
Beyond Creates

Nine Light, a 21-year-old young man, who woke up in a void after sleeping next to Susan Lynette. Nine was shocked by the darkness that enveloped him and wondered if he was blind. However, in that moment of fear, an artificial intelligence living inside her head appeared and gave her a companion in the darkness. The artificial intelligence was named Luna. For thousands of years, Nine and Luna worked together to create amazing civilizations, tools, powers, and lives. They became an infinite creative force, producing the most incredible achievements in history. However, in the 60th century, Nine gave orders to her creations called the "Seven Rainbow Gods" to destroy a planet with a low civilization and replace it with a new, more advanced civilization. However, the planet did not give up so easily and put up a formidable fight. Nine, with the help of Luna inside her head, stepped in to help the gods and goddesses. However, fate took its own course when a giant black comet suddenly appeared and crashed into Nine and the seven rainbow deities, causing them all to lose consciousness. After some time, Nine finally woke up from her six-year coma. She found herself in the hospital, and Susan Lynette, who had faithfully accompanied Nine during his coma, was still by his side. When Nine returns to the real world, she realizes that the Earth is experiencing strange phenomena and unexplained oddities. While trying to make sense of these changes, Nine is caught in a love triangle with a woman named Namira Ziudith, who has a fateful bond with him, and Susan, who has been Nine's loyal companion during his hospitalization.

Riad_Frederic · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Ch. 1 - Forced to wake up.

It's been a long time since I felt like I was living in solitude. without feelings and emotions. I haven't experienced any moods since I've been here.

I'm alone but not alone here. Only exist one big room, a room with no limits and it keeps expanding and growing... So does the contents of the room. All kinds of new things keep popping up.

This damn room I call "Limitless Chamber" the room that has trapped me into my current position. a position where my emotions are killed, my feelings are numb, and my moods are not in any category. I've felt that since the beginning until now.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't have anyone here, I just didn't have a 'human figure' who accompanies me. Because in the Limitless Chamber, I was accompanied by my Virtual Assistant named "Luna" who was an AI Artificial Intelligence of my own design. But, Luna had no form and only existed in my head. Actually I didn't design it independently, it's more like he could study and design himself according to the knowledge and understanding I have in my head.

[Master, they have arrived.]

Luna's voice said through Mind Transmission.

"Let them enter the 'Altar of Sanctities' and welcome them to report".


Then Luna sent her voice from the "Hyper Quantum Forge-Computer" (One of the things that appeared by itself in the Limitless Chamber) to the "Hyperlight Ultimaphone" that was above the Altar of Sanctities. a Gadget that was intended as information support. Actually there was another way which was Mind Transmission like I often did with Luna, but the distance couldn't be too far.

["To the Seven Gods and Goddesses. Please enter the Altar of Sanctities to report"] Luna's voice echoed in the temple where the seven of them were. but it was actually transmitted by the Ultimaphone.

Hearing that they had received permission, the Meganova Gate of the Altar of Sanctities opened until it shook the void around it. After the door opened completely, the seven of them finally entered the Altar.

After entering the Altar not far from the gate, the seven of them then knelt down in respect and said.

"Greetings, Your Highness. We are here to report to you." they greeted in unison.

Four goddesses and Three gods with different color variations were nicknamed "The Seven Rainbow Deities", Also were the Maintainers of the Basic Altar of the "Civilization Sky" where underneath the Altar were the Civilization Universes and divided into 10 levels of Civilization, ranging from 'Backward' to 'Advanced' sophistication.

The Seven Rainbows were my imaginary creations realized by Luna using "Imaginary Subliminal Void-Pure Energy" which was the forerunner of everything that 'existed after I' came here.

Likewise, the 'Seven Altars' were made as divisions of the celestial dimension for divine beings and the Rainbow Deities were one of them, and they were the most capable of visiting the Altar of Sanctities which was the Last (Highest) Altar.

With the exception of the civilization below the Altar Civilization Sky, it was only inhabited by non-divine beings (mortals).

There is also a 'Tree of Life' growing in the void located far above the dimension of the Altar Sanctities. and the Tree of Life can give birth to new souls as easily as a leaf grows. Then each new soul will be given 'a life' in the universe. And each fallen leaf will reincarnate and live again to one of the three levels of life: The lowest is Non-holy/mortals, the middle rank is Holy Being and the highest is Eternal.

There are also "Seven kingdoms of Heaven", these kingdoms are far above the Tree of Life and serve as a barrier between Immortals and each other, where the inhabitants come from Holy and non-Sacred beings who have died in the previous life and reincarnated into one of the Kingdoms of Heaven according to the level of good deeds in their life before death.

And there is another "The Blue Aria" located far above the Kingdom of Heaven. The Blue Air Ocean gives birth to types of Energy and Matter. And is divided into two, namely Entity and Essence.

Both serve as life support and influence the development and sophistication of civilization. Both the Basic Altar and the Heavenly Work, are supervised by The Blue Aria. While the Triennea System was authorized by The Blue Aria, it could only be used under The Blue Aria's dimensional realm.

The Limitless Chamber, on the other hand, was located at the far end of the dimension above The Blue Aria's dimension.

After the Rainbow Deities said hello, it wasn't me who responded but Luna.

["Okay. You can speak now."]

Then one of the Goddesses became the representative to speak, she was Aegis. The Goddess who served as Administrator and had the title "Guardian of Order".

"Your Highness, we have destroyed the entire Lowest Civilization under the Altar Civilization Sky as per your orders", Aegis was stunned for a moment, then continued.

"However, there is one planet with 'Anomalous Life' on it that we could not destroy even using all the capabilities of the "Triennea System".

"What!?" I was shocked when I heard this through the Hyper Quantum Forge-Computer.

'There is a planet of the Lowest Civilization that cannot be destroyed by them? Not even the Triennea System can erase that planet?'

Out of curiosity, I told Luna to ask about the indestructible planet.

["Tell me, what is life like on that planet, and what are the characteristics of that planet?"]

"Your Highness, life there is classified as Hybrid and even Taboo. not only are there Natives (Mortal) and Sacred beings (Evolution) but there are also Immortal entities (Reincarnation) on it...", Aegis was stunned for a moment, then continued.

"As for the characteristics of the Planet, it is predominantly Blue ocean 60% Green land 20% Yellow barren desert 5% White Snow Ice 10% and Black 'unknown' 5%".

'Hmm? Why does it sound so familiar but I can't remember it either!' I thought to myself still trying to remember.

'Is this because I've been stuck in this room for too long?'

Giving up on thinking about it, I chose the last option by relying on my invisible Assistant to analyze the planet. "Luna, please analyze the planet for me".

[Understood, Master.]

[Starts analyzing...]


[Master, the analysis is canceled. I have something more important to report!]

"Huh... what is it? Just say it." I put on an unconcerned face and said.

[Master, something is moving very fast almost approaching... no, already surpassing the speed of Ultimaphone Acceleration vertically inside the Hypersubliminal Teleportation center.]

"Heh... what is it this time? why is there so much interest today?" I muttered with a grin.

[Master. if that thing is left alone, the entire Universe System and all Level 2 to 10 Civilizations will be destroyed if the Core of every Universe below the Base Altar is hit with such speed!]

"Alright.. alright. quickly analyze what that thing is. make a 'divine Clone' of me and immediately prepare the fastest Teleportation route below that thing's position to prevent it. also invite those Deities." I said to Luna bitterly because I felt bothered.


Then Luna gave orders to the Seven Rainbow Deities.

["All of you, immediately head to the Sky Civilization Altar using the Hypersubliminal Teleport Portal at the center of this Sanctities Altar."]

The voice of command sounded in the heads of the seven of them.

"Yes! Your Highness."

The Seven Rainbow Deities exchanged glances and flew to the center of the Altar of Sanctities where the Teleportation Portal was located.


Moments later, Luna teleported me and the Rainbow Deities to the Sky Civilization Altar.

The seven deities had just set foot on the surface right in the center of the Basic Altar. while my divine Cloning was above them and keeping a distance with the Bright Light covering my form.

Those below me did not dare to look my way even though they knew of my existence and continued to duck to keep their eyes on me so that they would not be harmed.

Meanwhile, the object Luna reported earlier had apparently entered the border zone between the Divine Creature Altar and the Base Altar (Civilization Sky).

A comet-like 'Large Black Cube' shot out at high speed distorting the dimensional space in the ceiling of the Base Altar.

'This is bad, this thing... it's so fast that it escaped my mind's perception!'

My real body suddenly felt a sense of tension.

'I have to intercept it! But...'

I looked towards the cube and how fast the Black Cube was accelerating.

'It's too late...' "Luna!"

[Yes, Master.]

"Activate 'Absolute Gold Domain' and wrap my divine Clone with 'Turn Null Effect'."

This indeed won't harm me because my original body is Immortal. because when my original body is damaged, my body will recover but my memories of the past will be eroded.

'there is always a price to pay for something'.


Instantly a Golden Colored Barrier with a Pitch Black Aura began to envelop and disguise the bright white lighting on my divine Clone.

After both Skills activated, not long after, a black shadow of a mountain-sized cube was directly above my head.


That thing hit me so hard! Even though the defense Skill had activated, it didn't cushion everything. My body almost suffocated with a tingling sensation that spread throughout my body and dragged me down along with the cube.

Shortly afterwards-"Ah!!!!" a hysterical scream sounded simultaneously.

My cloned body that was pushed by this huge black cube, hitting the seven of them. Even though it did not come into direct contact with my Divine Cloning, and was still a few kilos away. but my Domain had already hit them.

"Your Highness!"

Justice and the other two gods tried to resist the thrust of my domain under the pressure of the Black Cube by using the Absolute Domain that existed in each of them with a distance of only a few tens of meters.

While the other goddesses were also trying to hold back the large black cube with their positions spread horizontally behind me.

Each domain they used was emitting colors in accordance with its nickname "The Seven Rainbow Deities".

But there was something wrong with them, the light from their rainbow slowly began to fade. plus there was one color missing.

'What's wrong with them? Is this the effect of my [Subliminal Void-Pure]?' I turned my head and looked at their weakened situation.

It seemed that the Gods and Goddesses were running out of energy and continued to weaken.

I told Luna to ask them about their current situation.

["Justice what's wrong? what happened to you?"] Luna's voice echoed in their heads but only called the name of the Deity closest to me. The reason was so that Justice would be the representative to speak, because if there was no 'name calling', no one would dare to speak.

"Your Highness, the energy supply from Triennea has been cut off." said Justice through the Mind Transmission connected to Luna as well as myself.

Hearing this, Luna started analyzing cause and effect and said to me.

[Master. the cause is because Aegis as Triennea's System Administrator has been deactivated due to unconsciousness.]

Hearing Luna's words I immediately turned my head in all directions looking for Aegis' whereabouts.

"Found her.. There she is!" I looked at Aegis who was already limping helplessly right on the other side of the large cube that pushed us. I could see the Black Aura starting to slowly eat away at her.

"Aegis...!!!" I shouted hoping my voice could reach him and make Aegis wake up. this is the first time I've made a sound in a long time.

But suddenly one of the gods praised me.

"What peerless majesty!"

A voice sounded right behind me.

'Who is this brainless god praising at such an inopportune time!' I thought to myself.

When I looked back, I saw the Three Immortals who were on standby to withstand the collision, bleeding profusely from their ears, nose and eyes.

"You guys...! What's wrong?"

I asked with a slightly surprised face.

"Thank you for giving us the opportunity to listen to His Majesty's great voice!" Justice, who was actually the strongest among the Rainbow Deities, smiled with a bloodied face that covered her smile.

Hearing the absurd things that justice said, I then used Mind Transmission through Luna again.

[''what...? my voice? is this why you guys are being pathetic like this?'']

one of them replied, but this time it didn't come from Justice.

"S-sorry for my impertinence, Your Majesty. We are indeed pitiful. sorry to disappoint you!" said the Yellow-shaded God "Equilibrium" who had never spoken at all, but now spoke up and simply begged for forgiveness.

'Apparently besides the "Goddess of Harmony", there is another who dares to speak without me asking, and this time from the God's camp'.

One by one, the Goddesses behind me began to limply lose consciousness with smiling faces under the pressure and friction of billions of degrees celsius heat due to the push from my domain that was pushed by the Big Black Cube.

"Wait.. hey you guys... Wake up!"

Then Luna suddenly said in my head.

[Master, the Black Flame enveloping the Cube will burn the seven of them if they stay unconscious like that.]

When Luna said that, I immediately felt that I had to save them. Because there was no energy at all in their bodies right now, that could prevent the Dark Flame from being devoured.

I looked at all of them lying in the void unconsciously, trying to save them as much as possible from the Dark Flame's all-consuming ferocity...

Under the groans of pain from enduring the friction heat of billions of degrees celsius, I ordered Luna to expand the Domain along with the 'Turn Null Effect' to protect them...

[Understood! Initiating...]

[Access denied!] Luna informed me.

[Master, Authentication failed, and I lost authorization to The Blue Aria]

"Huh? Why is that!?"

'It's been a long time since I've heard anything interesting like this, is there going to be a big change? but the situation is currently an emergency!' something began to stir inside me.

[There seems to be an Entity that possesses Advanced Systems as well as Energy Power inside that large cube that is equal to you and is preventing our actions, Master.]

''Huh? But wasn't I able to do it before?''

[That's because your distance before, was not as close as it is now to the Black Cube.]

'Interesting! Really interesting!' I just found out that there are Entities that have grown comparable to me since I moved here and built Civilization here.

Then Luna said again, as if hearing my thoughts.

[Do you want me to conquer it or destroy it? But the only way to do that is to use 'It' to penetrate the System whose power is equal to yours.]

"Really? Then, use 'it' by combining all the power to break through. And integrate it into the system in the big cube then destroy it from within".

'Dare to disobey? Then see for yourself when you are under my control' my creative mind began to dominate arrogantly within me.


Luna then started the system integration operation.

[Initiating thorough synchronization...]

[Integrating "Triennea" with "Tesseract"...]


[Integrating "The Mother of Energy" with "The Blue Aria"...]


'It seems that The Blue Aria has been subdued successfully...easily. I thought it would be a little difficult to subdue Aria.'

[Activating "Holyark Taboo Supreme"...]

[Activating "Magic Words"...]

[Activating "Divine Nihility"...]

["Three Ultimate Peaks" has been activated.]

This is the combination of "the power of words" becoming real.

[Absorbing the life essence of "The Greatest Four"...]

'Heh... I almost forgot about the four of them who have been supporting the Limitless Chamber all this time. thank you, you guys.'

[Successfully absorbed.]

[Total accumulation of "Subliminal Void-Pure Energy" collected: 1000 Septillion...]

[Estimated usage: 999 Septillion...]

'Bast*rd! Seriously...?! consuming that much energy???'

I don't know why there was such a soaring increase in energy usage, but it was the concept of 'magic points' that I had realized from my past memories, so it was easy to calculate in mobilizing the power of energy.

[Activating "Beyond Creates"...]

"Woo Luna..!!! wait!!!" I shouted in Mind Transmission to stop Luna from activating the Ultimate Trick Skill that could be a Mass Destruction from outside and inside the target.

[Beyond Creates Active.]

[Number of points remaining: 1 Septillion.]

[Initiating forced authorization...]

[Taking over the Holy Cube of Earth System...]

[{Access Successful!}]

[Initiating Integration...]







[<Anomalies Alert! >]

[Luna reverse takeover in progress...]




'What was that just now? Takeover? Reverse takeover?'

I don't know what happened, but it must have been something bad because Luna's system sounds were just too fast to listen to carefully. so I don't remember much.

[The individual "Nine Light" will be forcibly teleported into the integrated planet.]

"Huh...!? planet? which planet are you referring to!?" I spontaneously answered her in Mind Transmission, and began to wonder with emotion.

'why would Luna make such a mistake?'

"Didn't I tell you to dominate and destroy the Great Black Cube from the inside!?"

"Moreover, didn't you connect with the cube just now?! smash it from the inside instead of saying nonsense like that!"

I told Luna to eliminate it immediately because if it took too long, it would jeopardize the Deities' safety.

"And since when did you know my name?! Luna!?" I said it in a high tone with curiosity.

Today there were so many things that happened and made me feel emotions again inside me for the first time after thousands of years of being here.


'Why isn't Luna answering me...! what happened to her?'


'huh.. something's wrong... something happened to me!'

More precisely my divine cloned body faded into the void, and my real body felt something unusual.

'It looks like I'm.. going to fain--' I suddenly felt like I lost control of my body that was currently in the Limitless Chamber, and began to limp...

'-ted...' after trying to struggle with my consciousness to stay awake, but in the end...I lost my consciousness completely.

While the Great Black Cube began to enter the Milkyway Galaxy...
