
Beyond Love and Hate

[ WARNING : THIS BOOK CONTAIN MATURE CONTENT SO UNDERAGED READERS PLEASE WAIT TILL YOU ARE 18 . LOVE FROM THE AUTHOR :) :) ] "god what am I gonna do ! even if I sell my house , I have to give up all my bank balance with all the insurance I have till now I'll be on road if I do so ! I started talking to my self in whispers as I bewildered but it was not the time to think about luxuries it's time for save my ass off from this devil so I said hurriedly since he was ready to go - " I'll return your money just give me sometime till I arrange a customer to sell my house , I will transfer my bank balance to yours , I'll  work and pay in installments if it still remained due ........." catching my breath as I was holding it for long time , my voice became soft and painful "  ..... just let me go " I trailed off . tears threating to fall " No . why would I believe that you won't run away ? " he said with a straight and stern hellish look witnessing the devil inside him . " you have to live here and be my slave for six months , you won't be permitted to leave this mansion until then " sending immediate chills up my spine . I was left dumbstruck with his answer . As reality struck me hard leaving mixture of emotions flooding in my eyes . Fear and panic took over me , I climbed out from the bed as I called out his name , tried to run towards the door to reach him to persuade him for giving me time to find out that bloody ring but the moment I was two strides away from the door I realized I can't walk any further because there was shackles around my leg bounding me with the bed pole . The hope which flashed in my eyes a moment ago diminished like a shooting star as the door closed on my face , HE WAS A TRUE DEVIL WITH SILVER EYES . ****** It's truly said that fate often meets people on the road they have taken to avoid it . She tried hard to avoid him but there she was being his slave , she had the lost Ring all this time but she didn't remember . On the other side he had everything in the world , girls die just for his one glimpse and there he was , using sadistic tricks to hold her close , never wanted to hurt or let her hurt by others , to just to hold her close . Both unaware of the feelings brewing in there Hearts . BEYOND LOVE AND HATE is one such story in which fate turns everything upside down in the life of these two poles apart strangers where Zayn Evcen a business emperor and mafia , cold and ruthless like devil or Lucifer himself and siren Cavill , a beautiful neurosurgeon with a gentle heart . so I believe beyond love and hate lies fate and indeed fate is the lone player on the chessboard of life because it lies not in our power to love or hate for the will in use is overruled by fate .

Nyx_stealth · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

The Punishment - 1

" You will be climbing a tree tomorrow . Prepare yourself "

He said with his usual nonchalance but the atrocity he held in his eyes scared the living light out of siren right now .

" You are kidding right ?"

She said with a gobsmacked expression mustering all her courage .

" Do I look like I am ?"

He said with a lopsided grin and continued -

"  ..... Meet me in the garden near the jamun tree sharp at 5 . Sleep well bunny  it will be a long day tomorrow "

Saying this he left her in the hall . 

This demon creature !

Do I look like a monkey to him or was this man having some of his bolts loose in the head department ?

Her hand tightly clutching the side of her dress , she was doubtful with him being a devil after the wonderful meal she had but now it only confirmed that he indeed was , Driving pleasure from others pain .

I wish If I could really be a monkey  then at least I won't have to deal with this notorious demon king and I will surely drop a jackfruit over his head to crack it open .

But can a mere monkey lift a lofty jackfruit ?

And the words Mariya said ranged in her head like a danger bell  -

" ....or he will make you climb trees and jump until you break one of your bone "

She walked back to her room cursing herself for going in that hall out of her stupid curiosity , she really regretted her curious self . Crying with invisible tears and wailing over her sheer dumb luck internally she went in her room and fell flat on the bed to just rolled from one end to another like a chubby little bunny out of anger and frustration . She mumbled to her self -

" What am I gonna do ? I have never even climbed a hill let alone climbing trees "

She punched the pillow near her only to hug it back , she had no one on her side who can console her or give her a tip or two to encourage her because she knew avoiding this punishment is inevitable also it would be a lie if she said she was no scared . She hoped that Hannah will soon send a help and help her escape this demon realm with this hope she laid down her head on the pillow, the soft bed and her tired self made her answer the call of sleep god .

Soon the morning came with birds  chirping near her window . It was still a bit dark outside , she woke up streching her hand and legs . Rubbing her eyes groggily she sat up only to be smacked with horror by the yesterday's event . Hurriedly she woke up from the bed and Searched for the clock in her room which was hung by the side wall ideally , she saw it was 4:40 and the colour of her face drained away , running as fast as flash toward the bathroom she cleaned her self changing in fresh pair of uniform from her closet and quickly tying her hair in a bun while running down the stairs with a horror struck expression .

She went straight in the garden her hands still rolling her long hairs but fortunately she was on time . She saw him leaning on the jamun tree with one leg bent inwards taking support of the trunk of the tree . His one hand in his  black coloured sleek jeans pocket and the other near his broad chest to check the time . He was wearing a black woolen sweater and he looked so stunning, like a model inside a studio for a photoshoot . His hair messy but elegant as usual were some locks of strands falling on his oh-so-divastatingly gorgeous face . He looked nothing less then a walking  devil .

Her heart fluttered and thundered in her ear at the sight of Zayn , he really is handsome actually handsome will be an understatement of the century for his devil like beauty and she didn't realize what she was doing until he caught her ogling him to which he raised one of his perfect eyebrow , and that instant she lowered her eyes and schooled her features also bringing her hands to her side from her hair not wanting to add more bad luck to already her bad day when She heard him speak -

" Eye- raped me enough ?"

Siren looked up with her mouth hanging open to find him smirking slightly at her . He really didn't have a filter with his words !

" I did not ! "

She retorted , well that's a lie , she totally was I mean , how could you not ?

" Sure you didn't "

He said with a sinister grin .she didn't want to accept it because she knew she will make fool of herself when he will say something which will turn her into a ripe tomato also because this demon king lacks the word like  embarrassment in his dictionary .

She looked like a weirdo with a nesthead with untamed hairs hovering over her face because of the wind also because she haven't combed her hairs in the haste and  was standing ten steps away from him . 

" Come closer or you think with just one jump you can reach the top of the tree " 

Those silver eyes of his staring at her unwavering and demanding where she could do nothing except comply with his words .

The dark grey clouds hovered all around in the sky, growling  threateningly like it would rain anytime . She came closer to him with a step which was hardly consider as a step .

" I won't eat you up bunny , at least not any time soon "

So she forced herself to walk closer and now they were just two steps away . He stood straight and proud with his usual nonchalance , stretching his hand forward which was holding a small basket he said -

" Go to that Jaamun tree and start collecting the ripe ones without destroying my property "

a sinister grin appeared on his lips and he walked towards the outdoor patio taking shelter from rain as it started to rain slowly . She started at his broad back with gritted teeths cursing him and as if he heard her clearly he said without turning back -

" Don't stare at me bunny if you called this upon yourself . I'm just merrily helping you learn some manners "

Did this man has eyes all around his head ? What if he had two head ...  No no it's already more then torturing !

The words he spoke was nothing less than adding gasoline to her already existing anger . If she could she would love to pull the tree from its root to bash it right against this notorious devil's head But what could be done now ? It's already raining and if she stood there it will only result in her being a drenched little cat so she turned and was now looking at the hight of the Jamun tree -

Holy crap ! Even if I were a monkey it would be a daring job , but how am I supposed to climb it as a human with a basket in my hand and wearing a knee length uniform sack ?

She turned to look towards Zayn with pleading eyes , almost begging with her puppy-dog eyes but the Satan turned blind eyes Infront of her , he was driving pleasure out of her misery , gaving her an encouraging smile . She knew this devil will never forgive her over that trivial matter and she had no other options hence she turned towards the tree calculating where to step first without falling flat on the ground .

She then stepped forward and took hold of the rim of her dress tearing it till her lower thigh and placed her right leg on the tree trunk then with huge difficulty placed her left one as well , she tied the basket with the aprons ribbon she was wearing on her waist , clinging to the trunk as if her life depends on it when she heard him saying -

" I don't think it's a good idea to sleep there bunny ! Wake up and start climbing unless you want to stick there like a lizard "

His words drenched with Sarcasm  and mischief .

This sadistic , sarcastic , notorious little Satan , god kill him with choking on Jamuns . At least my hardwork will be rewarded then !

Time went by and she climbed little by little to reach the top at last were Juicy Jamuns dangled like drops of amethyst , she was grinning ear to ear at the sight of them , even Zayn couldn't help but smile at the little Victory his bunny achieved , she was almost drenched in rain and when she stood on a branch straight cold wind whipping her . She lost her balance due to cold and shivering legs .

God knows how she managed to clung to that branch , she was clinging like a little baby panda with her hands and legs wrapped around it Which made Zayn laugh , a good hearty laugh over her scared self .

Actually when she had a slip of foot he ran towards the tree but ended up laughing at the cute baby panda clinging for its life .

Oh god ! Dear god ! Save me ! if I fell from here my bones will be turned to mush and I will be paralyzed for my whole life , god show some kindness !!

While she was chanting for mercy from God she heard Zayn say -

" Oh my little baby panda , you forgot your mission , don't you ? "


I'm really very sorry for the gape dear readers but I can't help bcuz my exams were there and I needed to prepare

I hope you all can understand and won't ditch this novel and continue reading and supporting it

Thanks for staying :)

I'm really very sorry for the gape dear readers but I can't help bcuz my exams were there and I needed to prepare

I hope you all can understand and won't ditch this novel and continue reading and supporting it

Thanks for staying :)

Nyx_stealthcreators' thoughts