
The Rouge

So as we all know there are many weird people and kidnappers out there in the big bad world. Some being harmless and does nothing to fulfill their satisfaction and there are some who will go to the end of the earth to meet their own desires. Children of the world today are so vulnerable to these type of people due to the internet because it is so easy to hide your identity and get away with it. But it is not the case for the newborn of Sandra Owens.

So one fine evening in the Saint Stephens hospital in Chicago, Sandra lays in pain due to give birth to her son at any moment. Hospital being crowded as usual and there are doctors and nurses screaming left, right and center. The only thing on Sandra's mind at the moment is the whereabouts of her husband Jerry. Now see Jerry is a sales representative for a huge company. His job involves traveling a lot. The pro of it is that he is earning 800k a year. If I was to guess where he is right now I would say he is stuck in an airport somewhere because his flight was delayed because of a snowstorm. By the way did I mention that it was Christmas time. Anyway I am side tracking here, Sandra was about to give birth while waiting for her husband and then all of a sudden a middle aged lady approached her. Not a doctor to helped her because they were all busy themselves.

Meanwhile Sandra begins going into labor and the only person that could possibly help her was the lady that had approached her. Sandra is screaming in pain while the little gremlin of a child is coming out of her and pretty fast to. You can start to see the head of the baby but suddenly Sandra goes unconscious and this is exactly what the lady was hoping for. So about a minute later the baby has arrived and Sandra had gained consciousness again a doctor had showed up in his long white lab coat and his statoscope around his neck. The doctor had politely asked Sandra to hand the baby over to him gently so he could bring it down to the nursery where it can be cared for with the other newborns. Something had felt off about this doctor to Sandra, as if he did not look professional she taught. Sandra had named the baby boy "Nathan" and then she handed the baby over to the doctor with a little bit of hesitation. So the doctor and lady left with the baby out of Sandra's sight and before you know it they had gotten changed into two EMT outfits and headed to the ambulance bay where both of them had hopped into an ambulance and left in it with the baby in the lady's hands. They had both then drove through the city and headed south towards the woods were both of them own a small cabin in the middle of nowhere out of reach from society.