
Beyond The Astral

Beyond The Astral follows the journey of Rosetta Lyons, an ordinary 19 year old who works as the head servant for the royal family. One day she decides to aid in setting free a group of criminals that were wrongfully arrested only to discover they're heroes from another realm known as "Guardians". Join her as she navigates the challenges and secrets of her world, unravelling a web of intrigue that could change the course of her realm forever.

Awkwxrd · Fantasy
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30 Chs

I see it too

"So, how about you start from the beginning and tell us why you're here?"

Zaranah had the intruder laying down face first on the ground and had his arms tied behind his back with vines she had created. Hunter who had fully recovered from his concussion had manifested a small flame on the tip of his finger and was holding it near the intruders face.


"And WE will have YOUR head on a stick if you dont START TALKING"

Hunter held his finger closer to the mans face which caused the hood of his cloak to catch on fire.


"Its your choice, you either tell me and this lovely lady what we need to know or I turn your body into a campfire"

"That is probably the most corny shit you've ever said"

"Hey man IM TRYING, im not as badass like the rest of you"

"For the sake of everyone in Elysium just...stop trying...please"

The intruders hood was now almost in a blaze.


The intruder had eventually succumbed to the pain and realized it was in his best interest to listen to the Guardians. Hunter retracted the flame from the mans clothing and ripped off his hood which was still hot to the touch.

"There, now spill it"

"What do you want with our Kingdom"

"I dont want anything, I was just doing as I was told. NOBODY goes against the masters word and if you do that's practically asking to be slaughtered"

"Okay so tell us what this MASTER of yours wants?"

"I DONT KNOW I SWEAR! ONLY THE HIGHER UPS AND THE DISCIPLE ARE TOLD!...I'm just a grunt..an expendable grunt"

"You're a grunt but you're a mancer?"

"What is the name of the Apostle that gave you your blessing?"

"Mancer!? Apostle!? What are you even talking about!?"

"ALRIGHT this is a waste of time Zee lets just knock him out and take him to Silvana she'll know what to do"

"Hunter we need a moment"

Zaranah and Hunter walked over to the side to avoid the intruder hearing them.

"I think this guy is telling the truth"

"WHAT!? you cant be serious!?"

"Look at that guy and tell me which sane apostle would even CONSIDER blessing him? He isn't a mancer, Athena certainly wouldn't make him one"

"Then how do you explain your vines? When they were tracking him earlier it was because of his Zenith so explain THAT."

"What if it was tracking Zenith and...somthing else?"

"Well then your mancery is broken and you're an absolute idiot because you know thats impossible"

"JUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN! the stronger the Zenith the stronger my vines attract and constrict, a few moments ago i noticed them loosening their grip around his wrists...Mancers cant just LOSE Zenith, we dont burst so much to the point where we have essentially nothing"

"What exactly are you trying to tell me, that this guy has abilities that dont require Zenith?"

"That's the thing, I dont think these abilities are from our realm at all...its similar but...its more like a cheap knockoff, when I got crushed between those walls it felt more like my mother giving me a hug then being squished to death almost like there was no power behind it at all"

"Oh yeah, how did you even survive that anyway?"

"I enchanted myself while we were giving chase, cant be too safe these days"

"Ahh, true true"

"Anyways lets see how much more we can get out of this guy"

The two guardians turned back around and to their suprise the intruder had vanished, Zaranahs vines were slumped on the floor holding absolutely nothing but what was more confusing was that the entire floor...was perfect. No dust, rubble were anywhere to be seen. The floor, ceiling and walls were perfect and intact, everything that had being seemingly been destroyed were in absolutely mint condition even their torn uniform and small injuries they had sustained were repaired and healed completely.

"Hunter...do you?"

"Yep, I see it too"