
Beyond The Omniverse (DC)

This is the story of a man who is given a second chance at life. Reborn into one of the strongest universes and armed with an equally strong system to level the playing field. Will he succeed in this life where he once failed? Will he follow the light, the dark, or a mixture of both? What is in store for him in this new world? This is the journey of a man on a quest to live a fulfilled life. PLEASE READ Author's Foreword I answer the most frequently asked questions in there. If you have other questions, DM or write a comment. I will do my best to respond. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters besides my own. They all belong to their respective companies.

Legxndary · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

He's Here

April 30th, 1998

General POV

"Phew," Amanda Waller sighed, taking a bubble bath at her apartment. She was enjoying her time relaxing when she heard a noise.


Amanda burst out the door with only a towel covering her and a loaded gun in hand. She looked around vigilantly for the intruder. She was about to leave the room when a figure landed behind her, taking her gun away.

"Waller, I mean you no harm. I am Syn(Lydia) of the Brotherhood. Call your president for another emergency meeting. Our people will meet you at the white house. There will be an emergency broadcast in about ten minutes explaining the situation. So please refrain from any questions until then." Syn said. Amanda tried to turn around and ask a question, but Syn had disappeared.

Ten minutes later, Amanda and the Joint Chiefs of Staff were rushed to the White House. Before anyone could ask what was happening, a red alert appeared on every phone, computer, and TV. A moment later, Creed appeared on screen. He was wearing new black, gold, and white robes. (Knight of ISU Armor) For some, this was the first time they saw him.

"Sorry for the interruption, but the situation has forced my hand. Superman has been compromised. Brainwashed to believe he is Darkseid's son. He will be here within the hour with a force of around 50,000. His confirmed targets are D.C., Metropolis, Coast City, and Central City. I ask all governments worldwide to send aid to these locations and be prepared for attacks at key military locations. Citizens of the world don't lose hope. Myself and other like-minded individuals are already working to protect you. I also have a way to deal with Superman's mind control. I'll bring him back to his old self, I promise." Creed finished before signing off. A second later, Zio appeared once again unannounced. President Clinton called out before the Secret Service could point their guns at him.

"Next time, call instead of summoning us and doing your magic act whenever there's an emergency. What else can you tell us about the attack?" Clinton asked, calming down the situation.

"We estimate each city will be attacked with a force of 12,500. The Green Lantern core will protect Coast City. John is already on standby, and Hal is rushing back from their home world. Central City will have the Flash, Black Canary, and Green Arrow. Metropolis has Supergirl and Batman. You will have us protect your capital." Zio explained.

"I know each of you is powerful, but will two or three people really be enough to take on armies in the thousands?" President Clinton questioned.

"It won't just be them. My brother Creed will send a small contingent of his Guardians(Black Ops/Ghost Teams) to every city. Each of them is slightly weaker than us. They, along with your military and allies worldwide, should be enough to fend off their forces." Zio disclosed.

"I assume Creed and Omni will be taking on Superman then." President Clinton said.

"Yes, until then, they are working on evacuating civilians and setting up protection barriers at key spots in each city." Zio was about to explain more when he was rudely interrupted.

"We already have police and the military working on evacuation. Let's go back to the Superman issue. Do they really have a way to break Superman from this so-called mind control? How are you even sure that's what it is? Should his turn be permanent, are you and your friends prepared to do what's necessary to protect the world?" Amanda questioned from the side, causing everyone in the room to turn to Zio. The man shook his head.

"No matter the era, no matter the circumstances, there are always scum like you who play politics no matter the situation. Even today as, the world is burning. Superman has saved your citizens, his city, and this world many times in their hour of need. The one time he needed help, you would rather suggest his death for the so-called threat he possesses. Ignoring all the good he's done." Zio said with calm fury in his voice.

"I'm not ignoring anything. An outcome where Superman stay's evil and must be eliminated is a possibility. I'm thinking of the greater good. He's too much of a threat to leave unchecked." Amanda fired back. Zio sneered at her.

"Save it la cagna(bitch). We know everything you would do in the name of your republic. I don't care about Cadmus or your squad of criminals. Where I draw the line is what you tried to do with Ace(Justice League) and Project Doomsday. While we were talking, I had a team rescue her. If I ever see your Frankenstein project or hear anything about you abducting any more meta children, I'll release everything we have on you to the world. President Clinton, keep your dog on its leash. Your country can't handle the consequences." Zio insinuated before disappearing. Amanda and the President shared a look of panicked shock that their cards had been shown.

Around the same time, on Utopia Island, Jamie and Trey's clone had finished debriefing the situation to everyone. The conversation turned tense from a disagreement they were having.

"No, It's too dangerous," Trey said with crossed arms.

"But we all have powers now. What was the point of training for the past six months? If we still can't help you in a crisis." Liz said, being surprisingly the most vocal about helping.

"Look, I appreciate your willingness to help, but my answer is still no. None of you besides the Guardians or the Brotherhood are ready. This isn't the first and certainly won't be the last time Earth is invaded. You'll get your chance eventually. Today, I need all non-combat personnel to coordinate with everyone in the field. Be our eyes and ears so we can keep casualties to a minimum. Also, If anyone can heal, you can go to one of our safe houses in each city. They are already warded; some of our men will bring the most critical patients from the battle. Any extra hands would be appreciated." Trey explained. Alexandra looked like she was going to say something when Trey turned around, looking at the sky.

"He's Here." Trey said solemnly before the clone evaporated. Alexandra shed tears silently, knowing what he was about to face. Tyson hugged her from behind.

"Have faith in our son, plus don't forget he's not alone." He said with a trusting smile.

Back in Metropolis, Superman had arrived on top of the Daily Planet with his army of Parademons. He was dressed head to toe in new black, silver, and red Apokolips armor. His army had just begun his assault on the other cities when he arrived. The citizens of Metropolis quaked in fear at the sight of their hero surrounded by the same people he once protected them from. Lois and Jimmy were in the crowd below. They and many others still believed the old Superman was still in there.

"In the name of my father, Lord Darkseid. I claim this planet in his….." Superman was about to finish and plant a flag with his symbol when Omni and Creed appeared on each side of him. A second later, a loud pop was heard. They were all gone, shocking the Parademons and the rest of the world that was watching.

Sorry for the Delay. Been busy with things irl. I'm currently working on the next three chapters my plan is still to release them back to back. Please leave a review.

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