
Meta-human Part 1

James Young was a 25 year-old chemist who was studying an anti-aging serum He had black hair, hazel eyes wearing a white lab coat and black pants. As he poured two liquids in to his large beaker. The blue liquid suddenly began to fizz becoming a dark-green color. He began to feel dizzy as the fizz began to give off a green gas filling the lab as he hit the tiled floor out cold…

CHAPTER 1 A new Life

James awoke inside a steel containment vehicle making it's way through New York city. James could hear men talking in the driver side of the vehicle: "Victim has been infected by unknown substance and must be contained to not infect other citizens"

(I have no idea who these men are or what they're talking about, but I can't be contained, away from my lap, I have to find a way out of here!) He stood up looking around the steel room hoping to find  way out. He pressed his hands against the steel doors of the back of the vehicle when a purple aura abruptly outlined his body. He quickly pulled away a little freaked out but knew he didn't have much time left until his kidnapper probably reached their destination. So he put his hands back up to the doors taking a deep breath. The purple aura manifested around hi once more, he could feel a strange tingle flowing through his body. Just then the vehicle was lifted off the ground before touching back down, causing it to spin out of control, landing on it's side as the doors flew open in the middle of the street almost out of the city.

James jumped out into the streets seeing It was night. He began running through the city as men in high-tech suits climbed out of the truck giving chase to their target. "Halt! We need to find Young before he can infect anyone else!" Meanwhile the chemist found a narrow alley and hid behind a large dumpster  hoping he wouldn't be found.

He could hear the group of men making their way through the streets scanning the area for movement. "He could've gotten far, we need to recapture him!" He looked down at his palms as the purple light began to build up around his body like purple smoke. James stood up, throwing his left palm forward, sending the dumpster sliding into the streets, sparks flying underneath the metal object as it hit two armored men knocking them back.

Once more James ran through the streets unsure of what to do, the tingle once more rushed through his body as he felt himself ascend up into the air, flying high above the city. "What's happening!? How am I flying? Have I somehow gained the ability of psychokinesis!?

[Psychokinesis: The ability to move things with the mind]

The new super-human was filled with fear as he looked down upon the city from high above. Just as he looked around him some-what enjoying the view, a red laser went past him, just missing his face by an inch. At that moment, James found himself falling back towards the city, the purple glow gone once more. (Damn it, is this it...is this...where I die?) He closed his eyes waiting for the impact as he felt the force of the air brushing across his body, his velocity increasing.

As he was about to faceplant on the roof of an office building, a black mist surrounded the falling meta-human.

[Meta-human: A human with super-human abilities]

The mist engulfed him before dissipating. James looked around to find himself standing on the roof of the 50-story building. A red Lasersight could be seen aimed right for his chest. That's when a figure dressed in a black costume with a cape walked out from the black mist that had saved the man from dying.

The man held out his hand silent. James looked down below where the armored men where then back at his rescuer. He quickly grabbed the man's gloved hand as they went through the dark mist. The man looked around to see them traveling through a void of what looked like gray moving water. In moments they reappeared in a small burst of dark mist in a dark empty lot.

His ally motioned him to follow as they made their way over to a white concreate wall. James noticed the man had short dark-brown hair as he watched the meta-human placed his palm against the wall, creating an entrance, the outline being his mist like a doorframe revealing stairs to a basement. as the man motioned him to go first. James was unsure but proceeded through as his ally followed, the opening closing behind them as they made their way down a stairwell.

The chemist was uneasy, but knew there was no turning back, all he could do was walk down the stairs into a large gray room with a brown tiled floor. The room looked kinda like a kitchen, a long counter on the right side of the room with cabinets a few feet above them.

"This way" His ally responded for the first time. James was surprised to hear him actually talking for once, his voice was deep with a serious tone. James now had enough light to better see his rescuer. He had hazel eyes, short dark-brown hair dressed in a black superhero suit with a cape. There were purple lines across his suit with the hidden part of his cape also being purple.

They walked through a doorway past the room into a long narrow hallway. There were high-tech doors aligned on each side of the hall:

• Medic

• Armory

• Labs

• Rooms

• Meeting Hall

• Training room

Each door was made of steel that needed either a key card or palm scanner to get in. The names of the rooms were beside the doors in lit up white text. They reached the meeting hall where the man dressed in black put his hand on the scanner before the door opened with both sides moving in opposite directions of each other instead of the normal door.

James walked into the training room where a man wearing black and red martial art clothing with a bow staff on his back. The man wore a black face mask and had black hair. He approached the meta-human looking at him closely.

"Hmmm, I can feel unique power within you. Just what are your powers?"

"I'm not really sure, by what I've seen I have the power to move things from a distance and fly"

"Hmmm, well meta-human's powers tend to come out when put in a dangerous situation, so let us begin" James watched as the door behind him closed and the entire room became an endless holograph room white tiles all around him made of pixels. He looked toward the masked man who was advancing toward him with his bow staff. Electricity surged within the man's eyes and around the staff.

"Prepare yourself!" His combatant jumped into the air, throwing the staff right for James before flying past him, just missing his face by an inch impacting the tiled floor. Suddenly electricity surged from the bow staff, effecting the entire room with surges of electricity.

James focused, ascending up into the air to avoid the coming swarm of lightning. Both meta-humans floated in the air facing each other when the unknown man aimed his index and middle finger right for Young who was still new to just keeping himself air-born. He fired off a bolt of lightning straight for him at near instant speed. James could only watch as the chemist was filled with a surge of pain rushing throughout his entire body causing him to fall back towards the ground.

James hit the ground badly hurt but clinched his fist getting back up. Feeling his heart racing, James aimed his palm towards his opponent, focusing on the faint tingling feeling in his body. He released all the power he could draw together in a powerful shockwave. The lightning meta-human was sent staggering across the void, hitting a barrier to stop him from going any further.

"Hmph, I think that's enough for now. You're fairly new to your powers, but at least can use them when a situation calls for it which I can work with. My name is Surge, Amplifying Surge but obviously call me by Surge. What about you? What's your hero name?"

"I don't have one, I just got my abilities a few hours ago during a lab accident when my lab filled with a green gas knocking me out for a short time"

"Wait! Someone created a gas capable of giving a human powers?" He responded putting his palm up to stop him, a look of concern in his eyes. James told him how he was trying to create an anti-aging serum when his serum turned green before converting into a gas filling the lab.

"Do you know what exactly you put into your beaker before it caused the mutation?"

"Yea, I have the plans back in my lab and remember pouring in sidadite and arsosin into the liquid before it changed. However, my plans are back in my lab probably on my desk or in a drawer"

"Hmmm, alright, I'll take you back there to get it. If the M.H.C.A get ahold of that info and figure out the serum, we could have a horrible meta-human outbreak. They're called the: Meta-Human Containment Agency. They see themselves as the real heroes, containing meta-humans at any cost. When they first started, they only captured dangerous and suspicious Inhumans, now they just go around kidnapping any non-human they can find. I've heard they're locked up in a high-tech base in the north. I assume it's to ensure if any meta-humans managed to escape, they'd end up perishing from the fierce snow storm either from hypothermia or getting lost from the limited view of the snow. My brother was captured by one 0f them a year ago, I just recently got word of the base's location but wasn't sure if I alone could get into the base to save him, considering how many Inhumans are held up inside, there's no doubt the base is near impossible to get in and out of without detection"

"Have you tried gathering a team? I'm sure there's many others who's loved-ones were also captured by the agency"

"Easier said than done, many inhuman keep their powers a secret and you can't just go around asking people if they're inhuman, some citizens are willing to call the agency and report any super-human activity in fear of being thrown in jail for hiding a meta-human and only an idiot would post on social media, that's about the easiest way to get spotted"

"I have an idea..." James responded with a nervous smile...

The meta human focused his ability to fly, ascending up into the night sky outlined in a purple aura as before. He flew through the city as armored men from the MHCA noticed him in the air and tracking him using a scanner that detected super-natural power.

"Stop him!" One of the men cried out from the streets as a large armored vehicle like the one that captured him, chased him through the city with armored officers on jetpacks, firing lasers from high-tech guns. Though he was still not fully used to flying, the meta-human managed to evade the coming projectiles while keeping himself air-born. Just then a laser struck Young in the chest, nullifying his powers. The man fell from the sky before getting caught by one of the officers.

"You must be an idiot to just fly around the city like that. You must be begging to be taken to the containment base" The officer pulled out a steel collar, placing it around James' throat as it locked in place giving off a single beep. "With that collar on your powers won't work. Not to mention the blast that hit you also nullified your powers for the next three hours. So, you have no chance of escaping"

James Young was thrown into the armored van, once again sitting in a dark small area as they locked the back doors. Right as they were about to depart, one of the officers standing by the car detected another inhuman as his device on his wrist went off. "We may have another meta-human in the area" But moments later, the signal vanished.

"Forget about them, we can always come back and find them later" One of the men shouted from the driver's seat. The man nodded getting in the front as the armored vehicle took off for the base...

CHAPTER 2 The Inhuman Containment Base

After a few hours of driving out of the city, the vehicle parked in a field high above the outskirts of the city on a mountain where a large black airship descended down opening a large hatch where James was pulled out from the van being taken aboard the massive ship with two guards following behind him with guns in their hands prepared to use lethal force if needed. Just then James saw a quick blue light rush past them into his collar. He griped the metal collar thinking it was going to shock him, yet nothing happened.

"Keep moving meta-human!" One of the armored guards behind him shouted pushing him forward. James could only make his way up the large ramp into the airship that was far bigger than any ship he had ever seen. It was as if the airship was an entire base! He looked behind himself to see the massive hatch close before he was taken to a cell in the lower parts of the ship. Behind him was a steel wall while instead of bars in front of him was a barrier made of red energy.

He slowly reached over, placing his palm against the barrier of energy, a searing pain rushed through him as he was shocked. He fell back landing on his butt. Just then he saw a blue wisp where he had touched the energy field. The blue light traveled from the barrier to the electrical system. It rushed through the wires at great speed when it stopped in a storage room. A bolt of lightning shot out of the walls as Surge manifested inside the dark room.

"Few, it takes a lot out of me to stay in electrical form for so long. Luckily with some rest I can recharge also if I borrow power from the ship, I can super-charge myself past my normal limit"

2 Hours Later...

Surge took a deep breath standing back up still inside the small dark storage room. "Alright, I feel back at full power...or close enough. We're probably close to the base, it's time for phase two of our plan to take off" The hero converted himself back into pure electricity, phasing into the power system as he made his way down into the power core of the ship.

Materializing behind a corner just a few feet from the power core room, he looked carefully to see a massive power core in the center of the room. (Wow, that must be what's powering the ship) It was a 20 feet high glass cylinder with blue energy swarming within it. (I just need to get close enough to touch it and I can shut the entire ship down) Looking around he saw two armored officers guarding the power core along with multiple cameras rotating around the room.

(Hmmm, let's try this) Surge pointed his index finger towards a camera filing it with his electricity. With control of the camera, Surge sent a bolt of electricity from the camera right for one of the guard's helmet, electrocuting them.

"Ben are you ok!?" The other guard cried out running over to his unconscious partner. With the man distracted Surge fired off a bolt of electricity right for the unaware guard, striking him in the back. Knocking him out as well. "There, now to shut this down" Surge rushed into the large steel room ignoring the remaining camera he hadn't destroyed. Placing his palm against the large power source, he began absorbing the energy as fast as he could.

The lights began to flicker as electricity swarmed around the heroes' eyes when all the lights finally went out. The ship violently shook struggling to stay in the air. "Come on...just a little more!" Surge's body began to be incased within a swarm of blue electricity until his entire body looked like a figure made of pure energy. That's when the ship's power finally gave out as the aircraft began falling from the sky falling right for the island where the base was.


James hit the wall as the ship shook violently. He looked at the barrier as it began to break apart into pixels before completely fading. An alarm rang out through the ship as red lights flashed on and off. James ran out of his cell running through the narrow halls when an armored officer ran around the corner aiming a gun right for him. "Stop right there! If this ship goes down, you're going down with it!"

Suddenly light filled the halls. James lowered his hand to see the armored man lying face down, their armor scorched from the immense volts of Surge's attack. "Surge is that you!?" He commented seeing a being made of pure blue energy.

"Yea, this is me at maximum power. Now let's get out of here before the airship crashes" Surge fired a bolt of electricity at the meta-human's collar, overloading it causing it to burst in two, falling to the ground. James could feel the tingling feeling returning as both of them raced toward the main floor. Surge flew through the room finding the button to open the ramp.

Dozens of officers came charging out from the halls as the huge door opened. Guards were firing lasers all over the room when Surge slammed his palm down onto the ship's floor, sending a surge of electricity through the entire room, electrocuting nearly every officer in the room except two elite guards with energy shields taking most of the damage. With the ramp finally fully down, both heroes jumped from the falling ship headed right for the island.

The two elite officers followed behind on jet pacts, still firing off lasers at them. Surge grabbed his partner, teleporting them from miles high in the air right on the island, watching as the ship impacted the water a few meters from the island.

"Alright, we're on the island, now we just need to find a way into the base without being detected"

"That won't be easy, they already know we're here and a massive ship impacting near the island isn't really something hard to ignore" James responded. They made their way further away from the beach towards the fortress. As they got closer, they could see cameras and more high-tech guards surrounding the area. They remained crotched down in the bushed as Surged charged up electricity in his fingers.

In a sudden movement he fired bolts of power from his fingers each aimed at a target. Two cameras from both sides of the fortress's entrance and one of the guards flying on a jetpack near the entry door. His suit malfunctioned causing him to hit the ground causing the guards to rush over to him. With the guards distracted and cameras out, Surge converted into his electric for, moving at light speed, entering the left side camera aiming it's small laser gun toward the three men.

The gun began firing red lasers at them, shocking them with such force they face-planted motionless. (Good, with him in control of the camera they should think the camera's malfunctioning. Now he just needs to shut down the barrier around the fortress so we can get inside)

Meanwhile the hero entered the circuits. making his way through it's systems before reaching the power core of the barrier protecting the containment base. Entering the core itself, he overloaded the system causing it to burst as the shield went down and the base lost power for a moment before the emergency backup generators kicked in.

"Alright, they already know we're here, so might as well get this over with and force my way in" Running up to the large steel doors of the base, he aimed both hands toward them, forcing them open by moving his hands in opposite directions as if to force them open with his own hands. The large doors burst open as he ran inside.

He found himself in a large hallway with a black tiled floor with metal walls. Rows of doors on his left with a large lab on his left in a large glass room. He frowned charging toward the large glass room, aiming his hand toward the wall of glass as the force of his telekinesis shattered the glass walls as shards of glass went everywhere. Jumping into the lab he searched for any important documents or blueprints when he spotted a folder that had "Classified" in red on the top of it.

As the young meta-human put it in his lab coat, an armored man stepped out from behind a corner, firing beams of red energy from his gun at James who dodged the coming projectiles before sending the shards of glass right for the assailant like bullets as they shattered on impact but managed to distract him while Young ran past him making his way through the halls looking for the containment cells.

He turned a corner to see a group of armored guards blocking his way as they all aimed their weapons toward him. Just as he thought it was the end for him, Surge reformed his physical body beside his ally, throwing his open palm right for the group of assailants. "Looks like I got here just in time" Just before the M.H.C.A officers could fire, the gifted unleashed a bolt of electricity right for them, electrocuting them as they all collapsed on the floor. "Let's hurry James, we need to rescue those other meta-humans now" With a nod, the pair dashed through the hall side by side as they made their way into the containment cell sector with cells aligning both sides of the long hall with a wall made of red energy keeping the innocent gifted humans in their cells.

"Stay back Young, this is going to be tricky" Surge took in a deep breath closing his eyes as he began siphoning the power from each cell in the hallway, electricity shot out from each active cell as he began absorbing their power. The hero's eyes began glowing blue as more and more power flowed into his body. James watched as the hallway began to shake from the Immense power surging through him.

The several meta-humans watched as Surge clinched his teeth from the sheer strain of power coursing through his body. "C-come on…" All watched as the power blew with all the cell's barriers down and the meta-humans free. The gifted man fell to his knees with lightning surging around him as he breathed heavily from the stress on his body. "I-I should have enough power built up to transport all of us back to our safe haven"

"That won't be necessary a voice called out as a black rift opened behind James as the man who had saved him before stepped out leaving the rift open. "All of you get out through the rift, I can't keep it open for long" The group of meta-humans ran through the rift while the man stood next to the rift with his hands in his pockets.

"By the way, you never told me your name" James responded walking over to his friend getting down on one knee placing his hand on the man's shoulder. Surge was still overcharged with power.

"My hero name is Shadow star, like many gifted, we don't prefer giving our real names to others but since you don't have a hero name you don't seem to hesitate when someone asks for your real name. Anyway, let's head back so we can plan our next step"

"Wait what about the base, shouldn't we destroy it so the M.H.C.A doesn't rebuild it?" Shadow star was about to respond when a horde of armored agents came charging through the hall, firing shots at them as James was struck in the arm staggering back on his back. The shadow meta-human threw his open palm toward his targets, manifesting a rift as the group of assailants were bulled into the void before it closed. "There, that deals with them for now, but I'm sure more will be coming at some point, I plan to take over this base at some point and claim it as ours but for now let's head back"

The pale man walked over to the injured man picking him up with his arm over his shoulder as they walked through a rift with Surge right behind him, his overcharge slowly stabalizing but still feeling out of breath…    




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