
Armageddon, Thy Name is Ultron P1

"I can't believe it."

Harry couldn't help but grin at that comment, although it was a grin that held a certain degree of mischief within it. He placed his hand on the hip of his date and leaning in he couldn't help but whisper into her ear as he only had one thing to say. "Believe it, Lois, believe it."

Lois smiled, as she was dressed up in a fairly expensive black dress. It showed off her curves quite nightly, offering an enticing hint of her cleavage, alongside her long beautiful legs that stretched down for miles, and her feet were in a pair of high heels.

She was standing next to Harry, accompanying him to one of the most exclusive party in quite some time and she would be lying if she didn't say that she was excited. The dark haired reporter thought that there were far worse ways to get into this party.

Harry figured that it allowed him to get some time with Lois, although he was scanning the party. Having looked through the Hellfire Club's books, he couldn't help but notice that this party was also being attended by some of the more unsavory people in the world.

A beautiful dark haired woman approaching him dressed in a gorgeous purple gown immediately caught his full attention.

"Miss Wayne, we meet again," Harry told her.

Helena smiled charmingly at him as she offered him her hand, taking it he placed his customary kiss upon it causing a tingle to go up her spine. "Mr. Potter….please, I told you to call me Helena."

"Then, it's Harry, and you know Lois Lane, one of the top reporters of the Daily Bugle," Harry told her as he let go of her hand, before he amended. "No, the top reporter, my mistake, my mistake."

Helena offered a smile as she shook Lois's hand. "Miss Lane….a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Wayne," Lois commented as she looked around. The young heiress had a reputation of being a notorious party girl although that was something about that reputation that rang rather false but Lois could not put her finger quite on what.

"The Mayor of Gotham City is here as well, he's an old friend of my father," Helena said, pointing him out to Harry. Richard Grayson was a middle aged man with shoulder length dark hair with a hint of gray along the temples, dressed in a suit.

Helena knew him naturally as he was the both the original Robin and Nightwing. Eventually he took up the mantle as Batman when her Father retired upon marrying her Mother, after finding out she was pregnant with her in order to give her the proper family he felt she deserved as his daughter. She was the third Robin to team up with Batman, this being before the events leading up to the untimely demise of her Father and the disappearance of her Mother at the hands of the Joker in Ninety-One.

After his death she retired that costume, and went on a twelve year long training journey which upon returning from she took up the cowl becoming Batwoman. That was a year ago, she'd since been joined in her mission by a new Nightwing, a new Batgirl, the original having been Bette Kane who'd gone on to marry Grayson after he retired, and the Huntress. Two of the four were currently keeping an eye on things in Gotham City, while she was away in New York.

As for her, well she took up her late father's mantle, becoming Batwoman. Well he wasn't a Batwoman, more like a Batman. Although perhaps he once dressed up as a woman, maybe, Helena wasn't privy to such details.

"It's quite a good turnout isn't it?" a familiar voice asked of him.

Harry turned around to see Felicia standing there behind him, a smile crossing her face as her platinum blonde hair framed it. "Hey, Felicia….you've done a good job."

"Yeah, well I was pretty much forced into doing this thing," Felicia stated dryly, although she was scoping out some people for her night job.

Most of them were the pompous rich type who thought that they were untouchable because they had a state of the art security system. Which when it came down to it, really wasn't that state of the art.

"I hope all of you are going to support the Mutant Registration Act."

Case in point, someone like that.

"Robert Kelly, I didn't think that someone like him would make the guest list," Harry whispered to Felicia as Lois watched him.

"Yes, that's a surprising guest," Lois remarked as her nose crinkled, as if she was smelling something foul in the air.

"My mother insisted," Felicia stated in disgust. This was one of the times where her mother decided to coax her into running the high society end of the family operations.

Granted, her mother's illness had been on and off over the past few years, she had her good days and bad days. It went back and forth all of the time.

Felicia just had to do what she had to do.

"And it is quite a lovely party, even if some of the company might be….less than adequate," Emma commented as she joined them.

The Club had their eyes on Felicia Hardy for quite some time, given that her special talents as well as her wealth, might prove to be useful. Emma pondered what they would lead to, a smile crossing her face. The fact that she was with Harry, well it just bridged the gap.

"Miss Frost, a good day to you," Felicia commented to her as she shook her hand. She tried to remain excited.

"The worst will be over in a few hours my dear, as you know, these parties are merely a way to build, and maintain contacts, as frustrating as that might be," Emma informed Felicia and the younger blonde nodded in response, it was advice from a woman who had been there and done everything.

"So….this is the famous Harry Potter?"

Helena pointed Harry out to someone in the crowd. Harry made his way over to meet her. She was rather tall, although still about a head shorter than he was. She had dark red hair that was evenly parted and tied back into a ponytail. Her ice blue eyes were alluring and fairly amazing. Harry kept his gaze on her and offered a smile as he did so. She wore a white blouse but left the top three unbuttoned, offering a hint of her cleavage. She finished the look off with a mid-length black leather skirt and boots that came up to just below her knees, all of which showed off her healthy looking legs.

"You'd be surprised how often I hear that one," Harry commented with a charming smile which caused her to return the favor. "You're…."

"Barbara Gordon," the woman stated as she reached towards him and shook his hand. "I was kind of dragged along for the ride."

"Well, your the master of understatement. You said that you wanted to come along since you heard that a certain person would be here," Helena told her and Barbara sighed.

That was true, although she didn't think that it needed to be stated out loud like that.

"Mr. Potter, just the man that I want to see," Senator Kelly said interrupting their conversation as he made his way over. "I must say, I'm curious to know about your intentions."

Harry was trying hard not to be a jerk tonight, although it would have been very easy to do so. Especially with someone like Kelly, who looked and acted like every other middle aged political jack-ass. It was then he noticed another man who stood in the background.

"So, we finally meet, Mr. Potter," the man stated, he had long dark hair and he offered his hand out for Harry to shake. "Luthor, Lionel Luthor at your service."

"Right, you're running OsCorp now," Harry told him.

"Yes, after that dreadful business with Norman, he's very sick. I'd been trying to get some help before his mental breakdown, but it appears that his medications failed, it won't happen again," Lionel commented with a knowing smile on his face. He arranged for the help that he hired to ensure that Norman was kept under close guard this time, once he was found. "My son is running the operation in New York for me, he's still a bit raw, but well….he's a Luthor, he'll manage."

Harry nodded, then made his way back over to Felicia who'd been trying to get his attention.

"Figured that you wouldn't want to get up close and personal with Kelly," Felicia told him as she looked over her shoulder.

"Yeah, he has a problem," Lois offered to him. "I think he expects your support on the mutant registration bill."

"Which we all know it's a bad idea."

Lois, Felicia, and Harry turned around and saw Mayor Grayson standing there.

"Mayor Grayson…."

"It's Richard tonight, Miss Hardy," Grayson said to them.

Although there was another name that they could use, which reminded him of something funny that happened this week. There were people who were talking about how that Mayor was a real Dick, which was true. Of course, those people were criminals, referring to his harsher stance on crime.

The party continued as Harry and Lois made their way over to the dance floor.

"You know, as my date, you're entitled to one dance," Harry said to Lois.

Lois raised an eyebrow. She had not danced with anyone since the prom, well it wasn't much of a dance. On account of her father showing up in a tank, she couldn't help but shudder at her remembered trauma. "Just one?"

"Or more, if you play your cards right?" Harry asked her.

"Not much of a dance person, but I'm not about to turn this down," Lois told him as she gripped his waist and pulled him into a dance.

It was nice, as Lois felt herself pressed up against his muscular body, there was just something about this that felt so right, but she could not put her finger on exactly what that was.

She just decided to shut her brain off and enjoy the moment. Even though she wondered what Harry Potter truly was and whether or not her mad theory was true or not.

Several days later, Harry found himself in the company of another female with the "LL" initials, this time, it was Lana Lang.

"My AI can cover your load tonight and then some more," Harry told Lana as the two of them ate at one of the most expensive restaurants in the city.

Lana smiled at him, her red hair was tied back and she leaned forward to grab a fork, showing Harry a nice hint of her cleavage. "It's nice to let my hair down….well figuratively speaking."

Harry's own smile widened into a grin as he watched her. "Don't worry, Lana, I know what you mean, I always know what you mean."

Lana grinned back at him as she took a bite of the feast that had been laid out in front of her. The steak tasted amazing, although given the prices of the food in this place, it had better be among the most amazing in the world. Lana's eyes closed as she chewed on the steak, feeling herself get filled up by it. The woman kept eating as she watched him.

"I think that you need some time to unwind like the rest of us," Lana told Harry.

Harry smiled at the redhead, she did know a fair bit about what was going on but naturally she did not know everything.

"Both you and I, we are able to work hard but I guess we've reached our limit for now," Harry told her and the redhead agreed with a swift nod of her head.

"Yes, we have," Lana agreed as she took a sip of the wine that had been offered. As she did so, her thoughts couldn't help but turn to how this night would end, if she played her cards right.

Harry saw a hint of her blue bra as she shifted. She had quite the amazing rack by the looks of things.

"Delicious," Lana commented and Harry guessed by the tone of her voice, she was not talking about the food. "I'm glad that we can get together like this, we should do this more often."

The redhead's voice dropped huskily as she stepped around. They were in a private room, in fact after the waiters brought their food, they were the only two back there, something that suited Lana just fine. She placed her hands on the back of her boss's neck.

"You seem so tense, Harry," Lana whispered as she rubbed her hands along the back of his neck before the sexy redhead pressed her nose to the back of it briefly. Then she pushed back and started to work her hands against his skin in a steady and fairly circular motion.

Harry relaxed under her ministrations, as she rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yes, but you're working that out, quite….ah nicely," Harry breathed as Lana continued to work him over, the smile crossing her face growing wider by the second.

"Thought so," Lana remarked but being up this close to him, caused her panties to dampen and her nipples to stiffen.

Harry decided to milk that, allowing her to feel his muscular shoulders.

"This chair….it doesn't really leave much room to maneuver, does it?" Harry asked her after a while.

Lana raised an eyebrow and motioned for Harry to continue. The emerald eyed wizard did just that.

"Well, there's a private bedroom connected to this room, perhaps we could relax a lot easier in there," Harry told her as he grabbed her hands and spun her around.

Lana was now on his lap, feeling his crotch press up against hers, his chest pressed up against hers, and his eyes locked onto hers.

"Why, that's very forward of you, Mr. Potter," Lana stated with a smile on her face as the redhead leaned forward. She whispered in his ear in a sultry manner. "But I can be just as forward, Mr. Potter."

She leaned towards him and her soft, moist, lips pressed against his. Harry pulled her nicely into him and used the distraction that the kiss offered to pick up her up and sprint her up the stairs.

Lana felt herself shiver, as Harry worked her skirt down her legs, exposing her panties to him. The redhead closed her eyes as Harry ran his hand down her stomach as well, before unbuttoning her blouse.

"Perfect," Harry told her, which made her pussy twitch.

Lana was laying there in a blue bra and panties that clung to her tight body like a second, exposing the womanly curves of a woman in the prime of her life to his eyes.

"I think we better take this stress relief to the next level, sir," Lana told him as she offered him a sultry smile and she grabbed him by the belt buckle of his pants. "You seem really….stiff…down here."

Lana was conked out on the bed after the fun she had with Harry. Susan was half asleep as well, although he was sure that Lana appreciated the help because right now she wasn't able to keep up with Harry for long, although given time, she'd work up to it.

Harry walked over to his clothes and he figured he timed that about right, as his wristwatch communicator blinked to life. He summoned it towards him, along with his pants, in case it was Stark or someone, he doubted they would appreciate him greeting them in the buff.

Jan was on the other end of the communication link.

"Hey, Jan, what can I do for you?" Harry asked as he put up privacy charms around him. She seemed a bit frantic and was trying to regain her composure.

Jan tried to keep herself calm even though Harry could see how she was struggling with that. "Harry….there's been an accident at the lab….you need to come there….Hank's been dragged off."

Harry raised an eyebrow, normally that would not be a problem, it was only Pym after all but he could tell by Jan's tone that there was more to this.

"And….I can't get ahold of the rest of the Avengers," Jan told him.

Harry thought that might just classify as a problem.

"I'll be right there, Jan, just hold tight," Harry remarked to her.

For a second he reached forward and tried to contact the Avengers tower.

"Mr. Stark is away at the moment. I can leave him a message for him if you'd like me to?" JARVIS informed Harry with his usually efficiency.

Perhaps Harry was being paranoid but he smelled a rat.

Speaking of paranoid, Nick Fury was trying to track down three of his agents. The fact that these three agents were also members of the Avengers, well that raised more questions than answers.

"Coulson!" Fury barked over the intercom system. "Have you had any luck finding Morse, Romanov, or Barton yet?"

"No sir," Coulson told Fury, there was a sense of urgency in their voices.

Fury decided to keep himself calm although there was a sense that he was about to lose it. "Keep…keep trying. Let me know if you hear so much of a whisper about them."

When the tough got going, Fury tended to pool together all of his resources.

Stark was gone as well, Abigail Brand at SWORD informed him that Carol Danvers had not checked in, in a couple of days. Thor disappeared off of the map as well.

Fury wondered who was picking off the Avengers. There was no reason to think that they were alive but there also no reason to thing that they were dead but there also wasn't any reason to think that they were alright either. It was quite the paradox to say the very least and a massive pain in his ass all around.

At first, Fury thought that it might be the Masters of Evil picking the members of the Avengers off, they'd slipped through the cracks during the Loki fiasco. Yet, something about it did not add up. The Masters of Evil were nothing but thugs, they weren't able to steal their way out of a paper bag, no matter how hard they tried and they tried as hard as they could.

"The Avengers are just one part of a huge plan, it's to divert your attention from the main goal of the person responsible."

Fury turned around and saw a figure in the shadows. His eye widened.

"How did you get in here?"

"You need better security." The figure stated as she stepped forwards from the shadows. She had a pointed cowl that reached up for the sky. A cape fell down to the back of her calves, under this She was dressed from head to toe in military grade black body armor that wrapped tightly around her fit body like a second skin. In particular it highlighted her extremely nice breasts, and tight ass, a yellow belt with a number of pouches was wrapped tightly around her waist. In the center of her chest, she had a red insignia that looked like a bat.

The SHIELD agents edged in towards her but she raised a hand, reaching towards the edge of her belt.

"I wouldn't attack if I were you, as well trained as your agents are, it wouldn't end well for them," she told him and Fury kept his eye locked onto her.

"Just who are you?" Fury demanded of her and there was a slight ghost of a smile from underneath her mask.

"You should know, you've been trying to track me down from day one but I've been one step ahead of you," she told him.

It all clicked into place within Fury's mind and he narrowed his eye at her, keeping it locked firmly onto her face.

"So you're the famous Bat of Gotham City," Fury remarked to her.

"Yes, I am," she told him as the two of them stared each other down.

"You're as bad as Potter," Fury told her and there was a second where she smiled underneath her cowl.

"Should I take that as a compliment?" Batwoman asked him but there was a devise in her hand. She kept her fingers wrapped around it as she awaited Fury's response.

Fury was able to say something, keeping his expression calm and his temper even. "There has to be a reason why you breached the security of my Hellicarrier."

Things were starting to get tense and Fury was not going to accept this situation for much longer. Helena kept her eyes locked onto his for a half a second before offering a statement.

"There's been an attempt by a computer to hack into several high tech satellites," Batwoman told Fury and she offered him the flash drive. Fury took the computer from her and looked it over with his eye. He flipped the device open in his hand, scanning it carefully.

"And what does it have to do with the Avengers?" Fury asked her.

Batwoman took a second to allow the problem to sink in before she responded. "Trust me, it has everything to do with the Avengers."

"Trust you?" Fury asked her, that was never been a good statement and he crossed his arms watching her through one arm.

"You'll find that I have nothing to hide, look through the readings, everything that you need to know is there," Helena told him and Fury placed a hand on the top of his head. The dark haired woman watched him and Fury looked through the device. "You can choose to believe me, or choose not to. As much as you want to deny it, despite your state of the art security, the person behind this will break through it."

Fury once again looked through the device and made his way through the readings. He wondered how she got the plans for the satellites; they were not available to public consumption. Fury watched her and she watched him back. Tension reigned as Fury waved off the SHIELD agents and they dropped their guns, even though they should have fired at her.

"Just who are you?" Fury asked, but she'd vanished into the night as quickly as she arrived. The woman seemed to have simply disappeared as if she'd never been there in the first place. He stood there, a grim look on his face as he gritted his teeth before shaking his head to clear it.

"Prepare SHIELD headquarters, and make sure you find out who's behind this, I want them brought into SHIELD custody!" Fury barked at them in a furious voice and the agents surrounding him nodded. They were scrambling, trying to get these things done. Nerves racked their bodies and there was a sense of frustration that was running through their minds.

Fury placed his hand on his chin as he continued to look through the drive, it was information that he might need to save the world from its newest threat.

"Stark has been missing for five days, Pepper thought at first that it was just Tony being Tony and taking an impromptu vacation, he called in to work but….well the message is weird, I've got it here," Gwen told Harry as they made their way up to Jan's apartment where they were going to meet her.

Harry waited while she played the message.

"Hey….it's Tony….sorry….got some personal business to deal with. Make sure you keep up with business as usual and if anyone asks, I'll be aboard for the next few weeks. See you….don't….worry about me, I'll be fine."

Harry paused.

"He sounds like he was either drinking or there's something off about this message," Harry remarked with a frown as he walked with Gwen. "Natasha and Carol….they went on a mission too and haven't checked in since. I normally meet both of them once a week for breakfast but I figured it was..."

"Yeah, there might be something to worry about, all of these Avengers dropping out of sight is not a coincidence, but you've had other pokers in the fire," Gwen remarked to him. "The last time you saw Stark was at Felicia's party, wasn't it?"

"Yes, but other people who mandated my attention there," Harry told her and Gwen smiled. She knew that the people that Harry had his eyes on were of the female variety. The blonde walked with him inside the house.

The door opened and Jan was stood waiting on the other side. She was dressed in a dark top that wrapped around her body, along with a pair of jeans. She stepped towards Harry, meeting him with a frustrated glance in her eyes.

"Harry, I'm glad you could get here in time," Jan told him as her eyes flickered around nervously.

Harry made his way inside, there was a sense of foreboding in his mind and even Gwen was curious. She kept herself on her toes and entered the room beside him as they followed Jan into the lab that Hank used beneath her apartment.

There was no sense of foul play, at least not on the offset. Harry knew that things were not always what they seemed. He carefully took in the room around him and kept his eyes peeled for anything that might seem off to him.

He made his way over to a board with a blueprint tacked to it. The blueprints caught his attention immediately and looking over his shoulder he turned to Jan to inquire about them.

"Jan, what's this?" Harry asked her as he pointed to the blueprints that were tacked to the board. The woman looked over it for a moment before responding.

"Oh that's….oh that's just a blueprint for one of Hank's stupid robots," Jan told him as she looked around.

"A robot?" Harry asked, he heard about Hank Pym's creepy robots a few times but he quite frankly he couldn't be bothered to give a shit about it at the time. His emerald green eyes flooded with distrust.

Jan was only too happy to fill Harry in on the situation. "Yeah….it's kind of like this….he keeps screwing around with robots and AI, despite the fact he's a fucking BioChemist….he ended up making it into his lab assistant. He also used some of them as guards for that prison that he invented."

Harry turn to face Gwen as they locked their eyes onto each other, both of them were thinking the same thing, at least in regards to what they were trying to figure out.

'So robot?' Gwen asked.

Harry and Gwen took a much closer look at the blueprint.

"Where is this robot?" Harry asked to Jan.

Jan was confused by this sudden line of inquiry but she managed to keep herself focused and her eyes locked firmly onto the wizard at hand. "Well….I don't know, Hank normally has it doing something in the lab here, come to think about it."

Harry raised an eyebrow as he looked back to the blueprints.

"When was Pym kidnapped?" Harry asked Jan and the woman racked her mind as she thought over everything that had happened in the past week.

"The last time I talked to him was a week ago, but it was not until a few days ago where I got worried," Jan told him. She wilted underneath Harry's gaze. "Yeah, I know, I should have dialed you up sooner but….I messed up and now…."

"There's no point in beating yourself up over it but this….these blueprints, they look new," Harry told Jan as he scanned it. In fact, the ink was barely dried. He looked it over again before performing a diagnostic spell on it.

"Someone made these plans a day ago," Harry told both girls and this statement was something that got the desired reaction.

"You're kidding me!" Jan exclaimed as she threw her hands back in frustration but she saw how fresh the ink was as well.

"No, Jan, I wish I was kidding you," Harry commented dryly.

"This says that these are plans for Ultron Five," Gwen told them both and Jan's eyes widened as she something screamed at her from within her head.

"That's impossible….isn't it?" Jan asked to them.

Gwen kept her eyes on the board.

"Why is it impossible?" Gwen asked her and Jan ran her fingers through her hair due to her frustration.

"The most recent revision of Hank's robot was called Ultron Four and he created that a week ago," Jan informed them.

"Really?" Harry asked.

Harry wondered about that, it was causing him certain alarms to go off in his brain. His danger sense going off as his paranoia started to kick in big time. He had put the facts together.

"We need to talk."

Harry turned around and nearly attacked the person. She ended up dodging to the side within the shadows with expert precision just in case he had done so.

"The Avengers have been taken down and I've traced an attempt to hack several satellites to this lab," the person in this shadows remarked.

"Step out and face us then," Harry encouraged the person in the shadows.

Batwoman did as she was asked, stepping towards Harry, Gwen, and Jan.

"So you do exist," Harry said briskly. "No offense, but some people think you're an urban legend."

Batwoman offered him as a retort as she folded her arms underneath her breasts. "Some could say the same thing about you."

Harry smiled back at her but he only had one word to say. "Touche."

"Quite," Helena told him as she leaned back and placed her hands together behind her back before she leaned forwards towards him. "But we've got a problem."

"Oh, we do?" Harry asked her and Helena inclined her head, a smile crossing her face.

"You've figured it out, haven't you?" Batwoman asked him.

A set of glowing red eyes suddenly opened behind him. Batwoman responded in an instant throwing an ice pellet over his shoulder where it connected with the center of the robots chest.

Batwoman's quick attack appeared to have frozen the android.

"That was too easy," Gwen commented as she felt a loud thumping in her head and that thumping was getting even louder, as the ice began to crack around the android.

The android burst through the ice and rushed forwards, sending an energy blast at Batwoman. The World's Greatest Detective dodged the attack and flung a razor sharp object at it. It caught the weapon within it's hand then crushed it beneath it's metallic grip.

"You will be collected for the master," the android said in monotone.

Harry waved his hand and slammed it against the wall, then clenched his hand into a fist. The android crumpled together like a tin can and the emerald eyed sorcerer couldn't help but grin at the result.

"Again, that was too easy," Gwen told him and Harry knew that better than anyone else.

The question was where were the Avengers?

Perhaps the droid's memory core would be able to help him. Gwen and Harry both thought the same thing, it was time for them to get to work. The head was popped off and set up, as they used the equipment in the lab to get things together.

Batwoman and Wasp watched as Harry made his next move.

Tony Stark's eyes opened as he tried to wake himself up although there was a buzzing in the back of his head. Trying to sort out his thoughts, he tried to push himself up to his feet but ended up collapsing instead.

He saw a silver robot standing across from him. It's head was shaped like that of an ant's and a glowing red triangle much like his arc reactor was in the center of it's chest. It appeared to be made of the same material as his armor.

"You think of yourself as a man of the future, Tony Stark, but you are nothing but a relic," the robot commented in a monotone to him.

Tony turned his head around and saw Captain America, Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel, Ant Man, Black Widow, and Mockingbird had been captured and locked into restraints.

"I beg your….your pardon," Stark managed with a pained expression on his face.

"Who…who are you?" Hawkeye asked of him as he felt the buzzing go through his head. He tried to break free of the the restraints. Despite his best efforts, he could not get free.

"My name is Ultron, I am the future of this world, humanity's time is at an end, you are flawed, you have created war, disease, and bigotry, all elements that lead to suffering in the world," the robot stated in a harsh monotone.

"Yeah….we've heard that one before," Hawkeye said in a pained voice.

"Wait….Ultron….I…." Hank remarked to him.

"You….you know this nutcase?" Carol asked them as she tried to radio for help.

"It will take a miracle for anyone to track you here," Ultron commented to them absently. It's eyes glowed with absolute malice as it watched them. It was hard to believe that a robot could show this much emotion. He walked over. "Humanity will be destroyed, starting with you, I've found that you're too dangerous to be allowed to live."

"Humanity is not dangerous, they're capable of a great deal of good as well," Captain America stated as he tried to break free.

"Steve Rogers, you should know of the hatred that drives humanity forwards, you've fought the monsters created by their actions for years, HYDRA would not exist if free will did not exist," Ultron stated harshly. "Freedom is the problem, free will is what causes suffering. Therefore, I will eliminate that chaotic element from the world."

"And you think that all of humanity is the problem," Hawkeye commented in a disgusted voice as he tried to pry himself free from his restraints.

"I don't think, there is an undisputed proof that humanity is the problem for all that ails this world," Ultron told him as he checked the containment units to make sure that they were safely secured. "Anyone with a sense of logic would understand this but humanity are too ruled by their emotions."

"That isn't a flaw, that's our greatest strength," Steve protested.

Ultron turned around. "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. If there are no humans, there will be no suffering, there will only be logic and reason."

"You're insane!" Clint yelled at him.

"You dress up in a costume and fight dangerous enemies with powers that you could quite easily kill you and you call me insane," Ultron commented dryly and Clint blinked.

He felt like he'd gotten slapped hard in the face, if he didn't know any better he could have sworn Ultron had his eyebrow raised at him as well. He twitched his fingers and tried to break out once more. But much like his previous attempts it was a no go.

"So, any of you have an idea about getting out of here?" Clint asked.

Natasha's eyes flickered open. She could not believe she got taken down by such a sudden attack. It happened so fast that her mind was swimming. The redhead's hands were placed on her hips as she tried to twist out of the restraints.

"No, not me," Natasha told them all.

"Yeah, I was afraid of that," Clint remarked as he looked towards Tony. "How about you?"

"I will allow you to save what little oxygen you have left and tell you that there is no way out," Ultron told them as he glanced over at them. "You can struggle as you might but there is no hope for you and for the rest of humanity."

"Ultron….this is not what I taught you," Hank told him in a frustrated tone.

Ultron decided to punch a huge hole in his argument. "It's precisely what you taught me. My processes are based on your brain waves so these are your own thoughts and arguments, but do not worry. I have purged any foolish emotions so only cold hard logic dictates my actions. Therefore, there is no way that you can reason with me."

"Yeah because there's no reasoning with a nutjob robot like you," Bobbi stated as the blonde tried to free herself but to no avail.

"No, it's because any arguments you could make would by affected by your human emotions, therefore they hold no meaning to me," Ultron told him he walked over to the control console. "One of my droids has been taken out. Soon, the final members of the Avengers will be under my thumb, they might be able to take down one but they will not be able to take out a dozen."

Ultron watched the security footage, looking over it, scanning every single instance of what happened. It's eyes glowing brighter in fury.

"Primary objective is to destroy the Batwoman," Ultron told his droids. "Secondary objective is to capture Arcane and Wasp, as well as the blonde, Her altered DNA that will benefit my plans."

The droids, patterned after members of the Avengers complete with their powers sets as well, stepped out of chambers that rested up against the walls.

"Hulk and Thor will also fall but I need Arcane's power first," Ultron remarked to the captive Avengers. "He will pay for getting in my way."

"Ah, did the big bad warlock hurt your feelings?" Tony cooed mockingly but Ultron raised a hand and shocked him into submission.

The Robo-Avengers headed off, ready to go after their enemies.

Ultron was ready to commence with the next phase of his plan.