
Chapter Thirty: Secret Invasion Part Three.

Chapter Thirty: Secret Invasion Part Three. 

Harry dropped down to the ground and looked around. Karen and Faora followed him. The Skrulls had been unmasked and without strong leadership, they were running around in a frantic state. They scrambled around like chickens with their heads cut off.

That did not make them any les dangerous. Especially after the point where they adapted many of the powers of Earth's heroes. So things were just getting started.

"So, you've managed to unmask them, that's only half of the battle, isn't it?" Rose asked as she turned up, firing upon everything that moved. "The rest of Fury's team will be here, I just took a short cut."

There was an explosion on the stage and Rose's lips curled into a smile. "Actually one of them is here. Plastique enjoys her work, perhaps a bit too much. As long as you keep her on a short leash though, she should be pretty fine."

"Oh, I'm sure you enjoy keeping women on leashes," Harry commented lightly which caused Faora and Karen to snicker.

SHIELD arrives on the ground, scattering their troops and preparing for the attack.

"Of for God's sake, people were getting on without electronics for years, now move!" Maria yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Hello, Maria, long time no see or should I say Director Hill?" Fury commented as he casually blasted one of the Skrulls with a weapon. Just as another woman, a larger black woman turned up.

"Ah, Amanda Waller-Fury, it's a pleasure to meet you," Harry commented casually as she nailed one of the Skrulls with a blast from her laser weapon.

"I'd like to say as much, although I wish it was under better circumstances," Waller stated as she blasted another Skrull, knocking him down hard.

"I'm sure this is not the way you wanted to spend your anniversary," Harry offered her and Waller smiled.

"Actually, this is the perfect way to spend our anniversary, but thanks for asking," Waller commented as she netted two more Skrull quite nicely. "Nicky baby, you're slacking, I've already nabbed twice as many Skrull as you have."

Karen could barely hide the grin that appeared over her face as she flew into the Skrull and knocked them down. They landed on the ground with a solid set of cracks. The blonde looked rather pleased with her efforts but there was a sense of dread that she stated with her next words.

"It can't be that easy."

'We're going to find the device, then we'll shut it down, and it should be smooth sailing from there,' Gwen stated, enjoying how much of a challenge this was starting to become.

'Just stay focused and we'll get this done, as soon as possible,' Harry thought to her and Gwen nodded with a smile appearing over her face.

More Skrulls dropped down, with Faora and Karen in some informal competition to see who could take the most of them out. The Nullification device was doing a good job in making them rather lazy and unable to fight even a little bit. The two Kryptonians offered wide grins

Veranke was lead in with Jean, Kitty, and Kara as she watched her Skrulls and their plan crumble into pieces. It was not bad enough where they offered a brutish way of attack, no it was even worse that they were losing. That was something that put a sour taste in the Queen's mouth as she watched them. She found herself watching Harry fight circles around them.

"Okay, I'm going to ask you one time, where is the Master Planner?" Harry demanded but the Skrull shook his head.

"I don't know, I really don't….get your filthy Kryptonian hands….."

"That was a bad answer," Faora commented as she pulled him from Harry's grasp and slammed the Skrull face first into the ground. "Tell me you worthless lizard, who is he?"

"I don't….we couldn't even find that out, but he assured us that he was replaced, he gave us proof, things that only a Skrull could know," the Skrull managed, he could barely speak. He was ground into the ground, Faora's boot in the back of his head.

"Well, there's someone who takes some pride in their work," Deadpool stated as he stabbed a Skrull in the chest. "Don't worry, I'm sure it won't unalive them."

'What are you talking about, of course it will?' one of the voices in Deadpool's head stated.

'Shh,' one of the other voices whispered, hushing the others.

Deathstroke came down with two swords and hacked into two more Skrull. Quake showed up and knocked them down. Her attacks caused them to topple to the ground like nine pins.

Dinah turned up and her Canary cry was a good enough blast to cause the Skrulls to run for cover. This allowed Rogue to smack them down herself and Shayera to drop down and wallop them with a mace.

"Not going to lie, that felt good," Shayera commented, sending more Skrull flying with the brutal swings of her mace.

'Okay, I don't….I haven't got the Master Planner, but I have remote access to SHIELD's computers and am trying to block him out, so we can track him,' Gwen said, as she worked as quickly as she could.

Harry turned to Maria who motioned for her men to wrap things up. He barely saw the Avengers swoop down out of the corner of his eye and take care of business.

Skrulls fell at their feet but Harry and Maria walked towards the SHIELD ship.

"You can use your computers now, we need to track the Master Planner, I'll have all of the Skrulls sent to a containment cell, where they'll get a fair trial, although given their massive crimes they'll likely be found guilty and sent to the Phantom Zone," Harry informed her.

Maria shuddered, Coulson had described the Phantom Zone in his report, and it was not a pretty place.

"So wait, do you have the Guardians of Oa on Speed Dial?" Maria asked.

"Yes," Harry replied without missing a beat. He did not have to ask how Maria knew about the Guardians of Oa. "In fact, the Green Lantern in this sector is coming around right now. I've only met her twice in passing…."

'Which means you need to work harder in getting her in bed,' Kitty commented lightly.

'Yes, Kitty, thank you,' Harry thought.

"So, you managed to find the Skrull?"

Jen looked up, pleased that she smashed more Skrulls than her cousin did but she blinked, apparently she and M'gann weren't the only green skinned women in town.

A female with sleek green skin showed up, with long dark hair turned up. She had simmering green eyes and beautiful facial features. Her tight bodysuit was a combination of white and green and adhered to every single curve that she had. She had bountiful D-Cup breasts, a flat stomach, long shapely legs that stretched for miles, and an ass to die for.

'Wait, why don't the men get such a sexy description?' Deadpool chimed in.

'Oh boy, here we go,' one of the voices in Deadpool's head commented.

'No, I'm beginning to think that the author is a sexist bastard, if you won't give me such a sexy description, I'll do the honors,' Deadpool commented as he smiled. 'There walks a tall, dark, and handsome man, he is wearing a sleek red bodysuit that adhered to his tight sculpted frame. He wears a freaking mask, so none can see his face. Underneath his mask are freaking tumor scars that gives face an exotic brilliance. He has a nine and three quarters inch ding-dong that has been cut off four times but has thankfully grown back thanks to a healing factor. He has a tight taut ass, true buns of steel and short, stubby legs. He has no breasts to speak of, unless drawn by Liefield. He has however dressed like a woman a few times to hilarious results but that's a story for another time. " 

There was a sound of clapping in Deadpool's head.

"This is Jennifer-Lynn Hayden," Harry informed Maria who nodded.

The girl smiled at the group. "Please call me Jade."

"As much as I like to call you here for a pleasurable chat, you can see we got about a hundred Skrulls knocked out, and currently awaiting trial," Harry offered. "But since the Guardians of Oa owe me a favor, I'm keeping a select handful for safe keeping. You may have the males however."

Jade figured that was the case. Har-Rell's sexual prowess was rumored from the far reaches of the universe but she had to be on business. Perhaps she would investigate things later.

"The Skrulls are being taken off where they will stand trial," Harry commented as he arrived back to check in with Gwen, who was at worked. Chloe was standing with her. "So any luck?"

"I wish," Chloe offered with a prominent sigh as she felt for Gwen, she was so close, she could feel it. "I'm surprised that the Invasion was not….well that the Invasion was not as much of a problem as one would think, you know?"

"Yes, I do know," Harry told her as he placed his arm around his girlfriend and Chloe leaned into him, watching Gwen.

"DAMNIT!" Gwen yelled as she tried to hack into the computer. She was taking this as a personal insult that she could not take any headway.

"Okay, honey, just calm down, take a deep breath, and try and follow the trail….."

"They're a dozen of them and all of them false, this Master Planner, he's not fucking around," Gwen stated as she once again tried to lock onto what she needed to do. She felt that she was letting herself down.

'All of the Skrulls have been rounded up, and sent off, the ones that you wanted to keep are being kept around,' Faora informed Harry and Harry nodded.

'Excellent, thank you,' Harry thought as he folded his arms and watched Gwen.

'Any luck with your mysterious Master Planner?' Faora asked and Harry sighed. 'I'm guessing from that frustrated sigh that the answer is in fact no.'

'Yes, it's no, or….well, Gwen's trying to pick up the trial but it's pretty slow going,' Harry thought as he watched his girlfriend work away.

Gwen on the other hand, thought that she ran head long into a problem.

"If I didn't know better…..I would have thought that he found a way to block Extremis," Gwen commented and there was a few seconds where she paused. She was getting a headache and Harry suddenly looked thoughtful as it regarded to that little theory.

"Maybe he did," Harry replied to Gwen and Gwen half raised an eyebrow. "Look at this, they had Pepper and there was a Skrull that replaced her, this Skrull might have had an access to the Extremis formula."

"Well….that makes sense but does the Master Planner know?" Chloe asked.

Harry smiled, he had a text from Lois, wondering what the hell was going on. He figured that he would meet her, because Lois was not the woman that should be kept waiting.

"Keep me posted," Harry told Chloe and Chloe nodded.

Harry appeared at the Daily Bugle or rather the subway across from it. He made his way up to the building and saw the hustle and bustle of the Daily Bugle.

He saw Lois waiting at her desk and her eyes shot up to face him. The woman wasted no time with formalities. "So, you've had a busy day, haven't you?"

"Pretty busy yes, unmasking an alien invasion…."

"You're about to say that it doesn't happen every day, but we both know it is a lie," Lois commented as he sat down on a chair beside her desk. Lois offered Harry a cup of coffee and he took it graciously . "So, with the invaders out…..you should be celebrating?"

"I wish, so what's in the news?" Harry asked her.

Lois grinned in spite herself and decided to inform Harry what she had been up to. She had been kind of unavailable for the past few weeks due to going undercover in the underworld. Thankfully she managed to not get shot although she got into a few scraps but that was beside the point.

"This gang war is getting more serious, and now the Master Planner…..actually….there's a hint that he might be operating out of Gotham, at least that's what the gossip is," Lois commented to Harry. "And they have their own gang problems, between Black Mask and Cobblepot, and all that."

"Right, right," Harry offered as he shook his head. "Well the Master Planner….you know you sent me a text…."

"Well, it's off my Red Sun, made from your company, so it's about the only piece of technology that seems to work," Lois stated as she looked at the phone in her hand. She would not know what she would do without her Red Sun for it allowed her to get a lot done and it didn't break down like some of the crummy cell phones she had in the past.

And Lois Lane could tell you that she had some really shit cell phones.

"The Master Planner has crippled everything….except RAO products," Harry stated and he smiled.

'Harry, I think I got something,' Gwen thought and there was a note of triumph in her voice.

'That's great, Gwen,' Harry commented as he moved away under the pretext of checking the computers to see if there was anything else that he could do. Those who had RAO products actually could use them to an extent, that could only be good for raising the profile of the company.

'It's coming out of Gotham City,' Gwen informed Harry and that made Harry curious.

"Lois, I'll meet you for lunch this weekend, something's come up," Harry offered but Lois waved him up.

"No problem, I've got a deadline to meet and you know how Jameson is," Lois commented. "Although you've been keeping him on a really short leash."

"Indeed," Harry commented as he kissed Lois on the lips and the two of them indulged in each other for a little bit, then broke apart.

Harry and Lois parted ways with smiles on their faces as Harry was going to see what Gwen had.

"Just to let you know, I've been tracing the signal," Harry told Maria over the communication channel he opened. "We've got them."

"Good, SHIELD will be in position, Fury hasn't requested the steering wheel to the ship back yet," Maria commented, she was going to enjoy the big girl seat for as long as she could.

Edward Nygma, better known as the Riddler, had been in for a short stint in Arkham Asylum but he had managed to get time off for good behavior. Then again, for many of the criminals in Gotham City, Arkham was their home away from home.

He was thinking about his next game, it was something that had to be planned out for the letter. It was not something that he could do on a whim just because he was far more sophisticated than that. Plus trying to do a plan like that on a whim seemed like such a Joker thing to do and Edward Nygma was a higher class criminal than that.

He heard a thumping on the door.

He wondered why someone would be calling at this time, he did not even plant one hint. His plan was still in the conception stages.

The doors broke open and a group of government agents stormed into the room.

"Edward Nygma, you are under arrest, for your crimes as the Master Planner!" Maria stated as she lead the SHIELD agents in to surround him.

Nymga's face was one of shock and awe. "Master Planner….while fitting obviously, that's a new name, but I don't know what you're referring to."

"Don't play dumb with us Nygma, we know that your latest scheme as crippled most of the technology in the United States," Maria stated as she stared down the crown prince of puzzles. She did not buy his act for a second. "Now come quietly…."

"Wait, wait, you can't just go barging in a private citizen's house without a warrant, I'll have you know that I've done my time in Arkham Asylum, and I haven't done any schemes, I wish I have…."

"The Master Planner was tracked right here," one of the SHIELD agents stated as he took a couple of steps forward to double check to see whether or not he was mistaken.

Nygma was just confused as all hell right about now.

"Look, this Master planner, I don't know what you're talking about, I wish I could help you but I obviously can't," Nygma commented as a couple of the SHIELD agents made their way to the next room. "HEY, THAT'S PRIVATE!"

"What is it, your porn stash?" one of the SHIELD agents asked in a condescending voice as he walked forward and lifted up the computer. "There it is right here, it matched the Master Planner's signature."

"It….no….it didn't," Nygma commented but he saw his computers. "Someone hacked into my personal computer, I swear."

"Sure they did Nygma, you once tried to hack into the Gotham City Hall to steal all of their personal information, don't play dumb, you are capable of something like this."

"Yes, local things," Nygma commented as he realized that he was being hosed big time by someone. "But…."

"Your computers will be searched and seized, as we undo the damage that's being done."

Nygma shook his head and there was a communication that came over.

"All of the technology is coming back on line, everything's working perfectly now," a garbled voice stated over the transmission.

"So, a trial run, wasn't it Nygma?" Maria asked.

Nygma opened her mouth. "I…."

"It was all over your computer systems, the signal was traced her, by three separate people," Maria continued and another figure was seen by Nygma in the shadows.

He saw Batwoman, who also had tracked him to the source, except as Nygma stubbornly persisted, he did not do anything.

"What holds your picture together?" Nygma asked suddenly.

"A frame, obviously," Maria commented.

"Yes, and riddle me this, what do I and a picture have in common right about now?" Nygma asked and there was no answer so he decided to spell it out for them all. "WE WERE BOTH FRAMED!"

Nymga was zapped with a tazer, despite his best efforts to scream that he was being tricked.

Batwoman continued to watch from the shadows. Barbara had helped him trace the signal to Nygma's rundown apartment. Her hacking skills were impeccable and since it was verified by Harry, she had no reason doubt it for even a brief second.

"Seize his computer systems, we're going to figure out what he did," Maria told the SHIELD agents and they all nodded. They prepared to pack up everything.

Edward Nygma, the alleged Master Planner, was being hauled off by SHIELD security, for his crimes. He had assisted the Skrulls, even though he declined to admit to his crimes. He was being stubborn enough but there was undisputed proof that he had been there.

Although Helena had a moment of doubt that there was something that she was missing, but she had no idea what.

However, a brief check with Wayne Industries indicated that everything was back online, so the Master Planner was defeated with one shot. There was still his gang but with the leader out of commission, there should be no problem.

Although his riddle about being framed stuck out but then again, Nygma's old age might have been contributing to his delusions.

Edward Nygma knew that he was being put away for a crime that he did not commit and even if it would be his dying breath, he would get his hands on the Master Planner, and make him pay for what he did to him.

All and all, Harry thought that there was a fair amount of chaos that went down but he recalled that where there was chaos, there bred opportunity and he was going to step forward.

"Well, two big alien invasions from two warring alien races defeated," Gwen concluded, walking with Harry in the RAO building.

"It has been a good day," Harry admitted to her as he pulled the blonde into a tight hug. "A very good day."

"And in a week, a lot of us our heading off to college," Gwen replied with a smile on her face and Harry met her lips with a passionate kiss. Gwen returned the kiss, her tongue working towards Harry's, trying to win the battle for domination.

"Yes, I realize that," Harry offered to Gwen with a bright smile on his face. "I think I should take all of you girls to the beach, for a celebration for sure."

"That'd be great, Harry," Gwen offered as she grinned, his arm wrapped around her. She was actually about to hint about that. "And I'll have you know that I checked and the Sandman is safely locked up in SHIELD custody."

'Thank God for that,' Kitty stated, she recalled the last time that the Sandman rained on her beach day. The brunette mutant would not forget about that little trip to the beach any time soon and she doubted that any of her friends.

'Yeah, I would have to agree with that sentiment,' Jean commented.

'For sure,' Ororo added, she was along on the beach trip.

'And naturally any ladies are welcomed to tag along,' Harry thought to Ororo and Ororo offered a smile.

'I'll take that under advisement,' she thought to Harry. She was not sure when she got figured into the bond, she was just in their organically she supposed.

'So how are things….when he came back,' Harry offered and Ororo really had no reason to ask who he was.

'Well, I think Charles took it a bit hard that Scott's improvements were that of an imposter, because I think that he wants to groom him as the successor to his dream,' Ororo told them and there was a sound of disappointment in her voice.

'Again, I think that he would be far better off trying to groom a werewolf,' Emma replied dryly.

'Well, I'm sure that he's trying his best,' Wanda said, trying to inject some hope into the situation.

'As do many children in the special class,' Emma added and that really showed what most thought of Scott Summers. Some were beginning to wonder if the head injury that caused his powers to function as they did had other effects.

'Hopefully the Xavier Security system gets better, because I really feel bad hacking into them now, it's not even fun,' Chloe stated.

'Well, Hank says that he's doing the best, but I think he's under the theory that the Institute itself is under cursed ground,' Ororo said, that was about as good of a theory as any.

'Well, that would make a lot of sense,' Rachel chimed in and there were many nods of agreement at that point.

Harry made his way over and he saw Lana standing there with a smile on her face.

"No, Lana, I haven't forgotten about you, and I've put in a request for you to get your own personal assistant," Harry said to Lana with a smile.

"Well, you know you have a lot of work to do when your personal assistant needs her own personal assistant," Lana replied.

"Yeah, and I have to get all of the people who were Skrulls settled back in, which means that I have to spend a lot more time in the company of Robert Kelly than was recommended by law," Harry stated as he shook his head. "Never the less, there's this girl, she's coming over from Cambridge, I think that she'll fit in quite nicely."

"Oh….hi, Mr. Potter," a blonde replied as she walked into the office.

"Hello, Courtney, it would be a shame to lose you when you go back to school, but there's always weekends," Harry said to her with a charming smile.

"Well, I have a very busy life, but I'm sure Mary and I will be thinking about more gainful employment and the chance to know you a bit better in the future," Courtney answered, trying not to sound so excited. It was a failing prospect. "We'll recommend the RAO Corporation to all of our friends, I'm sure they'd be very excited to work for you."

'And now armies of horny teenage girls will descend upon you like the Beatles in the 1960s,' Betsy commented dryly.

'And this is a bad thing, how?' Kara asked.

"Good, Courtney, I'm sure Miss O'Kil over there will be happy to assist you or any of your friends," Harry offered.

Gwen stopped and stared at the woman in question. There was something familiar about her, even though Gwen could only catch a glimpse of her and not make out any clear details to formulate a description.

'Harry, is that who I think it is?' Gwen asked. 'Well mythology states that particular person took a female form but….'

'It's a long story, we're going to have to discuss it sometime,' Harry thought as Kara and Kitty both laughed like madwomen through the bond.

Although Harry was thinking about another project, as Fury and Waller's little Suicide Squad got him an idea for the collection of naughty females that he was accumulating. While there were certain obvious uses that he could put them to, there were others that were also more practical outside of the bedroom.

Right now, Harry was prepping himself for a rare vacation.

The Master Planner was certain that his deception would be discovered soon, so he needed to work quickly if he wanted to achieve any kind of success. Nygma was the perfect dupe and he would most certainly fit the part to someone who was a bit of a fool, at least that's what he figured out.

Of course, the fool might not have been able to figure out much of anything the more that he thought everything.

"The trial run had its share of snags, but never the less, it was a complete success and SHIELD thinks that the danger has passed, along with the Star Child….I even fooled him, which is proof of my intelligence and Batwoman as well, an added bonus," he stated, adjusting a dial. "Not the complete one hundred percent success rate that I hoped for and there is still my revenge on Norman Osborn. He might think that he is safe and secure within Ravencroft, but I will make him pay for what he did to me. He will not be able to discount my genius."

The Skrulls were useful tools but they were nothing more than that, tools, means to an end and it would be quite the end when he enacted his final master plan. He had stolen the equipment from Gotham City, although he had committed other crimes as well to throw people off the trail . The contraband was useless and the only thing that he accomplished was an inconvenience to some of the Gotham City crime bosses. That might have been a bonus.

He lifted his robotic limb and twisted the dial, once again, he was getting closer to accomplishing what he considered to be a grand victory. All he would need was a few more adjustments and he would have everything precisely the way that he wanted it. A wicked twisted smile crossed his face, malicious intentions once again going through his mind.

"Soon, the power will be mine, I will have it all, I will have everything," he whispered to himself, malice flashing through his eyes.

He had been treated like an afterthought. While it was true that his Sinister Six had been humiliated, that just forced him to sit back and take control of this situation. There was a twisted grin on the face of the master manipulator.

He had all kinds of false leads, all kinds of smokescreens, everything was building up to a devasting climax where he would crush all of his enemies underneath his foot with one fell swoop. They were nothing but cockroaches.

He didn't acquire any data from SHIELD, although he knew that he could go in and break into their computer at any time. While it was not easy as breaking into the security system at the Xavier Institute, it was still small potatoes for something of his intellect, superior as it was.

'Preparation, the keystone to everything,' he thought to himself as he twisted his tentacle, soon it would grab onto his enemies and make them scream for mercy. 'Soon it will take place.'

Doctor Octopus was quite pleased with his work. The Master Planner scheme was paying off dividends but the real pay off was to come.

More Adventures, TBA.