

Yoon slowly opens the door. From far, he can see the first CCTV camera just across the hall. He's looking around the corridor for something.

"Yes.." he nod. Finally, something that he's been looking for. Slowly, he points his equipment and shoots towards the target. The box rattles like it is being zapped by the thunder.

At the same time, a bunch of enemies just pass by the end of the corridor. They come towards their direction. Yoon quickly closes the door.


"Any time.." says Justin. He holds his gun tight, waiting for Yoon's signal.

"Go!" Yoon opens the door and Justin dashes out at the speed of light. Yoon closes the door back as quickly as possible. He runs and blasts his gun at the same time, attracting the rest of the enemy troops.

"Damn! They come in group!" he sighs under his breath. From far he can see Yoon is already on his way out. He slows down a bit so Yoon can take his time to reach the window. He has no choice but to bring out another gun.

Now, he's holding two guns with his two hands and blasting towards the enemy troops. When he sees Yoon almost arrives at the windowpane, he immediately makes a detour and runs as fast as he can. But, he suddenly almost trips himself.

The enemy is coming closer. He shuts his eyes tight.


"Come on boy!" he feels like his body being drag by someone.

It's Yoon.

He shoots the enemy from far using his gun. The sound travels aloud.

They are seriously in danger now.

He quickly stands up on his feet and follows Yoon. They run their breath out towards the window. There is no hesitation this time. They just ram the window with their body and jump from the second level of the building.

A bushy bush is waiting for them. Although it is bushy, the pain is still there.

"Argh.." Yoon yelps out of pain. He feels like he's being hit by a truck. But, it's just his feeling. Maybe because he always thinks that he's old. Justin manages to drop beautifully, rolling to his side while covering his head.

"Come, Senior Yoon, let's go!" Justin drags his hand. Yoon wishes they can stay for a few more seconds, he's aware of his current surroundings. Now, it's not the time to be a slug. He quickly grabs Justin's hand so they will escape the scene.

"There it is!" he points towards a Humvee that Justin saw just now. Yoon snatches the keys from his pocket and...





"There's an automatic pilot feature in that Humvee. I can just drive it from far. Geez!" he screams while he pushes the autopilot button from the key. The Humvee starts the engine by itself and when Yoon pushes the reverse button, it moves backward fast.

They still running towards the Humvee. They might be crossing the Humvee on their way, so they wait for the opportunity to jump in. Once they are almost close to the Humvee, they both jump in.

Yoon takes over the driver's seat. Justin is struggling to sit properly. but he manages to settle down. Yoon quickly changes the Humvee mode into shield mode. The roof slowly closes down.

"Let's move!" Yoon screams aloud.


After a few moments of speeding away from the previous scene, finally, they manage to escape and currently hiding in the secluded forest.

"What now?" asks Justin. He studies Yoon who sit still, his hand grabbing the steering tightly. It was the most tiring runaway session he ever had. He never feels so tired in his life.

Guess I am old grandpa now...

"Wait.." he grabs his left pocket. He sighed as he finally realizes that he didn't lose it.

"What's that?"

"Some information, well I'm not sure about it. I only got a piece of it," he says.

"How we gonna find out?" asks Justin.

"Don't underestimate this old buddy. It might be evergreen, but not old.." Yoon smirks as he pushes a black button that was planted at his steering.

A big black box pops out from the Humvee dashboard. He plugs in the drive; it is just the size of his small fingernail. And he taps another button at the top of the black box.

The screen shows two files; XX Project 1 and XXXGuardian.

"I heard a lot about Guardian. It's an elite team from Black Wolf, a separate unit from the Black Knight," Justin's eyes lock at the screen.

"Yep, it's a secret team for some secret rank mission," says Yoon. Too much secrets kept by his team from the world.

"But, I heard it's just a mere urban legend. Like dark web stuff sort of.."

"The government concealed the project for some reason. Even some part of it from us. There must be something that we shouldn't know," Yoon clicks the XXXGUARDIAN file.

File looks incomplete. Some data might have got wiped away, unknown is everywhere.

"There must be something.." Justin watches at the server. His eyes suddenly catch something familiar.

"Super Wolf Survival Challenge?" without hesitation, he clicks the file. The server shows the information about it.

"Lt. Theodore Blue?"

"He seemed famous, at least according to this article. But why haven't we heard about him?" asks Yoon. He studies the photo carefully, questioning himself if he did see this man in any of the history books or Black Knight manual.

"That dog tag necklace.." Justin grabs his dog tag necklace at the instant.

"You never mention that you are Super Wolf!"

"Is it important?"

"Yes! Wow, no wonder..." Yoon gives himself a face palm.

No wonder this boy is so talented!


"Never mind," Yoon logs out from the file. The information is incomplete. There's no use for searching anymore. It's best to keep it first and focus on the next task.

"PROJECT 1.." Yoon then clicks the file.

A picture of a lady appears on the screen. She wore a Black Wolf uniform with a Black Knight badge on her right arm.

"What the heck?!" both of them gasp.

"I didn't know they recruited a lady in Black Knight," says Yoon.

"Guess maybe she's a special case," Justin points his finger at the picture, particularly focusing on something. "Look.." Yoon looks at the picture.

"Dog tag necklace..."

"Again?" Yoon held a big sigh. He tries to connect all those dots that imprint on his mind, but he can't do that. His brain crashes and he already exhausted due to the 'small' war just now.

"Let's read her profile,"

"What, you think this is sort of like stalking people's social media?"

"No, senior. But there must be something that probably would help us connect the puzzle. Remember, you said that this is the only information that you get," says Justin. Although he feels tired, his curiosity builds up fast. Unlike Yoon, he still has energy for some action.

Justin carefully scrolls the screen. He reads the profile one by one, in case if they missed anything. He then looks at her photo. More like a photo from the Black Wolf archive and laboratory research. Then, he scrolls to the next picture, a cut from an old newspaper. He gasps.

"Senior, look!" he shakes Yoon's almost sleeping body. He grunts for a second before he lays his eyes on the screen.

"An extraterrestrial attack killed hundred people including Special Operation team members, The Guardian. That means, this isn't the first time we've been attacked!" Justin then shows Yoon another picture from the Black Wolf archive.

"It's the same guy that we saw in XXXGUARDIAN's file.."

"Lt. Theodore Blue. Wait, he's already a captain in this picture," Justin points the man's shoulder in the picture.

"Any more pictures?" Justin quickly scrolls the picture. He keeps clicking the next button until...

"Stop!" all of the sudden, Yoon holds Justin's hand, making him stop clicking the next button.

There is a group picture in front of Black Knight's secret safe house. One of them is the woman in the profile, holding hands with a man who wore a Black Knight uniform. Next to them is Captain Theodore and another person, after a person after a person.

But the person that stands at the right end of the group photo catches his eyes immediately.
