
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

So it turned out that they both didn't know that they're the CEO of the leading companies in the country.

Quickly, Rodriguez made a few calls to resolve and suppress the scandal threatening his position.

The news suddenly disappeared and died down immediately. Ariella was shocked when Lucas told him that the news has been cleared totally. She wondered "who has this much power to clear the news this fast?"

But she was grateful for that because it has just reduced the amount of stress she was going to pass through.

The board members were rather impressed at the decision because they would not work for someone who has scandal in their neck and it increased their profit margin by a lot.

Things were going smoothly for her until Ariella received an anonymous message from someone saying " watch your back!!"

She was scared at first wondering who is after her. She spoke to Lucas about it and he advised more bodyguards which she did.

She explained the incident to Gabby who said" whosoever is after you has definitely picked the wrong person because you don't have enemies we know of"

"Infact Gabby, I'm tired ehn within two weeks of revealing myself and now this. Are you sure my reveal is not a bad omen?" Said Ariella.

Gabby reassured her"c'mon Ari don't be like that. It'd be fine okay". Alright let's cheer up I'm calling Williams now and we're all going to a masquerade mask party but we first need to get a costume and....."

I haven't even told you if I am interested" Ariella cuts in. " You are definitely coming because I didn't ask for your opinion cos you'd say no as usual " Gabby replied and they both laughed.

They went shopping for various costumes and went home to dress. Williams is to meet them at the club so after dressing, they put on their masks and set out for the party.

"You go girlllllll ... You both have banging bodies " Williams tooted at them on seeing them. "C'mon you've started again Will, just go and search for dicks as usual" Gabby said smiling. "Before you say so, I've been looking for potential since. Oh! I've found one alright enjoy gurlllss" and Williams left them.

Loosen up babes" Gabby told Ariella. So she started taking drinks after drinks and she went to the dance floor drunkenly.

After dancing for a while, she felt warm hands snaking round her tiny waist and she perceived a husky masculine scent.

The tempo of the music changed to a fast one and she began grinding on the man behind her. He clearly enjoyed it because his hands were on her waist all through , he started groaning after some times as his boner was getting harder.

She turned back but she could only see the grey eyes piercing through the mask on his face . She shivered slightly at the eye contact.

" Hey beautiful would you like us to take this upstairs?" He asked her "yes please " she replied almost immediately.

So they went upstairs and they both almost fell on the stairs because of they were drunk.

Immediately they got to the room, they started kissing sloppily and they had a hot night all through but they didn't pull their masks.

Ariella opened her eyes to see herself in a strange room. She looked to her left and saw the man from yesterday sleeping. She quickly stood up and quietly dressed. As she tried to take a peep at his face, he slightly moved and she ran out not wanting him to see her at all.

"Wow you look thoroughly fucked girl! Look at you doing the walk of shame" Gabby commented on seeing Ariella entering the house.

Ariella didn't answer her and went straight to her room. " What? You don't want to answer me after you got shagged!" Gabby mocked her.

"Girl I can't really remember much but it was mind blowing. Don't ask for more details pls" Ariella told her. Gabby mockingly smiled and said"at least did you get the name of the young man that blew your mind?"

"I didn't even see his face but I remember that he has grey eyes "

" woah woah woah so you slept with a total stranger!! Oh heavens what has come upon this girl! I'm liking this new version"

"C'mon it's just a one time thing and we don't know each other so we can't see each other again " Ariella told Gabby.

"Whatever I'm definitely giving Williams the gist " Gabby teased.

They both changed their dresses and went about with their normal duties.

Rodriguez woke up with a smile on his face, remembering the previous night. He turned to look at the pretty damsel in the bed with him but was met with a cold side.

He stood up with a frown on his face wondering who she was and why she left." And I have no means if contacting her. I need to talk to Jones if he can locate her for me".

He got dressed and went home with a motive in mind to look for the mystery lady

Linda wondered how the news suddenly disappeared. She couldn't find the source of it's disappearance and she said " when life gives you lemons you make lime juice out of it. I won't back down for you bitch. I have done it before and I can do more!"

Ricardo got called by asphalt group and he was elated that the proposal had been considered.

On getting there, he found out that Rodriguez has discovered a loophole in the proposal and he wondered "Is this man a wizard? How did he find it out as concealed as it was?"

He was ordered to correct it before it is being approved so he had no choice but to go and redo it.

Rodriguez who was watching his reaction form the camera smiled and said"this amateur is trying to use me as a debt settlement".

Ariella just came back from her lunch break and she went into the office. She completed her appointments for the day and she wanted to finish the paperworks on her table before leaving for her home.

She was halfway into a document when her phone suddenly vibrated."what does Gabby wants again oh I'm not in the mood for club or party tonight " she said while picking up the call.

"Hey babe where are you?"Gabby asked. "I'm still at work. What is the problem why are you sounding so worried?" Ariella asked concerned.

"I'm fine just go online and see what the news headlines are about currently and promise not to fidget when you see it."

"Okayyyy can you give me a hint at least "Ariella begged but Gabby told her"just check it first and call me back so we'd know what to do " she then cut the call.

"What is the news about that can make Gabby panic this way? I hope it is not something bad" she thought worriedly.

On opening the news site the first picture she saw made her freeze. "No...no...no... this can't be!!!"