

"It's burned to crisp" Nicole stated as the General made way for everyone through the smoke and left bits of their headquarters. "How could Mayden be so irresponsible" the General started. "What do you mean General?" Ara asked. "We just received a very important clue from the postbox about Japeth. They said it might contain valuable information as it was requested to be delivered right in his hands. the General explained. "HOLD UP A SECOND! WE ARE LOOKING FOR THE ONLY CLUE LEFT TO GET CLOSER TO THAT BASTARD IN A PLACE THAT JUST GOT BOMBED BY THE EXACT SAME GUY?' Levi screamed. "Levi please calm down I am sure its okay. Let's stop wasting time and go look for it" Addison said. "So, let me get this straight, we are looking for the only clue left to find him in this place that is burned to the core just because Mayden left behind as she panicked?" Rae cleared things out. "I am afraid so" the General said and sighed. "Then why are we still clearing things out stop talking, open your eyes and look for it. We need that document" Ara screamed and ran away to look for it. "Ara! Be careful try not to trip you are very clumsy" the General screamed. "Can't make promises I can't keep" a faint voice replied. "You just let her go on her own? Just like that?" Leo asked. "What? She is helping" the General admitted. Leo sighed. "Let's split up, 2 of us could go find Ara and lend her a hand while the others could spilt and search for the document" Leo suggested. "I could go search for her" Addison volunteered. "If it's okay I could accompany Addison" Levi said and put his hands in his pockets while he spun around. "Okay then Addison and Levi can go look for Ara, while the others can look for the document which includes me as well" Leo finalized. Everyone splitted up while Addison and Levi followed the path Ara went before she disappeared.

Levi's pov

I and Addison walked past all the broken shelves and computers looking for Ara. A hand came and stopped me in my tracks. I looked over to Addison with confusion filling my eyes. "Watch your step, you don't want to end up electrocuted" Addison said. I looked down to find a bunch of broken wires. I freaked and leaped away while Addison laughed it out and continued walking away. "What was funny" I asked.

No one's pov

"Can you believe what is happening right now. Before I was so broken, my life was not worth living and the past kept haunting me while you guys were the only who supported me after the incident that left me collapsed. I am really thankful for meeting all of you. Now I am helping the same world that broke me" Addison said as she teared up. "Hey, hey look at me okay. It's all fine. We are here for you no matter what. Believe in yourself Addison, we are proud of you. Not a lot of people are strong enough like you to get past after encountering such situations" Levi said as he calmed Addison down. "Thanks Levi, sorry for breaking like this" Addison apologized. "It's completely okay, lets keep going" Levi suggested. She nodded as they walked deeper into the area. It's getting darker we should look fas-" before Addison could finish Levi screamed. "S-something f-fell on m-my leg. A-addison i-it hurts. Aaaaah th-the screw w-went i-in I th-think" Levi stuttered holding his leg, eyes watering because of the pain he was facing. "The wooden block is too heavy to move" Addison said panicking. "Hold on Levi I will bring help" Addison said standing up. "N-no l-leave me h-here y-you should go l-look for A-ara she w-will hurt h-herself. C-come back after y-you find her" Levi said. "But- " Addison started, when a bullet fired sound was heard followed by a loud scream. The sound sounded just like Ara.