
Beyond of Journey

A boy's dream is to become a knight king. Ishan, a ten-year-old boy, wishes to be a knight king. However, he lacks mana, which is one of his most significant flaws. Despite his mysterious background, he still faces challenges in achieving his dream.Are you willing to embark on a perilous journey with Ishan, encountering various enemies of varying strengths? -Warning- *The more impolite the words and cruel storytelling images become as the story progresses.

AmyKimi · Action
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


we ran for before registration started

*breath like a horse*


"Men,I can't believe we are finally registered."


"Me too."

*bro fist.*

A big muscular man walked towards them.



Every step felt like the earth shaking.

(Random person 1)

"Look at that Palace Guard."

(Random Person 2)

"I was scared when I saw his face."

People get excited when they see the Palace Guard there. Because he has many services, many people are excited and envious when they see him.

The guard stopped when he was in the middle of the road



I was scared when I saw his face.

"to anyone who wants to register please go to the main gate"

"right now."

His aura radiated widely.No mistake, He deserves to be a Palace Guard

(The other participants)

"Yes sir"



-after they finish registering-


suddently Arthur looked down and held his stomach.

"Men,my stomach hurts. This may be due to mother's spicy cooking last night."




"My friend, we are both going to the toilet. So I want you to stay here until we return."


"You sit here quietly. And don't scold other girls when I'm not around."


"Yes I know."

They ran to the toilet. Quickly, they were out of sight.

-After few minute-

Suddenly a boy bumped into Ishan.




I saw a tall boy. He looked like a noble family. He had personal assistants around him.

"Richard,who is the snotty boy who dares to bumped with me?"

But his personality makes me upset.

(Richard the assistant)

"Young master,I think this short boy with white hair."


"Sorry. I didn't know I would will bump into you."

The boy stood up and cleaned himself of the dust on his shirt.After that,he walked towards Ishan.

(The boy)

"You remember that your apology can fix the situation. You are the reason my clothes are dirty. I want you to kneel in front of me and apologize"

(Richard the assistant)

"Young master,Is your act reckless enough? It's enough for the boy to apologize. In my opinion, you are wrong in the first place."

(The boy)

"Richard,I didn't tell you to shut up when I said something to someone.

(Richard the assistant)

"But,young master"

The boy looked at Richard with his evil aura. Richard could only remain silent.

"Yes young master"

(The boy)

"Oi didn't I say kneeling down and apologizing now?"

Then the boy want to punch Ishan.Ishan tried to avoid the attack and suddenly.



"Sorry I late"

(The boy)


Alicia ran and bumped into the boy. And the boy was thrown so far that it disappeared from our sight.

(Richard the assistant)

"Young master"


"did i make you angry"



"Why should I be angry for such a small reason?"


"And also is there a bitch want to approach you."


"If there are, I've stayed away from them."

Alicia smiled.I know Alicia is strong. But making a boy disappear from our field. It's scary. She maybe is one of the strongest participants . With this strength it makes me scared and burning to see her in action. What Merlin and Martin train their princess ?


"Why do I feel like I forgot something?"


"You don't have to worry maybe that thing is not that important."

Ishan smiled.


"Yeah maybe you might be right."

They went to the arena while holding hands

-After few minute-


"Guy I'm sorry ,you had to wait for me."
