
Beyond The Omniverse (DC)

This is the story of a man who is given a second chance at life. Reborn into one of the strongest universes and armed with an equally strong system to level the playing field. Will he succeed in this life where he once failed? Will he follow the light, the dark, or a mixture of both? What is in store for him in this new world? This is the journey of a man on a quest to live a fulfilled life. PLEASE READ Author's Foreword I answer the most frequently asked questions in there. If you have other questions, DM or write a comment. I will do my best to respond. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters besides my own. They all belong to their respective companies.

Legxndary · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Play Date

June 21st, 1996

General POV

In Metropolis, Trey & Artemis had their annual Fowl Carter playdate. When Trey introduced him at the start of the year, it shocked his family, to say the least. Tyson's first question to the Fowl family was if they were paid actors. (Technically, they were). He was properly hit upside the head by his loving wife. Who apologized on his behalf. Overall they were just ecstatic he made some friends. Tyson & Butler got along with each other because of their love for guns. The most unexpected thing was Juliet getting adopted by Kyla. Kyla struggled similarly to Trey in recent years, making friends. Juliet being the same age & already friends with her brother made her want to befriend her. She would always drag her away from the boys whenever she came by. Juliet was now her friend more than Trey's, not that he or Juliet minded.

The so-called play date was a front for meetings he would have with Artemis about business. With Butler 'chaperoning,' they were going to the new piece of land Trey purchased just outside the city instead of the arcade. Today Eli was also joining. He flew in from his office in DC. They were waiting outside when Eli's car pulled up.

"Hey man, how have you been?" Trey asked, greeting him.

"I'm fine. What's so important that you told me to drop everything & meet you here? There's nothing over here besides dirt." Eli replied after greeting everyone.

"I assume it's related to the sectors we control." Artemis chimed in, guessing.

"Gentlemen, Christmas has come early for you," Trey said, confusing them. His eyes glowed using his powers. The ground shook slightly at the changes to the area.

"Bunkers?" Eli asked. Noticing two new bunkers form up from the ground.

"Not just any bunkers, the ones from GTA I told you about," Trey said, smiling at them. Artemis immediately grinned back at him, remembering what they meant for his business.

"How? This was projected to be bought next year. All of our money has already been deployed to other projects." Eli said, wondering where he got the money.

"We sold the exclusive merchandising rights for the current shows in the toddler division. They gave us 1.2 billion. You have to thank Edgar. He crunched the numbers, realizing we would kickstart both sectors if we could get a cash infusion. None of those shows I expect to remain popular longer than a decade or two. It was an easy trade-off. This also helps Red's criminal enterprises, but he wanted to let you all get the first chance at the supplies." Trey said.

"You have my gratitude," Eli said.

"I'm just following what you told me. Taking the advice you gave to Oliva of working twice as hard to get half of what others can get. The only thing I do differently is flip it on its head. Do half the work & get twice as much as others can get." Trey responded with a chuckle. Eli smirked a little, remembering that moment with his daughter.

Artemis & Eli were happy they could get to work. Since coming into this world, they barely had anything to work on. Eli had been manufacturing Benny's cars after Jarvis analyzed what it would cost to make them. Artemis had begun the preliminary work for the Tech sector that would take over the planet. Both had barely scratched the surface of the business sectors they controlled. Primarily because of a lack of materials and supplies. They couldn't just use the duplicator they had to have a trail for where they got the materials. The bunker would fix all of that. Between Red, Eli, and Artemis, they could create a believable paper trail for where they got the materials.

For the low price of 375,000, the entire bunker would be filled with supplies and materials that could be used on various things, from cars and weapons to computers. The other benefit was that there was an infinite supply. All they had to do was wait twenty-four hours, and they could buy again on top of duplicating every purchase. Lastly, the bunker was fully upgraded with laptops, research equipment, gun stations, Mobile Operations Center, and the Anti-Aircraft Trailer. This could speed the process for advancement for both of their fields. Jarvis & Friday would also help in analyzing the equipment to reproduce. They could now easily upgrade the technology faster.

Trey let them explore both bunkers to their heart's content. After making sure everything was working correctly. They made a plan on what they would produce first. Artemis decided to put most development towards computers, search engines, and setting up future social media sites. Eli chose to focus on creating weapons, ammunition, and cars. Trey would have Desmond spawn all the vehicles he could at other warehouses later in the week. Eli would slowly release new vehicles yearly while getting government contracts for weapons. Altogether this would cost him 560 million, but it was worth it. They would follow the plan they made last year, buying materials and manufacturing slowly. With the addition of the bunkers, though, they could start immediately.

Elsewhere five miles off of Grenada, Desmond was checking out the new island he had purchased. Isle De Ronde was huge. It had 2,000 acres of land available. The area was isolated from most of the world. The island also features a fantastic cave system he'd turn into an underwater base later. For now, this would be where he would set up his first base. The one hundred million he spent on the island was worth it.

Desmond decided he would do a couple of things before he started construction on the base. He'd first put up wards to protect his secret base from outsiders. He'd also arm it to the teeth with defenses just in case someone got past the wards. No one should be able to disturb him. This is where he would do most of his training and research.

Additionally, Desmond bought 30 vanishing cabinets from the system for three million fan points. He would place them in key places all over the globe. The return location was on the island, so he could easily use them back to back. So he could be anywhere at any time.

Most importantly, he had an escape plan if the she-demon worked him too hard. The cabinets, plus his concealment ability, made him practically untraceable. Putting his thoughts on the island aside, one thing was plaguing his mind.

'The timeline is going toward Arrowverse, it seems. I thought Supergirl would've shown up by now, but that hasn't happened. Oliver was found yesterday after being presumed dead for five years. I checked for other characters as well. Felicity, Diggle, and Tommy exist. However, Laurel Lance's middle name isn't Dinah. It's her sister's name. She also looks like the DCAU version. How this Oliver acts determines what timeline I'm dealing with. Whom he ends up with also determines if certain timelines are possible. I hope he chooses Dinah because Felicity guarantees we have to face Crisis on Infinite Earths in less than a decade.' Desmond thought somberly on the beach of the island.

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