
Greatest caster's journal

"There it is, the greatest caster's journal!"

Von was confused and looked everywhere but couldn't see the house.

"Where is it? I don't see anything though?

"What do you mean where is it? It's right in front of us!

Von looked at Lucas like he was a crazy person.

"Are you crazy? That's just a tree!

"What do you mean? There really is a house right in front of us!

"I'm teling you there's not, I don't see anything.

"Huh? So am I the only one who can see it?

Lucas thinked as hard as he could, thinking about how he's the only one who can see the house but couldn't find answers. He decided to go inside the house to investigate.

"Wait here, I'm gonna go inside, see if there's any reason why only I can see the house.

"Lucas mysteriously disappeared in front of Von's eyes. Confused and shocked by what he was seeing, he called Lucas to come out then asks,

"H-how are you doing that? Is that a stealth spell?"

"What are you talking about I only went inside the hous-

What did you just said?


"Don't "Huh" me! You said something about spell.

"Ah stealth spell?

Excited by the realization, Lucas said

"Yes! Stealth spell, maybe he casted a stealth spell on the house so no one can see it! That's it!

Von looked at him.

"Stealth spell huh? Then how come you can see the house!!?! You dumb powerful caster!

Lucas wondered in thoughts then replied

"Then what the hell is this? If it's not a stealth spell then what?!

"Wait! Magic. I can sense magic but it's so faint that it's hard to notice. You can only notice the magic once your so close. The magic the spell emits are the same magic I sense to you, Lucas!

"The same? What do you mean!

"It means that there are things that only you and the caster have in common! I've read it in a book before, that magic spells emits the same magicule the caster has.

Confused by what Von said, Lucas asked,

"What are you talking about?

"In other words, if a person can cast 2 magic elements, he emits a particular magicule the same goes for every magic elements a person can cast. You can cast 5 magic elements the greatest caster can cast all 7.

"It doesn't even match.

"I know, but there is something you and him have in common, you can cast 1 of the 3 spells he created! No one in this world has the ability to cast it. That might also be the reason why no one has found any trace about the greatest caster, including his house.

"Huh, so if one could learn at least one of the 3, he can emit the same magicule as the greatest caster? That does makes me a pretty skilled caster? I might even be called "The Greatest Caster"

Von looked at him with an unsurprised look.

"Pfft. Even if you were to be called "The Greatesr Caster" I will never call you that. To me you're just a Powerful dumb caster with an overwhelming ego.

"What do you mean by that?!"

"It means that you are dumb yet powerful caster!"

"Tsk. You only say that because you can see the house.

"What did you say, you...

They argued for as long as they dried their throats out like kids fighting. Realizing the can't do anything about the stealth spell, they thought of an idea.

*Both sighs

"What are we going to do? I can't see the house! We even tried ignoring that and just tried to go inside by I can come in either! It always blocks me everytime I try to go inside.


"What about this? I go inside, grab all the books including his journal then I go outside with all of it."

"Sounds good, Let's try that one, see if it works."

Lucas hastily went inside, grabbed all the books including the journal, when he stumbled upon a book containg all the information about the 3 magic elements the greatest caster had created.

"Huh? An unnamed book? All the information about the 3 elements?

He put the book inside his clothes then went outside.

"It worked, yes! Maybe you are not so dumb at all, Lucas.

"Is that a compliment or an insult?



*Both laughs

They decided to find something to eat as the night's already approaching. They camped outside the house then agreed to read the book first thing in the morning.

The end of the chapter.