
beyond the present

Having been caught in a life of three worlds apart, Dracel finds her way in a life she does not propose but was born into as she's set to find her purpose and reason why she's been targeted she discovers more to herself, her abilities and decision will make a change on the world. changing from been a forbidden one in the realms of the high ones to the relevant one there's no life without struggle, but will there be life without blood shed for her.... living to be provoked and push could turn an angel to the devil himself. let each words lead you through the anger and love that the main character goes through.

chiroyalty · Fantasy
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41 Chs

A vision.

This is my towns open feild for meeting, this is where the elders and clan men gather for a meeting and celebration, Rapheal said after they had come out from his compound.

Why are you people secluded from the outside world? Does this mean no one knows about your people?

According to our clan leaders and historal background, a small world like this is to be secluded from evils and harms of spirits, we love our neighbors as we love ourselves and we have all we need, I don't see a need for going to the outside world, though recently we have been going outside to hunt... I guess the world is changing.

So are people aware that someone came into your home?

Yes, you were the reason for the meeting this morning, I guess everything went well, my mother must have told you of the cleansing ritual?

Yes, she said they'll have to purify me in other for uninvited spirits to go awa.... immediately she grabbed Rapheal's hand and gasped, not completing her statement.

Are you ok, he said holding her hand for more support.

It's all clear now, she said inhaling deeply, this is it.

What is it, what happened, he asked confused.

I had a vision,and... and that was the reason behind the fall, and it came again, it's getting clear now, she said panicking.

Tell me about it? He said with much concern.

I saw destruction, I saw pain and agony, I saw blood, and I saw two things, like a world.....bonding I can't explain....it...it was from a result of chaos, then I saw me, I saw me....I saw me die. She said with a shaky voice.

For how long have you been seeing visions? He asked curious.

From age 5, I foretold the death of my parents but it was inevitable, if they left or not they did died either ways, I also foretold the fall of my city but they said I was mad....and I barely fall asleep, if I sleep I see this man in my dreams wanting to possess me.

Hold on, did you say you saw your parents die and couldn't stop it?

Dracel sighed, this, this visions put me in more confusion, I can't tell how soon it can happen, but this one, I feel it more closer, I feel a force drawing to me like they did be here anytime soon.

That's enough for this topic, let's keep walking, he was getting scared. Though there are some places you can't go to now. He said ignoring her disturbing visions.

She sighed, she kept some revelations to herself, she was worried and she couldn't spill them all out.

Stop there! a commanding voice shouted from behind, they both turned to the direction of the voice and saw a white beard man, he was walking with a stick, and had some marks on his chest.

Rapheal quickly bend as a sign of respect, he signalled Dracel to do the same but she refused, continuously staring at the man as he came closer.

He spoke in their tribal language to Rapheal, and Dracel could understand that Rapheal was begging on her behalf, but she saw no reason to bow down to him, he looked at her scornfully and left, till he left Rapheal did not get up till he was out of site.

That was our clans leader and the younger ones must show respect to him as a sign of respect to age and leadership. Rapheal said as he got up.

So much for a clans leader with dirty hands, she said and spat.

Meaning? He said furrowing his brows.

Never mind, can we go home now, your mother must be super worried about us now. She turned back with the crutches in her arms facing the direction they came from.

There's no need to pretend on that crutches since you're already healed.

Dracel sighed without looking back, how do I explain to your parents that I have healed within a day, my bones are elastic?


The day came flying past giving way for the evening sun before night, Dracel sat watching Rapheal's mom make soup, she had a worried look on her face and Dracel could tell what was going on in her head.

Mama, you're not smiling, why are you worried? She asked.

She sighed, I don't know why a ritual has to be conducted when they actually know you're my daughter, they kept gossiping and kept a distance away from me, your father won't even listen to me and he knows how frustrating the rituals can be.

Mama, you don't have to worry, I will go through this one and you don't have nothing to worry about, Dracel assured her.

She sighed dropped the soup spoon and turned to Dracel who had been admiring her cook.

I've begged with them to let you heal fully before the rituals but they all refused, they kept saying I was sick and you're not my daughter, they kept gossiping, she said cupping Dracel's face with both hands.

Dracel gave her a warm smile. If a mother sees her daughter and say's it's her daughter then every other opinion is wrong, mama do not listen to what they say, their opinion really doesn't count, she said with assurance.

A tear dropped from her eyes after Dracel's words. This is the first time you're telling me something this sweet, what happened to you my Ella?

I....I decided to change mama, it has been rough without you, I want to be a better version of myself mama, she said wiping off her tears. Looks like Ella was rude, she said to herself.

The lady pulled her into a bear hug and sobbed bitterly, Dracel did well by patting her back to console her and console herself.

Dracel...um I mean Ella, it's time for the rituals, Beorn came in spoiling the moment.

The lady helped her on her feet with the crutches, she slowly walked outside only to see the moon boldly shining in the sky, the day flies fast, she thought to herself.

Mary I have told you...

Beorn stop, she said immediately, not one word from you, can't you see, she has the likes and qualities of our daughter, I see my child in her, her face and everything is that of Ella, she sniffed my clothing just like Ella always do, she's my daughter and she doesn't deny the fact.

Beorn sighed. I'm not saying she's not your daughter, all I am saying is that Ella needs space and time to heal, this time she's very safe....

I'll do what I like with my child, she has not complained, she even wants me more closer to her, that's the bond we shared before she left,Beorn, can't you see our daughter is becoming a better version of herself?

Dracel who was behind the door sighed, she could hear them loud and clear from the thick wooden door.

The last time I checked, no one can hear through these walls neither can they from the doors, do you also hear distance chattering?

Dracel smiled as she looked at Rapheal who had been standing for a while and watching her. Suddenly her mood changed, she looked at the sky and saw the moon darken, a pressure that almost made her sweat landed on her and she felt like she was short of breath.

Are you ok? Rapheal said holding her after noticing her sudden switch of mood.

I just don't feel good, she said.

We will get over it, the ritual will come and go, everything will soon be over, he said.