

After Alex and Rebecca heated adventure in the bathroom, they took a shower before leaving as Rebecca left to cook dinner and Alex went to the living room to play with his phone.

As Alex was playing with his phone he remembered the conversation he had with Samantha so he started to look for items to use for a Dancer Of The Boreal Valley Beyblade and he found that there are many materials that are the same thing but have different grading seeing this Alex didn't put too much mind into it and put the materials he needed in a cart so he can buy it later when he was alone so not to cause confusion on how he got the items.

At the end of his search, he put down Dancer's Soul (Silver)(150 BeyDollars), Dancer's Enchanted Swords (Silver) (95 BeyDollars), Dancer's Set (Silver) (80 BeyDollars), Pontiff's Right Eye (Silver)(15 BeyDollars), Soothing Sunlight (Silver)(50 BeyDollars), and Titanite Slab (Silver)(25 BeyDollars) in the cart making the total cost to 415 BeyDollars.

Seeing the price Alex didn't want to spend that much so he lowered some of the grades of the items to Bronze lowing the price and so he replacing Dancer's Set, Soothing Sunlight, and Titanite Slab to Bronze cutting their prices in half making the total to add to 337.50 BeyDollars.

As Alex was looking through his phone Rebecca was finishing making dinner and called Anny and Emma to help set the table as she went to the living room to get Alex to come and eat with them.

When Rebecca came to the living room and seeing Alex playing with his phone she came up with an idea and moved quietly behind before moving her hands around Alex as she moved in for a kiss before telling him that diner was ready.

"Dinners ready Hunny." Rebecca

Hearing from Rebecca that dinner was ready Alex put away his phone before getting off the couch and following Rebecca to the dining room to join Anny and Emma who were waiting for them so they can eat.

Once Rebecca and Alex entered the dining room they sat across Anny and Emma before they started to eat.

As they were eating Rebecca kept one of her hands under the table as she talked to her daughter keeping them distracted as she plays with Alex's dick under the table.

"So girls what are your thoughts on the tournament so far?" Rebecca

Hearing their mother asking them a question they both answer at the same time.

"It was fun I saw many exciting battles and we made new friends." Anny

"The matches are difficult but satisfying as I won." Emma

Hearing her daughters respond she kept talking to them as not to let the conversation die down and so they don't pay attention to Alex as he was trying to fight the urge to cum.

"Oh, then what are you two looking for the next round of the tournament." Rebecca

Hearing their mother asking them another question they both answer her again.

"I hope to see some flashy finishing moves and hopefully Emma will win this year." Anny

"I also hope I can win but it seems that this year's competition won't be easy and I'm afraid that Flame Unicorn won't last long if my pairing is unfavorable, unlike last time when I lucked out and faced the weaker Beybladers first." Emma

Rebecca hearing her daughter self dough was upset and stopped fooling around with Alex under the table before looking at Emma with a serious expression before talking to her In a soft but firm tone showing her love for her daughter's well being.

"Emma Fieldwall, what are you talking about? You sound like you already but you haven't and you won't as we both know how hard you train so you will either win or make the person who beat you sweat for his or her win. Now cheer up as you will most likely lose with that mood lone." Rebecca

Emma hearing her mother tries to give her a pep talk could help but laugh a little at herself for feeling dough in her abilities to win.

Anny and Alex seeing the mother and daughter duo act of familial love couldn't help themselves and smile as they went back to eating while Rebecca started to tease Emma as a form of punishment for her self dough.

After everyone finished their dinner Anny pick up the dirty dishes from the table to put them in the dishwasher while Emma left for her bed to be well-rested for the tournament and as for Rebecca she led Alex to one of the guest room before leaving him and going back to her room.

Alex seeing he was alone once more took out his phone and was wondering how he should order the materials so he used the search engine and found that system users can connect their systems to the multiverse and have it be the middle man for ordering and receiving items from the multiverse.

Now knowing what to do Alex opened the system option and went to a hidden tab called sitting to open the multiverse trading account and connected the system to his phone while he was at it.

After changing the sitting he went back to his phone and ordered the items for the Dancer Of The Boreal Valley Beyblade spending a total of 337.50 BeyDollars of his 500 BeyDollars leaving him with 162.50 BeyDollars.

After purchasing the materials a system notification came from his phone.

*Beep* Host has bought Dancer's Soul (Silver), Dancer's Enchanted Swords (Silver), Dancer's Set (Bronze), Pontiff's Right Eye (Silver), Soothing Sunlight (Bronze), and Titanite Slab (Bronze) for a total of 337.50 BeyDollars.

337.50 BeyDollars has been deducted from Host 500 BeyDollars leaving Host with 162.50 BeyDollars.

All items bought by the Host was sent to the Inventory. *Beep*

Alex reading the notification felt relieved that he didn't get scammed by any hidden payments or time lags for the items to be delivered.

Once confirming the items were in his Inventory he started to make the Beyblade be opening the Crafting option on the system.

*Beep* Host has used Pontiff's Right Eye (Silver) to create a Pontiff's Right Eye Core (Silver).

Pontiff's Right Eye Core

Energy Type: Abyss

Grade: Silver

Effects: Physical attacks will have Abyssal energy in them. Boosts attacks, as long as attacking persists (Initial boost is 6%, then 10%, and maxes out at 20%). The Beyblade Spirit will be a Beast-Type once it merged with the Core and Face Bolt.

Description: Knights who peer into the black orb are lured into battles of death, transformed into frenzied beasts. *Beep*

*Beep* Host has used a Dancer's Soul (Silver) to create a Dancer Spirit (Silver).

Dancer Spirit

Type: Humanoid

Grade: Sliver

Effects: Weak to Dark and Lightning attacks. Immune to Poison, Toxic, and Frost attacks. Contains the memory of Dancer of the Boreal Valley from Dark Souls 3.

Description: She was one of the daughters of the royal family of Irithyll, but was ordered by Pontiff Sulyvahn to become a dancer first, and then legioneer, which is equal to exile. He also gifted her dual blades, infused with darkness and fire, similar to his own weapons.*Beep*

*Beep* Host has used Titanite Slab (Bronze) to create a Titanite Face Bolt (Bronze).

Titanite Face Bolt

Type: Divine

Grade: Bronze

Effects: +10% for regular attacks and +5% for special attacks. Release a faint aura of the divines.

Description: Titanite is a smithing material of the gods, and weapons reinforced with slabs will be admired no less than their previous legendary weapons.*Beep*

*Beep* Host has used an Aurora Veil (Bronze) to create an Aurora Veil Outer Energy Ring (Bronze).

Aurora Veil Outer Energy Ring

Type: Equipment/Illusion/Divine

Grade: Bronze

Effects: Creates an Illusion of an aurora the Beyblade to hide any special/ultimate moves it makes. Release a faint aura of the divines.

Description: The mirage-like aurora veil is said to be an article of the old gods, permitted only for direct descendants of the old royal family. *Beep*

*Beep* Host has used Soothing Sunlight (Bronze) to create a Soothing Sunlight Inner Energy Ring (Bronze).

Soothing Sunlight Inner Energy Ring

Type: Miracle/Divine

Grade: Bronze

Effects: Restores a large amount of health/energy for self and those in the general area. When used a faint aura of the divines will be released.

Description: Special miracle granted to the maidens of the Princess of Sunlight.*Beep*

*Beep* Host has used a Dancer's Enchanted Dark Sword (Sliver) to create a Dark Sword Hidden Energy Wheel (Silver).

Dark Sword Hidden Energy Wheel

Type: Dark/Weapon

Grade: Sliver

Effects: Attack involving Dark Sword Hidden Energy Wheel will carry dark energy. Increase in Strength, Dexterity, Magic, Fire, Lightning, and Dark. If paired with Dancer's Enchanted Flaming Sword (Silver) the Ultimate Move Dancer's Grace will be available that lets the Beyblade unleash the fury of both blades in a dancing spin motion and use strong attack to continue the performance until stamina is exhausted.

Description: One of the enchanted swords that Pontiff Sulyvahn bestowed upon the Dancer of the Boreal Valley.*Beep*

*Beep* Host has used Dancer's Leggings (Bronze) to create a Dancer Performance Tip (Bronze).

Dancer Tip

Type: Humanoid Beast

Grade: Bronze

Effects: Increase in Speed, Stamina, and Agility. Better performance in wide-open areas.

Description: Leggings turn flesh of the Dancer of the Boreal Valley.ย *Beep*

*Beep* Host has used Dancer Upper Body (Bronze) to create a Dancer Spin Tracks (Bronze).

Dance Spin Tracks

Type: Humanoid Beast

Grade: Bronze

Effects: Increase Attack Power, Stamina, and Dexterity.

Description: The upper armor turned flesh of the Dancer of the Boreal Valley. *Beep*

*Beep* Host has used a Dancer's Enchanted Flaming Sword (Sliver) to create a Flaming Sword Fusion Wheel (Silver).

Flaming Sword Fusion Wheel

Type: Flame/Weapon

Grade: Sliver

Effects: Attack involving Flaming Sword Fusion Wheel will carry Fire energy. Increase in Strength, Dexterity, Magic, Fire, Lightning, and Dark. If paired with Dancer's Enchanted Dark Sword (Silver) the Ultimate Move Dancer's Grace will be available that lets the Beyblade unleash the fury of both blades in a dancing spin motion and use strong attack to continue the performance until stamina is exhausted.

Description: One of the enchanted swords that Pontiff Sulyvahn bestowed upon the Dancer of the Boreal Valley.*Beep*

*Beep* Combining ... Pontiff's Right Eye Core (Silver), Dancer Spirit (Silver), and Titanite Face Bolt (Bronze) to create Dancer of the Boreal Valley Face Bolt (Silver).

Dancer of the Boreal Valley Face Bolt

Type: Humanoid Beast

Energy Type: Abyss

Grade: Silver

Effects: Physical attacks will have Abyssal energy in them. Boosts attacks, as long as attacking persists (Initial boost is 6%, then 10%, and maxes out at 20%). +10% for regular attacks and +5% for special attacks. Weak to Dark and Lightning attacks. Immune to Poison, Toxic, and Frost attacks. Contains the memory of Dancer of the Boreal Valley from Dark Souls 3. Release a faint aura of the divines.

Description: She was one of the daughters of the royal family of Irithyll, but was ordered by Pontiff Sulyvahn to become a dancer first, and then legioneer, which is equal to exile. He also gifted her dual blades, infused with darkness and fire, similar to his own weapons.*Beep*

*Beep* Combining ... Dancer of the Boreal Valley Face Bolt (Silver), Aurora Veil Outer Energy Ring (Bronze), Soothing Sunlight Inner Energy Ring (Bronze), Dark Sword Hidden Energy Wheel (Silver), Dancer Performance Tip (Bronze), Dancer Spin Track (Bronze), Flaming Sword Fusion Wheel (Silver) to create Dancer of the Boreal Valley Beyblade (Silver).

Dancer of the Boreal Valley Beyblade

Type: Humanoid Beast/ Enchanted Warrior

Energy Type: Abyss/Flame/Dark/Divine

Grade: Silver

Stats: Attack: 28/30 Defence: 18/30 Speed: 20/30 Agility: 30/30 Stamina: 26/30

Effects: Physical attacks will have Abyssal energy in them. Attacks involving Dark Sword Hidden Energy Wheel will carry dark energy. Attacks involving Flaming Sword Fusion Wheel will carry Fire energy. Boosts attacks, as long as attacking persists (Initial boost is 6%, then 10%, and maxes out at 20%). +10% for regular attacks and +5% for special attacks. Increase in Attack Power, Strength, Dexterity, Speed, Stamina, Agility, Magic, Fire, Lightning, and Dark. Weak to Dark and Lightning attacks. Immune to Poison, Toxic, and Frost attacks. Creates an Illusion of an aurora the Beyblade to hide any special/ultimate moves it makes. It can restore a large amount of health/energy for self and those in the general area. Better performance in wide-open areas. Release a faint aura of the divines. Contains the memory of Dancer of the Boreal Valley from Dark Souls 3.

Techniques*: Triple Hit & Slam, Grab, Swing, Slam, Twirl, Thrust, Uppercut Slice, Blade Dance, Slash, Spin & Double Thrust Combo, Slash Combo, Jump & Spin Combo, Dual Uppercut

Special Moves: Soothing Sunlight, Residual Flames, Fire Thrust, Explosion, Ash Cloud, Erupting Ground Slices, Ash, Aurora Dance of Flame, Aurora Dance of Ash

Ultimate Move: Dancer's Grace, Aurora Dance of Flame & Ash, Dancer's Final Dance

Description: She was one of the daughters of the royal family of Irithyll, but was ordered by Pontiff Sulyvahn to become a dancer first, and then legioneer, which is equal to exile. He also gifted her dual blades, infused with darkness and fire, similar to his own weapons.

*(Techniques are moves set the Beyblade Spirit can use based on memories it could remember.) *Beep*

Once Alex was finished with Dancer of the Boreal Valley Beyblade he took it out to see a dark blue, silver, and black Beyblade with the Energy Wheels look woman in armor dancing and the Fusion Wheel looks like two curved swords are surrounding her as for the Face Bolt it's black with a silver color silhouette of the Dancer on it.

After giving the Beyblade a look over he put it away and went to bed as today was exhausting for him.