
Beyond My Expectations BL

CEO LOVED HIS EMPLOYEE A 23yrs old and Handsome CEO fall inlove with his employee,The CEO of a known and biggest company in Korea Meet his First Love when he was at age 8yrs old can there relationship will develop or not...we they meet again?

SweetBunny20 · LGBT+
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2 Chs

1 YanYan's Intern ship

August 12,2021 I need to past my Internship in order to graduate,I hope there was no problem on my internship "Ok I will do my best tomorrow on Interview I hope I will pass this"

Hey!! Yanyan Tomorrow is your interview for your internship right? 'Yes how did you know that tomorrow is my intership I didn't tell anyone about it?Don't tell me you are peaking on me Xiaozhi?!! aha! hehehe I accidentally heard it from professor park this lunch before you left the school,'speaking with a glooming voice'By the way what is your plan do you want to rent or you will stay here on our dormitory at campus?"I don't know maybe I will live in our dorm so that we can still hangout..right I will feel lonely when you left me huhuhuhuhu!!!Let's grab some food and drinks before we go home let's celebrate my internship tomorrow..Yah! Yah! You're so smart YanYan I admire you so much.. Eeehh you're freaking me out xiaozhi... "500¥ Cash or card sir? "I prefer to use card...here's my card you can charge in here..."hey! xiaozhi I was the one who will pay all of this why did you charge that all on your own we can share to pay it... All right we will shared the bill you are always like this Yan you didn't want me to treat you like my younger brother at all....