
Beyond the Ruins

Humans are prepared to venture beyond their continent into the unknown. What lies ahead is a world dominated by powerful beasts, remnants of a forgotten past, unclaimed territories, strange technologies, and much more. Alex, an 18-year-old boy, along with his friends—a group of explorers—will embark on a journey to uncover the mysteries that lie beyond

syinam · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Your power is teleportation

Hearing Alex's revelation about potentially using Nana's power, she seemed intrigued yet skeptical. "But didn't you say that you can't use my power?" Nana asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, but now I have this feeling that I can. Your power is teleportation, right?" Alex inquired. Listening to his question, Nana nodded and replied, "Yes, it's one of my powers. Looks like you can only use the power that you saw another person use, so why don't you try? I also want to see."

Alex, curious and eager to test his newfound ability, agreed. "Yeah, I will try," he said. In an instant, he disappeared, leaving Nana momentarily alone. After about a minute, he reappeared behind her. "What type of power is this? I feel like my whole organ is about to burst; it feels so heavy," Alex gasped for air.

"It's hard to control the dimension and coordination to perfect your landing. Boy, you have some monster talent. You used it perfectly on the first try," Nana complimented with a hint of surprise. Alex grinned at the praise, prompting Nana to add, "Stop that; it looks so creepy. But how come you can suddenly use that?"

"I don't know. After I kissed you, I got this feeling that I can use this power," Alex answered with a straight face. Nana, visibly taken aback, commented, "Hah, so it looks like you can use someone stronger than your power if you have intimate contact with them," causing her to blush.

"So, if we have sex, I can use all of your powers?" Alex questioned, his tone suggesting a mix of curiosity and mischief. Nana, caught off guard and now blushing even more, couldn't help but react. Without a second thought, she pinched Alex. "Ow! Why would you do that? I was stating what is true," he protested, trying to suppress a smirk.

"So if we have sex, I can use all of your powers?" Alex questioned. Hearing that, Nana blushed, and then she pinched Alex. "Ow! Why would you do that? I was stating what is true."

"It may be, but why would I have s... se... sex with you?" Nana questioned with a red face. Seeing that, Alex responded, "Why not? I will become your husband, and we will have a lot of sex together." Hearing that, Nana became flustered. "Talking to you is a waste of time; I am going," she said, running from his room and hiding her face.

After she exited, Alex thought, "She is so cute. Now, let's get some sleep; I feel so tired," and then he went to sleep.

Next day, when Nana met Alex, she couldn't look him in the eye. The awkwardness from their conversation the previous night lingered in the air. Alex, seemingly unfazed, greeted her casually, "Good morning, Nana."

Nana mumbled a quiet "morning" in response, still avoiding eye contact. Alex noticed her discomfort but decided not to push the topic further for the moment. As they spent more time together during the day, the tension gradually eased, and Nana seemed to regain her composure.

Later, as they found themselves alone again, Nana cleared her throat and spoke, "About last night, let's just forget it happened, okay?" She looked at Alex, her expression a mix of embarrassment and seriousness.

"Sure, if that's what you want," Alex replied, offering a reassuring smile. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Let's just focus on figuring out our powers and training together."

Nana nodded, seemingly relieved, and they continued their training. As they spent more time together, their interactions became more comfortable, and the awkward incident from the previous night started to fade into the background. Little did they know that their journey, filled with unexpected twists and turns, was only just beginning.

Dear Readers,

Thank you for being a part of this story! I hope you enjoyed the journey with Alex and Nana. Your support means the world to me. Stay tuned for more adventures!



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