hand from the boy's forehead wondering how I should deliver the news to them.

'Ahh, I really hate being the one to deliver bad news especially in this kind of situations but I have to' I thought to my self 'Where should I start?'

I inwardly sighed

"So... there's a good news and some bad news! Which one would you want to hear first young Nikko?" I said trying to have a cheerful tone in which was instantly caught the eyes of the mother.

Nikko stared confusedly trying to understand the adults, unaware of the atmosphere

Aiko eyes narrows towards me knowing that I am not acting like the usual, and thus came to a conclusion that it's going to be hard for Nikko.

"Give us the good news first, Dr. Sasaki." Aiko responded

"So the good news is..." I saw Nikko's eyes became a star for moment before continuing "Nikko, You are completely healthy!"

He exclaimed an "Eh?"

I don't whether this is a chance to tell him but to hell with it! The worst thing it'll do is make him cry

"And the bad news is, young Nikko doesn't have a quirk..." I said it a bit fast just enough to make him digest the news fast that he'll have to recall it for a second or two


I swear I heard glass shattering the moment Nikko's dream broke.

"Uhm, doctor I uhh kinda broke something... hehe?" Haruki said with a 'whoopsie' tone which caused me to turn around and saw my favorite mug on the floor in peices under a child with a 'whoopsie' expression plastered on his face


The voice of Nikko's cries entered my ear, I sighed thinking it's gonna be a long day


So it took some time to calm Nikko down, And Aiko had to take Nikko out of my office to get themselves some ice cream while leaving Haruki to me to continue figuring out his quirk.

"So young Haruki, do you feel any different from running around the room?" I asked while a tick was still in my forehead

"Other than being tired?"

I nodded

"No" Haruki said in a flat tone

'Ugh this is getting nowhere! ...Wait what about' a light bulb lit up above my head and quickly put my theory to the test

"Haruki, I want to test out something. Can you do me another favor?" I asked, to which the other party slowly backed away 'Am I creepy?'

"W-what is it?"

'Well shit... I am definitely creepy right now' I said to myself and now hoping the civil servants won't break in and arrest me

"Can you try and picture a quirk you want, I wanna see something!" I asked in a now cheery voice to get pass the previous situation

Haruki nodded and started to close his eyes, and I reached my right hand to his forehead and closing my eyes before activating my quirk

The Quirk factor I'm seeing was still white before slowly starting to change it's color, though it was not vibrant, there was still a change making me fascinated

I deactivated my quirk and stared at Haruki with greedy eyes

'Nonononono Get a hold of yourself! You made a promise with Art, so keep your word!'

Haruki soon opened his eyes and met mines

"So Haruki, it seems that you have the ability to make your own quirk! Aren't you happy young Haruki?" I told him in an excited manner

I saw his face expressed a stiff look of surprised which is making me think that he already knew about it, but this doesn't matter.

The quirk to create quirks? Who doesn't know the potential of that ability! I am looking forward to what your future will hold Haruki.