
Beyond Reality - Atomsk Ascension Over Heavens

I was born in a boring world... I didn't like my reality I lived a life without meaning... evading reality I died in a stupid way... trying to escape from reality But that wasn't the end ... It's hard to believe that this is real I was reborn in a closed room without a father or mother... This is really weird At the time of birth I already had the body of a 9-year-old boy, capable of destroying the walls that contained me with my own hands... Too impressive to be real I wasn't reborn in my boring world... That really excites me I don't know what the hell I am... This really is thrilling This is impossible... Really? Shut up and look The world is against me... I will be the real master of this world My existence goes against the laws of the universe... I don't really care My fate has already been established by the laws of heaven... I'm the only one who decides my own reality I will make my way through time, space and causality And I will destroy all established order with my own hands There are no chains that can bind me. There are no walls that can slow me down. There is no path that I cannot create I have no limits Because I am ... BEYOND REALITY -------------------------------------------------- Release rate: 3-5 chapters per week Chapter Length: 1500-2500 -------------------------------------------------- English is not my main language, so I will commit some spelling mistakes. I would appreciate if you corrected me -------------------------------------------------- It's an original story but the protagonist is a hardcore geek, so during the course of the story there will be references to manga, anime, videogames and POP culture. -------------------------------------------------- This story was previously only called Beyond Reality. However, I have made some changes and I have corrected errors and I wanted to restart it.

Meralman · Eastern
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47 Chs

Unbreakable oath (2/2)

When she started talking about Atomsk's father the images stopped coming up ... the landscape was the same again ... totally white and endless

"One day a young Deva about 16 years old went into my territory to find strange materials.

I knew that he wanted to find strange materials ... because the idiot was singing his intentions as he went through that place full of monsters and dangers.

While running in a ridiculous and noisy way fleeing from all the monster that I had attracted because of his stupidity ... I decided to help him ...

I decided to help because ... because of him, it was impossible for me to sleep and he was attracting the whole forest to my territory destroying all the traps that I had built ... and partly because he gave me a little pity and made me laugh.

I captured him ... although I should have killed him and with more reason since he knew that I was an Asura because of the way I faced the beasts ... but for some reason ... I could not kill him ... So, I kept him with me...

I hated the Devas for everything they did ... during those 10,000 years I killed many Devas who wanted to capture me or who had bad intentions towards me ... but I could not kill an innocent boy... above all that boy, towards that I would laugh at each one with every word that came out of his mouth… And I felt very lonely.


One day he escaped ... I thought it was my end, that he would warn the "AVATAR Divine Crunch" and that they would organize a hunting party to kill me.

But it was not like that…

Before I could leave my hiding place ... that idiot had returned with breakfast for both ...

When I asked him why he had not left and sold my location to the "AVATAR Divine Crunch"

The idiot answered me as if he were going away from something obvious "Because I've fallen in love with you at first sight"

I could not believe what I was hearing ... but it made me very happy.

And with the passage of days, weeks and months ... I also ended up falling in love with him...

He left and came back many other times ... he always brought me things and news from the outside world ... although his company was the only thing I needed ... he always managed to make me laugh and feel loved.

There came a point where I got to forget my revenge ... I just wanted to be with him and forget about the rest of the world." She said as she shed tears of joy.

[So, I am the fruit of the love of two enemy races ... what a beautiful story😢]

"Your father, although he was always saying and doing stupid things ... he was a great Blacksmith, probably the greatest genius in that field that had been in centuries.

So incredibly good was that he managed to create objects never seen before ... among them this orb, with which I am leaving this message and the spatial vessel attached to the body that I left you containing it… But the most incredible thing is that he was able to make objects that only the Devas could use could also be used by Asuras.

But apart from being a genius in his profession ... he was also the son of an important nobleman... And his family over the years noticed his constant strange trips…

One day they decided to follow him... and they found us.

Upon learning of the situation his father and other nobles warned the "AVATAR Divine Crunch" and sent an expedition to trap us in an ambush.

During the ambush, 4 inquisitors led by a cardinal managed to trap me and leave me completely motionless ... while your father was also immobilized by his family.

I thought it was the end ... but your father managed to cheat on his family and got rid of his control. Using all his strength, he succeeded in wounding the cardinal who had me trapped, taking an eye on the process ... all to give me an escape route.

The furious cardinal left your father badly wounded and me, he threw me a demonic skill, a skill that would slowly consume my soul to kill me, before I could escape with an artifact that your father built to flee if something like this should happen.

The moment I ran away I was already pregnant, with you in my belly" Narrated as she put her hand to her belly.

[What a tragic love story...😭 and what the sons of bitches the "AVATAR Divine Crunch"...🤬 and my father's family are not left behind either😡]

"I was transported far, far away from where the battle had taken place ... so far away that it was impossible for anyone to follow me ...

I had landed in a forest like the one I was in before ... the only difference is that there were hardly any animals or dangerous areas ... It was a quiet area that only had a small town and practically abandoned nearby.

But I did not have time to rejoice over my escape ... I did not have time to worry about my husband ... Since I knew that he is slowly dying. Despite the great vitality that all the Asuras possess, that curse was consuming my soul slowly ... I was destined to die in less than a year.

I could be able to give birth to you, hug you, kiss you and tell you how much I love you and take care of you for a few months ... but inevitably you would die later ... I could not take care of you since I would inevitably die shortly and could not make anyone take care of you, I could not trust in nobody ... it was too dangerous.

So, I decided to use a skill that has been in our family for generations...

A forbidden skill...

A skill created by my great-grandmother, which has effect to make at the moment of delivery the baby instantly took all the physical properties of an Asura with the newly awakened IMMORTAL ... and with the probability of completely awakening the IMMORTAL within a few days ...

But to perform this technique, a sacrifice had to be made ... the mother herself.

When the baby was ready to give birth ... The mother had to perform the technique destroying her soul in the process ... to introduce all the living matter and energy inside the baby while still in her womb, causing an accelerated growth...

Basically, I made you devour me so that you would obtain a body that allowed you to survive... Don't feel guilty about it, I was already dead anyway" She explained while showing her great determination

[WHAT THE FUCK???!!! 😨🤯]

[It's very bizarre ... but ... well ... that explains everything🤨]

"During the months I was on tape I entered the biggest tree in the forest.

I built the room where you are, and I made it habitable, with a pool so you could wash yourself and some objects so that you could entertain and use it in the future " She said while showing pictures of the inside of the tree.

While she was explaining how money works and what things to buy, Atoms kept reflecting…

[She still thinks I'm still inside the tree...🤔 I guess she did not expect a child without any information or conscience, no matter how Asura he is, to escape in the way I did, especially when he didn't need to😑]

"Before the birth I introduced in you the spatial vessel linked to the body that your father created, which contains several objects that may be useful in the future ...

You will have access once you wake up, inside you will find my and your father's legacy ... I hope that it can serve you in the future...

I also modified your appearance, so that you don't look like your father or me ... I wouldn't want others to relate you to us "

"My son, remember"

"My only wish is that you live ... live at all costs ... I know it will be very hard, that you will feel lonely and helpless for not being able to do anything, having to be hiding or pretending to be what you are not ... but please live ... where there's life, there's hope."

"I will not name you, since I do not want you to be recognized in any way because of him ... there are Devas with very rare abilities which are capable of that ... choose one that you like"

"I will not give you the names of those that I seek revenge, since the great-great-greaties of those bastards will already have died before you can even match their power ... Please do not try to avenge me or the Asura ... I do not want that you die in vain "

"I will not give you my name ... because I do not want to know my name could expose your identity or you can be crazy if someone ever wanted to use my name to catch you or something worse"

"I will not give you the name of your father ... because I am afraid you will do something imprudent, like trying to save him ... it is possible that he is already dead or most likely ... that you will never know him"

"My son, remember"

"Avoid large population centers like I did, buy only in isolated small villages like the one you will have close to when leaving the tree, try not to get into fights or places where they can ask you to use the AVATAR ... No one is able to distinguish to an Asura of a Deva until we use our powers ... as long as you do not show it in public or they do not realize that you can not use the AVATAR you will not be exposed "

"My son, remember"

"Try to be a good person, I do not want you to become someone with no heart for our past, and I do not want you to become a monster for what you have to live once you get out of this tree ... but be smarter than your father and I, do not make our mistakes ...

However, don't give up on happiness either ... the day I knew that I was going to be a mother was the happiest day of my life, do not give up because of what happened to you father and me"

"I know it's a hard and cruel life that you've had to live ... I know ... I've also lived it ... but please live ... since you may be the only living Asura left in this world ..."

"But first of all son ... remember"

"That me and your father ... we love you very much ... very much ... you do not know how much we love you"

"So please live ... we do not want you to die because of us"

"Sorry for all the difficulties that I will make you live"

"I love you"

"I love you"

"I love you"

She said covered with tears which filled the ground and with a face full of sadness and desolation ... while Atomks with the same expression tried to embrace her without success...

As she spoke those last words... the whole space ocollapsed and Atomsk covered with his own tears, felt that he was falling into emptiness.

In his previous life he had known his parents, they were very good parents, they were always good to him and he had a very close and friendly relationship ...

For that reason, not meeting his parents in this life relieved him ... since he would not know how to feel about them.

Atomsk assumed that this was one of the difficult emotions that an adopted child must face when encountering his biological parents.

But his case... was much more complicated ... since both were his biological parents.

He would not know what to feel towards them or himself ... he was someone who had basically possessed his newborn son and lived in his body, supplanting him...

So, he was partly glad of his strange situation...

It did not hurt him to believe that he had been abandoned...

But after that story...

None of that mattered...

Everything changed for him.

He felt sorry ... sorry for the tragic fate his parents had suffered

He felt hate ... he hated those who dared to hurt them

He felt guilty ... for having supplanted his precious son, for which they gave their own lives

He felt shame ... for all the bad things he had thought about them so far ... and for being glad not to know them

But above all… He felt an unconditional love for those two great people who were his parents…

A father who had everything in life, but who dared to challenge the world for the woman he loved and his unborn child.

A mother who for thousands of years only had hatred and revenge in her heart but that she loved again, the point of sacrificing herself and her feelings so that her son could be born and live. How could this not be sacrificing your feelings? What kind of mother who loves her son so deeply, does not want to let him know his name? ... and give him a name too.

And while he continued to fall into emptiness

He made an oath ... an unbreakable oath to the heavens

"Mother… father…

As you wish...

I swear I will live ... I will live at all costs...

I will live forever

I will live for myself and I will live for you too...

I will live in a way that you could feel proud of your son

I swear on my life, that the Asura will not end with me...

However, please forgive me

Forgive me, because I have to go against your wishes

I swear I will avenge you ... I will avenge you at all costs.

I swear that I will destroy all those who damaged you ... as you said those bastards will probably already be dead ... But I will take care of reducing their legacies to ashes

Even if it costs me a million years ... I swear I will avenge you ... and I will reveal to the world the truth of your sacrifice ... I will not let this be another story buried in oblivion

Please, forgive me...

And... and I... I love you too... very much"


Hello, I have made some changes and I have decided to republish the novel here with a new name

I would greatly appreciate that you value the chapters and do reviews ... if you liked it

In this way more people can find and enjoy it.

Thank you

Meralmancreators' thoughts