
Beyond The Grave

Adena_Parker · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 4

I woke up to my alarm clock beeping like hell was dormant. I shut it off and looked at Jackson who too had just woken up... Along with Mandy, Lola, and Neil.

If they didn't already suspect I like him they do now. I sat up and Jackson pulled me down. He kissed me... Not on the cheek, on the lips.

"Finally!" Lola shouted

"I ship it! I ship it!" Mandy called out

"Way to go bro!" Neil shouted

I smiled into the kiss. We broke apart and we both got up and all five of us started scrambling to get ready for our first classes of the day. Minutes later I was waiting out side of the bathroom.

"Lola!" I pounded on the door, "How long does it take to do you damn makeup?"

"Chill two more minutes." 

I storm out and into Delilah's dorm room. We've been friends since I can remember which maybe messed with since I died and all of that. So I'm now seeing why there's so many gaps in my memory's.

"What is it chicka?" She asked

"Lola's taking forever." I say

"Use mine, I've been done for a while now." She said

"Hey where's your roommate?" I ask

"Stacy Hall? She went to share a room with Vanessa Lynch... And Casey maxwell is like a fricken ninja in and out like that!" She snapped her fingers

I laughed.

"I'm gonna use your bathroom now." I said

"Knock yourself out." She laughed

I shut the bathroom door. Not even thirty seconds after I had shut it someone started knocking.

"I'm kinda in the middle of something!" I shout

"Oh sorry I was wondering if I could do my hair... But I can wait." Jackson said

Why is he in here?

I finished in that bathroom. I also pulled my hair back into a pony tail. I opened the door and Jackson was waiting by the door.

"All yours." I said

He had his hair gel and a brush in his hand. I went back into my dorm and saw Lola was done but now Mandy was in there. Neil was patiently waiting.

"Anything from Jalen?" I ask Neil

"No, thank god that bitch needed to go anyway." Neil said

"I guess it took a couple of bottles of alcohol and Lola to push you to it huh?" I ask

He laughed and Lola sat with her hands folded in her lap. Neil collected himself and stood up.

"Hey Lola can we talk?" He asked

"Sure." She said

She got up and the two of them took their books and walked out. I got my books and started walking to advanced bio.

I felt a hand grasp my arm pull me back. I turned to see Jackson.

"What's up?" I ask

"I just wanted to walk to class with you." He said

We started walking down the hall together. Then he slipped his hand in mine. I pulled mine away. We still kept walking.

"Are we a thing?" I ask

"I don't know are we?" He asked

"Jackson you know I love you but if we were to date, suppose we broke up and then hated each other." I say

"I could never hate you." He says

"Even still, I don't wanna chance it until I know your always going to be by my side." I say

He says nothing for a minute then,

"You know tonight's the full moon." He smiled

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked

"There's a party at one of the college sorority houses." He said

"Ok." I said

"Your going." He said

"No I am not." I say

"Yes you are." He pushes

"No I'm not I have to study." I say

"Too bad, I will kidnap you." He said

"No happening McGarth." I said

I walked to my class and so did he. I sat down and got my notes out. Class started and we all started writing down what our teacher was writing down on the board.

Soon enough class ended and the rest flew bye. And by the time I noticed classes where over and it was 5:30. I went inside my dorm to see all my friends getting ready for the party Jackson told me about. There was a bag on my bed.

"Is this on of yours?" I asked Lola and Mandy

"No." They both said

"Who's- why did you- hey- I'm not going!" I said

"Just open it." Neil shouted

I opened it.

Inside was black high heels and and a dress with black lace top to bottom. It was a really pretty dress.

"Don't get me wrong this is a beautiful dress, but I'm not going to that party." I said

"Please." Lola cried

"No." I say

"Please!" They cried

"I said no! Wanna hear it in Spanish NOH!" I said sitting on my bed opening my bio book.

"Either your coming in this or the dress your pick... Either way you are going to that party." Lola said

"Mandy?" I looked to her for help

She shook her head and nodded at the others they all tried to lung at me. I moved just in time. They all fell on each other. I took this as a chance and ran to Delilah's room opened the door got in and locked it.

I turned around and saw her in a party dress.

"Awe not you too!" I shouted in annoyance

"Your going." She said

"No I'm not." I said

She walked over to me and threw me over her back. She opened the door and walked to mine. I'm surprised she didn't snap a heel. She dropped me on my bed. She put the bag on my lap.

"Your going!" They all say

"No." I say

Lola picks up my books.

"What are you doing?" I ask

She walked to the window. She held the books out the window.

"No! Please I need to study." I say

"You can tomorrow your tests are on Tuesday today is Friday!" Lola said

Mandy and Delilah held me back.

"Fine." I huffed

They all cheered and the boys high fived.

"This isn't happening again!" I shout

I take the bag and get dressed in the bathroom. I come out. Neil and Jacksons jaw drops.

"Your look hot!" Jackson says

"Sure, let's go." I sighed

We all get in Lola's car and drive to the sorority house. We approached street and you could hear it two blocks away. We parked and walked in. People where already drunk and wobbling on the dance floor.

People where spilling drinks. Some just stood by the fridge contemplating whether they should drink or not. Lola and Neil immediately grabbed drinks and started dancing.

They seemed like a couple, but it was hard to tell with the alcohol in their system. Mandy got a drink and stood with Jackson and I. She took big sips. She left for a second and returned with another.

"Hey why don't you go dance with Stephen?" I ask

She has had a crush on him since the second grade.

"Isn't he dating Evelyn?" Mandy asked

"They broke up." Jackson said

She seemed to perk up. She took her cup and tipped it all the way and cocked her head back. She slammed her cup down and made her way to the dance floor.

I saw Delilah with Jace Bade, Evelyn's brother.  They where really close I'm pretty sure things could go in a different direction after tonight.

Jackson and I stood there leaning against the rail.

"You know you can enjoy yourself, I'm here... I'll be here for the rest of the night." I say

"Sure... Hey KILLIAN THROW ME TWO BEERS BRO!" He shouted

Killian went to the fridge and threw Jackson two beers which he caught. He opened one and handed it to me. He opened the second one and took a sip. I took a small sip and immediately hated it. But I couldn't help but take another sip. Each sip got better than the last. Then it was a lot more tolerable. I threw the empty cup in the garbage and got another for Jackson and I.

I returned to the rail and handed Jackson the beer and about two beers later...

"You know something?" He laughed

"What?" I laughed

"I used to like Mandy a lot, but I found out she likes Stephen... But I've liked you longer." He said

"You wanna know something?" I laughed


"I just wanna run out in the woods... Maybe I'll get bitten by a werewolf and be able to have supernatural abilities than I can whoop your butt!" I said

"But I'll be in the woods with you, but I'll become a werewolf too... And I'll still whoop your butt." He said

"That's not fair." I whined

"That is unless you become alpha!" He said

"That's funny... Then I shall do that!" I say

Jackson pulled me toward the door the woods in the back. We chugged our beer threw the can and ran out the door. I fell because my heel snapped. I started laughing uncontrollably.

Jackson came to help me up and he fell to. He too started laughing his ass off. Then out of nowhere...
