
[10] Back to Normal

Here we go again... suffering from this long, boring, and tiring ride. I asked my mom if I can have my phone back, luckily she said 'okay'. I was currently updating my social media accounts, I do enjoy it. But hours after, my butt started to hurt because of sitting for too long. Why can't my butt get used to it?

I requested my Dad to stop the car when we passed by a convenient store since I started to get hungry. After I had my stomach full, I felt sleepy and decided to take a nap since I was also bored.

When we arrived home, mom waked me up and said "Darling, get up. We're home already."

"Hmph" I murmured. I heard another voice again asking "Hi Aunt, where's my boyfriend?" it really made me rouse faster than the speed of lightning.

I immediately opened the car door and saw the prince charming of my life, the man whom I fell in love with. And... the man who tried to kill my bestfriend. "Babi?!?" I shouted. My heart pounded, I frozed. I saw him running toward me and then... hugged me... really really tight.

"I missed you so much! Please don't leave me again." he said.

I slapped him, it left a red mark. "Where's Sophia?!?" I asked immediately.

"Ouch. Chill, let's go inside your 'our' house. Then I'll explain." he said with prolonged 'our'.

Did my parents just agree with our relationship? How?...

When we got inside, I asked my parents if what Reign did why they suddenly agreed on us.

"Well... He proved to us that he's sincere to you. And there's nothing we can do to stop your feelings, right?" My mom said.

"Yeah, and aren't you happy with that?" My dad added a question.

"Of course I'm happy... Thanks a lot Mom, Dad." I responded. I considered my self as the luckiest child ever.

I added "And... now, can you explain to what the heck was this?" showing those text messages Sophia sent me almost two years ago.

"Ahehehe... I begged her to help me know your address. So... she came up with that idea." he replied while scratching his neck.

"I've been sleepless for months, Ethan! And all of that for my address? My gosh!" I said slight furious.

I was really tired from the long hell ride earlier so I asked them if I could take my rest. Then, Babi just followed me to my room while holding a very hard grip to my wrist.

When we entered my room, he slowly closed the door. And push me to my bed.

"Ouch! Babi, that hurts! What in the world was that for?" I exclaimed.

"Why did you let that boy kissed you?" he asked.

"W-what? W-who? E-ethan?" I asked.

"He's just a friend. And he said he was just confused." I added.

"You sure? " he asked.

"Hundred percent!" I replied. We both laid on the bed and fell a sleep.

Reign woke me up whispering "Babi... C'mon. It's time for dinner."

"Just go, I'm not hungry yet. I'll just go to kitchen whenever I feel empty." I said.

He said "Okay fine, I'll just bring your food here." then he went to the kitchen and gather my food and went back to my room.

"Babi, here's your foooood." He said while smiling. As he put a small table on my bed.

"I said I'm not hungry." I pouted.

"Just eat some, don't skip a meal." he replied.

As I eat, I noticed Reign scrolling on my phone to all my social media accounts. "What are you doin'?" I asked him.

"Scrolling through all your accounts. Just makin' sure." He replied.

"And... By the way, how did you know that Ethan and I kissed?" I asked. I can see clearly in his face that he was nervous.

"I... I-I... I paid one of the guards on your Uncle's house to set up small cameras all around the house so I can monitor you." he said.

"Why would you do that? Don't you trust me?" I asked.

"Just to be sure, you know." he countered.

After I eat, Reign gave me pills. Tons of pills. After that, I slept again, co'z I'm freakin' tired.

The sun rises and a new chapter of my life begins. When I went to the kitchen I saw my mom, my dad and Reign. They greeted me at the same time. "Good Morning Sean!"

"Good Morning too!" I replied as I sit beside Reign. He then kissed me... in front of everybody!

"Hey, hey, wait. My parents just agreed you to date me, but you didn't even asked me yet." I blurted out.

He kneeled down and pulled a tissue and fold it like a ring and said "Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Hmm, let me think about it. Just prove it to me and give me some time." I replied.

My mom interfered our conversation "Okay, okay stop it, love birds. I have this new soup recipe, and I got online. Tell me what you think."

I grab my spoon and put some soup on it. I was about to blow because it was hot then Babi blew it for me.

After the soup was cool enough, he then fed me the soup. It was... freakin' amazing fantastic delicious soup! It made me really full.

After we ate, my mom told me that I should take a bath since we we're going to shopping.

"May I not go with you? I still do have some decent clothes." I replied to her.

"Oh I forgot to tell you that you also have to buy some gift for your Aunt Daisy's son,your cousin, Micheal. You remember him? He's having a beach party next week." my mom added.

I used to be the target of bullying and that bully was Micheal, he's my cousin and he's 3 years older than me.

"Pwease, don't h-hurt me big... b-big bro. I didn't do anything to y-you." I cried. Thankfully, Reign came out of nowhere, as he usually does.

He immediately punched and he kicked big bro Micheal. He then managed to dodge the big bro's attack. It was coooooool!

It was the last time I became the target of my cousin's bullies.

Thanks to this guy.

"T-thanks Reign!✨" I said.

"Yeah, I do." he's the first and only bully who targeted me.