

#######NOT EDITED#######

"Before we celebrate our success, let's settle this bet" I was standing on top of this jeep, my men quietly waiting for me to announce who the winner was.

"squad four lost to squad 2" most of the guys started cheering, Elis had even gone the extra mile to remove his shirt and swing it in the air as his teammates carried him throwing him up every once in a while, and on the other hand Mal the leader of the other team didn't look too happy even I wouldn't if I had to be on patrol for the rest of the month.

I received a message from the headquarters calling for a meeting which kind of ruined my mood, you can never know what these blood suckers want.

"Tonight the drinks are on me, I hope you all don't drink to lose your senses but to have fun, dismissed" that caused even more cheering.

I jumped off the jeep and started making my way to the boardroom.

"Already running off commander"

Louie, my second in command said causing me to smile. He fell in step with me and we made it to the stairs leading up to the elevator.

"am not running away this time I swear, we do however have a meeting with the headquarters" he didn't like the idea, and his facial expression changed for a bit.

"damn we can never catch a break ...anyways thanks for the gift," he said with a smile

"I had a feeling you would like it, do you like it "I asked him as we got into the elevator.

'Are you kidding me, of course, I like it, it's freaking limited edition " he happily said.

I had pulled a few strings to get him this cool-looking guitar which was sort of hard because it is a limited edition, they were only four of them.

I couldn't help the smile that forced its way onto my face, I was glad I could make him happy even if it meant just for a little while, he is incredibly talented with the guitars, it is a hobby of his. As soon as we entered the boardroom he seemed more serious.

"Why would we have a meeting after a mission that proved to be successful," he asked.

"I haven't a single clue "

I switched on the hologram and took a seat next to him. All board members were available which meant that this was serious, usually, there are four or five at most.

Conniel, with his snow-white hair cut short, and red crystal eyes. Thought he was a person walking around with sense while I thought him to be the most aggravating, irritating rat to ever set foot on this earth.

'' Aliyah, cat dragged very nice to see you,'' he said.

"Please Conniel let's skip the formalities, what would be so pending that a meeting has been called for at three in the morning "

"ahh I see patience is not one of your many qualities" he snapped.

"why don't you come here and find out how many qualities I tend to have" I bite back and he didn't look too happy with what I said but Louie did look very entertained in his seat.

"Are you trying to threaten me, I will-" he had started to shout but Mr Axel cut him off.

Everyone looked so fed up with our stupid introductions every meeting, it was no secret I hated the chairman's son.

"I didn't call for this meeting for the both of you to waste our time showing off your childish behaviours-''

"Sir, but all am saying is that she should have a little more respect for me" Conniel tried to defend himself but that seemed to get him nowhere, instead succeed in angering his father even more.

"Enough!, Conniel" Mr Axel shouted successfully locking up that bastard son of his which caused him to sit back properly in his chair quietly, I caught Louis's smirk in time

When Mr Axel was sure no one would interrupt him he continued.

"There is no time for these petty arguments, you are both grown-ups, act like it. This meeting was called for due to an attack on one of the security points below the mountains and as I speak I have already sent in two troops but it has been brought to my attention that the enemy is moving in really fast and taking down our men with them."

Everyone started talking amongst themselves, I could also see fear rising among them. Louie turned to me and we shared a knowing look, these were most certainly not humans, no human moves that fast.

" The enemy is heading towards the lab on top of the mountains for the test subject we have held in our possession for the past two weeks. We decided to send in another team and as suggested by commander Conniel, commander Aliyah and her team will take on the task."

Immediately he was done, a smile fell across Conniel's face and I wanted to break it.

"I can not do that " I argued.

"Refusing a direct command, do you wish to be punished," Conniel said.

I purposely ignored choosing to bite my tongue.

" Why not, your team is the nearest to the lab, without wasting any time you can get the task done. We can't risk sending in a team further as you can tell we don't have the luxury of time on our hands. If the test subject leaves the mountains we will be unable to track it down and I would rather not risk the most valuable test subject to end up on the black market" another board member spoke up.

Miss smart pants had a point but I was not going to let my men go anywhere.

'' I can not do that '' I said directly to Mr Axel.

"We have been on a mission that took us a month and I am sure all of you know basic biology so, of course, you'll not take tired men who have barely eaten or slept to fight, though as another alternative, Conniel is right next to us and is more than capable of taking on the task at hand I am not sure why he has not yet been considered" I tried my luck again.

"I am unable to because I am off duty besides the whole last-minute hero thing suits you best am sure Amber would strongly agree." Conniel smugly said.

Amber was one of my men and one of the only people I could call a friend, she died on a mission and I was so close to saving her but I didn't get there in time.

I could feel my claws extending, digging into my palms hard enough to draw blood but I couldn't care, not with the boiling anger that was attempting to escape.

"Conniel, you bastard you better watch your mouth before I rip out your rotten tongue you fucking" I snapped.

Louie must have realised my nails extending even further because he was out of his chair and had reached out to cover my fist.

" Them seeing you shift will only blow over our cover, he is trying to provoke the worst in you " he whispered.

I breathed out tired of this mess already, I wanted to leave this shit hole every cell in my body regretted ever taking on this mission working with leeches was so draining, I slowly retracted back my claws till they became ordinary nails.

I looked around at everyone watching me, some with amusement others with pity and goddess did it not disgust me. My eyes travelled to Conniel, not believing I had let him get to me so effortlessly, he gazed back at me with a satisfied look on his stupid face.

"Yes, commander, be a good girl and listen to what he says" Conniel dared to speak his nonsense. Before I could say anything Louie beat me to it.

"Say one more word disrespecting my commander, and I swear to the skies I will have your tongue for my dogs." he threatened.

"And who invited you to speak," Conniel asked tossing a disgusted look at Louie but he wasn't having any of it.

" You're free to ask your mother who permitted me to speak once am done slitting your throat, I heard you missed her "

At this point, Conniel's smile had dropped faster than sprinkles on a dry doughnut and to top it off he looked like he was only one second away from bursting, if he was human he would be looking pretty red. His papa however didn't appreciate his dead wife being mentioned in a stupid argument at least that's what it looked like to him.

This has been sort of lengthy, I hope you enjoyed it.

tasya77creators' thoughts