
[13] Bleeding

When morning came, I woke up earlier than Babi. I just stared to him and kissed him, causing him to wake up. "A morning kiss, you want?" he asked while smirking. He shifted his body closer to mine and he was about to kiss me when I dodged and moved away from him. "No, you haven't brush your teeth yet." I replied.

"So unfair, you kissed me first." He pouted. "What now? Should I go to the bathroom first? Or you wanna go first?" I asked.

"Nah, you go first. Lemme sleep a bit more." He said. I was about to go to the bathroom when he grabbed my towel on my shoulders causing me to stumble on the bed. Then he topped me,"Let's do it again one more time, then I'll let you go to the bathroom." Then he bit his lips to seduce me.

Luckily, I was able to fight the sensation and managed to push him out of the bed. "Ouch..." He gasped in pain. "Keep dreaming, dream boy." I said then I once again I grabbed my towel.

I went straight into the bathroom and stared at myself. I look... fresh. Except for the fact that I had those big ugly and trashy black under eyes. And also my hair was messy but I do look cute.

I turned on the shower and the cold water splashes all over my body. It felt refreshing, cool and rejuvenating. It makes me wet like... what happened last night. I rubbed the soap to gently clean my body as it removes dirts and germs all over my recently 'devirginized' body. I rubbed it from my arms, to my body, to my... wait, why does my butt hurts?

I saw blood! I immediately scream causing Reign to immediately run towards the bathroom door. He knocked, asking "Babi? Are you okay? Open the door,please." I lied "Yeah, I'm okay no worries." but honestly it was almost unbearable. And for the rest of the time, I just cried and somewhat managed to tolerate the pain.

When I finished my bath, I opened the door and saw Reign sitting on the corner of the room patiently waiting for me to finish my bath. When he saw me crying, he immediately stand up and hugged me. "What happened, Babi?" he asked. "I- I... a-am bleeding." I replied stuttering.

"What? Where? Why? Who did it? I'll beat that person!" he panicked asking. I chuckled and replied "Y-you did it, and i-it was d-down t-there."

He smirked as he realised he caused this pain. "I'm sorry, Babi. I didn't know it was too much, you didn't tell me either." He said. "B-but it hurt so g-good." I replied.

"You were in pain, let's go to the doctor now." He said. "Let me at least wear a decent clothes and please, don't tell mom nor dad about this." I replied while picking some clothes to wear.

When we were about to go, I saw mom at the living room. "Mom, don't you have work?" I asked. "Oh, I took my leave for 3 days. I'm just tired these days, you know I'm getting older." She replied. "And why do you have that big black under eye? I told you to sleep early." She added.

Reign interfered our conversation "Yeah, he should. He's very very stubborn." he said it while smirking on me. He should defend me, shouldn't he? He should be on my side.

"Okay mom, we're going to the mall now and can I have the key?" I asked. Then she gave me the key and immediately pushed Reign outside the house and told mom 'bye'.

Reign told me "Babi we're going to the hospital, not to the mall..." He wasn't even finish what he wanted to say, I covered his mouth. "Shh, don't let mom know about this. If she found out, we're screwed." I whispered.

We went to the nearest clinic and it took us around 20 minutes to get there. We entered the clinic and we immediately asked to the staff.

"Hello sir, good morning. How may I help you?" The staff asked. I can't tell her, it would be embarrassing if she know that we... uhmm... you know... sex. "Uhmm... We... I... pain... Nevermind, we'll just go home 'hehehe' ". I replied then I grabbed Babi's hand and went immediately to the exit.

Babi stopped me and put his arms on my shoulders and guided me back to the clinic staff. "Hey... Uhmm... Me and my... boyfriend had a rough sex last night, and you know it caused him to bleed... d-down th-there. Can the doctor help him?" Reign asked the staff and the staff replied "Oh, I see. Your boyfriends? Can I take a picture of you guys?". We take a groupie together.

"Oh, I'm sorry for that, I was just so amazed. And... Yeah the doctor can help him. May I asked what's your boyfriend's name and age?" The staff asked. "Sean de la Fuente, 20 years old." Reign answered. Then the staff gave my data to the doctor and told us to wait a moment. After minutes of waiting, the doctor called my name signing me to go inside the check-up room.


Babi took his bath for almost half an hour. I know he forgot to bring his towel since he left it on the sofa. When he shouted looking for his mom and dad, I already know what he's looking for. So I took his towel and lend it to him.

We were about to sleep when I had this horny sensation. Sean just finished his very long bath so I pretended to be asleep.

He stared to my body so I asked him "Gettin' hungry, huh?" and I saw his face turning red.

When we were currently laying down in his bed, I just stared to his bright blue eyes. It's like I was looking into a galaxy. He was about to  turn to other side when I told him not to. But he didn't listen and turned to other side just completely opposite to what I told him.

Instead of getting angry, I just hugged him from his back. I saw his neck, it brings back the horny sensation earlier causing my arousal. He asked if what was the thing that pokes his below. I was kinda shy... because I don't know how to ask him what I want to do that night.

So what I did was topped him and asked if we could... do 'that' tonight. He asked what is 'that' mean. So... I showed him; I kissed him. And from that kiss... we ended up having exactly what I was asking him for, 'fornication'.