
Beyond The Omniverse (DC)

This is the story of a man who is given a second chance at life. Reborn into one of the strongest universes and armed with an equally strong system to level the playing field. Will he succeed in this life where he once failed? Will he follow the light, the dark, or a mixture of both? What is in store for him in this new world? This is the journey of a man on a quest to live a fulfilled life. PLEASE READ Author's Foreword I answer the most frequently asked questions in there. If you have other questions, DM or write a comment. I will do my best to respond. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters besides my own. They all belong to their respective companies.

Legxndary · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Meeting Team Arrow

April 13th, 1997

General POV

At the Carter Mansion, a pair of siblings played around in the living room.

"Please, Bro, Pretty Please," Kyla begged her brother. Trey kept pretending to be too tired to answer her. Ever since they started training lessons, Kyla has been begging him to teach her his secret to fighting. His sister concluded he had to have some secret skill. It had to be the answer to why she couldn't beat him once despite being three years older than him. The truth was he turned off his martial masteries when learning from their master. It was his insane subconscious memory that allowed him to excel at combat without the masteries.

"If you don't answer me, I'll have no choice but to use my special technique," Kyla said, her hands tickling his sides.

"Hahaha, okay, I give, I give," Trey said, surrendering to her technique.

"No one can escape the clutches of the great Kyla. Tell me your secret or die," Kyla demanded evilly, wiggling her hands. Her brother gestured for her to come close before whispering in her ear.

"There's no secret. I, your awesome brother, am just great at everything. And one last thing. You should have taken me down when you had the chance." Trey whispered as he hit her full force with a pillow from the sofa. Before she had time to react, he was halfway up the stairs sprinting to his room. He'd be free and clear if he could get there before she caught him. As he hit the last step, his mother & father stepped out of their room, hearing all the commotion.

"Mom, Dad, stop him! Please all do whatever you want for a month." Kyla yelled, sprinting up the stairs. Trey's parents looked at each other before shrugging. They each got in place to block him.

"I guess I know who your favorite is," Trey screamed, frustrated that they chose to help her.

"Nonsense, we love both of you equally. I'm sure you did something that you need to be punished for." Tyson said in complete denial of his bias. While he spoke, Trey started running full speed at him. As he got in range, Tyson prepared to tackle him. Just before he could, Trey slid between his legs. Quickly getting up and continuing his sprint. By his door, he could see his mother calmly waiting for him. He decided to make up a distraction.

"Dad let me hold a grenade last month at the range!" Trey screamed. Shocking his mother. Tyson, who was racing behind with his daughter, eyes went wide.

"Honey, don't believe him," Tyson exclaimed, trying to cover his tracks. He only showed his son his collection. He never let him hold one. Alexandra gave him a look of "We'll talk later". As she refocused, Trey was already halfway past her. She smiled before activating her trap. Trey looked back at his family, gloating at his win.

"Better luck, next time….." Trey was stopped as he ran face-first into white mush. His mom had secretly placed the spare Baymax they had in the hallway closet in front of his door. As he tried to escape, his whole family caught up with him. Without using his powers, Trey had fallen into the clutches of his enemies.

May 14th, 1997

In the Arrow Cave, Oliver Queen & his team were working on finding the seismic device Malcolm Merlin would use to level the Glades. The poorest area of starling city.

"Can you locate the seismic device?" Oliver asked, crossing his arms. Standing in his black suit, looking over the shoulder of his cute blonde friend.

"I'm hacked into Merlin's system, but there's at least a teraflop of data to go through. This could take a while." Felicity replied, looking up at him. Oliver paced around the room, grabbing the notebook his father had left him.

"You all right?" Diggle asked. The large black man looked over at his friend.

"No. My father asked me to right his wrongs, but I never knew what he meant until now. It's the Undertaking. Taking down these names from the list only treated the symptoms while true disease festered. If I stop the Undertaking, I wipe out the disease. I save this city from Merlin's plan." Oliver concluded. Diggle was going to speak before a Whoosh was heard, alerting everyone.

"Felicity Smoak, John Diggle, and Oliver Queen, you've done pretty well for a team of three trying to save a city." A voice praised them. Diggle took out his gun while Oliver grabbed his bow, looking around the room.

"I'm up here, guys," Creed said, standing on the ceiling. Diggle & Oliver aimed their weapons at him.

"Why are you here?" Oliver demanded.

"Your that guy who fought with the other heroes against Darkseid," Felicity said, remembering seeing him on the news.

"Finally, someone with a brain. Queen, I'm here to confirm who's in your love life & because I know where the device is." Creed explained nonchalantly. Felicity went red in embarrassment at his first comment.

"How can you be trusted?" Diggle asked, not lowering his gun.

"Well, other than the fact I fought to save the freaking world, I'll give you a couple of freebies. Diggle, your brother, is alive, brainwashed, and working for H.I.V.E., an evil military organization. You're still in love with Lyla & she's still in love with you. Remarry her. I'm rooting for you, man. Oliver, I know about Shadow & Slade, who's alive, by the way, currently working for the league under the moniker of Deathstroke. Dinah is also alive. I have her whereabouts if you want them after this is over. Felicity, your father, is a super-criminal hacker. You're in love with Oliver, who, from what my telepathy is telling me, doesn't love you back in that way. I'm sorry." Creed explained. Felicity was a little miffed at the revelation. She looked over at Oliver to confirm what she had just heard. They shared a glance before Oliver refocused back on Creed.

"How could you possibly know all that?" Oliver questioned.

"Easy, one of my powers allows me to see future timelines. Now enough chit-chat. We have a city to save. The device goes off tomorrow." Creed said, jumping down to them.

'Felicity, I can show you the future where you do get him after this is over. I had to do it this way. I'll explain why later.' Creed said telepathically to her. She calmed down, nodding towards him. Diggle put his gun away, agreeing to work with him.

"So what should we call you?" Diggle asked.

"The names Creed," Creed replied.

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