
Beyond The Omniverse (DC)

This is the story of a man who is given a second chance at life. Reborn into one of the strongest universes and armed with an equally strong system to level the playing field. Will he succeed in this life where he once failed? Will he follow the light, the dark, or a mixture of both? What is in store for him in this new world? This is the journey of a man on a quest to live a fulfilled life. PLEASE READ Author's Foreword I answer the most frequently asked questions in there. If you have other questions, DM or write a comment. I will do my best to respond. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters besides my own. They all belong to their respective companies.

Legxndary · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Evil in Humanity

July 4th, 1997

Trey POV

"Oh, you'll be in my heart (you'll be here in my heart)

No matter what they say (I'll be with you)

You'll be here in my heart (I'll be there) always


I'll be with you

I'll be there for you always

Always and always

Just look over your shoulder

Just look over your shoulder

Just look over your shoulder

I'll be there always." I sang, finishing out, You'll Be In My Heart for the annual Wayne Foundation charity event. Its become my annual televised concert in recent years.

"Thank you, everyone. I hope you enjoyed our show. The songs played today will be on the soundtracks for Toy Story, The Jungle Book, Lion King, & Hercules, coming later in the year. Remember, folks, Tarzan releases next week in theaters. That's all I have today for you. My good friend Artemis has a couple of final announcements. The floor is yours, buddy." I said, handing the stage over to him. We briefly shook hands for the cameras before I walked off stage.

I watched as Artemis began his presentation for MomCorp. Today he would show the world the iFruit(Phone) & Super Fruit (Mac). The Fruit line of products was ten years ahead of anything else on the market. I expect us to make a massive splash in the market when they release next month. The only bad thing was I had to make a final deal with Bruce cutting him in on 10%. He had connections with the existing network providers & we still needed help on the back end with manufacturing.

'Still, I hate that we had to give up 10% of the profit for the next decade. Hopefully, this is the last time we have to cut a deal with other companies to keep up with production.' I thought, walking back to my dressing room. I couldn't wait to get out of this suit. Unexpectedly as soon as I walked in my sense went off and a hand covered my mouth.

'Kidnapping?' was my last thought as I inhaled some form of gas.

Kidnapper POV

When my men & I approached our underground bunker, I couldn't help cracking a smile. One year of planning had paid off. We nabbed Wayne's money maker right under his nose. He'll pay a king's ransom to get him back.

"We're gonna be filthy rich boys!" My brother Davey screamed, putting the unconscious Trey on the sofa. The rest of my men cheered in agreement.

"All right, gents, save the celebration for when we have the money. We still need to stay sharp. The ransom demand should have gone out by now. The tech we got from Intergang has made us untraceable. The moment we send proof of life, they send the money & we split. Enjoy this moment & get back to work. We can't afford any mistakes being on Superman's turf." I said, getting the men back to focus. They got back to their positions, guarding the base. Just as I finished speaking, I noticed Davey eying the kid. He was grabbing his crotch along with that look in his eye. I dragged him into my office before he F*cks up again.

"What! I didn't do anything." He complained as I threw him into a chair.

"Don't even think about it. I know that look. You hurt him & all hell will break loose." I reprimanded him. Davey shrugged before asking again.

"I won't hurt him. I just want a taste…. Davey stopped as I slapped him across the face. This idiot was testing my patience. I grabbed him by the throat.

"The last time you had a 'taste,' our prize killed herself after you were done. We ended up with MI6 on our asses for two years. We burned all our cash to get to the states. Stop thinking with your dick. If it weren't for my promise to Pa, I would've shot you already." I said, letting him go.

"Your one to talk your no better than me," Davey said, rubbing his neck.

"At least I don't shit where I eat!" I said, walking out to take a smoke. I need a hit to calm my nerves. I stepped outside & lit my cig. One last job & we're done. I thought, cleansing my mind of Davey's BS. I blew out smoke, thinking of everything it took to get here.

One last job & it'll all be worth it—ten years of being a grunt for everyone else. Me & Davey finally have a second shot at the big leagues. After this job, we'll have enough money for us never to have to rob, traffic, murder, or do any other kind of shit they ask people like us to do. The hypocritical blokes, the lot of em. They ask us to do all their dirty work for thousands while they make millions. After this, I'll tell all those bastards to F off. Me & my brother get to be the kings now. We have to get through this one last day.

I stretched, finishing my smoke break. Walking back in, I noticed my men on the ground passed out. As I reached for my gun, a small hand grabbed me by the throat. I looked down to see blood red & black eyes staring at me. The child I thought was my captive was now holding me against the door. He stared at me with hatred. I heard a voice that shook my soul.

"Death would be a reward for men like you. I will make you atone for every sin. By the end, you'll wish Lucifer himself had punished you instead of me." The child told me. It was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

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