
Beyond: The dark ages

“There is no right or wrong, only what is and what isn’t.” The hooded figure uttered, the pressure in the air palpable as he sneered, has arms coming together. “And you should not be here. You...are what isn't.” ~~~ The dark ages were at hand and realms grew impatient, the difference between protagonists and antagonists seemed to blur under the flickering flame that lit up their world. There they where, at the mercy of all who were greater. Threats and blessings at all turns and corners, who could tell them apart? Not even the wisest. Some seeded order, order of power, of what should and shouldn’t be. Though this meant nothing to those whom their lives had been suddenly torn apart from perfectly normal to an ethereal hurricane of the unnatural. Maraja was one of these unlucky souls, along with a few other of our growing protagonists. Where she belonged, who she was, none of these made sense anymore after the attack on earth. As would any other eighteen year old, she tried to run away from the truth, to hide behind the realm she had grown up in. She could not. Earth was no place to hold her growing power anymore and she had to leave. Read not only of Maraja, but also of all those who acted as both catalysts and hindrances to a somewhat greater good. Their actions would weld hidden agendas and pride into the grand tapestry surrounding every realm. And in these dark times, there would be a bright light, or so did the prophecy foretell. Yet again trust would hardly survive this ordeal, for it seemed revenge, greed and denial were the whispers of the dark ages.

Clouder · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The Veil

I could feel the glow in my eyes as I took in the frightening situation in front of me, my brother no less so.

"My first what now!?" I stared at the scaly-looking creature, the hairs on my body standing upright as I looked between them and my supposed cousin.

The four legged being bared it's razor sharp fangs whilst stomping its claw-cladded hinds into the tremor-filled earth.

"I suggest your human companion get out of here." He twisted his hands, black and purple tendrils of energy surrounding them. "Falcan may be drawn to power but that certainly wouldn't stop them from tearing him apart either."

Mason let out a terrified shiver at his words. The falcan let out an eerie screech, it's bloodshot glowing eyes shuffling between Rajani and my quivering self.

"Maraja." He turned to me briefly, urgency oozing from his glowing eyes. "This would be a good time for your highness to learn creation magic!" On cue, a cruel-looking scythe materialized in his hands as he raised it above his head, challenging the sneering creature. "Picture a weapon and an unshakable will for it to be created. Falcan cannot be harmed by pure magic, this is our only solution!"

I brought my hands forward, picturing a sword as I visibly struggled to concentrate on the will part of his instruction.

"Human! Find Thora! Warn her of the falcans, they'll be drawn to her as well!"

Slowly, the tremor in the earth subsided, giving way to the cause as hundreds of black-hided falcans surrounded us.

My brothers body remained frozen, oblivious to Rajanis' cries. "HUMAN!" He yelled as he sliced a charging falcan into two perfect halves, it's black blood splattering like a fountain. "GO! NOW!"

Mason snapped out of his fear-stricken daze, stumbling in terror as he took off to warn the others.

Rajani shot around, defending himself and I, obliterating falcan after falcan, his scythe moving relentlessly as it chopped into their rabid-looking bodies, his cloak and body drenched in their goo. "Maraja hurry up!" He yelled with a chillingly calm voice.

My head and hands buzzed with power as I desperately tried to create the image in my head, sweat and falcan's remains bathing my tense body.

"Crap!" Rajani doubled over, the falcans gathering him further as I looked around him, trying to make sense of what could've possibly hit him. "…goddamn it!" He slowed, the glow in his eyes receding as his scythe shrunk.

He grabbed the creature with his bare hands, ripping it apart with an angry snarl. "DIE!" He howled, kneeing another into the air as he grabbed more and more of them, flinging them across the field.

I concentrated harder, as I felt the warmth in my throbbing chest grow and the hilt of a sword in my shaking hands. "Oh! I did it!" My elation became brief as I was swatted to the filthy land, a bloodthirsty falcan appearing atop me, it's saliva-coated tongue hanging out of its unsightly mouth.

"Don't let it's saliva touch you!" A familiar voice called out in a hurry.

"Aughh!" Grunting in irritation, I swatted the animal with my sword, a sickening crack emerging from its skull. "Aahhhhh!" Highly disgusted, I pushed it off me, scrambling to my feet as I sliced at its limping body.

"Nawi come!" I dashed towards Thora and the rest, swinging the golden sword at the stray animals trying to get to me.

"Hurry!" Thora screamed as her hands moved in a familiar wild motion, bringing together her air bubble once more.

"Oh for heavens sake!" I hollered as more falcans outran me, some trying to block my path, some trying to gain on Thora.

With a twist of Thoras' hand, I was thrown into the air, dangling halfway to the floating air bubble. She formed another motion, grabbing my flailing body and dragging me into the safe space of the airborne entity as she readied for take off.

"Wait! What about Rajani!?" I looked down at his black frame as he continually devoured falcan by falcan with nothing but his bare blood-stained hands like they where his long awaited prey.

"He doesn't need to be worried about." With that, we sped across the air, leaving a raging Rajani behind.


"What if he can't fend them off anymore!?" We landed at a serene-looking garden, the smell of grass filling the air and the night approaching swiftly.

"Please, Maraja!" Thora curled her fingers up in anger, taking a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "You might be the chosen one but that doesn't make you untouchable. Rajanis' well-being is hardly where your concern should lie, Nawi." She raked her fidgeting fingers through her flowing hair, placing a hand on her hip.

"Maybe we should take a break?" Ria sheepishly suggested her eyes averted. "We're at the center of the veil now so we should be safe. We could rest a while before going to see the guardian."

Mason draped a comforting hand around my shoulder, pulling me against his frame.

"I really don't think we should have left him there, Thora." Unsatisfied with the situation, I made a beeline for the agitated female, disentangling myself from my brothers hold. "I dont fully understand your problem with him but he-"

"Stop being this naive Maraja!" She turned, focusing her cold gaze on me. "He's an outcast just like his father. You see how black his magic is?" She laughed bitterly. "It's not supposed to be that way. When an Elaran is consumed by the wrong emotions for too long, it determines how their magic will act after that. Rajanis' magic is corrupted, making him the last person you want to be around, because you see that corruption is as good as a disease. Only heaven knows what he's been up to since he left our realm." She places on her forehead, pacing back and forth on the plush grass.

"Doesn't that mean he needs friends and help more than ever now?"

"Friends? Help?" She scoffed in disbelief. "Maraja we are so close to entering our realm and with an attitude like that, you'll be dead before we make it to the taiacan!" She took in my confused expression.

"The ancient gateway. You need to understand these things, Nawi." She shook her head whilst she continued pacing. "Naltaniera is a dangerous place. More dangerous than this place. At least you know that the falcans and Arborians where after your life. In Naltaniera, you'll have no idea! Your loved ones, the ones you trust the most are the ones who'd turn their backs on you! Don't you understand? You hardly have anyone that truly has your best interest at heart right now so you definitely shouldn't be worried about that corrupt stray." Thoras eyes shimmered and the air around us began howling in response to her sour mood.

"Thora please calm down." Ria eyed a very strained Thora worriedly.

"Calm down!?" The air current intensified, blowing her hair around wildly.

"Stop telling me to calm down, Ria please." She pointed an accusatory finger at me. "She is supposed to be our only hope. She's supposed to end Killian, and bring peace to the realm but right now, she'll probably want to settle centuries of suffering with a hug! The beyond realm is in peril and she's concerned about the enemies son!"

"I understand your concerns Thora, I do." Ria took a step toward her, trying to calm her.

"Do you really?" Thora raised an incredulous brow at her.

"I do, believe me just calm down alright?"

"Stop telling me to calm down!" The strained leash on the princess snapped as a dangerous gust of wind spiraled toward me.

As if in second nature, I raised a hand in defense, feeling the powerful warmth in my chest. The air blast divided as it met my outstretched palm, going both ways, golden specs surrounding my power filled frame.

"Sick!" Rio smirked in approval receiving a warning glare from his twin.

"Thora! Nak tava kal jak la Nawi!?" Ria broke into a strange sounding language as she marched toward the half-elf princess.

Thoras' eyes widened, the glow in them receding as she looked down in remorse. "Arak yad Ria."

"Oooh burn." Rio appeared beside me. "Incase you where wondering, that's an ancient language. You see how our bibreed suddenly cowered away?" Folding his arms, he tilted his head briefly toward Thora. "It is said that that's the effect when used to reprimand those in the wrong." He looked at me, the edge of his lip tilting upward. "Wanna learn? Our realm has a number of languages you'd find interesting."

"Hey creep, back off." Mason pulled me away from Rios' uncomfortably close structure.

"Relax big brother." He spoke, his disturbing smirk widening.

All of a sudden, I'm pulled backward by an unseeable force.

"What the heck!?" I screamed in panic, eyes glowing, trying to blast away the invisible hand attached to mine.


I registered the fear in my brothers eyes before mine where covered.

"…help." My head was flooded with a dull pain as my nose was covered.

I lost consciousness, slipping into the dark.