
Beyond The Worlds[BTW]

Would you like to travel to another world?  Crossing different dimensions and realities?  reach a power that no one has ever reached?   Shin Akash did not know that he had started his journey to reach the ABSOLUTE.  Finding mates along his journey and creating an invincible team, he climbed step by step.   From a student to a team leader.  from an ordinary human to the Absolute -------------------------------------------------------- WARNINGS!!! The characters in this novel will have an extremely high power level, so the protagonists will have some big power boosts over the course of the series; however, this will not be frequent and they will grow "healthy". I guarantee you will understand why in the end. This story will not be focused on the Harem. The protagonist is not going to be the total focus of the story. All the main characters in the story will have their highlights 1- English is not my native language, so I apologize for the spelling mistakes; 2-all story is original; however there are some small references to other works 3-All worlds are fictitious (including the world of our protagonist), so do not use the "common sense" of our world in this novel Chapter words: 800-1600 ATTENTION THE COVER ART IS NOT MINE; HOWEVER, I HAVE NOT FOUND THE ARTISTS' NAME YET, AT THE TIME I OFFER MY FULL CREDIT TO THE BEAUTIFUL ARTS. book cover: pinterest

Dark4_ · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Mari's entry

 A girl was sitting by a lake, apparently lost in thought.


 This girl is Aka Shirai.  She is a red dragon.  Although Aka doesn't have a mature body like Naomi, her charm is very high.  Aka had long red hair, as big as her own body.  Her eyes were emerald green.  On her forehead were three small horns.  Her face was well defined and had a touch of cuteness.

 "Your Highness, Your Majesty asks you to prepare for the tournament."  A man spoke to Aka.

 Aka just nodded.  She is the greatest genius of her race and that puts enormous weight on her body.  When the millennial tournament was announced, she had to train day after day.  She wanted to feel more alive.  She wanted to run and play without caring about anything.

 It's not that she's lazy, Aka likes fighting and training, but she wanted to do more than that.  She wanted something new.

 'I hope to find what I want in this tournament.'


 "Can we participate in the tournament?"  Mari wanted to fight someone decent.

 After entering the city illegally, they were thinking about going to fight in the tournament.

 "Everyone can participate in the tournament, but only the major powers make it to the end."  Shin replied.


 "I'll teach you a simple magic trick."  Shin spoke to them.

 "Magic?"  Mari asked.

 "You can't fly yet, but I'll teach you a technique."

 "That's good, we're at a disadvantage against air enemies after all."  Ryuu replied.

 "The method is very simple, just use mana to create platforms in the air."  Shin's method was very simple.

 The three were enlightened when they heard Shin's words.

 "Shit, how did I not think of this before?"  Naomi felt stupid now.  She was so focused on nature magic, she forgot some basic things.

 "Train a little, you'll master the method quickly."  This method was very simple.  Just materialize mana to create platforms so you can run in the air.

 They nodded and started and went to practice.


 The next morning, Shin and the others headed towards the place where the tournament would be held.  Ryuu, Mari, and Naomi were running in the air to practice.

 "I don't understand! Why didn't the major powers steal the 'Eye of Saturn'?"  Mari asked suddenly.

 "Because if a country steals, everyone will turn against it. Also, the 'Eye of Saturn' is a living artifact, that means you can't just take it."  Shin replied.

 "Good."  Mari understood the reasoning.

 "We're almost there."  Ryuu warned.  From a distance, they saw a huge island, the sight before their eyes were really beautiful.

 "This island is awesome."  Mari spoke with an expression of admiration.  The island was about the size of several smaller towns put together.

 "It looks like several participants have already arrived."  They saw several people on the island.

 "Hahaha."  Mari laughed knowing she could fight hard.  "Watch me! This is how you make an unforgettable entry!"

 Mari shot at incredible speed towards the island.

 "Damn, this girl is going to make a mess."  Shin looked at Mari from afar with a complicated look.


 The tournament participants who had arrived on the island were all excited.  Even those who knew they would have no chance of winning decided to watch.

 "This millenary tournament is going to be eventful."  A woman spoke.  "Have you contacted the psychic?"  The woman asked her subordinates.

 "Your Majesty, I apologize for the incompetence, but we have not been able to find the seer."  One of the subordinates spoke with his head down.

 The Queen thought about the words of her subordinate.  She had been having a strange feeling for a few days, but she couldn't confirm anything.

 "This is very strange... Keep up the search!."

 "Understood!"  The subordinates disappeared from the room after these words.

 The Queen was thinking of her daughter as she sipped tea, but a loud noise made her roll her eyes.

 'That's…' She was surprised and decided to check.

 "Hahahaha."  Mari laughed out loud and landed on the island.


 The entire island shook.  The participants were almost running when they saw the woman.  They were wondering why they decided to come to this place. when Mari landed on the ground, a gigantic crater formed.

 *pa* pa*

 Mari dusted off and said with a smile, "Who will participate in the tournament?"

power stone +1

Dark4_creators' thoughts