
Beyond The Omniverse (DC)

This is the story of a man who is given a second chance at life. Reborn into one of the strongest universes and armed with an equally strong system to level the playing field. Will he succeed in this life where he once failed? Will he follow the light, the dark, or a mixture of both? What is in store for him in this new world? This is the journey of a man on a quest to live a fulfilled life. PLEASE READ Author's Foreword I answer the most frequently asked questions in there. If you have other questions, DM or write a comment. I will do my best to respond. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters besides my own. They all belong to their respective companies.

Legxndary · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Training Part 2

November 20th, 1996

General POV

Desmond initially had Transmutation aura typing, but he changed it to Specialization. The Nen abilities he wanted to make required him to be one. Furthermore, it was the reason he took a considerable risk with Power Augmentation. Nen was a great power system but very weak compared to others in terms of pure strength. Power Augmentation could keep Nen always in his tier of power, so mastering abilities from it never went to waste. Everything in his last couple of purchases, from Nen masteries, understandings, personal experiences, and the abilities of Meruem, was all in preparation to create his own Nen abilities. He had two Nen abilities that would set the foundation for all future abilities.

Specialist – Mastery is Twice as Hard: The user can use all aura types at 100% efficiency.

Conditions: The user starts off with one additional typing at 100%. All others besides their original typing become 0. The user must demonstrate mastery by creating a Nen ability for the type they have. After mastery is completed, the user will get one additional type at random. You can create only one ability for each aura type.

Limitations: Sixty-four times harder to learn & master new abilities outside original typing. The user can't learn any more new Nen abilities once this ability is activated. The user may only gain an additional typing every three years.

Vow: The user can never lift the Conditions or Limitations set for this ability. Failure of either will destroy all aura nodes of the user. (Death)

Enhancer – Perfect Adaptation: The user's body perfectly adapts to any form of stimulus.

Conditions: The user can only use one stimulus for adaptation. (per each time he uses the Nen ability)

Limitations: Limit of once per year. The stimulus can never exceed the strength of the user's body. ¼ of the user's aura will always be used to keep this ability active.

These were the first two abilities that came to mind when he was brainstorming what Nen abilities to make. Mastery is Twice as Hard would eventually allow him to use all aura typings to their fullest potential. The restrictions to anyone else would be a death sentence in contrast to himself. Meruem's aura/potential covered the 64 times harder limitation, multiple clones was a loophole for creating more than six abilities, and his previous purchases on Nen covered his need to learn new Nen abilities. He already had almost everything shown from Hunter x Hunter. The same could be said for Perfect Adaptation. Desmond's Biokinesis & Power Augmentation powers would make the cost of ¼ of his aura feel like nothing. Perfect Adaptation would let me use multiple power systems together at last instead of always using Template to switch.

After making his new Nen abilities, he began to work on the second part of his training. Exploiting another loophole in Mastery is Twice as Hard. Based on the rules, there was nothing against changing existing Nen abilities he already knew. He'd exploit this with Morena's Contagion ability. It worked like this.

Morena, aka Member Zero, through her saliva, can "infect" up to 22 people with her ability. Each infected member starts at level one. When a member of the group thus created kills someone, they level up, increasing their aura amount and output. Upon reaching level 20, they will manifest a unique Nen ability, of which they will have at least a general knowledge before using it. At level 100, they also become a "Member Zero" and are thus capable of using this ability to create their own community.

Desmond's changes were to make the infection through touch instead of saliva. He had no interest in kissing people to give them power. Next, he'd change it so the infected would have to obtain aura to level up. This allowed people to kill, steal, train, or be gifted aura to level up instead of only killing. Lastly, he added that level 99 members had to get his approval before leveling up, and anyone under level 100 he could take their Nen away. He had to add another condition that he could only do so once per year to make the ability work. Desmond did this because All for One's power steal ability would only work when someone was at level 100, utterly independent of his powers. He would spend the rest of the year familiarizing himself with using Nen.

Back in Metropolis, Kyla & Trey were finishing their new weekly training. Dressed in white karate uniforms, they stood at attention.

"Remember what we learned today. Balance in the mind & control of your body are the keys to fighting. Once you master both, then we'll move on to actual combat. Dismissed." A 6'5 older man said to the kids.

"Osu Master," Kyla & Trey both replied to him. Bowing towards him before hitting the showers.

"Thanks for doing this, Ted. You're one of the few people we could trust to train them," Tyson said, handing him a water bottle.

"What did I tell you about thanking me for this were family aren't we? Little Lexie is practically my daughter. It's a damn shame Will's not here to see his grandbabies." Ted said, thinking about his old friend.

"She doesn't talk about him much. What was he like?" Tyson asked out of curiosity. He never got to know his father-in-law. Ted looked up at the ceiling, reminiscing about his buddy.

"He was a great husband & an even better father for taking care of Lexie after losing her mother to childbirth. Will was one of the best people I have ever met. One of the few men I stood side by side with when facing evil. His tolerance & empathy toward others was something I admired the most about him. If it weren't for racism, he'd be remembered for the hero he was to this country. Then again, Jay was the gold standard & he's also mostly forgotten by the public. The entire world thinks your boy scout & bat guy are the world's first superheroes because we stood against Hoover. That FBI bastard made it his mission to erase us from history when we didn't agree with his image of America." Ted said, sucking his teeth.

"The government approving what they did has always rubbed me the wrong way. It sucks that they treated heroes as if they were criminals. I wish I could've met him though he sounds like a great man." Tyson said. Ted made a small chuckle bewildering Tyson.

"Oh, he would've liked you if you weren't married to his princess. Your lucky he's not here. If he was, he'd absorb some steel and make you go a few rounds with him." Ted said, knowing how protective his late friend was. Tyson awkwardly tried to laugh the comment off. They both knew he wasn't joking at all.

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