
Beyond The Worlds[BTW]

Would you like to travel to another world?  Crossing different dimensions and realities?  reach a power that no one has ever reached?   Shin Akash did not know that he had started his journey to reach the ABSOLUTE.  Finding mates along his journey and creating an invincible team, he climbed step by step.   From a student to a team leader.  from an ordinary human to the Absolute -------------------------------------------------------- WARNINGS!!! The characters in this novel will have an extremely high power level, so the protagonists will have some big power boosts over the course of the series; however, this will not be frequent and they will grow "healthy". I guarantee you will understand why in the end. This story will not be focused on the Harem. The protagonist is not going to be the total focus of the story. All the main characters in the story will have their highlights 1- English is not my native language, so I apologize for the spelling mistakes; 2-all story is original; however there are some small references to other works 3-All worlds are fictitious (including the world of our protagonist), so do not use the "common sense" of our world in this novel Chapter words: 800-1600 ATTENTION THE COVER ART IS NOT MINE; HOWEVER, I HAVE NOT FOUND THE ARTISTS' NAME YET, AT THE TIME I OFFER MY FULL CREDIT TO THE BEAUTIFUL ARTS. book cover: pinterest

Dark4_ · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Shin vs Dreyfus

 "Satur, give me power."

 After Dreyfus asked for his wish, the artifact began to emit a crimson glow.  Dreyfus felt immense energy enter his body.  His skin turned red, thick veins appeared all over his body.  His strength multiplied several times in just one moment.

 "Hahahaha. That's it!"  Dreyfus smiled happily then.

 "Dreyfus, you bastard!!"  The Dragon King was furious at this point.  He had waited thousands of years to get a chance to fulfill his wish, but when the day came, Dreyfus stole his chance.

 "Your majesty, let us settle our affairs today!"  Dreyfus put out gigantic pressure bringing all the leaders to their knees.

 The Dragon King dropped to his knees.  He couldn't believe he was kneeling before his worst enemy.  Dreyfus kicked the Dragon King in the face and stepped on his chest.

 "I said that one day you will pay for everything you've done."  Dreyfus said smiling.  "Today I'm going to kill him with my bare hands."


 Shin was watching the two battlefields.

 'The humanoid demons are 2x/3x stronger than the powers of this world.'

 The powers of this world have the power to destroy a small/medium-sized city;  However, demons have power 2x/3x greater than that.  It can destroy more than one medium-sized city.  Your skills are also better than the powers of this world.

 'Its regeneration is also a big problem.'

 Despite all the advantages, the demons are still far from Ryuu, Mari and Naomi, because they have the power to destroy 1 or 2 medium-sized countries.

 'I think I'll need to make a system  of levels.'  Shin thought of making a system of levels to better define and compare people's power.  When Shin was thinking things over, he felt a person release a great deal of magical power.

 "This guy…" Shin watched Dreyfus with an impassive expression.  He realized that Dreyfus had managed to drastically increase his power.

 'About 60% of Mari's power?'  He was a little surprised by the discovery.

 "Where are you going?"

 When Shin was about to head towards Dreyfus, Aka called him over.

 "I'll fight."  He replied.  Shin didn't understand why this girl was still here, but he didn't complain.

 "Take me with you!"  Aka said with a determined expression.

 "No. You should just stay here-" Shin didn't finish his words because Aka clung to his body like a koala.

 "What are you doing?"  Shin asked with a strange expression.

 "I won't let you go! I'll go with you!"  Aka responded by grabbing Shin's back.


 "Fine, but you're just going to watch the fight."  Shin wouldn't let Aka fight Dreyfus, because that guy would serve as a springboard for him to gain more combat experience.

 "But…" Aka was reluctant.  She wanted to help him fight too.

 "No 'but'."  Shin said while looking at Aka.  Aka lowered her head and made a sad expression when her request was denied.

 "What a spoiled girl."  Shin sighed and patted his head.  Aka smiled happily when she has petted again.

 'Are your hands magic?'  Aka doubted anyone's touch could be so good.

 "Let's get going."  Shin darted towards Dreyfus with Aka clinging to his back.


 "I will kill him with my bare hands!"  Dreyfus created a long sword of black energy and was ready to slay the Dragon King, but a sonic boom diverted his attention.

 "Stay here!"  Shin told Aka.

 "Un."  Aka nodded and prepared to watch Shin fight.

 "Daughter…" the Dragon King called to his daughter with a happy expression on his face, but Aka ignored him and kept looking at Shin.

 'Well, let's get started.'  Shin created a blade of water in each hand and shot towards Dreyfus.  Dreyfus was surprised by Shin's sudden appearance, but he didn't let his guard down.  Using his sword, he blocks Shin's attacks.

 *DING!* *DING!* *DING!*

 After exchanging a few blows, Shin created thousands of water blades and sent them towards Dreyfus.  Dreyfus made a shield of darkness to block the attacks, but Shin's attacks came from all directions.  The water blades cut Dreyfus's skin, but his regeneration healed the wounds.

 'His regeneration from him seems greater than that of the demons.'  Shin watched Dreyfus' wounds regenerate almost immediately.

 "You can't beat me, boy!"  Dreyfus used a mana blast and destroyed all the water blades, then he sent hundreds of black orbs towards Shin.  Shin dodged the orbs easily and darted toward Dreyfus again.

 *BOMM!* *BOMM!*

 Shin returned to exchanging sword blows with Dreyfus.  Dreyfus swung his blade toward Shin with a solemn expression on his face.  He connected hundreds of hits in just 1 attack and fused dark energy to deal more damage.  Shin watched Dreyfus' movements as he continued to dodge and counterattack.

 "Dark cuts."  Dreyfus sent several bars towards Shin.

 "Light cuts."  Shin did the same thing as Dreyfus.

 "W-What?"  Dreyfus noticed that Shin copied his moves perfectly.

 *BOMM!* *BOMM!* ….

 The attacks clashed.  Causing explosions that destroyed several thousand km².  The island had already been almost destroyed in the fighting, so most of the damage was done to the sea.  Shin had also placed a barrier around the island so as not to involve people in the fight.

 'This technique is very basic.  It fuses magic with swordplay to increase the piercing and destructiveness of attacks.'  Shin thought of the "Dark Cuts" technique.  He learned the technique just by looking at Dreyfus' moves.

 "You… who the hell are you?"  Dreyfus asked with a solemn expression.  He realized that Shin was learning as he fought.

 "Does not matter."  Shin didn't want to talk to Dreyfus and continued his attacks.  This time, Dreyfus also created dark energy blades and attacked Shin from all directions, but Shin destroyed all the blades using a burst of light.

 *Slash!* *Slash!*

 Shin increased the speed of his attacks and cut both Dreyfus' arms with his water blade.

 "Ah!"  Dreyfus moaned in pain, but his arms began to regenerate in the next moment.

 'Is this boy a monster?'  Dreyfus noticed that Shin's swordplay was improving at a crazy pace.  His attacks were a bit simple and predictable at the start of the fight, but now they've improved dramatically.  Shin also learned to connect multiple attacks into 1.

 'This technique deceives people's perception, making them think it's just 1 attack, but there are several.  This technique also makes your attacks less predictable.  It is a basic fencing technique, but it serves as the basis for superior techniques.'  Shin thought.

 "Is that all you have?"  Shin asked with a touch of teasing.

 "Boy… I'm going to kill you!"  Dreyfus channeled a gigantic amount of energy into his hand and created his black sphere.  This sphere emitted a dangerous sensation.  The people watching the fight felt chills.

 "DIE!"  Dreyfus fired the black sphere towards Shin.  Just the mana fluctuations in the sphere were enough to destroy several buildings.  Shin created a spear of light in his right hand.  The spear was extremely beautiful and contained a sacred glow.  Shin hurled the spear towards the black sphere.


 The collision between light and darkness caused unprecedented destruction.  The shock waves alone were enough to scare the people who were watching the fight.

 "Is it dead?!"  Dreyfus wondered with a breathless expression.  He had used a great deal of energy in this attack, so he hoped Shin was dead.  However, his prayers were not answered.

 "Heh… that attack of yours wasn't bad, but it looks like you used a lot of energy on it."  Shin appeared behind Dreyfus with a smile on his face.

 "You…" Dreyfus walked away quickly.  He looked at Shin and said, "Why do you insist on helping these people?! Don't you see how rotten they are?!"  Dreyfus had a hateful expression on his face.

 Shin looked at Dreyfus and said, "I'm not doing this out of kindness and benevolence. I'm not a hero. I have a goal to complete, so you need to die."  Shin never thought of being a hero, but he's not a villain either.

 'I'm just a human.'  He thought with a smile.

 When Dreyfus saw that negotiation was impossible, he emanated a dark aura from his body.

 "You will regret your decision."