

"Beyond The Horizon" weaves a haunting tale of pain, sorrow, and redemption, centered on the enigmatic Kieru O'hera. A mild-mannered boy, Kieru is burdened with the monumental task of averting an apocalyptic future. To do so, he must journey back in time, facing the harrowing truth of mankind's cruelty and inhumanity. As he traverses this perilous path, Kieru's faith in humanity falters, leaving him to question if the world deserves a second chance at all. Plagued by a debilitating medical condition that triggers frequent blackouts, Kieru uncovers a deeper mystery—he shares his body with four other souls. This revelation adds a profound layer of complexity to his quest, as he navigates the external chaos of a world on the brink of collapse and the internal turmoil of his fragmented identity. The power of "Beyond The Horizon" lies in its masterful blend of intimate character study and epic stakes. Kieru's evolution from a gentle boy to a reluctant hero is marked by profound moral dilemmas and emotional depth. The apocalyptic future he strives to save serves as a stark, urgent backdrop to his mission. This narrative captivates with its rich, multi-dimensional storytelling, delving into the darkest aspects of human nature while offering a glimmer of hope through Kieru's relentless search for meaning and redemption. "Beyond The Horizon" promises an unforgettable journey of thrilling adventure and deep introspection, leaving readers profoundly moved long after the final page is turned.

Kins009 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


Beneath the serenade of night, the stars assembled as a celestial choir, their lights weaving an endless tapestry of cosmic melodies. A deep, black tranquility laced the sky with the delicate poetry of the evening, a beauty that often concealed the horrors lurking beneath.

Yet, there were always those who refused to acknowledge its haunting presence. They averted their eyes, quickened their pace, and hurried through alleys where the cats hissed in warning. These naive souls dismissed it as just another shadow—a mere wanderer, blind to the truth. They were in the presence of something far darker, something infernal.

In that darkness, it found its prey—a drunkard whose glassy eyes, clouded with alcohol, locked onto the figure emerging from the shadows. Trembling, he dared to speak its name.

"It's him," the man whispered, terror cracking his voice. "The Monster!"

The air thickened with a blend of rage and fear—an intoxicating mix it savored. The promise of a feast within reach, it cast aside its human facade, revealing claws that, with a swift flick, sliced through the man's throat as easily as tearing through paper.

A faint, desperate shriek escaped the man's lips as he crumpled to the ground, thrashing like a fish yanked from sea. Blood streamed into the copperstone gutter, the sharp scent of alcohol mingling with the cool night air. The creature wasted nothing, drawing close to siphon the man's life force until only emptiness remained. The night swallowed the horror in silence, no witnesses to the dark deed.


Orenji shook his head, pacing in a rigid line, muttering under his breath. Yukira watched him from a distance, torn between wanting to punch him for looking so lost and slapping him to snap him out of it.

In the end, she chose something in between.

She leaped into his path, forcing him to stop just before he collided with her. "Renji," she called out, her voice sharp, demanding his attention.

"My mom doesn't know," he blurted out, his words tumbling out in a rush. "Sir Haturii doesn't know. If anyone finds out we left home to track down a Kaiju without any authorization—especially one of this caliber—we'll be stripped of our ranks. Not that our ranks are particularly high, but at least having a rank is better than none at all…"

Yukira remained silent, her cat-green eyes widening in surprise, mirroring his panic.

"And don't even get me started on the unauthorized access to the Rscp Foundation's security feeds. If word gets out about any of this, we're done for. Kaput! Finished! Do you understand?" Orenji's voice trembled, his panic reaching a fever pitch.

Yukira pressed her lips together, stifling a laugh. His repeated cries of "finished" seemed almost absurd, a stark contrast to the resilience she had learned since she was six, when no one had cared whether she came back home. Clearing her throat, she forced herself to adopt a serious expression.

"Listen," she said, placing a firm hand on Orenji's shoulder. "You're right. The dangers, the adventures, the sheer terror—it's not for everyone. Honestly, I wouldn't want you tagging along either, momma's boy." Her voice carried a hint of amusement.

Orenji's eyes narrowed, a challenge in his gaze.

Yukira threw up her hands in feigned surrender. "Oh, come on. You're the one always whining about how we never get to do anything exciting. Well, here we are." With a playful twist, she resumed her path, leaving him to stew in his frustration.

"Yeah, but this is different," he muttered, catching up to her.

"Oh?" Yukira's curiosity was piqued.

"I didn't mean risking-your-life adventures. I meant the kind that's just plain fun."

"This is our first time," she replied. "Don't get too impatient."

They pressed on in silence, Orenji's gaze lingering on Yukira with a mix of admiration and frustration. Her smile, bright and unrestrained, didn't escape his notice. Sensing his stare, Yukira turned to him with a bemused expression. "Oh, brother, what's got you so worked up now?"

"You seem to be having an awful lot of fun with this, don't you?" Orenji observed, his tone a mix of amusement and skepticism.

"You can say that again," she replied, a playful glint in her eyes.

"Sensei doesn't know, right? My mom can be downright terrifying."

"Well, I should be asking you that," Yukira said, her expression suddenly serious. She stopped abruptly, her eyes narrowing. "Wait a minute! You did submit our note of absence, didn't you, Orenji?!"

He looked at her, confusion clouding his face as he tried to make sense of the question. "Oh, yeah, yeah," he said, finally finding his footing. "I filled it out completely!"

"Great," Yukira sighed, relief washing over her. "Then our cover is secure."

As they continued down the trail, they remained unaware of the silent observer above. On a rooftop just out of sight, a shadowy figure moved with the stealth of a predator, its gaze fixed intently on them.

A chill ran down Yukira's spine, and she whirled around, only to find the space behind her empty. The creature had vanished, leaving no trace of its presence.

Yukira pressed forward, her voice firm with resolve. "Alright, let's split up."

Orenji's eyes widened in shock. "Huh?"

"Dude," Yukira said, her frustration barely concealed.

"No, no, no. Haven't you ever seen a horror movie?" He blurted out, incredulous.

"You want to get out of here quickly, right? Splitting up will let us cover the area in half the time," she reasoned, her logic clear.

Orenji threw up his hands in protest, his expression a mix of panic and defiance. "What?! No. We stay together, okay? Together!" His voice was resolute as he turned back to the path, his steps heavy with stubborn determination.

"Alright, fine. No need to be such a baby about it," Yukira relented, though her tone was tinged with exasperation. Her gaze then fell on the laptop he was carrying. "What's with the laptop?"

"Oh, this?" He said, holding it up. "It's my mom's. The Foundation outfitted it with a custom program to track the anomaly. It detects any surge in energy output and alerts us when we're within range."

Yukira tilted her head, a mix of curiosity and confusion in her expression. "In simpler terms?"

With a resigned sigh, he replied, "It beeps when our monster's near."

"Then why didn't you just say that from the start?" Yukira asked, exasperated. "Anyway, you know how to use that thing, right?"

"Absolutely!" He said, but then hesitated. "Wait, let me get this straight; we're tracking an anomaly…"

"Kaiju," Yukira interjected.

"Kaiju, anomaly—whatever. So, we're hunting this 'thing' that not only has the power of a nuclear bomb but is essentially a walking nuclear bomb itself, right?"

"That's the gist of it," Yukira confirmed.

"…but if that's the case, why hasn't it done anything yet?"

Yukira paused, her focus sharpening.

"When I first encountered him, he didn't seem nearly as sinister as they made him out to be," Orenji continued, his tone reflective. "And remember, even at the Foundation, despite his immense power, he didn't kill anyone. He just... fled."

"So, what are you implying?" Yukira asked, confusion evident in her voice.

"What I'm suggesting," Orenji said, "is that if killing was his goal, he would have done it. Despite numerous opportunities, he chose not to."

"But he could have," she countered, her tone firm. "It could have done it at any time."

"Well, he didn't kill me," Orenji replied, a glint of defiance in his eyes.