
Beyond the Ruins

Humans are prepared to venture beyond their continent into the unknown. What lies ahead is a world dominated by powerful beasts, remnants of a forgotten past, unclaimed territories, strange technologies, and much more. Alex, an 18-year-old boy, along with his friends—a group of explorers—will embark on a journey to uncover the mysteries that lie beyond

syinam · Fantasy
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26 Chs

War Goddess

Saying that, Nana signaled for Alex to stand in the line. 

"Now, everyone listen carefully. I am not going to repeat myself. All of you have to head out from this location and come out from there." Pointing at the ruins, she spoke, then clapped, and immediately two more instructors came to stand beside her.

"We will be monitoring you throughout."

"Hahaha, this will be too easy for me," Gary spoke.

"We will see about that. Now, in one hour, you have to cross this city and reach that wall," Nana said, pointing at a big wall behind the city. The instructor standing beside Nana took out a timer and said, "Everyone, when I say go, you go inside the city."

All four of them ran toward the city. This city is an artificial city created with the help of magic; it can change its shape according to instructions' requirements.

"Only four? That's quite low for this year. I thought we selected ten, didn't we?" the instructor standing to the left of Nana spoke. She is Riya, a 4.5 feet girl in her twenties. She looks like a small girl you see in anime.

"Yeah, well, Nana's standards are quite high," the instructor on the right of Nana spoke, laughing. His name is David. He is a tall and muscular individual with black hair, standing at a height of 6 feet 2 inches.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, but won't that affect us? As we are already short on people for this year's team," Riya spoke, showing concern.

"That's preferable to accepting the useless ones; they would only become a burden for us," Nana remarked in a cold tone.

"As cold as ever, I see," David laughed.

"That's enough chit-chat. Let's go and see how they are doing." Saying that, Nana disappeared. Hearing her, the other two also nodded at each other and then started moving.

Inside the city, Gary spoke arrogantly, "Get out of my way, you useless pieces of shit! Make way for me and Miss Ema. Come on, Miss, follow me, and you will be safe."

"The hell are you speaking, you ugly bastard? Do you think I, Ema Scarlet, need protection from someone as ugly as you? Now, get out of my sight unless you want to die." Hearing Ema speak like that, Gary stood frozen. Ema started moving inside the city towards the wall. Seeing her go, the boy next to Alex spoke, "Wow, her personality took a turn. It's good I didn't speak to her," and started laughing. Hearing his laugh, Gray looked at him and spoke, "You fucker! You dare laugh at me? Looks like you need a piece of my mind, ha?" Then he took out his sword and swung at the boy.

Alex, seeing that, caught his sword in the middle of the swing. "You shouldn't hurt someone who is weak."

"How did you manage to block my two-star sword?" Gray asked, his voice tinged with fear.

"Didn't I tell you I am strong?" Proudly, Alex proclaimed.

"What are you talking about? How did a no-good weakling stop my sword swing?" Saying that, Gary pulled his sword back and ran inside the city.

"Ah, thanks for helping me; I, Ray, will never forget your kindness," the boy spoke.

"Oh, don't mention it," Alex said.

"This guy has something about him; somehow, my body moved on its own and helped him," Alex thought. "Why don't we also go inside? We don't have much time left," Ray said. "Sure, let's go," saying that, Alex started going. Inside the city, you can see many ancient buildings, some standing, and some have fallen. Ray and Alex were walking at a steady pace. In the middle of the city, you can see Ema walking. Suddenly, a vulture-like beast appeared above Ema.

"No one told us we have to fight these repulsive creatures," Ema thought, and then she bit her thumb. Drops of blood started coming out of her thumb.

"Form Bow," saying that, a bow formed in Ema's hand, made up of blood. And then she summoned a light arrow, shooting toward the vulture. Seeing the arrow coming toward it, the beast dodged, thinking it is safe, but from the side, the arrow hit him.

"As if it is that easy to dodge an arrow made up of my magic," seeing the bird burn, Ema started laughing.

On the side of a building, Nana and other instructors were watching her. "Wow, she can use her vampire power at such a young age; now that's interesting," Riya spoke, surprised. David nodded. Gray was also watching her from the side.

"This bitch! How dare she treat me like that? You will pay," Gray thought. Then he saw a large monster approaching from the side. He thought if he could lead that monster to Ema, she would lose to that monster and would not be able to make it in time. Then he went in front of that monster and started running toward Ema. That monster also followed him, trying to kill him.

"This type is the one I hate most; they can't be good, so they try to pull others down," Nana spoke. Hearing her, Riya, who came next to her a few minutes ago, said, "I know, right? You can't trust them to watch your back."

Seeing that giant elephant-like monster with three trunks and large teeth approaching her, Ema spoke, "Oh, fuck." Ready to charge at the beast, seeing Gray running in front of that elephant, Ema thought, "Why is that scum running toward me? I will kill that bastard."

Then her bow changed to that of a katana with electricity coming out of it.

"Wow, that kid looks like she is about to fight that mammoth. It will be an interesting fight, won't it, Riya?" David asked Riya.

Riya spoke, "She looks like a war goddess with all that blood and electricity coming out of her."

Hope you like this chapter. In the next installment, we'll follow Alex as he battles some monsters. Make sure to come back; I upload new chapters daily

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