
Extremis P1

On a dark New York City night a pair of young girls rushed down an alleyway off to the side of the Daily Bugle. There was a frantic panting from both of the girls as they rushed forwards, deeper into the alley. One of the girls had dark hair and the other was a redhead. They had hoods that were up over their faces to obscure them.

Six Friends of Humanity members chased after them. The leader of the pack closing menacingly on the two girls, nasty intentions on his mind.

"No, please don't hurt us!" the brunette yelled in a loud voice that could carry for miles and miles around.

"We didn't….we didn't do anything to deserve this," the redhead pleaded as the leader of the Friends of Humanity representatives stepped forward.

"You've contaminated the air with your freakiness, that's more than enough," the FOH leader stated as he kept his gaze locked onto the face of his victims, a fierce glint flickering through his narrowed eyes. "Now it's time for you to pay the price."

A pair of knuckles cracked as the two girls whimpered as they slumped against the wall in fear. They whispered to each other as they were about ready to beg off.

"Please don't….please don't," one of them stammered.

The Friends of Humanity leader heard a rustling sound in the shadows. It was followed by a loud clatter of trash cans behind him as a figure popped up from the ground.

The Friends of Humanity members disappeared with a few light pops, leaving only the leader in the alleyway. Moving quickly he grabbed the cloaked figure in a headlock and pulled her up, managing to keep her from going intangible once again after a brief struggle. Powers like that made it hard to take on the user in anything resembling a fair fight as it was hard to lock them down, but if a person knew how to fight someone with those type of powers, and how negate them the fight was not going to last long.

"Let me go," the voice stated, once again it was heavily modulated as she tried to twist out of the headlock.

"Not until I confirm a theory," he stated, as he pulled the hood off to reveal the angry face of Kitty Pryde.

Sure enough, the young mutant struggled even harder once her identity was unveiled, she was not about to go down without a fight. She attempted to kick and twist out of every single angle he had her in, trying to keep her head up straight.

Kitty was beside herself, she could not believe that someone had gotten the drop on her. Ever since she had started her crusade against the Friends of Humanity, she had been extremely careful. The brunette mutant's eyes turned towards the person who grabbed her, she was about ready to curse herself.

Logan would not approve with how sloppy she was, hell come to think about it, Harry would not approve of this, if he was here. Kitty closed her eyes for a few seconds as there was something that ran through her mind.

She was between a rock and a hard place, this guy found a way to shut off her powers, which was far from ideal and no matter how hard she squirmed she couldn't break his hold. Growling she decided to do the most thuggish thing possible, kicking him in the shin.

"Let me go, let me….I swear, I'm….DAMN IT," Kitty stated as she tried to shift herself out of the grip that this strong young man had around her.

The Friends of Humanity member spun them around to face the two females who were smiling as Kitty caught a glance of them as well. Her shoulders slumped as she realized what was happening, she had been set up and the brunette bit down on her lip violently until the point where she nearly drew blood.

"Set up, set me up," Kitty remarked, she should have seen it coming. The two girls were laughing at her misfortune but yet there was something that triggered in Kitty's mind. Confusion reigned through the back of her mind.

'Wait a minute, if they have me trapped, they could have so bashed my brains in any moment now,' Kitty thought to herself, her eyes screwing shut as she thought about it. Her thoughts were running so fast that it was hard for her to think straight, it was keeping her from logically figuring out what was going on. 'I don't….I don't know what is going on.'

Kitty had learned one thing from Harry's training and that was things were not always how they seemed. She was allowed out of the grip of this young man and she placed her arm across her waist.

"So, you could have taken me out, just like that," Kitty remarked as she snapped her fingers then placed her hands on her hips. "Either you're playing with my head or somethings up."

There was a slight smile that crossed over the person's face and now Kitty's annoyance spread to an entirely new level. It was obvious that there was some kind of inside joke that everyone was in on but she was somehow late to the party about. The brunette threw her hands up into the air and narrowed her eyes angrily at the person before her, biting down on her lip in frustration.

"So, what's your…."

"If you must know."

The young man remarked as such as his dark hair was fully on display, which was once short and red, and his green eyes fixed on her. They were unmistakable.

"Harry?" Kitty asked as she tried to take a step back, disbelief running through her eyes and her heart started to thump at a more rapid pace within her chest as she started to stutter. "That's….you've….I don't…."

"Kitty, they're words, they form sentences, I hear that they're essential for communication," Harry informed the brunette.

Now Kitty's mind was working in overdrive, there was something going on here although she could not put everything together, at least properly. The brunette's expression flickered towards Harry, as annoyance flashed through her eyes.

There were two actions that Kitty performed next.

The first action was Kitty's hand connecting with the side of Harry's face with a hard slap. It was a "you let me think that you were dead" type of slap and then she backed off.

She followed it up by tackling him with a hug her lips pushing onto Harry's in a deep kiss, shoving her tongue almost down his throat. Harry wrapped his arms around her returning the kiss hungrily. They lingered in the kiss for a long time, their tongues dancing within the others mouths.

"What the hell happened?" Kitty asked as now both Kara and M'gann were holding back their snickering. Both girls got a death glare from Kitty.

"Well that's a long story," Harry informed her and Kitty inclined her head with a nod. "Just how much time you have."

Kitty smiled at him, she knew that it was Harry, it was just a sense that she had. She wasn't about to be fooled by some imposter. Her hands found her hips before she told him with blazing eyes.

"Believe me, Harry, I've got plenty of time," Kitty informed him as she stared him down.

"Follow me then," Harry told her and Kitty took his hand as they popped off.

Kitty was in for a rather interesting and not to mention lengthy tale.

"I should have figured that the rumors of your demise were greatly exaggerated," Kitty offered to Harry as the two of them walked around the public portion of school together.

"Yes, has Logan not taught you anything?" Harry asked Kitty.

Kitty whistled as she looked around the school, it was extremely nice and well put together, that much was for sure. The brunette mutant was amazed at what Harry did with magic but there were a lot of things about him that she was still trying to figure out. She thought that she was in pretty good company.

Then again, for young Katherine Pryde there were a lot of things that she was still trying to figure out about herself.

She noticed that most, no scratch that all, of the guests were females so she turned towards him with a smile. "So, is this strictly a school for girls or are you going to open things up for both genders?"

"I'm funding a separate school for younger students that aren't quite as well versed in their powers, but only the females are going to get hands on training here," Harry remarked to Kitty who raised an eyebrow.

"So you've got a mixed gender private school, an exclusively female private school, and a private place where only your most trusted get to hang out," Kitty commented in an impressed tone of voice. "Wow, that's totally a lot."

"Yes, it is," Harry agreed with her, he didn't know how much he actually had to do until he got it down on paper. "And the security is about as tight as I'm going to get it."

"Well, at least you have a lot of flawed examples to learn from," Kitty informed him and Harry smirked towards her.

"True, true, very true."

Harry lead her down the hallways; there were more bedrooms than he thought that he would ever need in his life. Still it was better to be completely safe than completely sorry. The green eyes of Harry Potter swam with intensity as he led Kitty down the hallway who whistled merrily at the sights and the sounds that were around her.

"Let's get you into the training room," Harry remarked to Kitty. "I want to see if your skills have gotten rusty or not."

It was then Kitty got kind of defensive. "Um, hello? I was taking out Friends of Humanity members left and right."

"Exactly, they're nothing but a group of run of the mill thugs, not really anyone that you can sink your teeth into and really hone your skills against," Harry informed her and Kitty placed her hands on her hips. "You'll enjoy the state of the art training room that I've put together."

The brunette mutant nodded as Harry turned towards her before he added a statement.

"Now, I'm sure your parents are worried about you, unless you told them that you were at the Institute while you told the Institute you were going back to your parents," Harry said to Kitty and the look that crossed over the brunette young girl's face told Harry all that he needed to know about that. "Yeah, I thought so."

"Well yeah, but….never mind," Kitty offered him, biting down on her lip hard before she happily changed subjects with all the tact of a sixteen, nearly seventeen, year old girl. "So how about this state of the art training room you've got?"

Harry smiled before he took her by the hand. She grasped it firmly as he led the way.

Kitty looked around in amazement, she wished that she had a few more sets of eyes so she could properly see everything that was going on around her. There were far too many details to describe although like with anyone else with a little bit of mental processing, she allowed her imagination to run wild. The brunette shifted her way towards the crystal structures that were down the hallway. She placed a hand on her head.

"So what do you think so far?" Harry asked, he thought a lot about Kitty's opinion and he wanted her input on everything that he did.

Kitty's mouth snapped open into a wide smile before she twisted her expression around into a wide grin. "It's amazing; everything that you've done is amazing."

"It's amazing? How amazing it is?" Harry asked Kitty and the brunette's grin got even wider as she stood on her tip toes and started to bounce up and down in an excited manner.

"Yes, yes, it is," Kitty commented as she stepped inside the training room. "I just can't believe it….well I mean from what you told me, I'm sure you believed it even less than I did."

"There's been something off with me for a while, it's just proof that there was a reason," Harry remarked as Kitty frowned and locked eyes with him.

"Harry, you're unique, that's something that you should embrace," Kitty commented to him in a firm tone of voice before she added in a bright tone of voice. "What is normal out there in the world anyway? I mean….if you consider those Friends of Humanity yahoos to be normal, then that's not something that you want to be considered."

Harry had to agree with this statement one hundred percent and he locked eyes with Kitty as they went face to face.

"So sparring," Kitty told him and Harry's head inclined with a nod along with smile. "Sure you could handle me?"

Harry smiled back towards her before he super sped behind her and grabbed her around the waist, before taking her down with one swift motion. He placed one foot on her upper back to pin her down.

"Yes, I'm sure I could handle you," Harry remarked before he stepped forward. "This room….well it's bombarded with red solar radiation which negates my powers….well mostly."

Kitty nodded, if she had to spar with Harry at full power, he could squash her like an overripe grape. She had to keep the battle even.

"So do you have any other weaknesses?" Kitty asked Harry as she aimed a kick but Harry dodged it. "And if you say the charms of a pretty girl I'll…."

"Wasn't going to," Harry commented as he evaded her attacks. She did pick up her game a little bit but the problem is that when Harry was in the zone, everything moved in slow motion around him. "We all have our weaknesses; it is just a matter of finding and exploiting them."

"You were kind of dazed when all of those meteor rocks from the sky were falling down on your head and you said that knocked you out for almost two weeks," Kitty commented as Harry pivoted around her attack.

She wanted to get one shot in, was that too much to ask?

The brunette swerved around Harry and tried to use everything that she learned in training but the wizard grabbed Kitty around the waist and pinned her against the wall.

"Again, really?" Kitty asked as she struggled out of the hold and Harry placed his hands on the top of her head.

Kitty was going to have to get creative to win this battle. A wicked grin crossed her face as she reached her hand through Harry's pants and dipped inside. Then with another swift movement, her hand closed around him.

Kitty decided to take a walk around the library area in the early part of the morning. While she was not going to obsess about everything, it was amazing what he had stocked piled in here. There were many books about different fighting styles from all over the world, different disciplines of the same art. Including a few that she figured by their apparent age were really rare.

The brunette reached over and saw a case of glowing crystals on the other end of the room. She had no idea what they were or what they did but there was a certain allure of the crystals.

"I would be careful with them; they could react badly to you."

Kitty turned around and saw a blonde haired girl with blue eyes.

"I tried to use one of my mother's crystals as a projectile, it didn't work so well," Kara remarked.

"And by that, you mean you blew up half my lab," Alura commented dryly.

"Mom, I was eight years old!" Kara snapped as she turned to Kitty who was amused. "Oh, I'm Kara by the way and you must be Kitty."

"Yeah, totally," Kitty remarked as she saw Kara bouncing up and down on her heels in a hyperactive manner. She was full of energy; Kitty had to admit that much.

Then it hit Kitty suddenly, it was Kara who was depicted on the scroll on Nova-Roma, and this caused her mind to go into overdrive. A couple months ago, she might have gotten into a snit about something like this but now she was just going to let it go. After she lost Harry, it caused Kitty to reevaluate her life and see what she had to do. She had to step up her game a little bit.

"Oh, Kara, you're….the other one," Kitty commented and she blinked suddenly. "You know….the Kryptonian."

"Yeah, you do know," Kara agreed with a bright smile.

Kitty took this revelation in good grace, given Harry's longevity; it was obvious that Kara would be here a lot longer than she would be. Then again, the brunette reminded herself that being a hero was not a job that was conductive to a person's long term health, regardless of the circumstances. It was one of those here today and gone tomorrow type of things.

The fact was that she could drop dead tomorrow for all she knew after some idiot caught her off guard. Therefore, if Kitty died of a ripe old age after she lost all sense of what was going on around her and stopped giving a fuck about offending anyone, that would be a victory.

That might seem like a depressing thought for an almost seventeen year old girl to make but it was depressingly accurate.

"So….you come from another planet, that must be fascinating," Kitty stated, trying to deviate the subject from her own scatter brained musing.

Kara shrugged. "It's okay I guess…lots of science and stuff, really nothing important."

"But it must have been cool," Kitty pressed Kara.

"I'm sure it sounds cool but the council, they were a bunch of stuffy old men, they wouldn't have known fun if it had slapped them in the face," Kara remarked with a frustrated expression as she bit down on her lip and sighed at the thought of it. "Sorry, I know that I shouldn't but…."

"No it's fine," Kitty told her as she saw the CD that was sticking out of Kara's pocket. "So….you listen to Alison Blaire, too?"

"Yeah, she's really amazing," Kara remarked as she smiled at her.

"Yeah, she's an inspiration, I mean all of the other pop stars, they're like so totally phony, but she's the coolest," Kitty remarked as she was gushing and in fan girl heaven. "I mean, she's so cool and stuff, it's amazing."

"It must really be," Kara commented with a bright smile crossing her face, glad to see that someone shared the same interests in music that she did. The blonde's eyes grew wide eyed and expressive before she added. "I mean after everything, Alison is so awesome, I can't believe that someone like her created something so brilliant."

Kitty nodded before she held the CD. "And this is her….how did you get this so soon? It's been sold out of the stores, thirty minutes before I got there."

Kara smiled a mysterious smile.

"You should have asked Harry, he can do anything," Kara commented to Kitty.

Kitty thought that was an obvious statement; it hit her with a blunt force in the head. Asking Harry was the most obvious path towards getting things done.

"I can see that," Kitty agreed with a smile. "Just wish that I could get to one of her concerts or something."

Kara smiled, she was glad to chime in with a few words of her own. "Well, Alison's coming for a concert here in Bayville, it's in October."

Kitty's eyes brightened up. "Oh, that'd be so totally cool if we went, it'd be like the best in the world."

"It really would," Kara commented, wondering if all human teenagers talked like this or if it was just Kitty.

"It'd be really awesome if we could go," Kitty remarked in an extremely wistful tone of voice and Kara responded with a smile.

"I'm sure there's a way," Kara remarked to Kitty and the brunette mutant shrugged.

"Yeah, but tickets are going to be really hard, I mean you'd have to have some awesome luck," Kitty remarked as she placed her hands on her hips and rolled her shoulders back before peering back up to the sky.

"Are you doubting Harry's ability to get tickets for us?" Kara asked Kitty her eyes narrowed and the brunette shook her head.

"No, no, if you think that he can, that'd be epic," Kitty offered to Kara.

I know he can," Kara remarked smiling brightly as she spun around and heard Jean and Rogue in the distance.

Kitty heard them too and her bright eyes snapped towards them.

"Hey guys," Kitty stated as she moved over to Jean, Rogue, and Rachel.

"Kitty, it's great to see you," Jean remarked in a bright voice as she pulled the younger girl into a hug.

"Good to see you too Jean," Kitty commented with a smile crossing her face as her hands placed on her hips. "You too, Rogue, Rachel."

Rogue smiled. "Don't flatter yourself. I was actually getting a good night sleep without you sawing logs in the room."

"Hey, I don't snore," Kitty offered with a pout across her face, as amusement crossed the face of all of the females that were in the room.

"Sorry, you kind of do,' Jean remarked as Kara smiled in the background, holding back her amusement. "But that's okay, it's forgiven."

"I'm glad to see that I achieve your lofty standards," Kitty commented before she looked at Rachel. "Oh, hey Rachel."

Rachel offered a stiff nod towards Kitty which caused the brunette to turn around.

"You're not mad at me, are you?" Kitty asked Rachel and the red head turned towards her.

"You ran off in the dead of the night to go on some kind of vigilante crusade without warning us and you expect everything to be forgiven," Rachel told her crossly.

"Rachel,' Jean offered in a warning voice and Rogue smiled.

"No, I'm….if she would have stuck around five minutes longer, Harry wouldn't have to come out of the Fortress and risk his life, looking for you," Rachel told Kitty and the brunette threw her hands up.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, but there's a good reason why I was out there," Kitty remarked as she threw her head back. "And I couldn't do it as Shadowcat, because that isn't a face that inspires any fear within people."

"Is it?" Rogue asked her. "So you're that mysterious vigilante that has been popping off the FOH members right and left."

"Yeah, yeah, but I've got a good reason to do it," Kitty offered in a defensive tone of voice as she rolled her shoulders.

"Well we'd like to hear it," Rachel offered her and Kitty smiled.

She knew that she had some explaining to do. Although given what happened with her grandparents, there was no way that she would stand around and let the Friends of Humanity take people out.

Gwen was getting into the full swing of things with her internship. She was slightly intimidated by everything that she had to do, but there were many projects that she was working with. It was good to keep busy.

There were two interns at Stark, one of them at the high school level and one of them at the college level. Gwen was on edge thinking about it but the blonde finally got into the swing of things.

"Could you hand me that component please?" the college intern stated. Gwen only saw her from the back from this point, she had curly brown hair that the blonde could see from behind.

"There you go," Gwen offered before she handed it to the intern.

"I appreciate it this, if we get this apparatus tested for Mr. Stark, we're going to revolutionize free and clean energy," the curly haired brunette stated in an anxious voice before she turned around and faced Gwen with a pair of brown eyes before she spoke. "You know we've been working at the same lab table for the past three hours but….we've never been formally introduced have we?"

Gwen's eyes flashed, that was an oversight that she would have to correct in a little bit.

"Well where are my manners then?" Gwen asked as she extended her hand for it to be shaken. "My name is Gwen Stacy."


The young intern never had a chance to answer as she spun around as she heard a hissing sound off to the side in one of the cabinets. Her dark brown eyes widened as she went towards the source of the sound.

"What is it, what's wrong?" Gwen asked the young woman, biting down on her lip in frustration.

The sound was getting out of control and Gwen wondered if she should call for a professional.

"It's the formula, the experimental one, I'm sure that they've told you about it," the brunette intern stated in an excited tone of voice. She sounded quite hyperactive and could speak without taking a breath. It was quite amusing to Gwen that she spoke in such a manner.

Or least it would be amusing to her if the situation was not about to get so serious.

"It doesn't look safe," Gwen commented as she stepped back. "Perhaps we should…"

"No, I can handle this," the brunette intern stated with a smile across her face. She was only the smartest girl of her age or so people told her.

She was extremely brilliant beyond all measure, and she scratched and clawed for this internship. The woman stepped over and reached the edge of the vault as one of the vials was shaking.

"You know, we should really get someone," Gwen remarked to her.

She didn't need Peter's spider sense to know that something screwy was about to happen. Her nerves were racking through her body and the blonde woman sensed greater danger.

The brunette meanwhile, well she had her own thoughts on what she was doing. The truth was that she was here for more than to make a name for herself, she was here as a double agent from a certain someone who would pay high dollar to get their hands on the Extremis formula. She had been promised a huge job that would set her up for life and given that opportunities like this were few and far between, it was an offer she couldn't refuse.

"I'll just take it to someone," the brunette remarked as she reached forward and took a pair of tongs out, which she used to pull the formula out of it's rack holding it up in front, as a grin passed over her face.

Once again Gwen wondered if this girl had taken complete leave of her senses. It sure seemed that way.

That was the last thing that passed through Gwen's head before she heard the formula start to shriek.

She scrambled towards the exit and the brunette seemed to realize that she'd bitten off more than she could chewed. The formula was in her hands beginning to bubble.

The bubbling lead to a massive explosion that Gwen ducked and rolled in an attempt to avoid it, but she did not get away from the resulting explosion soon enough.

Her body felt like it heated up to an insane degree, before she blacked out and hit the ground with a huge thud.

There was a loud thump of footsteps towards the lab and many frantic yells as Gwen's head rang.

Harry sat at his office desk, scratching together a few notes of things that he had to do next. He was taking look at this material that he had on the church as well.

He had been hiring staff for the past couple of days as well after returning. Harry did remind himself that he would save a lot of money by using Lily, Peve, Alura, and Lara as teachers, all four women were the best in their field at what they did and knew a lot. They each had different areas of expertise as well which was nice, although there would need to be a few more gaps filled in.

Lara was knowledgeable in genetics and medicine, giving that she was a doctor. She also had that uncanny ability to know some of the parts of the body that could cause the most amount of damage and pain that was not fatal. Her knowledge in that degree was useful for combat training, especially as he trained his team to take on deadly enemies.

Alura knew about botany and was also a master of many sciences, a genius inventor who discovered about the Kryptonian abilities that was underneath the yellow sun. She had an uncanny ability to look at the various abilities and help the girls get the most out of them as well. Harry thought that he was fairly decent but after collaborating with Alura, he was able to do even more with them.

The young wizard also thought about Lily, she was a prodigy in many ways and was also taking over with most of the training with Wanda and also Megan and Kara, who were coming into their own magical abilities. Lily made Hermione look like Crabbe and Goyle in the intelligence department.

Peve was also a genius in her right and she created a castle that was several hundred years ahead of its time, some of the concepts that Harry had adapted for the facilities that he made to tighten the security. The magic she used warped reality and made a joke out of psychics, even by the standards of magic.

The emerald eyed wizard smiled as he slowly worked through what needed to do. He was really trying to get everything ready for the next phase of his plans.

There was a sound on his intercom system that brought him out of his work. He was just looking over stock that he wanted to buy. Harry knew that he would not get any work done this way, so he reached over and pressed his hand upon the intercom system.

"There is a call coming in from Stark Industries," the automated system stated in a cold and robotic tone.

Harry mentally reminded himself that he needed a secretary, a hot female one. It was just something that needed to be done. Never the less, the automated system would have to do for now, even though it was extremely cold and impersonal. The wizard twisted his expression as he turned around.

"Put the call on," Harry informed the system.

"Just one moment."

There was a call that clicked on and the voice of Tony Stark came on, along with his holographic image and Harry could already tell that he was nervous about something, never a good sign.

"Hey, Harry, it's me," Tony commented in a calm tone of voice and Harry raised an eyebrow.

It was Tony Stark and he seemed extremely serious, to the point where it was almost alarming. It was never a good sign when someone like Tony Stark was this serious. The green eyed wizard adjusted his positioning and posture.

"I can see that Tony, what can I do for you?" Harry asked in a calm tone of voice.

There was a few seconds where Tony Stark was silent and now Harry wondered what was going on now. The emerald eyed wizard did not think that Stark was calling for idle chatter, due to the look on his face.

"You might have heard that there was an accident at the Stark Industries facility in New York," Tony commented and there was a moment where the silence could be cut with a knife. "Yeah, we need to….well I'll just cut the chase."

"Maybe that would be nice," Harry informed Tony as he drummed his fingers across the edge of the table and waited for the Playboy Billionaire to say something, anything that would tell him what the man was talking about.

"Okay, here's the deal…there was an accident with a formula…the good news is…."

"Stark, I do hope for your sake that this wasn't in the lab that my girlfriend was working in," Harry remarked in a voice colder than the Arctic chill.

The sound of Tony Stark gulping could be heard. Now Harry started to wonder what in the hell Stark got into now.

"Yeah there's the thing, there was kind of sort of an accident," Stark commented, sounding less like a self-assured billionaire playboy and more like the school boy who had been sent to the principal's office for throwing spit balls.

"Well, what accident, accidents at a lab is never a good thing," Harry remarked as he clicked the pen that was on his desk and there was a sense of tension that kept escalating between the two of them.

"Well it's…it's not as cut and dry as you think," Tony offered Harry before he breathed in heavily and breathed out. "You know, it might be a good thing if you come and take care of this in person."

"A sensible suggestion," Harry agreed before he put away what he was working on. The Church could wait. There was something else that he needed to do. "Just hold tight and I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Understood," Tony commented, he could not help but think that he should be lucky that he was not shouted at.

Harry made his way quickly out of his office and nearly ran Kitty over as she was about to knock on his office door.

"What is it?" Kitty asked Harry, she could instinctively sense the intense worry that was dripping from him a mile away and it was causing her a great deal of concern.

Harry was only too happy to elaborate for Kitty. "It's Gwen, Stark just called and there's been an accident at the lab."

"Oh my god, how serious is it?" Kitty asked.

Harry wished that he had more information that he could give her.

"I wish I knew," Harry told her as he grabbed her around the hand. "I need to get there quickly, figure out what's going on."

Kitty nodded in understanding as she walked over with Harry. The brunette made her mind up, even though it sounded like a split decision that resounded in the back in her head.

"I'm coming with you," Kitty told Harry and the dark haired wizard turned towards her. For a second, Kitty thought that there was going to be a protest but to her surprise, Harry decided to incline his head in a nod.

"Yes, Kitty, I understand, Gwen's one of your friends," Harry remarked before he grabbed Kitty's hand and put it on the stone base. "Stark Labs, main lobby."

Kitty and Harry flashed out of the lobby. This method was like Apparation but it took up far less energy, and had less of a chance for random vertigo, which is why Harry preferred it. Actually he preferred flying even more but that was beside the point.

"You really should have thrown out the Extremis formula before now," Pepper commented as she placed her hands on her hips and faced her boss. "We don't even know what happened to the other one."

"Yes, Pepper, you've reminded me again, thanks a bunch," Tony remarked dryly, he felt bad enough about this without a massive guilt trip being laid on him from his colleague. He was dressed in his Iron Man armor, although the face plate was opened so his face could be seen.

"If I had more time…..I could probably think of a way to flush the formula out of her system, but until we the preliminary test results, and know more about what's happening to her internally. I'm not sure if I can do anything."

Janet Van Dyne was the one that said this statement as she crossed her arms. While she may have came across as a ditz obsessed with fashion most of the time, the young woman had also graduated with a PhD in Molecular biology at a young age. She'd come to the tower with Hank Pym in her capacity of his assistant. The membership to the Avengers was still being offered to them and one was taking it far more seriously than the other.

"Jan, it's not that cut and dry," Hank stated as he turned around to look at the stabilized form of Gwen Stacy lying on the table. Her skin constantly alternated between extremely hot and extremely cold. "Her biology is being changed in ways that….I'm not even sure if I can even begin to figure out how."

"Maybe we should get Reed Richards on the line," Tony stated and Hank's eyes flashed in annoyance.

"I can handle this," Hank commented in annoyance as he tried to scan her for any residue. "It's….she hasn't been infected by the formula in any way."

"Oh thank God."

Tony Stark was not a religious man by any means but he would thank him for something like that. There was a few seconds at the very least where he thought that he was out of the woods and he spun around to face Pym whose mouth contorted.

"I wouldn't thank him yet," Pym offered as he kept his eyes on the scans that were being done on Gwen.

There was a knock on the door that brought them out of it.

"I'll get it!" Jan yelled, trying to make use of herself. She rushed over and reached towards the door, grabbing the handle she pulled it open.

She stopped as she saw the six foot tall hunk of male perfection with muscles upon muscles, in a tight t-shirt and leather pants. This caused her brain to go numb for a few seconds before Jan remembered that words were conductive to speech.

"Um, hi," Jan squeaked before she realized how lame that sounded. She shook her head and tried in a more authoritative voice. "What…..what can I do for you?"

"Hello, I'm here to see Tony Stark," Harry commented in his most brisk tone of voice. Normally he would be kind of amused by her antics but he was here for a reason.

Jan nodded and her mouth opened.

"Harry, good to see you," Tony offered in a casual voice as he made his way over from the lab, seeing Harry and Kitty standing in the doorway. He was all too casual for what happened and the wizard did not return to the jovial smile. "Right…not here for small talk, Hank Pym, Janet Van Dyne, this is Harry Potter."

'That's the fruit loop who's obsessed with ants,' Kitty projected to Harry mentally.

'Kitty,' Harry told her in a mocking voice.

'Did I just….'

'I can read minds, remember, copied that power from Jean or maybe Rachel,' Harry thought to her.

"Charmed," Harry commented as he took Jan's hand, and kissed it, before he turned to Pym and the two had a stiff and extremely awkward handshake. "So where is…."

"Well we're not sure what happened but Gwen is stabilized," Tony offered before he placed his hand on his head and braced himself for the uncomfortable explanation that was soon to follow. "There might be a tiny bit of a problem."

Harry turned towards him and his eyebrow raised.

"What kind of problem?" Harry asked in his coolest tone and this was the kind of tone that sent shivers down the spine of Tony Stark.

Tony arched his head up before he turned towards him. "It's an advanced formula, it's Extremis, it was supposed to establish a neurological network between a human and a computer system."

"Which cannot be safely done with any kind of human technology," Harry remarked as he peered at Stark and there was a time where the air chilled well.

"Hey….it could be done….but there were certain complications with the test subjects," Stark remarked as he nervously surveyed Harry. "They were fine…you know for a couple of hours."

Kitty now had her eyes on Stark and he felt like he was on trial.

"You know….before their bodies….well….burst into flames," Tony commented.

It was now that Tony was glad that he decided to put his Iron Man armor on.

It had been a really long time since Harry lost control of his emotions and his magic.


Iron Man went flying without aid of his armor due to a high powered banishing charm and he was knocked through three sets of walls before he flew out of Stark Industries and landed with a splash in the polluted river below.

Jan whistled in amusement.

Through one of the holes, Clint Barton poked his head out before he offered Harry an appraising nod.

"Nice shot," Clint commented as he surveyed the aftermath.

"Aye, verily," Thor added with an approving smile.

Harry did not have any time to take in these words of praise as the communication for the Iron Man armor came to light.

"I'm okay," Tony stated as he started to fish himself out of the water.

"Harry," Gwen breathed as she felt her head was on fire and the lights in the lab began to flicker.

"Gwen, I'm here," Harry told her as he grabbed his girlfriend's hand.

"I wouldn't grab that if I were you you'd get b….never mind," Pym stated before he saw Harry grip Gwen's hand and hold it tightly without being burned.

"What's wrong, Gwen, where does it hurt?" Harry asked her but Gwen was unable to formulate a response straight away.

"Can't think, too many thoughts, I see everything, connected to me, the entire system," Gwen offered and Harry tried to situate her.

There was a buzzing that came over the intercom and Pepper decided to take the initiative due to Tony being indisposed.

"Yes, JARVIS, what is it?" Pepper asked in a crisp and business like tone of voice.

"We have a problem," JARVIS stated in a brisk tone.

"Other than Tony taking a swim in the Hudson, you mean," Pepper commented lightly.

"A group of what appears to be unruly bee keepers are trying to break in through the bottom level," JARVIS informed them.

Clint whistled as he heard it immediately. "AIM….and please tell me you have better security than Xavier."

The lights went off in the lab as the power was cut from the building. Which more or less answered Clint's question of whether or not the security at the tower was just as shitty as that at the Institute.

"So who is AIM?"

Harry asked that question as he continued to hold onto Gwen's hand.

"Well, that's….well that's a long story," Clint offered Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes as he told the archer. "Then you better get started."