
Beyond The Worlds[BTW]

Would you like to travel to another world?  Crossing different dimensions and realities?  reach a power that no one has ever reached?   Shin Akash did not know that he had started his journey to reach the ABSOLUTE.  Finding mates along his journey and creating an invincible team, he climbed step by step.   From a student to a team leader.  from an ordinary human to the Absolute -------------------------------------------------------- WARNINGS!!! The characters in this novel will have an extremely high power level, so the protagonists will have some big power boosts over the course of the series; however, this will not be frequent and they will grow "healthy". I guarantee you will understand why in the end. This story will not be focused on the Harem. The protagonist is not going to be the total focus of the story. All the main characters in the story will have their highlights 1- English is not my native language, so I apologize for the spelling mistakes; 2-all story is original; however there are some small references to other works 3-All worlds are fictitious (including the world of our protagonist), so do not use the "common sense" of our world in this novel Chapter words: 800-1600 ATTENTION THE COVER ART IS NOT MINE; HOWEVER, I HAVE NOT FOUND THE ARTISTS' NAME YET, AT THE TIME I OFFER MY FULL CREDIT TO THE BEAUTIFUL ARTS. book cover: pinterest

Dark4_ · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Preparing for the 1st mission

 After the match against Kojuro, Shin was in a private room with Yaya.

 "Miss Yaya, I see you are nervous. I wonder if this is your first kiss?"  Shin decided to tease her a bit.

 "I… I…" Yaya didn't know what to say.  She had never kissed anyone in her life.

 "My biggest gain in the match wasn't money."  Shin said as he approached Yaya.  Yaya's heart was beating too fast, anticipating the moment.  Grabbing her waist, he brought his lips closer to hers.  When the two could feel each other's breath, he said, "That's it!"

 Shin kissed her lips as he caressed her body.  The kiss that started slowly, became aggressive.  When Shin's tongue invaded Yaya's mouth she tried to fight back but was quickly overpowered.  Yaya caressed Shin's body with her hands, she was almost losing control of her actions.  When Yaya was almost out of breath, Shin broke the kiss.

 "Ahn! ahn! ahn!"  Yaya was breathing heavily after the kiss.

 "Shin…" she really couldn't describe how well this guy is a kisser.


 Shin left school after spending his time with Yaya.  After earning the 15 million dollars, he thought about buying a company to operate in the financial market.

 "I'll do the mission in a few days. I need to speed things up."  Shin decided to accelerate his plans.


 When Shin got home, he saw Akira watching TV.  He decided to surprise her.  Coming close to her, he grabbed her waist and whispered, "I missed you so much."

 Akira shivered.  She was surprised when she heard her brother's voice suddenly.

 "Brother… don't be naughty!"  She really couldn't control herself if he kept teasing her.

 Shin released Akira and said, "Your classes will start in a few days. I will accompany you on your first day."

 Akira was a little lost when her body stopped being hugged by him, but she still asked, "Aren't you going to have class?"

 "Do not worry."  After talking a little with Akira, the two went to sleep.


 A few days passed and today Shin was with Akira in a clothing store.  Akira starts her classes tomorrow, so Shin decided to take her to the stores to buy necessities from her.

 "Brother! Brother! How am I?"  Akira was wearing a blue dress with beautiful ornaments.  Shin would believe if his sister was the daughter of an angel.

 "You look beautiful! I'm sure you could seduce a lot of men."

 "Humph, why weren't you seduced? Stupid brother!"  Akira whispered almost inaudibly.

 Shin smiled but said nothing.

 They shopped for so long that by the time they got home, it was time for dinner.  After finishing dinner, they fell asleep.


 "It's your first day of school, try making some classmates."  Shin was with Akira in front of UF High School.

 "Brother…" Akira was still hesitant.  She never thought she could study at a school of that level.

 "I know you will be fine. I trust you."

 "Brother… I…" Akira looked at her brother who was doing a lot for her.  She thought for a moment and decided to be brave.

 Akira approached Shin with a nervous expression, when the two were with their bodies glued together, Akira kissed her cheeks.


 Akira ran towards the school with a flushed face.


 [Master, you need to prepare for the mission.]



 "Finally! We can finally have a mission!"  Mari had been waiting for this for a long time.  "Who are we going to hit? Are we going to war?"

 "Mari, we'll never know the details if you don't stop talking."

 [Your mission is to save a world.]

 'Hmm… a classic mission.'  Shin thought of the stories of demon kings and heroes.  'I think it's a good choice for the first mission.'

 "Who will 'destroy' the world?"  Shin wanted to know more details about the mission.

 [You need to discover everything yourself.  I just pass on the goal and the rewards]


 "Are you going to send us to an unknown world without giving us significant information?"  Shin thought the first mission should be easier.

 [Don't worry, I don't pass quests beyond your current capacity.  This quest won't be too difficult for you.  ]

 "Origin" didn't pass along much information because this mission did not pose a threat to the group.  This is the group's first mission, so "Origin" couldn't be too difficult.  She passed on this mission for Shin to gain combat experience and make the group members get to know each other better.

 "Well, no fun if we know everything."  Ryuu found this situation more exciting.

 [Are you ready?]

 "Yes!"  4x

 A space gate appeared in the empty room.  Shin, Naomi, Ryuu and Mari entered with excited expressions.

 [Good luck]

the main world (the protagonist's world) will have its development; however, it will be after the 1st arc

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Thank you!♡

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