
Beyond realistic - The Amber Kingdom

Chris tries an unbelievably realistic new game, but soon he realizes that something is terribly wrong. He can't logout! After surviving in a forest clearing with nothing except for a Shrine, he comes to the conclusion that he has been transported to a another world. He is probably in the fantasy world of the game he was trying out. Chris is your ordinary college student, so surviving on his own is a rude awakening. Luckily, he soon discovers a woman next to his makeshift camp. Oh no, she hits him with a branch. He has to make her trust him, and quickly, before she hits him again! After a bit of convincing, the woman introduces herself as Lady Amelia of the Moon. She is a beautiful and fierce Elf Priestess. Chris is immediately interested in her. Even better, she will lead him to a nearby village. Huzzah! He is rescued! This is the beginning of a fantastic journey filled with magic and deadly perils. Alongside Amelia, Chris will discover great power within himself and an even greater destiny! They will face ferocious opponents such as demons, werewolves, warlocks, undead, and even dragons on their journey to find and defeat a great and mysterious Evil. Over time, they may also develop feelings toward each other.

Cobbe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

Not dragonslayers

The companions, battered but not defeated, retreat back to Amber Village. They return frustrated, but with a clearer understanding of the challenges they face. The village, though still recovering from the previous demon horde attack, welcomes their Lord and his companions with open arms.

In the heart of the village, they gather to regroup and plan their next moves. The camaraderie they've built through trials and tribulations has only grown stronger, and their shared resolve is unwavering. They know that the battle with Magmiranda is far from over, and they must be prepared to face the ancient dragon once more.

Amelia, her healing powers at the ready, says, "We've faced a setback, but we won't give up. We'll find a way to defeat Magmiranda and protect our home."

Noctera, ever the strategist, adds, "We need to rethink our approach, anticipate her moves, and strike when she least expects it."

Chris, his hands steady and his forging skills at the forefront, states, "We've grown stronger with each challenge. We'll forge the weapons and armor we need to face her again."

Serena, her magical aura radiating determination, offers, "Our unity is our strength. Together, we'll overcome this obstacle and secure our village."

The regrouping is a moment of reflection and planning, a testament to their unwavering commitment to defending Amber Village.

Chris, with the group's mission temporarily on hold, sets out for Harborton to attend to some pressing business matters. His first stop is to meet with Claudia, the representative for the hired mercenaries and workers.

Claudia, recognizing Chris as he approaches, offers a warm smile. "Chris, good to see you. We've been waiting for the settlement of our bill."

Chris nods and replies, "Of course, Claudia. I want to ensure that the mercenaries and workers are compensated fairly for their efforts. Let's go over the details."

They proceed to discuss the bill, clarifying the costs and ensuring that the payment is just and prompt. Claudia is appreciative of the transparent and fair transaction.

Afterward, Chris heads to the Merchants Guild to discuss the payment for the loot from the demon horde, which was collected during the previous battle.

The guild representatives are ready to meet with Chris, recognizing the value of the demon materials and equipment. Chris presents the loot and negotiates the terms of the exchange.

With these business matters addressed, Chris is ready to meet up with his companions at the inn, knowing that the finances are in order and their resources secured.

At the inn, Chris reconvenes with his companions to discuss their next move against Magmiranda. After careful consideration, they arrive at a pivotal decision: to build and train a small army to bolster their forces for the impending battle with the ancient dragon.

Amelia, recognizing the importance of this step, says, "A well-trained army will provide us with the strength we need to face Magmiranda. We must ensure they're ready for the challenge."

Noctera, always the strategist, adds, "Forming an army is essential. We need more strength to confront the dragon, but she will likely be doing the same. We need to move with haste."

Chris, with his forging skills and knowledge of weaponry, comments, "I'll craft the finest weapons and armor for our troops. They'll be well-equipped for the fight."

Amelia, ready to provide support, offers, "My magical abilities can enhance our troops and fortify their defenses. We'll make a formidable force."

"My undead can supplement our forces with an expendable unit. I saw a cave system near the fortress. If I were to go there ahead of you, I could start building up my numbers.", Serena adds to the discussion.

The companions are resolute in their decision, knowing that everyones safety depends on their success. The process of building and training an army begins, a significant step in their quest to confront Magmiranda and protect their home.

Amidst their serious discussions and preparations for building and training a small army, the companions find moments of camaraderie and light banter.

Serena, who harbors a secret interest in Chris, can't resist a teasing comment. "Chris, I must say, your skill in energy crafting is truly impressive. If only we could all be as skilled in our craft."

Chris, unaware of Serena's subtle attention,simply shrugs and replies, "Thank you, Serena."

Amelia, who's been observing the exchange, gives Chris a nudge. "How keen of you to notice, Serena."

Serena, with a mischievous glint in her eye, pushes her teasing a bit further. "Well, Chris, maybe one day I'll convince you to teach me a thing or two about energy crafting. After all, they say the best way to learn is from a master."

Chris, genuinely unaware of Serena's subtle attention, responds sincerely. "Sure, Serena. I'd be happy to help you with your skills."

Amelia, who's been observing the exchange, can't help but feel a hint of jealousy as she teases, "Oh, how generous of you, Chris, to offer your expertise."

Noctera, intrigued by the dynamics at play, adds, "In my world, these interactions are quite unique, and I find them rather fascinating."

Noctera, noticing the change in atmosphere, decides to steer the conversation in a different direction, returning to a friendly mood.

"Speaking of unique, I can't help but be fascinated by this inn," Noctera begins. "It's quite different from the establishments I'm used to in my home plane. The architecture, the decor, even the drinks served here... it's all so intriguing."

Amelia, eager to shift the focus away from the previous subject, joins in. "Yes, Noctera, this inn has a rich history. Many stories have been woven within these walls."

Serena, who has temporarily set her playful teasing aside, adds, "It is only my second time here, but I do find it more comfortable than my old mountain cave system."

Chris, intrigued by Noctera's description of her home plane, leans in and asks, "Noctera, I can't even imagine what it's like where you come from. Could you tell us more about it?"

Noctera begins to paint a vivid picture of her world, "Of course, Chris. In my home plane, we exist in an eternal night, illuminated by a brilliant, glowing moon. The entire plane is dedicated to the worship of the goddess of the night. Temples, shrines, and monuments are scattered throughout the landscape, and the night is a constant reminder of her presence."

Amelia, captivated by the description, inquires further, "And how do you sustain life in such a unique environment?"

Noctera continues, "It's a realm where everything is conjured and shaped from moon energy. Food, items, tools, even structures are all crafted using this mystical essence. Our priests and acolytes harness the power of the moon to create and maintain the world around us."

The companions listen in fascination as Noctera unveils the mysteries of her home plane, offering a glimpse into a realm so different from their own, yet equally intriguing.