
Beyond Love and Hate

[ WARNING : THIS BOOK CONTAIN MATURE CONTENT SO UNDERAGED READERS PLEASE WAIT TILL YOU ARE 18 . LOVE FROM THE AUTHOR :) :) ] "god what am I gonna do ! even if I sell my house , I have to give up all my bank balance with all the insurance I have till now I'll be on road if I do so ! I started talking to my self in whispers as I bewildered but it was not the time to think about luxuries it's time for save my ass off from this devil so I said hurriedly since he was ready to go - " I'll return your money just give me sometime till I arrange a customer to sell my house , I will transfer my bank balance to yours , I'll  work and pay in installments if it still remained due ........." catching my breath as I was holding it for long time , my voice became soft and painful "  ..... just let me go " I trailed off . tears threating to fall " No . why would I believe that you won't run away ? " he said with a straight and stern hellish look witnessing the devil inside him . " you have to live here and be my slave for six months , you won't be permitted to leave this mansion until then " sending immediate chills up my spine . I was left dumbstruck with his answer . As reality struck me hard leaving mixture of emotions flooding in my eyes . Fear and panic took over me , I climbed out from the bed as I called out his name , tried to run towards the door to reach him to persuade him for giving me time to find out that bloody ring but the moment I was two strides away from the door I realized I can't walk any further because there was shackles around my leg bounding me with the bed pole . The hope which flashed in my eyes a moment ago diminished like a shooting star as the door closed on my face , HE WAS A TRUE DEVIL WITH SILVER EYES . ****** It's truly said that fate often meets people on the road they have taken to avoid it . She tried hard to avoid him but there she was being his slave , she had the lost Ring all this time but she didn't remember . On the other side he had everything in the world , girls die just for his one glimpse and there he was , using sadistic tricks to hold her close , never wanted to hurt or let her hurt by others , to just to hold her close . Both unaware of the feelings brewing in there Hearts . BEYOND LOVE AND HATE is one such story in which fate turns everything upside down in the life of these two poles apart strangers where Zayn Evcen a business emperor and mafia , cold and ruthless like devil or Lucifer himself and siren Cavill , a beautiful neurosurgeon with a gentle heart . so I believe beyond love and hate lies fate and indeed fate is the lone player on the chessboard of life because it lies not in our power to love or hate for the will in use is overruled by fate .

Nyx_stealth · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Sunset - 2

{ music recommend - ' safari ' by Serena }

Siren felt someone's huge hands wrapping around her waist hugging her from behind , horrified she turned her head sideways and her eyes met with a pair of silver ones . Her eyes turned as wide as a sauser and her cheeks as red as ripe tomato, she felt butterflies in her stomach . Well technically this wasn't her first time being so close to a man but it was never so sensual . She tried to get his hands off her but his huge fingers were holding her tight though there was a tint of gentleness in it , she tried running away but to no avail , his grip on her was as tight as rock and she felt his lips move against her skin at the side of her neck and heard him whisper -

" Why are you out here ?"

His minty breath made a silver of shiver run up and down her body

Is he gonna suck blood from me ? but I don't think he is a vampire ???

stammering she said -

" I-i am w-working "

Trying to unclasp his hand from her waist to which he said sarcastically -

" Sure you are , in my embrace "

She felt him smile on her skin and his words dipped in sarcasm

He was savouring her sent , her sent was a mixture of fregrant wild flowers washed with morning rain and of wet earth . after minutes of silence and her struggle he spoke  looking at the sky changing colour

" You like it here ?"

He said twirling her a little to face him

She was puzzled and afraid of course by the sudden changes in his behaviour but holding her grounds she said -

" Yes , but all the glitters is not gold " 

He flashed her a faint smile which was erased after a second, looking dead in her

" Every thing has its price to pay bunny "

And continued now mischief dancing in his hooded eyes he asked -

" Wanna move in my room bunny ? we can share this room if you want . "

She was at loss of words with her cheeks red and mouth hung open he definitely knew how to poke her expressions out .

I will jump down from one of these turrets before moving in with you .

Because of his intoxicating scent her brain was paralyzed already.

Did he purposely uses such deodorants to make others braindead or is it just me feeling like this ?

Finding no other excuse she said -

" I-I'm h-hungry "

This made him smile and he said -

" only after a kiss "

his grip got gentle yet it was firm his smile was faint but yet the emotions that flashed for a fleet second was enough to enterprate that he was indeed enjoying her state

Kiss ! my ass ! do you think I will kiss a Dracula who turned me into a slave ? Or may be he wanted to unlock the bindings to truly turn into Satan .

And kiss ? hahaha that would be the last thing I expect I would do to a person like you .

" What if I deny ? "

She said with a meticulous expression.

" Then give me a reason why not "

He pulled his gun out pointing it on her forehead , his mood switched from his stoic expression to a grave serious expression and she wondered -

Where the hell he kept his gun I didn't even noticed that he carried a gun

What am I gonna do if he shoots ?

Better to be dead then to be his salve

Rest in peace bunny !

What ? There you go in his shoes

" Pull the trigger then "

She said holding her grounds gnashing her teeth in anger and fear .

Though she said being fearless her brain knew he isn't a person to mess  with , fear was evident on her face but her answer never changed

He took a step forward which made her lean and bend backwards a little on the railing. her eyes shut tight and her heart hid it self in a little corner of her chest thumping like a drum waiting for the echoing bullet sound but that never happened, instead she felt something soft on her lips , soft and warm .

The moment she realised that he was kissing her it was already late her hazy mind was all in daze with his taste on her lips , his sent his warmth his gentleness all were head over heels to diminish her resistance , his one hand holding her waist and one over the nape of her neck to pull her lips close , though it started gentlely but seconds after he nibbed her lips only to sooth it with his wet tongue .

With all the courage and strength she had , she pushed him but her feet betraid her and ended up falling in his arms , he stood there holding her , her head safely placed on his broad and muscular chest , her right hand  on his rock hard abs and left clenching the back of his shirt . She felt his chest vibrate when he spoke -

" run away and it won't be a kiss next time "

She was shocked till no end shivering her eyes met his to which he  smiled , an evil and intimidating one enough to send silver of shivers up and down the beholder's spine .

How did he know that she called  Hannah and how much he know , did he know that she asked for a boat ? No that mustn't be , right ?

Actually when siren entered the room she saw a landline over his desk and by wrecking her head for a long time she remembered Hannah's number and luckily it was right so she explained her situation and told her to find the ring which she did but the ring was not there in her locker neither in her cabin so she told her to locate her and find a lawyer to get her out of here not knowing that she is dealing with the devil it self and this island and the country V was his realm nothing will remain unnoticed by him .

Looking at her fearful and scared expression he told her with a smirk looking down her face in his embrace  -

" Seems like somebody is scheming a lot of plans to run , hmm ? "


She opened her mouth but no words came out and he spoke again -

" So you like it right ? .." lowering his voice he said " being in my embrace ! "

His smirk grew when he said to which she let go of him and sprinted out running past him not wanting to be caged in his arms again though it was warm but yet she was not that drunk that she will go embraceing  demons .

" Princess don't you think you are forgetting something "

She was about to open the door and go out but his voice came alarming her .

plz don't be a silent reader guys plz support this writer

Nyx_stealthcreators' thoughts