
Beyond the Ruins

Humans are prepared to venture beyond their continent into the unknown. What lies ahead is a world dominated by powerful beasts, remnants of a forgotten past, unclaimed territories, strange technologies, and much more. Alex, an 18-year-old boy, along with his friends—a group of explorers—will embark on a journey to uncover the mysteries that lie beyond

syinam · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Echoes of Torment: Luna's Desolate Confession

Luna poured out her heart to Alex, sharing the harrowing tale of her tribe, the Beastman Tribe, hidden on an island near the Atlantic continent. This diverse tribe comprised various races, akin to the multitude found in the anime that surrounded Alex's own experiences. Luna's narrative took a poignant turn as she delved into the heartbreaking events that led her into the current predicament.

"One day, my little daughter vanished without a trace. Despite tirelessly scouring the entire island, my desperate search yielded no results. I implored fellow beastmen for assistance, but to no avail. Even our tribe leader, in the face of my anguish, callously dismissed it as a 'personal matter' – a sentiment that shattered my heart and left my world in ruins. The weight of sorrow pressed upon me, but it didn't break my resolve. Determined, I extended my quest to nearby islands, questioning anyone I encountered about my missing daughter. Unfortunately, none could provide any information.

Just as I teetered on the edge of despair, a wave of similar incidents struck other families in our tribe. In a span of a month, ten children, including my own, were inexplicably taken. Faced with this escalating crisis, our tribe leader finally took personal charge of the investigation. We soon uncovered the disturbing truth – humans were behind the kidnappings, spiriting our children away to an unknown destination.

In response, our leader, despite initial reluctance, decided to send representatives to the human continent. However, their attempts at dialogue were met with outright denial. Repeated requests for communication were rebuffed, leaving us in a state of desperation. Witnessing the futility of diplomatic efforts, my people were on the verge of losing all hope.

In that dire moment, I proposed a daring solution – a covert search party to infiltrate human territory and rescue our kidnapped children. Sadly, my plea fell on deaf ears, and the idea was summarily dismissed. Undeterred, I took matters into my own hands, embarking on a reckless solo invasion into the heart of human territory. However, my lack of caution led to my capture, and now I find myself ensnared in a web of unforeseen consequences."

As Luna delved deeper into the details of the experiments, the room seemed to darken, mirroring the profound sorrow etched across her face. Her voice trembled as she recounted the relentless torment she endured in the name of so-called scientific inquiry. Each word carried the weight of her suffering, a burden too heavy for a soul to bear.

The scientists, devoid of empathy or remorse, subjected Luna to a series of excruciating tests. They probed and dissected her very essence, treating her not as a sentient being but as a mere specimen for their twisted curiosity. Luna's pain became a canvas upon which the cruelty of these experiments was painted in shades of despair.

In the cold, sterile environment of the laboratory, Luna's cries echoed unheard. The metallic tang of fear lingered in the air as she described how they injected unknown substances into her veins, causing her body to convulse in agony. The searing pain was not only physical but also psychological, as Luna grappled with the dehumanizing reality of being reduced to a subject of experimentation.

Her eyes, once filled with innocence, now held a haunted gaze, reflecting the trauma etched into the depths of her soul. Luna's recounting of the isolation experiments brought forth the desolation she felt, isolated from the comforting embrace of her tribe, her family, and the warmth of the community she called home.

The anguish in Luna's voice intensified as she spoke of the sleep deprivation experiments. Nights blurred into an unending nightmare as they kept her awake, robbing her of the solace that sleep could offer. Alone in the sterile confines of the laboratory, Luna became a mere vessel for their scientific pursuits, stripped of her autonomy and plunged into a profound sense of vulnerability.

As Luna shared the brutality of the psychological experiments, Alex's heart ached for her. The emotional scars inflicted upon her psyche were as real and agonizing as the physical wounds. They played mind games, pushing Luna to the brink of her sanity, manipulating her thoughts and emotions like a puppet on strings.

In the midst of Luna's narrative, the room felt suffused with a pervasive sadness, a collective mourning for the innocence that was callously stolen from her. Alex, an unwitting witness to Luna's tragic tale, could sense the weight of her suffering, and a storm of emotions brewed within him – anger, empathy, and an unyielding determination to right the grievous wrongs inflicted upon her.

Dear readers, I am grateful for your unwavering support. While the situation is not entirely resolved, I am back to continue the story. Your patience means the world to me. Rest assured, the upcoming chapters will be delivered as promised, and I plan to bring you a special treat of 10 chapters for Christmas. Thank you for being a part of this journey. Let's dive back into the world of our characters together. Happy reading!

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