
Beyond The Omniverse (DC)

This is the story of a man who is given a second chance at life. Reborn into one of the strongest universes and armed with an equally strong system to level the playing field. Will he succeed in this life where he once failed? Will he follow the light, the dark, or a mixture of both? What is in store for him in this new world? This is the journey of a man on a quest to live a fulfilled life. PLEASE READ Author's Foreword I answer the most frequently asked questions in there. If you have other questions, DM or write a comment. I will do my best to respond. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters besides my own. They all belong to their respective companies.

Legxndary · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Author's Foreword

Hey everyone, I hope you enjoy my fanfic. This whole project started with me reading lots of novels, wishing that sometimes the author would go in a specific direction or make the story the way I wanted. Before long, I realized that I had ideas for stories; I didn't just want to read them. I have a couple of ideas for some long-form epics, but I know I will ruin the stories with my current writing skill level, which is why I decided to make this fanfic. This story allows me to work on my craft while also working with characters from fiction I have loved. This is my first story mistakes will be made. I hope I can keep them to a minimum and bring some happiness/fun to anyone who reads this. Now on to what to expect from the fanfic. I made a list of some things to expect.

1. This fanfic is a mix of action, adventure, slice of life, comedy, romance, and management. One of the MC's main goals is to live a fulfilled life. I plan to cover that in all aspects. Also, the character will get older as the story goes on. The first 50 chapters are ages 0-10, respectively.

2. The MC has the power to get anything from fiction but with restrictions. You'll understand more when you read. Nothing I give him will make him OP instantly. He will have to work for every increase in power he gets. By the same token, he won't be weak for long. Within the first 15 chapters, he has his first major battle.

3. I'm always ten or so chapters ahead. I'm open to suggestions for new powers, items, people, etc. Though at the end of the day, it will be my choice. I'm trying my best to stay away from the most popular things in fiction. Stuff from Dragonball or Marvel etc. I will be limiting for a while. There are a lot of lesser-known series that never get shine in fanfics. I plan to have them in this one.

4. SPOILER: There will be clones of the MC. They are all the MC. I'll explain in the novel, but I don't want anyone to get confused. Even if some clones look different or have some extra memories, they will all be the MC. FYI, this is not that much of a spoiler. It happens within the first 15 chapters as well.

5. There will technically be a harem, but only because of the clones pairing up with one partner each. I plan to have five or so max for the story.

6. On grammar, I will try my best. I try to reread every chapter before posting. I'm using Grammarly as well. If anyone wants to be my editor, DM me on Twitter @WillLegxndary

7. I'm open to criticism but not hate. If you say my story sucks, I'm going to ignore you. If you say my story sucks but have an explanation or ways for me to get better, I'll hear you out. After all, I'm doing this to improve my writing.

8. Things that will never be in my novel: Incest, NTR, Graphic depictions of SA, etc. I will allude to harsh topics like SA but never describe it in detail. I personally don't like reading anything like that. Some graphic battle scenes will be described, but if you've seen or read Hunter x Hunter, Naruto, or Netflix's Daredevil, you'll be fine. I don't plan to write anything like the most bloody or dark parts of Invincible. This may change, but I doubt it.

9. The MC won't be some weak beta male that never does anything with women or be some chad chick magnet where every woman falls in love with him. I hate both types of characters with a passion. They are usually never done well or hurt the other characters in the relationship with the MC.

10. Donations welcome for paypal @Legxndary.

11. I will do my best to finish this fanfiction, but no promises. I'm

finishing my degree & work full-time I can't dedicate all the time I

want to this project. I will, however, promise never to leave without

giving you guys an update on what's going on. I hate it when other

authors do that. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story.