
Beyond Mind - A Wizard Journey

In the realm of mystical wonders, a lone soul transmigrated, merging with a new body in a powerful resonance, embarking on an epic journey of self-discovery amidst a magical world, where reality intertwined seamlessly with enchantment; driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, they mastered arcane arts, delving into their own essence, while forging unbreakable bonds with kindred spirits, all while confronting the looming shadows of ancient evils that threatened to consume everything they held dear.

MoonComic · Fantasy
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3 Chs


The result of my potion brewing dumbfounded me. Without having any clues on what to do i turned to my teacher and friends and asked them.

My teacher wearing the same confused expression shook his head "I never seen something like this before"

He then continue "While i don't know why it turned out like this, maybe the headmaster would know why"

The teacher then contacted the Headmaster and told him what just happened. The headmaster was shocked, but compose himself quickly and told us an eerie myth surrounding similar potions like this. He told us that this exact potion color was infamous as being originated from one of the first wizard in the world, one with a particular ill-intent ambitition.

"Isn't that just a myth, sir?" Rein asked the Headmaster.

"Not exactly, many think of it as one but in actuality it's more real than fiction" The Headmaster replied.

Ellen tilted her head "Then why there's not even a single book in our library that tell about that?"

"Well, because this story was told generation after generation only to the Reynolds family" The Headmaster cleared.

"Reynolds?" I asked.

Chrom then chimed in "Isn't that the name of your family, sir?"

The headmaster chuckled "Yes, you're right. I'm from the Reynolds family"

"Then, is there anymore stories you could tell us?" I inquired.

The headmaster raised his brows "Why do you want to know that?"

"Hm, just curious" i answered simply.

The headmaster then invited me, Chrom, Rein, and Ellen to somewhere. The headmster then lead us to a basement underground that apparently could only be accesed using a certain way.

The headmaster flicked his wand "Dorrium Minamum"

I watched as the spell conjured a momentary flash of light, then i asked him "Why do you need to use the anti eavesdrop spell, sir?"

"Because what i will tell you couldn't be known by anyone else" The headmaster stated, he then continued "I trust all of you will not blabber about it, okay?"

"Yes, sir" we said.

The headmaster then told us about the beginnigng of this world.

Long time ago when magic was still unknown to the world. One slave found a ruins in a forest. He entered the ruins. Inside he came to find foreign words written in the walls. As he step further in the foreign words became more and more apparent in the wall, slowly covering every inch of it. He then came to find a small pillar with a strange book on top of it.

He was quite surprised when he could read the book. What writtten in it was a tale of a someone who could do miracles. Magic, that what the book called it. He then noticed a strange stick attached to the book. He tried to waved it around, flicked it, but nothing happened.

He shrugged and threw the stick away. The stick hit the wall and then something unordinary happened. The words on the wall glowed a dim light for a sec. Curious he walked to the stick and pick it up again. He stared at the stick then at the strange nonsense words on the wall.

He then tried to said the words on the wall while holding the stick "Resucitar Antiguos!"

A bright circle appeared followed by a monster came out of it. Excited, he tried another words "Dezvoltare" and the ruins started to repaired itself, slowly becoming a magnificent mansion. He continued, trying every words in the wall.

Weeks passed, as he still in the ruins turned mansion, he heard a child crying in the forest. Worried, he ran towards the forest. He then find three young children alone in the forest. Abandoned children, he assumed. He brought them to the mansion.

After they arrived back at the mansion, he asked the children "What are you three doing in the forest alone?"

One of the children answered "A robber broke into our house, he killed our parents. Our mom told us to ran with her last breath"

"What's your name?"

The children then answered. The oldest was Emerson, the middle one was Balam, and the youngest was Kayson. The three of them had a family name called Reynolds.

"Nice to see you three, by the way my name is Hector Desmond" The man said.

Thus, Hector the slave was basically adopted the three children. He even taught the three of them how to use magic.

They also practiced magic according to the guidebook prepared by Hector. Several months later, the three grown-up children had become proficient in using magic. The three of them began to discuss what should be done about magic.

Before that, Hector had already advised them to use magic as they pleased, as long as it wasn't used for evil purposes. Kayson and Emerson believed in establishing a magic school so that others could also learn magic, while Balam believed in keeping magic hidden from the public to prevent its misuse by anyone.

As the debate continued, Hector arrived and said, "It seems better to establish a magic school, Balam."

"Why? Didn't you say that magic shouldn't be used for evil? If we open a magic school and people who already know magic join, they might use it for malicious deeds," Balam asked.

"Perhaps that's true, but if you are the ones teaching and supervising, no one would dare to do that, right?" Hector replied.

After deciding to create a magic school and wanting to buy land for it, the nobles refused to grant permission, considering the four of them to be nothing more than madmen. This made Balam angry, and he shouted at Emerson, Kayson, and Hector.

"I told you so! Even their reactions are much worse than we imagined!" Balam exclaimed.

"Then we just have to try to convince them about our magic," Hector replied.

This statement only made Balam even angrier, "Forstening!" and he attacked Hector. In an instant, Hector turned into stone.

"Rest for a while!"

"What are you doing?" Emerson and Kayson shouted.

Immediately, Emerson and Kayson attacked Balam.

"Multi Agnithium!" "Multi Grandine!"

Balam responded promptly with "Gravith!" and Emerson and Kayson's attacks were pushed underground.

Emerson and Kayson retaliated with "Glesrium!" "Agnith!"

But Balam blocked their attacks with "Thundrum!"

The ice chunks and flames were destroyed and swept away by Balam's magic. Frustrated, Balam unleashed his most potent spell, "Tornadum!"

A giant tornado instantly appeared from the sky and struck the forest where they were fighting, destroying all the trees in a single strike.

Their battle continued for three consecutive days. Emerson and Kayson struggled against Balam, even though they outnumbered him.

"Is this all the resistance you can offer?" Balam taunted. "Seems like you're nothing."

"BALERION!" The sky turned black as a black vortex emerged, and from it, the head of a dragon appeared. It was so massive that it could devour an entire city.

"What should we do?" Emerson asked Kayson, to which Kayson replied, "I have no idea."

"What if we return the dragon to its original place?" Kayson suggested. "Good idea," Emerson replied.

"Gravith!" The dragon remained unaffected and kept trying to free its entire body from the dimension.

"HAHAHAHA, a futile resistance," Balam said.

Balam then recited the incantation "Multi Thundrum!" Thunder struck in all directions, and Emerson and Kayson continued pushing with Gravith while avoiding Balam's attacks.

"It looks like we have to use all our magical powers, whether we like it or not," Emerson said. "Alright, let's do it," Kayson agreed.

"GRAVITHORIUM!" The dragon was finally pushed back into its dimension, and Balam was also forced into it. "Just wait for my revenge!"

After that moment, the first magic school in the world was established.

"So, what happened to Hector?" Chrom asked the headmaster.

"I placed his statue in one of the rooms in the basement. It can be resurrected someday if needed," the headmaster replied.

"By the way, what is your full name, headmaster?" I asked.

"Ricardo Reynolds," the headmaster answered.

"Oh, and what is the title of the book from the story you just told?" Ellen inquired.

"Beyond Mind - A Wizard Journey," the headmaster replied