

" BEYOND THE SERAPHIM " The story of a highest-ranked angel (SERAPHIM), he spends his thousands of years wondering about the human planet (EARTH). He stepped onto the earth and his curiosity ended, Mr. Hebrew who welcomed Seraphim was a grim reaper, after entering the earth, the same girl was whispering something in his ears and it was the name David, then he named himself David. Sera is a girl, she gets a sudden visual of startling scenes and characters, and her nightmares are turned into reality, Sera always wants to live a normal life like others, her only prayer is getting a good sleep without nightmares and a normal daily life. David starts to live like a human, he begins to do everything that humans do, like naming himself, having a shelter for himself, and having a coffee shop, David continues his angelic works through the coffee shop, he spreads love and wisdom, with the potions for all kind of emotions in this world. When the angels descended to Earth from heaven, they brought “echoes of mercy, whispers of love.” ...., David proved this line. All things are going up on their own, but we need to remember that life is like a season, it'll change. After experiencing Earth for 7 years, David became a human, like others he too experienced anger, but David didn't feel sad or happy, these two feelings made David's and Sera's lives, nevertheless. Traveling on their paths for a while, finally, the two unrelated paths crossed, they met and started to travel on one path. but unexpected twists and turns going to turn their lives up and down, some other main characters will be revealed over time in addition David is going to play a major role in their stories. like the fact nothing goes still in one path, "Tempter" (the ruler of the demons) Crossed his way on the flowered path, in which Sera and David cherish each other. Does the sudden appearance of Tempter, part their way apart or the love between them will turn out the fate of each other...... "Not every love tale requires a grand finale, A warm embrace can be the most exquisite finale." Similarly, the above line is Sera's nor David's. " Beyond The Seraphim__________!" Any guesses beyond the seraphim what he'll become. ~ omega_20

omega_20 · Fantasy
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13 Chs


"LIFE is what happens when you're busy making another plan."

The Endless are a family of seven immortal beings who represent different aspects of life, such as Dreams, Death, and Desire. They are beyond most gods and work to ensure that the fundamental forces of the universe run in an orderly manner. Each member of The Endless has a realm that they rule over; these realms reflect the aspect of life that the sibling represents. For example, Dream's realm is the Dreaming, which is the collective unconsciousness of all living things. 

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to encounter an angel? Angels are otherworldly beings with wings and divine powers that have fascinated people throughout history. Nowadays, some people have no belief in God and blame God for their problems, but then forget about God when things go well. This makes me curious to know what Earth looks like. 

As a SERAPHIM, the highest-ranking angel, I have lived for thousands of years assuming what Earth and humans smell like. Finally, I get the opportunity to visit Earth thanks to a SERAPHIM ritual that allows us to visit Earth after completing thousands of years of service. I'm eager to explore this unique planet from my perspective. 

At midnight on September 1, 2010,

I traveled down an immense staircase that connects heaven and Earth. The angels traveling back and forth along this staircase brought "echoes of mercy, whispers of love" as they descended to Earth. Every individual is the main character of their own story, and life is an adventure filled with thrilling journeys and joyous and sorrowful moments. At the end of it all, life is a library with many rare and special edition books that only stay with us. 

While traveling on the staircase, I heard a sound that was like a girl whispering something in my ears. Suddenly, my feet headed straight down towards Earth and my eyes widened. I landed on Earth where the stars land, eager to explore and find answers to the questions I've had for thousands of years.